Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court

Come on now. If gay judges had any sense they would be straight.

When did you decide to play straight?
Mmm...probably around 13 years old but it wasn't an epic decision in my life. It was simple for me. You still having a tough time with it?
Come on now. If gay judges had any sense they would be straight.

When did you decide to play straight?
Mmm...probably around 13 years old but it wasn't an epic decision in my life. It was simple for me. You still having a tough time with it?

if it was a "decision" then you're gay.

you should probably stop hating yourself. then you wouldn't be so bitter.
How can that be a bad thing?

Heterophobes everywhere.
Come on now. If gay judges had any sense they would be straight.


poor little wacko.

do you spend every day deciding whether you want to be with men or women?

neither do they.

if you had any sense, you probably wouldn't post and prove how stupid you are day after day
Hey I don't care if you're a homo. Suck away, dandy.

what are you talking about imbecile?

do you think if you're a homophobic bigot, you're straight, but if you're a decent person, you aren't?

poor dear. you must really hate being closeted.

but please explain why trump scum address other people the way you just posted to me?

I'm kind of curious about the lack of decency and vileness and why you think it's ok. I'm pretty sure if you were speaking to someone's face, you wouldn't talk that way because you'd be punched in the face.
Why the heterophobia, lady? You another one who lets breeders intimidate her?

Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Come on now. If gay judges had any sense they would be straight.


poor little wacko.

do you spend every day deciding whether you want to be with men or women?

neither do they.

if you had any sense, you probably wouldn't post and prove how stupid you are day after day
Hey I don't care if you're a homo. Suck away, dandy.

what are you talking about imbecile?

do you think if you're a homophobic bigot, you're straight, but if you're a decent person, you aren't?

poor dear. you must really hate being closeted.

but please explain why trump scum address other people the way you just posted to me?

I'm kind of curious about the lack of decency and vileness and why you think it's ok. I'm pretty sure if you were speaking to someone's face, you wouldn't talk that way because you'd be punched in the face.
Why the heterophobia, lady? You another one who lets breeders intimidate her?

Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Loud and Proud.

Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court

Trump said the same thing about Judges with Hispanic parents.

Trump understands these things. That's why he's a racist.
He said that about an ACTIVIST Hispanc judge. Minorities are NOT above criticism.
That's what YOU call someone when you don't want to be obvious. Trump? He's obvious.
This is a balkanized, tribalized society. Judges from one tribe, i.e. gay or hispanice cannot fairly judge others not of their tribe.
How would a gay judge even know if you're a normal person such as a Christian or an abnormal person such as a homosexual?

I don't believe those are things that you need to divulge to the courts.
Homos are fucked in the head
I don't know how homosexuals and homosexual supporter can deny that homosexuality isn't a mental disorder.

They claim that there is homosexuality in nature so it's not a mental disorder. What makes them think that there can be homosexuality in nature, yet, there can't be mental disorders in nature?
so they are mentally disturbed BECAUSE of whatever reason---so the reason WHY makes it ok for them to be judges --and mentally disturbed??!!they would STILL be mentally disturbed!! get it now?

Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court
  • By what farcical stretch of your imagination did you manage to conclude that states of being described one's being a judge, gay and Christian are mutually exclusive?
  • Have you found credible metrics that show gay judges are atheists?
  • Can you show that the preponderance of individuals/groups who have been given a "fair shake" by gay judges were not all or preponderantly all Christians?
  • Can you show that all or preponderantly all "shakes" plaintiffs and defendants obtain in courts of law are not fair?
  • Can you show that aside from matters that expressly pertain somehow to a plaintiff's/defendant's Christianity, that judges, gay or otherwise, have any idea of what be the religious affiliation of the people before them in the courtroom?
Why does anyone die from suicide? Mental problems.
It's true many Christian denominations now accept homosexuality. Still, there are nondenominational churches rising all over the world that still teach the Scriptures and follow Jesus. The "Church" the true church will always follow the Scriptures. When denominations become corrupt because of the world, the Holy Spirit will move somewhere else. A true Christian church will love homosexuals and lead them to the Lord and teach them that God loves them too much to leave them in sin. Yes, homosexuality is sin, just like drunkenness, lying, gluttony, adultery, etc. If homosexuality is your lifestyle, you aren't saved and your eternal soul is in danger of eternal darkness and separation from God. The first step is to admit you are a sinner like everyone else. Regarding same-sex marriage, Jesus clearly stated marriage is a male and female, Matthew 19.
let me ask all of you:
if you were a nazi criminal, would you want a Jew to be the judge?
would that be fair?
So Christians are in the same category as Nazi war criminals??

Youre a one trick pony on here ...why is that?
let me ask all of you:
if you were a nazi criminal, would you want a Jew to be the judge?
would that be fair?
A Jew is going to judge all of us, Jesus.
poor little wacko.

do you spend every day deciding whether you want to be with men or women?

neither do they.

if you had any sense, you probably wouldn't post and prove how stupid you are day after day
Hey I don't care if you're a homo. Suck away, dandy.

what are you talking about imbecile?

do you think if you're a homophobic bigot, you're straight, but if you're a decent person, you aren't?

poor dear. you must really hate being closeted.

but please explain why trump scum address other people the way you just posted to me?

I'm kind of curious about the lack of decency and vileness and why you think it's ok. I'm pretty sure if you were speaking to someone's face, you wouldn't talk that way because you'd be punched in the face.
Why the heterophobia, lady? You another one who lets breeders intimidate her?

Feeling the victim as a hetero?
Loud and Proud.


This "HeteroPride" thing, interpreting it as some sort of statement against LGBTs, is decidedly ridiculous. I'm heterosexual, simply through the operation of nature; not for the purpose of making any sort of political statement against anyone else. I have never experienced, nor heard of any person saying anything that can be construed as being a statement against being a heterosexual. The only problems that we heterosexuals experience originate from within our own ranks: gender-hatred, sexual assault, attempts at subjugating one's partner, domestic violence, and other attempts to ruin relationships between heterosexuals. Look at how many dirty words that male heterosexuals have come up with for female genitalia so that they can show disrespect for their female counterparts. LGBTs have nothing to do with our problems.

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