Gay groups stepping up demands to be allowed to donate blood

Gay Men Decrease Number Of Partners, While Condom Use Also Dips: Survey

'Barebacking,' Or Unsafe Gay Sex, Is On The Rise Along With HIV/AIDS (VIDEO)

Amy, take into account it takes up to 6 months for HIV to show up in a blood test. It takes at least two weeks.

Gay men one of the most if not the most likely group to get HIV. 2% of the US population are 61% of HIV infections.

If you are prepared to sacrifice lives for a feel good moment, then may god have mercy on your soul.
Last time I checked it wasnt 1977 anymore. :rolleyes: We have the ability to screen blood, and we dont have so many people stepping up to donate that we can shove people aside based on who they have sex with.
"Percentage of Homosexual Infected is much higher than non homosexual Population."

2% of U.S. population is gay has largest % of HIV infection: "Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent approximately 2% of the US population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV and are the only risk group in which new HIV infections have been increasing steadily since the early 1990s. In 2006, MSM accounted for more than half (53%) of all new HIV infections in the United States, and MSM with a history of injection drug use (MSM-IDU) accounted for an additional 4% of new infections. At the end of 2006, more than half (53%) of all people living with HIV in the United States were MSM or MSM-IDU. Since the beginning of the US epidemic, MSM have consistently represented the largest percentage of persons diagnosed with AIDS and persons with an AIDS diagnosis who have died." (Center for Disease Control, Redirect Page)
Homosexual men 44 -86 times more likely to be infect with HIV: "In 2007, MSM [Men Sex with Men] were 44 to 86 times as likely to be diagnosed with HIV compared with other men, and 40 to 77 times as likely as women." (Center for Disease Control, Redirect Page)
61% of new HIV infections occur with gay and bisexual men: "Incidence is the number of new HIV infections that occur during a given year. CDC estimates that approximately 50,000 people are newly infected with HIV each year in the United States. In 2009 (the most recent year that data are available), there were an estimated 48,100 new HIV infections.1 Most (61%) of these new infections occurred in gay and bisexual men. Black/African American men and women were also strongly affected and were estimated to have an HIV incidence rate than was 7 times as high as the incidence rate among whites. Visit the HIV incidence page for more details." (Center for Disease Control,
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Last time I checked it was 1977 anymore. :rolleyes: We have the ability to screen blood, and we dot have so many people stepping up to donate that we can shove people aside based on who they have sex with.

So in order to increase the pool of donors by just 2%, you advocate taking 7 times the risk?
Last time I checked it was 1977 anymore. :rolleyes: We have the ability to screen blood, and we dot have so many people stepping up to donate that we can shove people aside based on who they have sex with.

The ignorance or are you denying reality?

It takes a MINIMUM of two weeks for HIV to show up in a blood test and up to 6 months. That means you could have been infected a week before you donate, and will test negative, and the person who gets your blood gets infected with HIV.
All donated blood is already tested for HIV, and a policy of not allowing gay men to donate is not stopping gay men from donating. I know this may shock you, but gay men don't have a tattoo on their forehead that says "I like men" and you also have no proof that getting rid of the policy (which is impossible to enforce) would increase the risk "seven times". :rolleyes:
All donated blood is already tested for HIV, and a policy of not allowing gay men to donate is not stopping gay men from donating. I know this may shock you, but gay men don't have a tattoo on their forehead that says "I like men" and you also have no proof that getting rid of the policy (which is impossible to enforce) would increase the risk "seven times". :rolleyes:

And they risk infecting people with HIV due to the limitations of the testing. Is it possible if they'll lie to donate blood they could be lying or in denial about other things like HIV status?

I have been on medications before where I couldn't donate blood. If I did, I would put the recipient at risk. It would have been WRONG of me to have donated blood. And you are acting like these gay guys are heroes or something?

You are fucking sick. A realityh denying liberal mutant who would risk lives so you can have a feeel good moment.

Fucking deviant.
They have that policy STILL because it's a major risk. Or perahps you would like a loved one infected as a result of your feel good reality denying moment? If this was about bigotry they would ban lesbians, but in reality lesbians have probably the lowest HIV risk. Gay men are at very high risk for HIV and the blood testing has limitations and time constraints.

It's amazing, unbelievable you would sacrifice lives to be politically correct.

I pray only people you know get impacted if you get your wish.
Btw, I'd be ok with replacing the "have you had sex with a man" question with "have you had unprotected sex in the last 30 days", and just eliminate everyone who says yes. You know, since its not 1977 anymore and we actually know what causes HIV and can detect it in the blood within days on contracting it. :)
But you're all for gun control, aren't you?

But let me guess, you're against gun control, against gay marriage, pro-life, think the world discriminates against white people, think that Tim Tebow would be a great NFL quarterback, think all Dems just want free stuff, watch only Fox News because the rest of the media is biased, can't understand why liberals don't like Rush Limbaugh, hate FDR, think the car companies should have gone bankrupt, think we need to investigate deeper into Obama's birth certificate, support Dubya's decision to go into Iraq, are against amnesty, pro death penalty, think Obama might be a muslim, think he should be hung for Benghazi, and worship Ronald Reagan.

Did I miss any other talking points you support?
But you're all for gun control, aren't you?

But let me guess, you're against gun control, against gay marriage, pro-life, think the world discriminates against white people, think that Tim Tebow would be a great NFL quarterback, think all Dems just want free stuff, watch only Fox News because the rest of the media is biased, can't understand why liberals don't like Rush Limbaugh, hate FDR, think the car companies should have gone bankrupt, think we need to investigate deeper into Obama's birth certificate, support Dubya's decision to go into Iraq, are against amnesty, pro death penalty, think Obama might be a muslim, think he should be hung for Benghazi, and worship Ronald Reagan.

Did I miss any other talking points you support?

I have no opinion on Tim Tebow.
I would also point out, if I , as a female, knowingly have sex with an HIV positive person, I am only banned from giving blood for 1 year. Where as if I were a man, whose only homosexual contact was 20 years ago, I am forever barred from giving blood.
I would also point out, if I , as a female, knowingly have sex with an HIV positive person, I am only banned from giving blood for 1 year. Where as if I were a man, whose only homosexual contact was 20 years ago, I am forever barred from giving blood.

That's stupid if they aren't having MSM anymore and have tested negative. But the risk very great with sexually active MSM.

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