Gay Day at Disney

I've seen some racy shit at Disney gay day in Anaheim. Two lesbians wearing a shirt saying "I love eating candy" & the other one wearing a shirt saying "I'm candy". My six and eight year old kids were asking me what that was all about. Multiple over the top PDA's that I'd care not see two straight people doing, let alone having to explain to a couple of kids that Adam and Eve could also be Adam and Steve. I don't care if people are gay or not, but for Christ's sake, tone down the overtly flamboyant sexual behavior. And that goes for straight couples as well.

As far as Adam & Eve are concerned, how did you explain to your kids that we're all inbred products of Adam & Eve?

Why do you think God stopped creating human beings after Adam and Eve?

The Bible says they are the first, not the only.

Genesis chapter 4:
9 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”

“I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

10 The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. 11 Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12 When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”

13 Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”

15 But the Lord said to him, “Not so; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. 16 So Cain went out from the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod,[f] east of Eden.

17 Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch. 18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech.

Now who was warned about Cain if he and Adam and Eve were the only human beings on the planet? Where id Cain get his wife?

There were obviously other human beings around and this has been realized by Christian theologians for millennia till the Protestants decided that anything not specifically mentioned in the Bible was not true, thus starting the lame idea of the Bible being the sole source of Gods Truth.

But you secularists are ignorant of the Bible then criticize us for your misunderstandings, and that is humorous.
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Why fret about the glut of garbage?
Why not host contests to compete to organize local talent and push for better quality?

I know so many talented producers, writers, and computer graphic and video artists
who can make this happen. Just need to organize online, they are already revolutionizing the media.

The cream of the crop needs to rise above all the other garbage floating around.
once these teams find each other and change the market, the other producers
will have to meet or beat that level to catch up.

Sure, you could do that too. But if I was the DA in the county where Disneyland does business, I'd bring charges against them for participating in lewd exposure to children.

As such I'd have a good case for a couple reasons:

1. Disneyland could not argue that it didn't know children were/are the customer they pitch their theme park to predominantly.

2. Allowing a sexualized, particularly deviantly-sexualized cult to perform in front of them to promote their cult values as "normal" to the kids there is crossing the boundaries of both state and federal law of inappropriate psychological sexualizing of children. That's actually against the law.
Traditional "bigoted" family values.

Remember, in the bible, the traditional family had many wives. And sex slaves. And slaves.

Today, American consumers and economy depend largely on slave labor in other countries.
Especially our technological devices built in Asia by people not only paid subpar wages
but suffering inhuman living and work conditions, not to mention politically and economically.
So while we enjoy free speech to use cell phones, laptops, and internet, the workers who make our products do not.

Doesn't that make us ALL bigots?
That we are okay with slavery as long as it is not Americans?
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Its Disney not a Monster Truck rally

Of course it is gay
I'm not anti-gay...but i am against gays getting "married".
What i don't get is, they talk about wanting the same rights and benefits that the rest of us have. They want to make being gay a normal thing. But then they do things like this...not so much having the "event" as how they dress and act out in public. Even heterosexual couples don't do things like this..their actions at these events are not "normal". I'm sure a lot of gay couples don't go overboard with this, i know quite a few that you would have no idea they are gay. Then you get the wierdo's that want to dress extravagantly like women and they just plain look stupid!

With this, how are we supposed to believe they want to be "equal"?????

Unfortunately since there has been such historical suppression and denial of this going on in the past, there is some backlash reaction where people go to the opposite extreme.

At some point it will become normalized where people don't feel the urge to go overboard the other direction.

I have plenty of older friends who acted normal and were well over it, and never did go along with this flaunting and pushing.

Politically and with the focus on visual media, people push it this way. If they weren't reacting or overreacting to the opposite from the past, things would be more neutral.

People abuse politics to assert control where they feel they were oppressed. Instead of seeking neutral equality, they add retribution for being unequal before, and push too far.

I'd compare it to teenage rebellion, that when the emotions and brain chemistry are higher than the brain and body is developed to handle yet, things get out of hand and go overboard. once the changes catch up physically, and the person is able to handle and manage then we don't see the wild outbursts and swings in emotional decisions. I understand it really takes up to age 21 to reach full independent maturity. American culture is going through some teenage angst and rebellion phase against parental authority; and not until we are all trained to build our own houses, cities, government OURSELVES will we quit complaining about govt, thinking we have all the answers and can do a better job.
We will be too busy governing ourselves. Until then, we get all this whining and bullying!
Sure, you could do that too. But if I was the DA in the county where Disneyland does business, I'd bring charges against them for participating in lewd exposure to children.

As such I'd have a good case for a couple reasons:

1. Disneyland could not argue that it didn't know children were/are the customer they pitch their theme park to predominantly.

2. Allowing a sexualized, particularly deviantly-sexualized cult to perform in front of them to promote their cult values as "normal" to the kids there is crossing the boundaries of both state and federal law of inappropriate psychological sexualizing of children. That's actually against the law.

1. In terms of media recordings and broadcast of materials accessible to the public:
I think you have a valuable point about pushing sexualization on children: have you signed or written up a petition? addressing it to the appropriate office like DA makes more sense than just complaining to Disney which they can shuffle around with PR.

I'd like to see you write this up. The way you stated it is on point and educational.

2. When they have Gay Day don't they close the park to just those private guests?
I thought they advertised so no other families are inadvertently imposed upon.
I thought that was the point?

So I thought this was trying to accommodate WITHOUT imposing.

So I can see how your argument applies to published and distributed materials.
If Gay Day is closed to just private participants and not the public, then it is the fault of participants if they bring in outside children and expose them to it. Not sure on that part?
Why fret about the glut of garbage?
Why not host contests to compete to organize local talent and push for better quality?

I know so many talented producers, writers, and computer graphic and video artists
who can make this happen. Just need to organize online, they are already revolutionizing the media.

The cream of the crop needs to rise above all the other garbage floating around.
once these teams find each other and change the market, the other producers
will have to meet or beat that level to catch up.

Sure, you could do that too. But if I was the DA in the county where Disneyland does business, I'd bring charges against them for participating in lewd exposure to children.

As such I'd have a good case for a couple reasons:

1. Disneyland could not argue that it didn't know children were/are the customer they pitch their theme park to predominantly.

2. Allowing a sexualized, particularly deviantly-sexualized cult to perform in front of them to promote their cult values as "normal" to the kids there is crossing the boundaries of both state and federal law of inappropriate psychological sexualizing of children. That's actually against the law.

Hell, the DAs around Disney probably make some good 'extra' pay from Disney.

You think they'd risk that over gays being queer in public?
2. When they have Gay Day don't they close the park to just those private guests?
I thought they advertised so no other families are inadvertently imposed upon.
I thought that was the point?

So I thought this was trying to accommodate WITHOUT imposing.

So I can see how your argument applies to published and distributed materials.
If Gay Day is closed to just private participants and not the public, then it is the fault of participants if they bring in outside children and expose them to it
. Not sure on that part?

No, the park doesn't warn parents, though they know full well what days are planned for the takeover and what goes on.. The park is open to the general public during the sex displays going on inside in full view and expected attendance of unsuspecting parents and children.

Lewd soft porn acts go on in front of shocked and unsuspecting parents hastily shielding their kids from the spectacle. In what is clear copyright infringement or a blessing from Disney, depending on how you want to parse it out legally, gays stand at the park entrance distributing fliers to parents and kids showing disney characters of the same gender in embraces, giving each other the sex-stare "eye".

They pick perhaps the busiest "kid days" of the year, just at the onset of Summer. Picking a kids' theme park to do soft porn displays of deviant sexual behavior in "celebration" of the LGBT cult is illegal. And no, they give no warning. Disney knows about it and does nothing to prevent it. They pretend they don't know about it and they think this is their legal loophole.
It's really a shame that every year, hundreds of families innocently plan trips to Walt Disney World without knowing about the events that they are about to witness. Over 20 years ago, a group started gathering at Disney World every first week in June. Through the years it's grown into a huge event. Over 100,000 people have been known to attend...

...Disney never publicizes this event. It's not an official Disney activity. Disney doesn't sanction it. Disney also doesn't mention it in any of it's materials, websites or commercials. You would have to be looking for it. A lot of travel agents don't even mention it when you book a vacation. (Unless you have a good one like Dad.)

The "official" hotel changes from year to year. It's definately a place to avoid. There are lots of special parties and events scheduled for that hotel. This is not a family friendly area during these festivities.

Families should also avoid the park where the festivities are scheduled (see above). The park hosting Disney Gay Days will always be the busiest park.
Disney Gay Days - Information for Families
Last edited:, which bills itself as "the official non-profit LGBT Convention and Visitors Bureau," is hoping to take to the air with banners of their own. As part of the "Gay-friendly Sky Campaign," the website plans to use a primary banner which will read, "Gay Friendly, Everyone Friendly!"
What are they actually protesting, anyway?

Disney? Gays?

One would think the intolerant "Christian" group would approve, since Gays wouldn't be around their kids, indoctrinating them at Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.

The Gayest of the Gay who go to Disney World are going to be the type to go during Disney's Queer Celebration, not during boring Midwestern family days. They want to be loud and proud, not spend the day looking at ugly people.
Homosexuals love to get involved with things that attracted children
Traditional "bigoted" family values.

Remember, in the bible, the traditional family had many wives. And sex slaves. And slaves.

Today, American consumers and economy depend largely on slave labor in other countries.
Especially our technological devices built in Asia by people not only paid subpar wages
but suffering inhuman living and work conditions, not to mention politically and economically.
So while we enjoy free speech to use cell phones, laptops, and internet, the workers who make our products do not.

Doesn't that make us ALL bigots?
That we are okay with slavery as long as it is not Americans?

Do you even know what the word "bigot" means?

Apparently not.

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