Gay Day at Disney

Thank You !
For your Honesty and the ability to overcome your personal Bias and see something for what it is - I just added to your rep. - doesn't matter that I don't agree with you anything else - That was the first Honest Post I've seen from your camp since joining this board. :clap2:

Dude, I said that if you can show me pics of people acting in an inappropriate, sexual way in connection to the Gay Day - AT THE DISNEY GROUNDS - I too would not condone that.

But you haven't. You've shown no proof, and therefore I have nothing to base any opinion on whatsoever.

From an Honest Gay Man who has been to multiple Gay Days - you don't have to read what I posted below - just scroll back on this thread one page.

There is nothing wrong with having gay days at Disneyland or anyplace else. It should just be widely publicized. The public should be informed so they can make up their own mind as to whether they want to be a captive audience for gay acting out. Here's a gay man's description of the event.

Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year
For the record, I’m a 42-year old gay man living in Orlando. I’ve been to Gay Days before, and thought it was a little bit over the top, but always bit my lip – especially here on the site. This year though, it just seems completely out of control, and I wanted to get this off my chest.

I’ve watched over the years as Gay Days has grown in scope and size. What once was a small group of well-meaning gay men and lesbians has grown – and in my opinion, deformed – into what is now nothing more than a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency.

Over the years I have heard about, and have witnessed, what is commonly referred to as PDA (public displays of affection) during gay days, and almost always it’s done in full view of a family, or at least children. I don’t care if you’re straight or gay, there are some things kids don’t need to see – and trust me, two queens frenching outside Cinderella castle is really high on that list.

Again, I have no idea who said this, if the person is real, if quote was modified, etc, etc.

This is the internet. I could say I'm a firebreathing dragon who eats cornflakes if I wanted to, and give a long detailed account about my walk to the supermarket terrifying the townspeople.

Can I get a pic? A story from a reputable site?

That's "proof", really? Lol. You want me to believe that it's from Disney because the URL - from a site called "Now the End Begins" - claims it to be true? Come on dude. I'm not that gullible, are you?

Proof would be showing the picture came from an official Disney Website, or maybe from the NYT or some reputable news company.

The site you link to has this bit as the first thing you see on the homepage: "For Generations the Bible has Warned of the Coming End days, and now you are Living in that Time". That obviously has "Agenda" written all over it.

Never visited the site , only Google Image Results, I'll concede their credibility is of Limited scope - HOWEVER - you should read the post from your fellow Homosexual KatznDogs for a first hand account of "Gay-Day"

Well I definitely visited the site and it it is NOT reputable looking. And you can't seriously expect me to consider Katz's account as "evidence". Through interactions in the past, I've gathered that Katz has a very specific viewpoint on the subject.

I need neutral documentation. If this sort of thing actually goes on at Disney, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find. Everyone and their grandma carries a smart phone (w/camera) these days.

Ohhh, you are mistaken. That was not my account. If you read the link, it was an account that was being given by a gay man who lives in Orlando and had a practice of going to Disneyland on gay days.
Dude, I said that if you can show me pics of people acting in an inappropriate, sexual way in connection to the Gay Day - AT THE DISNEY GROUNDS - I too would not condone that.

But you haven't. You've shown no proof, and therefore I have nothing to base any opinion on whatsoever.

From an Honest Gay Man who has been to multiple Gay Days - you don't have to read what I posted below - just scroll back on this thread one page.

There is nothing wrong with having gay days at Disneyland or anyplace else. It should just be widely publicized. The public should be informed so they can make up their own mind as to whether they want to be a captive audience for gay acting out. Here's a gay man's description of the event.

Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year
For the record, I’m a 42-year old gay man living in Orlando. I’ve been to Gay Days before, and thought it was a little bit over the top, but always bit my lip – especially here on the site. This year though, it just seems completely out of control, and I wanted to get this off my chest.

I’ve watched over the years as Gay Days has grown in scope and size. What once was a small group of well-meaning gay men and lesbians has grown – and in my opinion, deformed – into what is now nothing more than a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency.

Over the years I have heard about, and have witnessed, what is commonly referred to as PDA (public displays of affection) during gay days, and almost always it’s done in full view of a family, or at least children. I don’t care if you’re straight or gay, there are some things kids don’t need to see – and trust me, two queens frenching outside Cinderella castle is really high on that list.

Again, I have no idea who said this, if the person is real, if quote was modified, etc, etc.

This is the internet. I could say I'm a firebreathing dragon who eats cornflakes if I wanted to, and give a long detailed account about my walk to the supermarket terrifying the townspeople.

Can I get a pic? A story from a reputable site?


I gave you a link. Read it.
From an Honest Gay Man who has been to multiple Gay Days - you don't have to read what I posted below - just scroll back on this thread one page.

Again, I have no idea who said this, if the person is real, if quote was modified, etc, etc.

This is the internet. I could say I'm a firebreathing dragon who eats cornflakes if I wanted to, and give a long detailed account about my walk to the supermarket terrifying the townspeople.

Can I get a pic? A story from a reputable site?


I gave you a link. Read it.

Can you repost the link?

And how do we know the person is even real? You don't think that there are groups out there with anti-gay agendas that might fabricate one of these "heartfelt" stories from "an actual gay" in order to turn opinion against the event? That sort of trickery goes on with BOTH the right and the left and you know damn well that's the case.

Doing some independent research:
Disney World 'Gay Days' To Be Protested By Florida Family Association Planes

All I can see from reputable sites are pictures of a bunch of people wearing red t-shirts in a uniform fashion. And look, the pic in the article CLEARLY shows the Disney castle in the background (unlike the pics you guys showed me). Huffington post isn't by any means the end-all-be-all, however it's worlds more reputable than a random blog.
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Here's a less reputable site - buzzfeed - however the pics clearly show people AT DISNEY and wearing gay day t-shirts. How come not a single one of your pics show a person in front of a castle, or on a ride, or with a Disney character? Lol. Again, I think you guys just had a major fail here.

You shouldn't be so gullible.

9 Things You Should Be Afraid Of At Disney's "Gay Day"

Looks like the standard is to wear a boring red t-shirt at "gay day".

Sorry but looks like you guys are wholly incorrect about the whole thing. It happens.
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Here's a less reputable site - buzzfeed - however the pics clearly show people AT DISNEY and wearing gay day t-shirts. How come not a single one of your pics show a person in front of a castle, or on a ride, or with a Disney character? Lol. Again, I think you guys just had a major fail here.

You shouldn't be so gullible.

9 Things You Should Be Afraid Of At Disney's "Gay Day"

Looks like the standard is to wear a boring red t-shirt at "gay day".

Sorry but looks like you guys are wholly incorrect about the whole thing. It happens.

Here's a less reputable site - buzzfeed - however the pics clearly show people AT DISNEY and wearing gay day t-shirts. How come not a single one of your pics show a person in front of a castle, or on a ride, or with a Disney character? Lol. Again, I think you guys just had a major fail here.

You shouldn't be so gullible.

9 Things You Should Be Afraid Of At Disney's "Gay Day"

Looks like the standard is to wear a boring red t-shirt at "gay day".

Sorry but looks like you guys are wholly incorrect about the whole thing. It happens.


Lol, I think we've been abandoned. Katz and Green seem to have fled once their case fell apart.
Well, here's an article from a guy who works with or is somehow affiliated with Disney.

There aren't any pictures with the article but apparently he's seen enough of gay day at Disney and he is very much one of the front line eyewitnesses to what happens there courtesy of the fellowship of the church of LGBT. Of note, he is gay himself and reports that his criticisms of Gay Day at Disney land him ostracizing and verbal abuse from the church members. He tiptoes timidly forward, no doubt having to choose his job's outlook vs the LGBT church outlook. He reports like a man between a rock and a hard place:

Authors Note: This article pertains mainly to the Saturday event during Gay Days. The rest of the week is fairly benign. My suggestion to those who wish to avoid the event is to avoid the Magic Kingdom on the first Saturday of June. During the week, a different theme park is featured for the "Gay Days" event. If you wish to avoid the crowds, I suggest that you avoid the scheduled park for that day.

The Gay Days schedule for 2014:
Thu, June 5 - Animal Kingdom
Fri, June 6 - Disney's Hollywood Studios
Sat, June 7 - Magic Kingdom
Sun, June 8 - Epcot

“Go get a room."

That’s exactly what I feel like yelling this time every year as Gay Days descend upon Orlando. I know that during the first week in June, unsuspecting families and otherwise good and reasonable people will, at times, be confronted with images and events they would probably rather not see or experience on their family vacation. These people paid to visit Disney World, but during the first week in June, it looks a lot more like South Beach....

...I’ve watched over the years as Gay Days has grown in scope and size. What once was a small group of well-meaning gay men and lesbians has grown – and in my opinion, deformed – into what is now nothing more than a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency....

...Over the years I have heard about, and have witnessed, what is commonly referred to as PDA (public displays of affection) during gay days, and almost always it’s done in full view of a family, or at least children. I don’t care if you’re straight or gay, there are some things kids don’t need to see – and trust me, two queens frenching outside Cinderella castle is really high on that list.

I can’t help but think of, and feel sorry for – the unsuspecting family who saved for years for a once in a lifetime trip – only to arrive and find that Disney had in fact, been invaded by he-women and shaved down muscle boys. By itself that would not be a problem, but the sheer number of people who seem to go out of their way to rub their sexuality in everyones face during this ‘event’ is nothing short of disgraceful. Is the Magic Kingdom REALLY the place for a 5 year old to ask his father why those two men are kissing? Is it really up to any person to decide for that parent when, or if, they will have that conversation with their child?...

...I’m sure most of the free world would appreciate a visit to Disney World that did not include the vision of grown men in go-go shorts, and ads for lubricant prominently displayed throughout the host hotel. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of ‘image’ at the host hotel (this year it was the Sheraton World on International Drive)– the line of beer trucks outside the resort was a nice touch, and the liquor kiosks and condom ads every 5 feet will certainly not further the image of us as a bunch of drunken sex fiends....

...the ‘Night of Joy’ (the Christian concert that takes place at the Magic Kingdom each year) is a hard ticket event – meaning that it’s not open to the public, and requires separate admission. The Magic Kingdom is closed down to the public at a certain time, and only those people that CHOOSE to be there are allowed in. Families that come to the Magic Kingdom on Gay Days are not afforded the luxury of choice. Since Disney does not sanction the event, it’s not mentioned anywhere, or to anyone booking a reservation during that week....’s far from it. Trust me, if a religious group organized 100,000 Christians to go and ‘make yourself known’ in the Magic Kingdom one day a year – and began rubbing their lifestyles in the faces of visitors by preaching to them as they tried to ride Space Mountain – plenty of people would be up in arms. Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year
I've been to Disney numerous times, from looking at the background you can tell that picture isn't from Disney. That picture is likely from a gay pride parade.

The URL for that picture -


Now The End Begins -

That's "proof", really? Lol. You want me to believe that it's from Disney because the URL - from a site called "Now the End Begins" - claims it to be true? Come on dude. I'm not that gullible, are you?

Proof would be showing the picture came from an official Disney Website, or maybe from the NYT or some reputable news company.

The site you link to has this bit as the first thing you see on the homepage: "For Generations the Bible has Warned of the Coming End days, and now you are Living in that Time". That obviously has "Agenda" written all over it.


You made the claim that that picture is NOT from Disney World, substantiate that claim. If you can't , then you must admit that it as least POSSIBLE that it occurred ON park.
Well, here's an article from a guy who works with or is somehow affiliated with Disney.

There aren't any pictures with the article but apparently he's seen enough of gay day at Disney and he is very much one of the front line eyewitnesses to what happens there courtesy of the fellowship of the church of LGBT. Of note, he is gay himself and reports that his criticisms of Gay Day at Disney land him ostracizing and verbal abuse from the church members. He tiptoes timidly forward, no doubt having to choose his job's outlook vs the LGBT church outlook. He reports like a man between a rock and a hard place:

Authors Note: This article pertains mainly to the Saturday event during Gay Days. The rest of the week is fairly benign. My suggestion to those who wish to avoid the event is to avoid the Magic Kingdom on the first Saturday of June. During the week, a different theme park is featured for the "Gay Days" event. If you wish to avoid the crowds, I suggest that you avoid the scheduled park for that day.

The Gay Days schedule for 2014:
Thu, June 5 - Animal Kingdom
Fri, June 6 - Disney's Hollywood Studios
Sat, June 7 - Magic Kingdom
Sun, June 8 - Epcot

“Go get a room."

That’s exactly what I feel like yelling this time every year as Gay Days descend upon Orlando. I know that during the first week in June, unsuspecting families and otherwise good and reasonable people will, at times, be confronted with images and events they would probably rather not see or experience on their family vacation. These people paid to visit Disney World, but during the first week in June, it looks a lot more like South Beach....

...I’ve watched over the years as Gay Days has grown in scope and size. What once was a small group of well-meaning gay men and lesbians has grown – and in my opinion, deformed – into what is now nothing more than a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency....

...Over the years I have heard about, and have witnessed, what is commonly referred to as PDA (public displays of affection) during gay days, and almost always it’s done in full view of a family, or at least children. I don’t care if you’re straight or gay, there are some things kids don’t need to see – and trust me, two queens frenching outside Cinderella castle is really high on that list.

I can’t help but think of, and feel sorry for – the unsuspecting family who saved for years for a once in a lifetime trip – only to arrive and find that Disney had in fact, been invaded by he-women and shaved down muscle boys. By itself that would not be a problem, but the sheer number of people who seem to go out of their way to rub their sexuality in everyones face during this ‘event’ is nothing short of disgraceful. Is the Magic Kingdom REALLY the place for a 5 year old to ask his father why those two men are kissing? Is it really up to any person to decide for that parent when, or if, they will have that conversation with their child?...

...I’m sure most of the free world would appreciate a visit to Disney World that did not include the vision of grown men in go-go shorts, and ads for lubricant prominently displayed throughout the host hotel. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of ‘image’ at the host hotel (this year it was the Sheraton World on International Drive)– the line of beer trucks outside the resort was a nice touch, and the liquor kiosks and condom ads every 5 feet will certainly not further the image of us as a bunch of drunken sex fiends....

...the ‘Night of Joy’ (the Christian concert that takes place at the Magic Kingdom each year) is a hard ticket event – meaning that it’s not open to the public, and requires separate admission. The Magic Kingdom is closed down to the public at a certain time, and only those people that CHOOSE to be there are allowed in. Families that come to the Magic Kingdom on Gay Days are not afforded the luxury of choice. Since Disney does not sanction the event, it’s not mentioned anywhere, or to anyone booking a reservation during that week....’s far from it. Trust me, if a religious group organized 100,000 Christians to go and ‘make yourself known’ in the Magic Kingdom one day a year – and began rubbing their lifestyles in the faces of visitors by preaching to them as they tried to ride Space Mountain – plenty of people would be up in arms. Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year

I think someone posted that previously, and thanks for the full link.

My gripe is that I have no idea who this guy is. All I know is that he runs a site that is not affiliated in any way to the Disney Company. I haven't seen any other evidence, photos, videos etc that might be able to provide a more concrete picture of some of the problems surrounding "gay day".

Please forgive me. I just know the internet is often a black hole where the truth can be easily bent.

That's "proof", really? Lol. You want me to believe that it's from Disney because the URL - from a site called "Now the End Begins" - claims it to be true? Come on dude. I'm not that gullible, are you?

Proof would be showing the picture came from an official Disney Website, or maybe from the NYT or some reputable news company.

The site you link to has this bit as the first thing you see on the homepage: "For Generations the Bible has Warned of the Coming End days, and now you are Living in that Time". That obviously has "Agenda" written all over it.


You made the claim that that picture is NOT from Disney World, substantiate that claim. If you can't , then you must admit that it as least POSSIBLE that it occurred ON park.

Wrong. The person posting the picture needs to make sure it is accurate before posting it. What a ridiculous argument you are trying to make. That's like someone posting a picture of a guy and a girl fucking outside, saying it took place at Disney. How does one prove it didnt? HAHA, I can't believe you just tried to make that argument. Ridiculous.
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That's "proof", really? Lol. You want me to believe that it's from Disney because the URL - from a site called "Now the End Begins" - claims it to be true? Come on dude. I'm not that gullible, are you?

Proof would be showing the picture came from an official Disney Website, or maybe from the NYT or some reputable news company.

The site you link to has this bit as the first thing you see on the homepage: "For Generations the Bible has Warned of the Coming End days, and now you are Living in that Time". That obviously has "Agenda" written all over it.


You made the claim that that picture is NOT from Disney World, substantiate that claim. If you can't , then you must admit that it as least POSSIBLE that it occurred ON park.

No, that's not how it works. I can't just post a picture of a guy in an unidentifiable room (from a website that is not well known, not very reputable looking) and say "it's in a secret room in the whitehouse" and then leave it up for you to prove me wrong. Sorry, not the case.

All I'm asking for are some pics that show people behaving lewdly in front of some sort of identifiable Disney park structure. There's plenty of well known structures (the castle, space mountain, etc). If it exists, it wouldn't be hard to find. Again, everyone carries cameras around and there are a heck of a lot of groups out there that are against Gay Day that would love to discredit it.

I would start a discussion there. But as of now you guys don't have much of a base premise to work on except for some unidentifiable pics and a testimony from a guy who's not affiliated with Disney or any reputable journalistic source.
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Well, here's an article from a guy who works with or is somehow affiliated with Disney.

There aren't any pictures with the article but apparently he's seen enough of gay day at Disney and he is very much one of the front line eyewitnesses to what happens there courtesy of the fellowship of the church of LGBT. Of note, he is gay himself and reports that his criticisms of Gay Day at Disney land him ostracizing and verbal abuse from the church members. He tiptoes timidly forward, no doubt having to choose his job's outlook vs the LGBT church outlook. He reports like a man between a rock and a hard place:

Authors Note: This article pertains mainly to the Saturday event during Gay Days. The rest of the week is fairly benign. My suggestion to those who wish to avoid the event is to avoid the Magic Kingdom on the first Saturday of June. During the week, a different theme park is featured for the "Gay Days" event. If you wish to avoid the crowds, I suggest that you avoid the scheduled park for that day.

The Gay Days schedule for 2014:
Thu, June 5 - Animal Kingdom
Fri, June 6 - Disney's Hollywood Studios
Sat, June 7 - Magic Kingdom
Sun, June 8 - Epcot

“Go get a room."

That’s exactly what I feel like yelling this time every year as Gay Days descend upon Orlando. I know that during the first week in June, unsuspecting families and otherwise good and reasonable people will, at times, be confronted with images and events they would probably rather not see or experience on their family vacation. These people paid to visit Disney World, but during the first week in June, it looks a lot more like South Beach....

...I’ve watched over the years as Gay Days has grown in scope and size. What once was a small group of well-meaning gay men and lesbians has grown – and in my opinion, deformed – into what is now nothing more than a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency....

...Over the years I have heard about, and have witnessed, what is commonly referred to as PDA (public displays of affection) during gay days, and almost always it’s done in full view of a family, or at least children. I don’t care if you’re straight or gay, there are some things kids don’t need to see – and trust me, two queens frenching outside Cinderella castle is really high on that list.

I can’t help but think of, and feel sorry for – the unsuspecting family who saved for years for a once in a lifetime trip – only to arrive and find that Disney had in fact, been invaded by he-women and shaved down muscle boys. By itself that would not be a problem, but the sheer number of people who seem to go out of their way to rub their sexuality in everyones face during this ‘event’ is nothing short of disgraceful. Is the Magic Kingdom REALLY the place for a 5 year old to ask his father why those two men are kissing? Is it really up to any person to decide for that parent when, or if, they will have that conversation with their child?...

...I’m sure most of the free world would appreciate a visit to Disney World that did not include the vision of grown men in go-go shorts, and ads for lubricant prominently displayed throughout the host hotel. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of ‘image’ at the host hotel (this year it was the Sheraton World on International Drive)– the line of beer trucks outside the resort was a nice touch, and the liquor kiosks and condom ads every 5 feet will certainly not further the image of us as a bunch of drunken sex fiends....

...the ‘Night of Joy’ (the Christian concert that takes place at the Magic Kingdom each year) is a hard ticket event – meaning that it’s not open to the public, and requires separate admission. The Magic Kingdom is closed down to the public at a certain time, and only those people that CHOOSE to be there are allowed in. Families that come to the Magic Kingdom on Gay Days are not afforded the luxury of choice. Since Disney does not sanction the event, it’s not mentioned anywhere, or to anyone booking a reservation during that week....’s far from it. Trust me, if a religious group organized 100,000 Christians to go and ‘make yourself known’ in the Magic Kingdom one day a year – and began rubbing their lifestyles in the faces of visitors by preaching to them as they tried to ride Space Mountain – plenty of people would be up in arms. Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year

I think someone posted that previously, and thanks for the full link.

My gripe is that I have no idea who this guy is. All I know is that he runs a site that is not affiliated in any way to the Disney Company. I haven't seen any other evidence, photos, videos etc that might be able to provide a more concrete picture of some of the problems surrounding "gay day".

Please forgive me. I just know the internet is often a black hole where the truth can be easily bent.

And yet if he was a guy saying "I'm affiliated with Disney and Gay Day is just fine", maybe you'd trust the information more?

Very simple. email him. My guess is that he is an employee posing as a gay guy from Disney who is desperate to be rid of "Gay Days" so that lawsuits from unsuspecting families won't happen. Very anemic if that's the case.

If I was Disney, I'd just welcome someone as a shocked family, welcome the lawsuit, pay off the suit for the chump change it is and tell the gays that because of that lawsuit, I can no longer allow their events in my park and that any conspicuous displays of a sexual or sexually-oriented nature are no longer allowed at Disney: WHICH IS A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK.

Problem solved.
There aren't going to be any lawsuits from families because of Gay Days. Keep dreaming.

Yeah, I doubt there are any families out there desperate for money who might stumble across two oiled up muscle boys fondling each other's crotch at a de facto Disney/soft porn event in front of their stunned children on their park's property during regular business hours. I doubt those folks would be able to find a lawyer to drool over 7 figure settlement for illegally exposing children to sexualized activity as de facto condoned by a theme park whose business centers around children.

Yeah, what a wild wild proposition that is to think that lawsuit could happen in these troubled economic times with all these good lawyers out of work and looking for a case that is a slam dunk for 7 figure... Silly me!
There aren't going to be any lawsuits from families because of Gay Days. Keep dreaming.

Yeah, I doubt there are any families out there desperate for money who might stumble across two oiled up muscle boys fondling each other's crotch at a de facto Disney/soft porn event in front of their stunned children on their park's property during regular business hours. I doubt those folks would be able to find a lawyer to drool over 7 figure settlement for illegally exposing children to sexualized activity as de facto condoned by a theme park whose business centers around children.

Yeah, what a wild wild proposition that is to think that lawsuit could happen in these troubled economic times with all these good lawyers out of work and looking for a case that is a slam dunk for 7 figure... Silly me!

Get right on that.
There aren't going to be any lawsuits from families because of Gay Days. Keep dreaming.

Yeah, I doubt there are any families out there desperate for money who might stumble across two oiled up muscle boys fondling each other's crotch at a de facto Disney/soft porn event in front of their stunned children on their park's property during regular business hours. I doubt those folks would be able to find a lawyer to drool over 7 figure settlement for illegally exposing children to sexualized activity as de facto condoned by a theme park whose business centers around children.

Yeah, what a wild wild proposition that is to think that lawsuit could happen in these troubled economic times with all these good lawyers out of work and looking for a case that is a slam dunk for 7 figure... Silly me!

As I said, keep dreaming.
And yet if he was a guy saying "I'm affiliated with Disney and Gay Day is just fine", maybe you'd trust the information more?

No, what I'm saying is that I'm not going to take a random internet guy's opinion as fact. Imagine if we were to do that with everything someone says on this forum? Do you know what crazy "facts" we'd be forced to accept as true?

If I was Disney, I'd just welcome someone as a shocked family, welcome the lawsuit, pay off the suit for the chump change it is and tell the gays that because of that lawsuit, I can no longer allow their events in my park and that any conspicuous displays of a sexual or sexually-oriented nature are no longer allowed at Disney: WHICH IS A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK.

Is Disney allowing conspicuous displays of a sexual nature? That is the question we're trying to answer. So far,you haven't provided any evidence showing this to be true. The only photographic "evidence" I've seen thus far could have been taken literally anywhere in the past 10 years.

Get my point?
And yet if he was a guy saying "I'm affiliated with Disney and Gay Day is just fine", maybe you'd trust the information more?

No, what I'm saying is that I'm not going to take a random internet guy's opinion as fact. Imagine if we were to do that with everything someone says on this forum? Do you know what crazy "facts" we'd be forced to accept as true?

If I was Disney, I'd just welcome someone as a shocked family, welcome the lawsuit, pay off the suit for the chump change it is and tell the gays that because of that lawsuit, I can no longer allow their events in my park and that any conspicuous displays of a sexual or sexually-oriented nature are no longer allowed at Disney: WHICH IS A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK.

Is Disney allowing conspicuous displays of a sexual nature? That is the question we're trying to answer. So far,you haven't provided any evidence showing this to be true. The only photographic "evidence" I've seen thus far could have been taken literally anywhere in the past 10 years.

Get my point?

Yes, I get your point. Your point is that we should err on the side of caution to protect gays "rights" to expose children to lewd sexuality in a theme park geared for children. My point is that the law requires us instead to take that internet report as serious and err on the side of caution protecting children instead.

You are on the wrong side of the law with your "picking and choosing" what to believe or not. The law requires that even if we just have reason to suspect or an indication that something may harm children, we are required to report that indication, even if unsubstantiated, to authorities. If not, we can be prosecuted.

To be on the proper side of the law, you must take that internet account at face value and assume that its author knew full well he was risking legal action to paint Disney out in such a fashion, as compliant with exposing children to lewd sexuality. ie: he has nothing to gain and everything to lose by advertising those statements on the internet if they are not factual observations he's made.

And he wrote them anyway. And they stand to this day. The law requires therefore that we take him seriously and protect children.
And yet if he was a guy saying "I'm affiliated with Disney and Gay Day is just fine", maybe you'd trust the information more?

No, what I'm saying is that I'm not going to take a random internet guy's opinion as fact. Imagine if we were to do that with everything someone says on this forum? Do you know what crazy "facts" we'd be forced to accept as true?

If I was Disney, I'd just welcome someone as a shocked family, welcome the lawsuit, pay off the suit for the chump change it is and tell the gays that because of that lawsuit, I can no longer allow their events in my park and that any conspicuous displays of a sexual or sexually-oriented nature are no longer allowed at Disney: WHICH IS A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK.

Is Disney allowing conspicuous displays of a sexual nature? That is the question we're trying to answer. So far,you haven't provided any evidence showing this to be true. The only photographic "evidence" I've seen thus far could have been taken literally anywhere in the past 10 years.

Get my point?

Yes, I get your point. Your point is that we should err on the side of caution to protect gays "rights" to expose children to lewd sexuality in a theme park geared for children. My point is that the law requires us instead to take that internet report as serious and err on the side of caution protecting children instead.

You are on the wrong side of the law with your "picking and choosing" what to believe or not. The law requires that even if we just have reason to suspect or an indication that something may harm children, we are required to report that indication, even if unsubstantiated, to authorities. If not, we can be prosecuted.

To be on the proper side of the law, you must take that internet account at face value and assume that its author knew full well he was risking legal action to paint Disney out in such a fashion, as compliant with exposing children to lewd sexuality. ie: he has nothing to gain and everything to lose by advertising those statements on the internet if they are not factual observations he's made.

And he wrote them anyway. And they stand to this day. The law requires therefore that we take him seriously and protect children.

Hey I'm not saying the guy is a fake, or that he's a liar. He may be 100% genuinely sincere in everything he says. However, there's absolutely no way of verifying his testimony.

I've done some independent research, using only well known sites, and all I can find are pictures of people walking around in red shirts. That's it. No news stories, nothing. If there were indeed rampant drug use, sex, etc, wouldn't Fox news - at the very least - have covered it yet?

Again, you can do what you like, however I personally don't take one random unverified written account of a random dude on the internet as "FACT".

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