Gay, Jewish woman claims church blocked her from helping Hurricane Harvey victims

I'll never be a cheerleader for the homosexual lifestyle, but I wouldn't have told that girl to go jump either. I would have thanked her for wanting to help at all.

God bless you and her always!!!


Nor will you ever be a Christian pastor charged with upholding decency.
Her intention was to attack a church. Sometimes stereotypes are true.
Cheer that on if you like.

We have no clue what he said or what she said, it is all supposition. How do you decide who to believe?

TPP automatically believed it when any LGBT person claims something like this. He needs no proof just the claim to believe it to be true.
Not only are you anti Christian but you are a coward as well.
I not going to really concern myself with what you think of me. Anyone who has the gal to make those judgements is not worth my time.

Yet you automatically believed what this woman claimed despite not being able to provide evidence of her claim.
Guess you missed my post #69.

You have another case of she said, no proof that he said anything in post 69. Give us more information and the. We can talk otherwise you are a regressive troll.

When I asked TPP for proof that those statements were actually made (video, witnesses, etc), he pointed me toward post #69. It was nothing more than another unsupported claim. I've yet to hear back from him.

All he is doing is trolling, that is it. He isn’t serious about this thread, he knows there is no substance to the story or his ignorant claim.
I not going to really concern myself with what you think of me. Anyone who has the gal to make those judgements is not worth my time.

Yet you automatically believed what this woman claimed despite not being able to provide evidence of her claim.
Guess you missed my post #69.

You have another case of she said, no proof that he said anything in post 69. Give us more information and the. We can talk otherwise you are a regressive troll.

When I asked TPP for proof that those statements were actually made (video, witnesses, etc), he pointed me toward post #69. It was nothing more than another unsupported claim. I've yet to hear back from him.

All he is doing is trolling, that is it. He isn’t serious about this thread, he knows there is no substance to the story or his ignorant claim.

I'm not so sure. There are plenty like him that truly believe the seriousness of the claim is the same as proof. Their mindset is if they make it sound bad enough it has to be true.
Yet you automatically believed what this woman claimed despite not being able to provide evidence of her claim.
Guess you missed my post #69.

You have another case of she said, no proof that he said anything in post 69. Give us more information and the. We can talk otherwise you are a regressive troll.

When I asked TPP for proof that those statements were actually made (video, witnesses, etc), he pointed me toward post #69. It was nothing more than another unsupported claim. I've yet to hear back from him.

All he is doing is trolling, that is it. He isn’t serious about this thread, he knows there is no substance to the story or his ignorant claim.

I'm not so sure. There are plenty like him that truly believe the seriousness of the claim is the same as proof. Their mindset is if they make it sound bad enough it has to be true.

Then he is the biggest idiot on the USMB, which in all honesty he could be.
Guess you missed my post #69.

You have another case of she said, no proof that he said anything in post 69. Give us more information and the. We can talk otherwise you are a regressive troll.

When I asked TPP for proof that those statements were actually made (video, witnesses, etc), he pointed me toward post #69. It was nothing more than another unsupported claim. I've yet to hear back from him.

All he is doing is trolling, that is it. He isn’t serious about this thread, he knows there is no substance to the story or his ignorant claim.

I'm not so sure. There are plenty like him that truly believe the seriousness of the claim is the same as proof. Their mindset is if they make it sound bad enough it has to be true.

Then he is the biggest idiot on the USMB, which in all honesty he could be.

One of the biggest. There are so many like him, it's hard to tell which one is the biggest. I call it a tie between them.
Good catch. The Antichrist lying Jew b!tch claims to be a combat vet. She looks like she's about 60+ years old. For a woman, she's too old to have served as in combat. And, of course, as a lesbian, she would have been barred from military service in the past. So, if she actually was in the military, she lied and lied and lied about her lifestyle. She, we know for a fact that she's a liar.

She tries really hard to build herself up as a saint and a hero. She's a veteran. She took extended time off from work, she claims, to volunteer. She just wanted to help. Yeah, right. If the media investigated her, they'd probably find that she never served in the military (except as a civilian) and that she's retired, and so she had no work to take off from.

And she is a war vet!!

Not really. Gays were forbidden to serve in the military by law at the time. She should have been dishonorably discharged under the standards of decency and law before she ever got started.
Women were forbidden to serve at sea for most of her "war years" until a court overruled tradition, law, culture and democracy in 1978 and allowed them on non-combatant ships. Women (dyky looking lesbian or not) were not allowed onto ships which might enter combat zones until Slick WIllie in 1993 which was the year she high tailed it out of the Navy.
Wix spent her time in San Francisco mostly as a PN rate...a pay clerk (and doing God knows what else knowing San Francisco). She also served as payclerk and shopkeeper (DK rate disbursing clerk) on two non combatant auxiliary tenders based in Alameda at the end of her career.
Not only are you anti Christian but you are a coward as well.
I not going to really concern myself with what you think of me. Anyone who has the gal to make those judgements is not worth my time.

Yet you automatically believed what this woman claimed despite not being able to provide evidence of her claim.
Guess you missed my post #69.

You have another case of she said, no proof that he said anything in post 69. Give us more information and the. We can talk otherwise you are a regressive troll.

When I asked TPP for proof that those statements were actually made (video, witnesses, etc), he pointed me toward post #69. It was nothing more than another unsupported claim. I've yet to hear back from him.
Give it a fucking rest Sparky. The Church apologized for a " misunderstanding" so obviously something happened. The pastor invited my partner and I to come to his church and the spirit of the lord would show me the evil of my ways…”

Connect the dots!!
I not going to really concern myself with what you think of me. Anyone who has the gal to make those judgements is not worth my time.

Yet you automatically believed what this woman claimed despite not being able to provide evidence of her claim.
Guess you missed my post #69.

You have another case of she said, no proof that he said anything in post 69. Give us more information and the. We can talk otherwise you are a regressive troll.

When I asked TPP for proof that those statements were actually made (video, witnesses, etc), he pointed me toward post #69. It was nothing more than another unsupported claim. I've yet to hear back from him.
Give it a fucking rest Sparky. The Church apologized for a " misunderstanding" so obviously something happened. The pastor invited my partner and I to come to his church and the spirit of the lord would show me the evil of my ways…”

Connect the dots!!

Again, you have nothing. Thanks for confirming that.
And she is a war vet!!

Not really. Gays were forbidden to serve in the military by law at the time. She should have been dishonorably discharged under the standards of decency and law before she ever got started.
Women were forbidden to serve at sea for most of her "war years" until a court overruled tradition, law, culture and democracy in 1978 and allowed them on non-combatant ships. Women (dyky looking lesbian or not) were not allowed onto ships which might enter combat zones until Slick WIllie in 1993 which was the year she high tailed it out of the Navy.
Wix spent her time in San Francisco mostly as a PN rate...a pay clerk (and doing God knows what else knowing San Francisco). She also served as payclerk and shopkeeper (DK rate disbursing clerk) on two non combatant auxiliary tenders based in Alameda at the end of her career.

PN is Personnelman, (personnel records) , DK is Disbursing Clerk (pay). SK is Supply Clerk, and SH is Ship's Serviceman.
Guess you missed my post #69.

You have another case of she said, no proof that he said anything in post 69. Give us more information and the. We can talk otherwise you are a regressive troll.

When I asked TPP for proof that those statements were actually made (video, witnesses, etc), he pointed me toward post #69. It was nothing more than another unsupported claim. I've yet to hear back from him.

All he is doing is trolling, that is it. He isn’t serious about this thread, he knows there is no substance to the story or his ignorant claim.

I'm not so sure. There are plenty like him that truly believe the seriousness of the claim is the same as proof. Their mindset is if they make it sound bad enough it has to be true.

Then he is the biggest idiot on the USMB, which in all honesty he could be.

If that is his picture in his avatar, he is probably very lonely also.

Eva Brunne - Wikipedia

Just because it is on Breitbart doesn't mean the story is false. It is old news, about two years old.

I'm not seeing the point to having a Muslim prayer space in a Christian church, removing the religious symbols is another issue. Her sexual orientation has nothing to do with her ideas to remove religious symbols or creating a Muslim prayer space.
Her sexual orientation has nothing to do with her ideas to remove religious symbols or creating a Muslim prayer space.

Sorry, no. It does. These women led churches are always like this. Their liberal view on sexuality infects every aspect of THEIR church culture.

"An evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit"--Jesus

Btw, I TRUST Breitbart. Can't say the same fot ANY of the MSM.

So what does the non-sequitur "breitbart" mean?
Does it mean "I would like to deny it but instead will just snicker at the source"? Or "This makes me uncomfortable so I'll act like it doesnt exist"? Does it mean "i'd like to refute this but it's true so I'll pretend the source makes it untrue"?
Before I humiliate you I'll just give you the chance to explain your silly whining smug reply.

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