Gay Dallas Judge Won't Perform Straight Marriages

Except you are wrong, it was not taxpayer's time. She did not do this during court time or office hours. And you've been told this again and again and again. So, either you are not paying attention, or you do not care about the truth.
Judges still, at least in my state, are discouraged from taking public stands on issues that may come before the Court. Many states are now considering legalization of same gender marriage, which I AGREE with. Judges are the triers of fact & law and their behavior regulated full time; you say it wasn't tax payer time, but MOST Judges work many hours PREPARING for Court, not giving public statements of disapproval concerning laws. Thus, I am CONSERVATIVE about Judges, though I agree with her opinion on the issue.

So tell us, how is MARRIAGE going to come up before her court? Explain that one.
Someone files an action against the state challenging the Constitutionality of the law. It would probably be removed from state to Federal Court, but could begin her court.
Except you are wrong, it was not taxpayer's time. She did not do this during court time or office hours. And you've been told this again and again and again. So, either you are not paying attention, or you do not care about the truth.
Judges still, at least in my state, are discouraged from taking public stands on issues that may come before the Court. Many states are now considering legalization of same gender marriage, which I AGREE with. Judges are the triers of fact & law and their behavior regulated full time; you say it wasn't tax payer time, but MOST Judges work many hours PREPARING for Court, not giving public statements of disapproval concerning laws. Thus, I am CONSERVATIVE about Judges, though I agree with her opinion on the issue.

For the record, discouraged is not the same thing as forbidden.

True, but Judges in Florida can be disciplined for such action.
They have equal protection before the law. They are entitled to marry with the same constraints and benefits as everyone else.
Not in Florida. Until a Supreme Court case of just a few years ago, gay citizens could not even ADOPT children They could be guardians, and foster parents but not NO ADOPTION. And the law stood through Democratic AND Republican governors.

When that kind of argument was presented to the U.S. Supreme Court by the Virginia lawyers in Loving v Virginia, the Justices laughed out loud....kind of like I am laughing at you now. :lol::lol::lol:

And a judge today that said she was going to refuse to perform any marriages in protest against interracial marriages would deserve to be summarily removed from office.

Why would a judge say that? Give us a background on this issue.
The saddest part of this thread is that I have ZERO doubt that 90% of those posting here would be arguing the other side if things were reversed and gay marriage was legal and this woman refused to marry ANYONE in protest of the law.

And they would all be demanding that this judge be removed from the bench too.

yes most of the ones who are now saying the judge has a right to do this would no doubt change their tune and want her impeached . ALso no doubt that many who currently want her impeached would be screaming that she has a right .

Telling me that most are more concerned with their opinion on gay marriage being heard then they are of being sure the right thing is done.
Judges still, at least in my state, are discouraged from taking public stands on issues that may come before the Court. Many states are now considering legalization of same gender marriage, which I AGREE with. Judges are the triers of fact & law and their behavior regulated full time; you say it wasn't tax payer time, but MOST Judges work many hours PREPARING for Court, not giving public statements of disapproval concerning laws. Thus, I am CONSERVATIVE about Judges, though I agree with her opinion on the issue.

So tell us, how is MARRIAGE going to come up before her court? Explain that one.
Someone files an action against the state challenging the Constitutionality of the law. It would probably be removed from state to Federal Court, but could begin her court. have NO IDEA how our court system is set up, do you?
When that kind of argument was presented to the U.S. Supreme Court by the Virginia lawyers in Loving v Virginia, the Justices laughed out loud....kind of like I am laughing at you now. :lol::lol::lol:

And a judge today that said she was going to refuse to perform any marriages in protest against interracial marriages would deserve to be summarily removed from office.

Why would a judge say that? Give us a background on this issue.

It's UNLIKELY but not impossible that some racist freak could become a judge.

For the sake of THIS discussion, let's assume one is in such a position and announces that in protest of the current marriage laws allowing blacks to marry whites they will not be performing ANY marriages. How would you react?
The saddest part of this thread is that I have ZERO doubt that 90% of those posting here would be arguing the other side if things were reversed and gay marriage was legal and this woman refused to marry ANYONE in protest of the law.

I wouldn't.

They have equal protection before the law. They are entitled to marry with the same constraints and benefits as everyone else.
Not in Florida. Until a Supreme Court case of just a few years ago, gay citizens could not even ADOPT children They could be guardians, and foster parents but not NO ADOPTION. And the law stood through Democratic AND Republican governors.

When that kind of argument was presented to the U.S. Supreme Court by the Virginia lawyers in Loving v Virginia, the Justices laughed out loud....kind of like I am laughing at you now. :lol::lol::lol:

And a judge today that said she was going to refuse to perform any marriages in protest against interracial marriages would deserve to be summarily removed from office.

Let me add a more apt comparison....yours was sorely lacking.

If there were a state like Virginia in the 60s that did not legally allow inter-racial marriages had a judge (black) announce that they were not going to perform ANY marriages until inter-racial marriage was legalized.......I would support them JUST AS MUCH.
The saddest part of this thread is that I have ZERO doubt that 90% of those posting here would be arguing the other side if things were reversed and gay marriage was legal and this woman refused to marry ANYONE in protest of the law.

I wouldn't.

If a bigot ran a real estate agency and decided to close up shop rather than sell houses to blacks, that's fine with me.
The saddest part of this thread is that I have ZERO doubt that 90% of those posting here would be arguing the other side if things were reversed and gay marriage was legal and this woman refused to marry ANYONE in protest of the law.

She doesn't have to by job description, she can knock herself out.

BTW...during the short time we had legalized civil marriage in CA, we had judges do that very skin off my nose. Their choice.
And a judge today that said she was going to refuse to perform any marriages in protest against interracial marriages would deserve to be summarily removed from office.

Why would a judge say that? Give us a background on this issue.

It's UNLIKELY but not impossible that some racist freak could become a judge.

For the sake of THIS discussion, let's assume one is in such a position and announces that in protest of the current marriage laws allowing blacks to marry whites they will not be performing ANY marriages. How would you react?

I would think that he is a racist pig, but I would agree that he has the right to his opinion and he also has the right not to perform any marriages or even just not to perform inter-racial marriages for that matter.

When that kind of argument was presented to the U.S. Supreme Court by the Virginia lawyers in Loving v Virginia, the Justices laughed out loud....kind of like I am laughing at you now. :lol::lol::lol:

And a judge today that said she was going to refuse to perform any marriages in protest against interracial marriages would deserve to be summarily removed from office.

Let me add a more apt comparison....yours was sorely lacking.

If there were a state like Virginia in the 60s that did not legally allow inter-racial marriages had a judge (black) announce that they were not going to perform ANY marriages until inter-racial marriage was legalized.......I would support them JUST AS MUCH.

I don't play those games. Either directly answer my question or be dismissed as an ass clown.

IF a judge refused to marry ANYONE in protest of laws allowing blacks to marry whites. How would YOU respond?
Negged for disingenuous bullshit
They have equal protection before the law. They are entitled to marry with the same constraints and benefits as everyone else.
Not in Florida. Until a Supreme Court case of just a few years ago, gay citizens could not even ADOPT children They could be guardians, and foster parents but not NO ADOPTION. And the law stood through Democratic AND Republican governors.

When that kind of argument was presented to the U.S. Supreme Court by the Virginia lawyers in Loving v Virginia, the Justices laughed out loud....kind of like I am laughing at you now. :lol::lol::lol:
Not an argument Bodecea, FACT:

Florida gay adoption ban ends - US news - Life -

Less than TWO years ago. It wasn't an USSC decision however, it was a Federal appeals court decision that Gov. Crist chose not to appeal. The law was on the books for 33 YEARS.
Why would a judge say that? Give us a background on this issue.

It's UNLIKELY but not impossible that some racist freak could become a judge.

For the sake of THIS discussion, let's assume one is in such a position and announces that in protest of the current marriage laws allowing blacks to marry whites they will not be performing ANY marriages. How would you react?

I would think that he is a racist pig, but I would agree that he has the right to his opinion and he also has the right not to perform any marriages or even just not to perform inter-racial marriages for that matter.


Anyone not believe that, especially right after Loving v. Virginia, there were and are judgeslike that?
IF a judge refused to marry ANYONE in protest of laws allowing blacks to marry whites. How would YOU respond?

I would give them my business card and told them I happen to be available on the date they're interested in getting married.
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Why would a judge say that? Give us a background on this issue.

It's UNLIKELY but not impossible that some racist freak could become a judge.

For the sake of THIS discussion, let's assume one is in such a position and announces that in protest of the current marriage laws allowing blacks to marry whites they will not be performing ANY marriages. How would you react?

I would think that he is a racist pig, but I would agree that he has the right to his opinion and he also has the right not to perform any marriages or even just not to perform inter-racial marriages for that matter.


Ah but that would be a no no, at least in Texas as per the code posted. A judge doesn't HAVE to perform marriages, but if they do they can't discriminate based on constitutionally protected reasons. Obviously race is so protected.
For the sake of THIS discussion, let's assume one is in such a position and announces that in protest of the current marriage laws allowing blacks to marry whites they will not be performing ANY marriages. How would you react?

1) If as in this case the judge is not required to conduct any marriages at all, I could not fault the action as in any way meriting disciplinary response. Refusing to conduct marriages, for whatever reason, is something the judge is entitled to do -- whether I agree with the reason or not.

2) However, I would reserve the right to criticize the racist views on which the action is based, and I would.

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