Gay groups stepping up demands to be allowed to donate blood

If you are having surgery, bank your own blood. Many hospitals do this routinely.

You never know whether the person donating blood thinks of themselves as a gift giver or not.

If you are relying on testing, forget it. Testing is not absolute.

Transfusion transmitted HIV infection and AIDS

Despite these procedures, HIV transmission may still occur for three theoretical reasons:

Donations may be collected during the window period of infection, defined as the interval of time shortly after HIV infection, when the donor is infectious but has not yet developed positive HIV laboratory tests.

Infection with variant strains of HIV that may escape detection by current screening assays.

Testing or clerical errors.

When you consider that there are gays out there that feel they have a duty to spread AIDS, especially among heterosexuals, you have a danger in using donated blood.
You would like to contract HIV? Fine. I like my chances a lot better without tainted blood.

The blood is tested regardless of who donates. Many gay people already donate blood, they simply don't reveal that they are in a homosexual relationship.
Wow! That policy is still in effect? Talk about being behind the times.

This is why giving blood needs to be done safely;

"Elizabeth Glaser, née Meyer (November 11, 1947 – December 3, 1994), was a major American AIDS activist and child advocate married to actor and director Paul Michael Glaser. She contracted HIV very early in the modern AIDS epidemic after receiving an HIV-contaminated blood transfusion in 1981 while giving birth. Like other HIV-infected mothers, Glaser unknowingly passed the virus to her infant daughter, Ariel, through breastfeeding. The Glasers' son, Jake, born in 1984, contracted HIV from his mother in utero."

The mother and the daughter died. The son is still living with HIV.
As someone who watched a person live and die from HIV/AIDS, I can tell you that it's a living hell. The medication is horrible so many pills that made him feel like crap all the time until finally he felt so bad from the medication it just wasn't worth taking them anymore so he quit. And then died.

He rarely told people he was infected. He was always sick. 20 years of having meningitis, pneumonia numerous times, strep infections, he was sick from age 22 until the day he died 20 years later. Don't let anyone tell you that HIV and AIDS are under control from the great medication.

Magic Johnson and Jake Glaser both have a mutation in a gene that protects them from the HIV virus that's why they are alive and healthy. Not because of some HIV or AIDs wonder drug.
Last time I checked it was 1977 anymore. :rolleyes: We have the ability to screen blood, and we dot have so many people stepping up to donate that we can shove people aside based on who they have sex with.

The ignorance or are you denying reality?

It takes a MINIMUM of two weeks for HIV to show up in a blood test and up to 6 months. That means you could have been infected a week before you donate, and will test negative, and the person who gets your blood gets infected with HIV.

Is there a way to just wait 6 months to be sure the blood is safe?
As someone who watched a person live and die from HIV/AIDS, I can tell you that it's a living hell. The medication is horrible so many pills that made him feel like crap all the time until finally he felt so bad from the medication it just wasn't worth taking them anymore so he quit. And then died.

He rarely told people he was infected. He was always sick. 20 years of having meningitis, pneumonia numerous times, strep infections, he was sick from age 22 until the day he died 20 years later. Don't let anyone tell you that HIV and AIDS are under control from the great medication.

Magic Johnson and Jake Glaser both have a mutation in a gene that protects them from the HIV virus that's why they are alive and healthy. Not because of some HIV or AIDs wonder drug.

I assumed Magic was still alive because he is filthy rich and has access to all kinds of expensive medical practices and procedures that the average Joe doesn't.
Hmmm...let's see. I'll have a pint of the fudgepacker 0-positive, please.
Btw, I'd be ok with replacing the "have you had sex with a man" question with "have you had unprotected sex in the last 30 days", and just eliminate everyone who says yes. You know, since its not 1977 anymore and we actually know what causes HIV and can detect it in the blood within days on contracting it. :)

But wouldn't that exclude all married couples, who might be having unprotected sex?
Last time I checked it was 1977 anymore. :rolleyes: We have the ability to screen blood, and we dot have so many people stepping up to donate that we can shove people aside based on who they have sex with.

The ignorance or are you denying reality?

It takes a MINIMUM of two weeks for HIV to show up in a blood test and up to 6 months. That means you could have been infected a week before you donate, and will test negative, and the person who gets your blood gets infected with HIV.

Is there a way to just wait 6 months to be sure the blood is safe?

If blood had a shelflife the way you wish it did, there woudl be a shortage of blood.
Btw, I'd be ok with replacing the "have you had sex with a man" question with "have you had unprotected sex in the last 30 days", and just eliminate everyone who says yes. You know, since its not 1977 anymore and we actually know what causes HIV and can detect it in the blood within days on contracting it. :)

But wouldn't that exclude all married couples, who might be having unprotected sex?

That still denies the reality that it's much harder for other groups to get HIV. If a guy is banging dudes on the side, then he is MSM. If he were completely straight, it would be very very difficult for him to get HIV and pass it on to a woman.

However if you want to live in the left wing fantasy world where everyone is equally likely to get HIV and put people at risk, I hope you can live with the guilt of the consequences of your denial of reality.

HIV increases in Minnesota after two years of decline -

The report found that new HIV cases remain concentrated within the Twin Cities metro area. More than a third of reported HIV cases were among 20- to 29-year-olds.

The number of cases among injection drug users rose from 11 cases in 2011 to 23 cases in 2013, according to the report, with the biggest increases in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Cases among males rose by 17 percent; male-to-male sex was the main risk factor for men of all ages
with known risk factors, the report said.
If you want to prove you are not a homophobe you will be happy to take the risk of getting AIDS. It goes right along with "Prove that you really love me".
I find it amusing that blood is still needed. You would think with the technology and medical advancements that needing blood would be a thing of the past. There are doctors out there that are more than willing to provide bloodless surgery, there are blood expanders and many new techniques used to make the use of blood as ancient as the practice of blood letting.

Sorry, I have read tons of material on the dangers of blood transfusions and the side effects, I think when need to evolve our thinking in this area.
Btw, I'd be ok with replacing the "have you had sex with a man" question with "have you had unprotected sex in the last 30 days", and just eliminate everyone who says yes. You know, since its not 1977 anymore and we actually know what causes HIV and can detect it in the blood within days on contracting it. :)

But wouldn't that exclude all married couples, who might be having unprotected sex?
Probably. But being married doesn't mean your spouse isn't sleeping around.
Btw, I'd be ok with replacing the "have you had sex with a man" question with "have you had unprotected sex in the last 30 days", and just eliminate everyone who says yes. You know, since its not 1977 anymore and we actually know what causes HIV and can detect it in the blood within days on contracting it. :)

But wouldn't that exclude all married couples, who might be having unprotected sex?
Probably. But being married doesn't mean your spouse isn't sleeping around.

Of course not. Look at Tiger Woods or Kobe Bryant. Then there are the Secret Service guys in South America, Bill Clinton.

Nope marriage is no guarantee.
But wouldn't that exclude all married couples, who might be having unprotected sex?
Probably. But being married doesn't mean your spouse isn't sleeping around.

Of course not. Look at Tiger Woods or Kobe Bryant. Then there are the Secret Service guys in South America, Bill Clinton.

Nope marriage is no guarantee.


Women account for 1 out of every 4 new HIV cases in the US, and yet women aren't barred from giving blood.
Does that include transgender women? 50 percent of them
Have HIV

Trannies and homos and Aids oh my!

Why don't you start a chain of certified gay-proof blood donation centers. Where everyone has to get their butthole examined before they donate anything. You'll be rich and have your dream job!

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