Gay Day at Disney

Seriously Bean, if you're so anti gay and hate "the gheys" so much, why are you always talking about gay sex (and not just the lesbians like a normal heterosexual male) and using homoerotic language?

"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much. In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves." ~ Richard Ryan, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester
Seriously Bean, if you're so anti gay and hate "the gheys" so much, why are you always talking about gay sex (and not just the lesbians like a normal heterosexual male) and using homoerotic language?

"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much. In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves." ~ Richard Ryan, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester

Homosexual propaganda has been around for many years, the spark that ignited their present day stranglehold however was a brilliant book **After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays

All opposing disagreements to homosexual behavior is rooted in "Homophobia, Homohatred, and Prejudice" (page 112)

Discourage anti-gay harassment by linking and calling all those that have opposing opinions to latent homosexuality (i.e., call people homophobic) (page 227)

It is acceptable to call people "Homophobic" or "Haters" if they do not agree 100% with the gay agenda views, opinions, or behavior. (page 23)

Gay and Lesbian Media influences

You're following The Script Perfectly SeaHag ... keep going
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Seriously Bean, if you're so anti gay and hate "the gheys" so much, why are you always talking about gay sex (and not just the lesbians like a normal heterosexual male) and using homoerotic language?

"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much. In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves." ~ Richard Ryan, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester

Homosexual propaganda has been around for many years, the spark that ignited their present day stranglehold however was a brilliant book **After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays

All opposing disagreements to homosexual behavior is rooted in "Homophobia, Homohatred, and Prejudice" (page 112)

Discourage anti-gay harassment by linking and calling all those that have opposing opinions to latent homosexuality (i.e., call people homophobic) (page 227)

It is acceptable to call people "Homophobic" or "Haters" if they do not agree 100% with the gay agenda views, opinions, or behavior. (page 23)

Gay and Lesbian Media influences

You're following The Script Perfectly SeaHag ... keep going

You know there was an actual study, right? Of course, we've got more than enough empirical evidence as well...How many prominent anti-gay evangelicals and GOP politicians have to been caught in airport bathroom-like situations now?
Seriously Bean, if you're so anti gay and hate "the gheys" so much, why are you always talking about gay sex (and not just the lesbians like a normal heterosexual male) and using homoerotic language?

"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much. In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves." ~ Richard Ryan, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester

Homosexual propaganda has been around for many years, the spark that ignited their present day stranglehold however was a brilliant book **After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays

All opposing disagreements to homosexual behavior is rooted in "Homophobia, Homohatred, and Prejudice" (page 112)

Discourage anti-gay harassment by linking and calling all those that have opposing opinions to latent homosexuality (i.e., call people homophobic) (page 227)

It is acceptable to call people "Homophobic" or "Haters" if they do not agree 100% with the gay agenda views, opinions, or behavior. (page 23)

Gay and Lesbian Media influences

You're following The Script Perfectly SeaHag ... keep going

You know there was an actual study, right? Of course, we've got more than enough empirical evidence as well...How many prominent anti-gay evangelicals and GOP politicians have to been caught in airport bathroom-like situations now?

Atually SeaHag -I diagnosed you on another thread last week after reading a few days of your rants and hissy fits - you need help - if you'd like PM me and I'll rec. a good colleague who can offer counseling at reasonable rates......


PS - Oh yeah - you mentioned a Study - what no link - afraid I'll tear it to shreds again, like I did the last few times - come now sweety would I do that ?
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You're following The Script Perfectly SeaHag ... keep going

You know there was an actual study, right? Of course, we've got more than enough empirical evidence as well...How many prominent anti-gay evangelicals and GOP politicians have to been caught in airport bathroom-like situations now?

Atually SeaHag -I diagnosed you on another thread last week after reading a few days of your rants and hissy fits - you need help - if you'd like PM me and I'll rec. a good colleague who can offer counseling at reasonable rates......


PS - Oh yeah - you mentioned a Study - what no link - afraid I'll tear it to shreds again, like I did the last few times - come now sweety would I do that ?

:lol: You didn't come close. Here's the study for you:

Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals

Look, if you're struggling with your sexuality, I'm sorry...I know that can be tough. I don't recommend reparative therapy, has a less than 10% success rate and those 10% say their attractions don't go away, they just don't give in to them. (except in their minds)

No teeth Marcus!

Look, if you're struggling with your sexuality, I'm sorry...I know that can be tough. I don't recommend reparative therapy, has a less than 10% success rate and those 10% say their attractions don't go away, they just don't give in to them. (except in their minds)

People who disagree with the church of LGBT displaying lewd acts in front of kids at Disney aren't by definition "closet homosexuals". Though that is always the last card the lavender crowd pulls out of its bag when it is desperate.

I suppose by your definition Seawytch, anyone who wrote laws protecting kids from exposure to lewd sex acts are really just "closet homosexuals" "waiting to be free"? This discussion is about lewd sex acts in front of kids by the church of LGBT at Disney during one of the busiest weeks of the year for kids visiting Disney with their parents. All unwarned to unsuspecting visitors.

Disney knows how to shut it down. They shut down other stuff they don't like with lightening speed. One lawsuit from parents on behalf of their kids and they will have to shut it down. Why wait until the inevitable is all I'm saying...
Look, if you're struggling with your sexuality, I'm sorry...I know that can be tough. I don't recommend reparative therapy, has a less than 10% success rate and those 10% say their attractions don't go away, they just don't give in to them. (except in their minds)

People who disagree with the church of LGBT displaying lewd acts in front of kids at Disney aren't by definition "closet homosexuals". Though that is always the last card the lavender crowd pulls out of its bag when it is desperate.

I suppose by your definition Seawytch, anyone who wrote laws protecting kids from exposure to lewd sex acts are really just "closet homosexuals" "waiting to be free"? This discussion is about lewd sex acts in front of kids by the church of LGBT at Disney during one of the busiest weeks of the year for kids visiting Disney with their parents. All unwarned to unsuspecting visitors.

Disney knows how to shut it down. They shut down other stuff they don't like with lightening speed. One lawsuit from parents on behalf of their kids and they will have to shut it down. Why wait until the inevitable is all I'm saying...

Gay Days have been going on since the 90s . Where are these lawsuits?
Here's a less reputable site - buzzfeed - however the pics clearly show people AT DISNEY and wearing gay day t-shirts. How come not a single one of your pics show a person in front of a castle, or on a ride, or with a Disney character? Lol. Again, I think you guys just had a major fail here.

You shouldn't be so gullible.

9 Things You Should Be Afraid Of At Disney's "Gay Day"

Looks like the standard is to wear a boring red t-shirt at "gay day".

Sorry but looks like you guys are wholly incorrect about the whole thing. It happens.

You haven't got a shred of evidence to prove otherwise , besides what you want it to be - could tell you black was white and if it supported your needs you'd agree .

Prove what otherwise? You've presented to us nothing but:

1.) Pictures that are not linked in any way to Disney (ie no magic kingdom, no rides, no characters behind any of the individuals, no "Disney" written anywhere, etc)

2.) An unverified testimony of a single random internet person

Building a case requires evidence, so provide us with something. You've provided us with nothing thus far. Again, I'm not saying I disagree or agree with you, I'm simply saying that you've shown us absolutely nothing of substance as of yet to demonstrate that gay day has been overrun by inappropriateness.
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Disney has a Gay Day? FABULOUS!

I'm sure the kids think so too. Their family saved up for this once in a lifetime trip to go see shaved muscle boys in tight clothes staring openly at each other's crotches, and tonguing each other outside Cinderella's castle..

That's what an eyewitness affiliated with Disney said was the case. "Fabulous" is not the word I'd choose to describe it. More like, "illegal".
Disney has a Gay Day? FABULOUS!

I'm sure the kids think so too. Their family saved up for this once in a lifetime trip to go see shaved muscle boys in tight clothes staring openly at each other's crotches, and tonguing each other outside Cinderella's castle..

That's what an eyewitness affiliated with Disney said was the case. "Fabulous" is not the word I'd choose to describe it. More like, "illegal".

What's illegal about two people kissing in public?
Gay Days have been going on since the 90s . Where are these lawsuits?

Child molestations have been going on behind closed doors for centuries. Where are the lawsuits?

That people haven't been rounded up or punished for what is clear violation of the law [lewd sexual displays in front of children] doesn't mean the crime is any less.
Disney has a Gay Day? FABULOUS!

I'm sure the kids think so too. Their family saved up for this once in a lifetime trip to go see shaved muscle boys in tight clothes staring openly at each other's crotches, and tonguing each other outside Cinderella's castle..

That's what an eyewitness affiliated with Disney said was the case. "Fabulous" is not the word I'd choose to describe it. More like, "illegal".

What's illegal about two people kissing in public?

The witness described tonguing and other lewd behavior he qualified [as a randy gay person himself] as "a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency" in front of unsuspecting children: Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year
I'm sure the kids think so too. Their family saved up for this once in a lifetime trip to go see shaved muscle boys in tight clothes staring openly at each other's crotches, and tonguing each other outside Cinderella's castle..

That's what an eyewitness affiliated with Disney said was the case. "Fabulous" is not the word I'd choose to describe it. More like, "illegal".

What's illegal about two people kissing in public?

The witness described tonguing and other lewd behavior he qualified [as a randy gay person himself] as "a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency" in front of unsuspecting children: Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year

Yes, we've seen this unverified random internet person's account before. As I mentioned, we have no way of verifying ANY of this information. We don't even know who this person is, or if he/she is actually gay or straight, or if he/she had a personal or legal problem with Disney, or is working for an Anti-Gay group, etc.

This is not evidence - sorry.
Disney has a Gay Day? FABULOUS!

I'm sure the kids think so too. Their family saved up for this once in a lifetime trip to go see shaved muscle boys in tight clothes staring openly at each other's crotches, and tonguing each other outside Cinderella's castle..

That's what an eyewitness affiliated with Disney said was the case. "Fabulous" is not the word I'd choose to describe it. More like, "illegal".

What's illegal about two people kissing in public?


But he and others who fear diversity and individual liberty wish to make it illegal for gay Americans to kiss in public.

Which would also violate the 14th Amendment, unsurprisingly.
I'm sure the kids think so too. Their family saved up for this once in a lifetime trip to go see shaved muscle boys in tight clothes staring openly at each other's crotches, and tonguing each other outside Cinderella's castle..

That's what an eyewitness affiliated with Disney said was the case. "Fabulous" is not the word I'd choose to describe it. More like, "illegal".

What's illegal about two people kissing in public?

The witness described tonguing and other lewd behavior he qualified [as a randy gay person himself] as "a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency" in front of unsuspecting children: Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year

I find it hard to believe that somebody who refers to gay people as "queens" and "he-women" is actually gay himself. This man lacks credibility.
The photo was removed. Listen American_Jihad, it's time to came out and faced who you truly are, no need to hide behind gun themed avatars. Face your desires and your true self, come out. America will accept your homosexuality today.

Could it be that those obsessed with gays are secretly gay? That could explain why they see something everywhere, you only see what you want to, you only see where your mind leads you. "Jesse Bering has written a thought provoking article for the magazine, January 30, 2009 issue of the magazine, Scientific American Mind. In it he cites two pieces of empirical research that support the notion of homophobic young men harbor secret homosexual impulses. Both research studies were published in the distinguished publication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The first study was done in 2006 by Henry Adams and his team at the University of Georgia. Complete descriptions of the works can be found on Scientific American Mind but you may have to pay for the article or buy the magazine."

Clinical Depression, Separation Anxiety: Allan Schwartz, Ph.D.
I'm sure the kids think so too. Their family saved up for this once in a lifetime trip to go see shaved muscle boys in tight clothes staring openly at each other's crotches, and tonguing each other outside Cinderella's castle..

That's what an eyewitness affiliated with Disney said was the case. "Fabulous" is not the word I'd choose to describe it. More like, "illegal".

What's illegal about two people kissing in public?


But he and others who fear diversity and individual liberty wish to make it illegal for gay Americans to kiss in public.

Which would also violate the 14th Amendment, unsurprisingly.

Of course I knew that, but I wanted to see what bullshit answer he gave. :tongue:
There is nothing wrong with gay days at Disneyland as long as it is well publicized. Let people know what they can expect and they will make up their own minds as to whether they want to see two men or two women groping one another.
There is nothing wrong with gay days at Disneyland as long as it is well publicized. Let people know what they can expect and they will make up their own minds as to whether they want to see two men or two women groping one another.

Who was groping anybody?

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