Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court

It's true many Christian denominations now accept homosexuality. Still, there are nondenominational churches rising all over the world that still teach the Scriptures and follow Jesus. The "Church" the true church will always follow the Scriptures. When denominations become corrupt because of the world, the Holy Spirit will move somewhere else. A true Christian church will love homosexuals and lead them to the Lord and teach them that God loves them too much to leave them in sin. Yes, homosexuality is sin, just like drunkenness, lying, gluttony, adultery, etc. If homosexuality is your lifestyle, you aren't saved and your eternal soul is in danger of eternal darkness and separation from God. The first step is to admit you are a sinner like everyone else. Regarding same-sex marriage, Jesus clearly stated marriage is a male and female, Matthew 19.
Dear BS Filter, This is just a bunch of.....well, BS....unfiltered
Hey I don't care if you're a homo. Suck away, dandy.

what are you talking about imbecile?

do you think if you're a homophobic bigot, you're straight, but if you're a decent person, you aren't?

poor dear. you must really hate being closeted.

but please explain why trump scum address other people the way you just posted to me?

I'm kind of curious about the lack of decency and vileness and why you think it's ok. I'm pretty sure if you were speaking to someone's face, you wouldn't talk that way because you'd be punched in the face.
Why the heterophobia, lady? You another one who lets breeders intimidate her?

Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Loud and Proud.


This "HeteroPride" thing, interpreting it as some sort of statement against LGBTs, is decidedly ridiculous. I'm heterosexual, simply through the operation of nature; not for the purpose of making any sort of political statement against anyone else. I have never experienced, nor heard of any person saying anything that can be construed as being a statement against being a heterosexual. The only problems that we heterosexuals experience originate from within our own ranks: gender-hatred, sexual assault, attempts at subjugating one's partner, domestic violence, and other attempts to ruin relationships between heterosexuals. Look at how many dirty words that male heterosexuals have come up with for female genitalia so that they can show disrespect for their female counterparts. LGBTs have nothing to do with our problems.
Yet another example of your...imprecise...thought process.

Are gay pride people making a statement against heteros? I am a proud heterosexual. You of course are free to lend your superiority to the less fortunate homos. Just as I am free to lend my support to my people.

what are you talking about imbecile?

do you think if you're a homophobic bigot, you're straight, but if you're a decent person, you aren't?

poor dear. you must really hate being closeted.

but please explain why trump scum address other people the way you just posted to me?

I'm kind of curious about the lack of decency and vileness and why you think it's ok. I'm pretty sure if you were speaking to someone's face, you wouldn't talk that way because you'd be punched in the face.
Why the heterophobia, lady? You another one who lets breeders intimidate her?

Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Loud and Proud.


This "HeteroPride" thing, interpreting it as some sort of statement against LGBTs, is decidedly ridiculous. I'm heterosexual, simply through the operation of nature; not for the purpose of making any sort of political statement against anyone else. I have never experienced, nor heard of any person saying anything that can be construed as being a statement against being a heterosexual. The only problems that we heterosexuals experience originate from within our own ranks: gender-hatred, sexual assault, attempts at subjugating one's partner, domestic violence, and other attempts to ruin relationships between heterosexuals. Look at how many dirty words that male heterosexuals have come up with for female genitalia so that they can show disrespect for their female counterparts. LGBTs have nothing to do with our problems.
Yet another example of your...imprecise...thought process.

Are gay pride people making a statement against heteros? I am a proud heterosexual. You of course are free to lend your superiority to the less fortunate homos. Just as I am free to lend my support to my people.


Your "people"? We're a tribe, now? I've never heard of any gay people making any derogatory statement about our "people," just the jerks among our "people" who attack their right to exist in society on the same plain as all others.
How are you "supporting" our "people"?
let me ask all of you:
if you were a nazi criminal, would you want a Jew to be the judge?
would that be fair?
So Christians are in the same category as Nazi war criminals??

Youre a one trick pony on here ...why is that?
let me ask all of you:
if you were a nazi criminal, would you want a Jew to be the judge?
would that be fair?
A Jew is going to judge all of us, Jesus.
I would think jesus didn't have a race ...?? he was for everyone
Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court
  • By what farcical stretch of your imagination did you manage to conclude that states of being described one's being a judge, gay and Christian are mutually exclusive?
  • Have you found credible metrics that show gay judges are atheists?
  • Can you show that the preponderance of individuals/groups who have been given a "fair shake" by gay judges were not all or preponderantly all Christians?
  • Can you show that all or preponderantly all "shakes" plaintiffs and defendants obtain in courts of law are not fair?
  • Can you show that aside from matters that expressly pertain somehow to a plaintiff's/defendant's Christianity, that judges, gay or otherwise, have any idea of what be the religious affiliation of the people before them in the courtroom?
Why does anyone die from suicide? Mental problems.
you must not be able to read or you didn't read it or you are so obsessed with gayness that you didn't see that gays/etc commit suicide at much, much higher numbers
Why the heterophobia, lady? You another one who lets breeders intimidate her?

Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Loud and Proud.


This "HeteroPride" thing, interpreting it as some sort of statement against LGBTs, is decidedly ridiculous. I'm heterosexual, simply through the operation of nature; not for the purpose of making any sort of political statement against anyone else. I have never experienced, nor heard of any person saying anything that can be construed as being a statement against being a heterosexual. The only problems that we heterosexuals experience originate from within our own ranks: gender-hatred, sexual assault, attempts at subjugating one's partner, domestic violence, and other attempts to ruin relationships between heterosexuals. Look at how many dirty words that male heterosexuals have come up with for female genitalia so that they can show disrespect for their female counterparts. LGBTs have nothing to do with our problems.
Yet another example of your...imprecise...thought process.

Are gay pride people making a statement against heteros? I am a proud heterosexual. You of course are free to lend your superiority to the less fortunate homos. Just as I am free to lend my support to my people.


Your "people"? We're a tribe, now? I've never heard of any gay people making any derogatory statement about our "people," just the jerks among our "people" who attack their right to exist in society on the same plain as all others.
How are you "supporting" our "people"?

Here, slow one. Let me quote you, and my response:

This "HeteroPride" thing, interpreting it as some sort of statement against LGBTs, is decidedly ridiculous.

Are gay people making a statement against heteros?

You have yet to answer.

let me ask all of you:
if you were a nazi criminal, would you want a Jew to be the judge?
would that be fair?
So Christians are in the same category as Nazi war criminals??
christians/nazis/gays/muslims/etc have been war criminals
....hilter's number 1 ''hitman''/henchman/henchmen--the SA--were gays --the SturmAbteilung--the ones that beat up people/disrupted rival political rallies [ exactly like the lefties did to Trump rallies ] /etc
John Toland noted that Hitler had long been privately aware that Röhm and his SA associates were homosexuals
Ernst Röhm - Wikipedia
so we have a bunch of gays beating up innocent people
Last edited:
For someone who claims to not be gay, you sure do expend a lot of energy defending and supporting it.

You have to defend those who are discriminated against in society.

Its the moral thing to do.
just as whites and Christians are discriminated against BIG time in the MSM/by blacks/by gays/ by lefties/etc
the OP poster does it in this thread--badmouthing/etc Christians
let me ask all of you:
if you were a nazi criminal, would you want a Jew to be the judge?
would that be fair?
So Christians are in the same category as Nazi war criminals??

Youre a one trick pony on here ...why is that?
let me ask all of you:
if you were a nazi criminal, would you want a Jew to be the judge?
would that be fair?
A Jew is going to judge all of us, Jesus.
I would think jesus didn't have a race ...?? he was for everyone
Yes, Jesus is the Savior of all that believe in Him, but he is a Jew according to the Scriptures.
let me ask all of you:
if you were a nazi criminal, would you want a Jew to be the judge?
would that be fair?
So Christians are in the same category as Nazi war criminals??

Youre a one trick pony on here ...why is that?
let me ask all of you:
if you were a nazi criminal, would you want a Jew to be the judge?
would that be fair?
A Jew is going to judge all of us, Jesus.
I would think jesus didn't have a race ...?? he was for everyone
Yes, Jesus is the Savior of all that believe in Him, but he is a Jew according to the Scriptures.
Both are true.
Just because you think everybody thinks like you doesn't mean they won't do it. You as a Judge might not do something like that, but others might and or will.
The stupidity and bigotry is astounding!! You cant make this shit up!! The idea that we should not have gay judges because they would hostile to Christians is absurd on the face of it since many gay people are Christian, and many Christians and Christian denominations embrace gay rights.

But beyond that , where does it end? Should we not have black judges because they won't be fair to whites? Should we not have white judges because they won't be fair to minorities? Should we not have Christian judges because they won't be fair to people of other faiths? I could go on but you get the idea?

Maybe we should develop drone bot judges that have no soul and program them to be completely without bias. Of course they would not have any compassion or empathy either, but we can't have it all, can we?

Mat Staver: Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court | Right Wing Watch

Anti-LGBTQ Religious Right activist Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel appeared on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” radio program yesterday, where he asserted that gay people should not be allowed to serve as judges because they are incapable of being objective and fair in cases involving religious liberty for Christians.

sked about Andrew McDonald, who was recently nominated to serve as chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court and, if confirmed, will be the first openly gay chief justice on any state court in the country, Staver was not shy about voicing his opposition.

“Here’s the problem with it beyond the issue of the morality of this,” Staver said. “Beyond the issue of other consequences is the fact that what we typically see is someone’s identity, their being, completely wrapped up in their sexual practices, meaning that—do you think that if you had an Aaron and Melissa Klein or a Jack Phillips bakery or anything else like that where you have the LGBT clash with religious freedom or freedom of expression come before this judge, do you think this judge is going to be open and fair irrespective of what he does to rule based on the Constitution and the rule of law? I don’t think so

Let me tell you folks something. I am straight and I would have a problem with someone who wields religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as well. Maybe we should not have liberal judges either. Judges should be selected on their ability to follow the law and to put their personal views aside.

But it’s fine when Muslims discriminate against gays, right?
what are you talking about imbecile?

do you think if you're a homophobic bigot, you're straight, but if you're a decent person, you aren't?

poor dear. you must really hate being closeted.

but please explain why trump scum address other people the way you just posted to me?

I'm kind of curious about the lack of decency and vileness and why you think it's ok. I'm pretty sure if you were speaking to someone's face, you wouldn't talk that way because you'd be punched in the face.
Why the heterophobia, lady? You another one who lets breeders intimidate her?

Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Loud and Proud.


This "HeteroPride" thing, interpreting it as some sort of statement against LGBTs, is decidedly ridiculous. I'm heterosexual, simply through the operation of nature; not for the purpose of making any sort of political statement against anyone else. I have never experienced, nor heard of any person saying anything that can be construed as being a statement against being a heterosexual. The only problems that we heterosexuals experience originate from within our own ranks: gender-hatred, sexual assault, attempts at subjugating one's partner, domestic violence, and other attempts to ruin relationships between heterosexuals. Look at how many dirty words that male heterosexuals have come up with for female genitalia so that they can show disrespect for their female counterparts. LGBTs have nothing to do with our problems.
Yet another example of your...imprecise...thought process.

Are gay pride people making a statement against heteros? I am a proud heterosexual. You of course are free to lend your superiority to the less fortunate homos. Just as I am free to lend my support to my people.

Why is it that heteros do all that raping? Is it a hetero thing? Why is it that almost all terrorists are heteros? Is it a hetero thing? Why is it that most people on welfare and food stamps are hetero? Is it a hetero thing?
Why the heterophobia, lady? You another one who lets breeders intimidate her?

Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Loud and Proud.


This "HeteroPride" thing, interpreting it as some sort of statement against LGBTs, is decidedly ridiculous. I'm heterosexual, simply through the operation of nature; not for the purpose of making any sort of political statement against anyone else. I have never experienced, nor heard of any person saying anything that can be construed as being a statement against being a heterosexual. The only problems that we heterosexuals experience originate from within our own ranks: gender-hatred, sexual assault, attempts at subjugating one's partner, domestic violence, and other attempts to ruin relationships between heterosexuals. Look at how many dirty words that male heterosexuals have come up with for female genitalia so that they can show disrespect for their female counterparts. LGBTs have nothing to do with our problems.
Yet another example of your...imprecise...thought process.

Are gay pride people making a statement against heteros? I am a proud heterosexual. You of course are free to lend your superiority to the less fortunate homos. Just as I am free to lend my support to my people.

Why is it that heteros do all that raping? Is it a hetero thing? Why is it that almost all terrorists are heteros? Is it a hetero thing? Why is it that most people on welfare and food stamps are hetero? Is it a hetero thing?
I am a proud hetero because without them there would be no homos. This is the reason that all the homos hold such hetero envy.

Why the heterophobia, lady? You another one who lets breeders intimidate her?

Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Loud and Proud.


This "HeteroPride" thing, interpreting it as some sort of statement against LGBTs, is decidedly ridiculous. I'm heterosexual, simply through the operation of nature; not for the purpose of making any sort of political statement against anyone else. I have never experienced, nor heard of any person saying anything that can be construed as being a statement against being a heterosexual. The only problems that we heterosexuals experience originate from within our own ranks: gender-hatred, sexual assault, attempts at subjugating one's partner, domestic violence, and other attempts to ruin relationships between heterosexuals. Look at how many dirty words that male heterosexuals have come up with for female genitalia so that they can show disrespect for their female counterparts. LGBTs have nothing to do with our problems.
Yet another example of your...imprecise...thought process.

Are gay pride people making a statement against heteros? I am a proud heterosexual. You of course are free to lend your superiority to the less fortunate homos. Just as I am free to lend my support to my people.

Why is it that heteros do all that raping? Is it a hetero thing? Why is it that almost all terrorists are heteros? Is it a hetero thing? Why is it that most people on welfare and food stamps are hetero? Is it a hetero thing?
blacks commit rape at over TWICE the rate of whites
must be a black thing
blacks commit murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
must be a black thing
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
must be a black thing
Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Loud and Proud.


This "HeteroPride" thing, interpreting it as some sort of statement against LGBTs, is decidedly ridiculous. I'm heterosexual, simply through the operation of nature; not for the purpose of making any sort of political statement against anyone else. I have never experienced, nor heard of any person saying anything that can be construed as being a statement against being a heterosexual. The only problems that we heterosexuals experience originate from within our own ranks: gender-hatred, sexual assault, attempts at subjugating one's partner, domestic violence, and other attempts to ruin relationships between heterosexuals. Look at how many dirty words that male heterosexuals have come up with for female genitalia so that they can show disrespect for their female counterparts. LGBTs have nothing to do with our problems.
Yet another example of your...imprecise...thought process.

Are gay pride people making a statement against heteros? I am a proud heterosexual. You of course are free to lend your superiority to the less fortunate homos. Just as I am free to lend my support to my people.

Why is it that heteros do all that raping? Is it a hetero thing? Why is it that almost all terrorists are heteros? Is it a hetero thing? Why is it that most people on welfare and food stamps are hetero? Is it a hetero thing?
blacks commit rape at over TWICE the rate of whites
must be a black thing
blacks commit murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
must be a black thing
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
must be a black thing

your uncle's chain email stats are quite impressive

nowhere close to reality, but impressively funny nonetheless

Table 43

carry on

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