Gay man who lost lawsuit against San Diego cops found dead of suicide

The fact is, this man was mentally ill, and that was obvious when he wore a costume that exposed his bottom on a public street.

But there's a double standard.

Gay people are allowed to do all sorts of things in public that straight people are not allowed to do, like grab their own crotches, grab each other's crotches and expose their private parts.

But this is mental illness, and a straight person who does anything like this is put in a mental hospital.
may he rest in peace...

women can where g-string bikinis on the side of the road hot dog stands, and on public beaches...
Will X Walters who lost San Diego police lawsuit over gay pride arrest is dead in apparent suicide | Daily Mail Online

Maybe our USMB gays can tell us why a gay man should have a right to wear a gladitorial costume that exposes his buttocks on a public street. Apparently, a federal jury disagreed that this was a pressing "gay rights issue" and found for the city of San Diego after he was arrested for indecent exposure. Then, faced with $1 million in legal bills he couldn't pay, this gay rights advocate took the coward's way out and killed himself.

A disgusting waste of life, if you ask me.

I have read many of your threads and I am guessing you are one oppressed one closet gay man!

My opinion and if you object too much then you do know just tap your toe twice and everyone will know!
Join my ignore list.

My heart is broken!

If you have to announce that I am on your ignore list, well then what the fuck man!

The reality is you are so hell bent on gays and it tell me the reality is you are closet but seeing I am on your ignore list I do not need to worry about a response and those that have to put someone on ignore are queer!

I usually tell people I ignore, that I have them on my ignore list.

There are three purposes to this.

Number one, I am hoping they'll stop posting and thus waste time of other forum posters. The primary reason that I ignore someone is that they have nothing to offer the discussion, but can't stop spewing their incompetence. It's a waste of time for everyone else, because they never have anything even remotely interesting to say.

Stupid people also tend to post "See he's not responding!" and "Why are you not responding to my brilliance?!". If I tell them "I'm putting you on ignore, have a nice life"... my hope is that they won't waste forum space with more idiotic posts.

Unfortunately people have told me (I don't know because I can't see their posts anymore), that some people are so stupid they actually post "So you don't have any response to me?" after I told them they were ignored. Have a few Short Bus Specials on this forum it would seem.

Number Two, hopefully in telling them that I ignored them, I won't waste their time either. If someone decided to ignore me, I'd hope they would let me know, just so I never waste my time responding to them. So I give people the courtesy of letting them know they are being ignored. If they still want to waste their time posting to me, that's fine, but they should know I'll never be able to see their post.

Number Three, and this one is more of a nice thought, rather than an actual hope..... I tell them they are ignored, and let them know why they are being ignored.... in the almost entirely vain hope that they'll learn from the consequences of their stupidity, and maybe change.

There are people on my ignore list right now, that have not posted here for over a year, and likely will never come back. When you treat people, and talk to people in such a way that everyone ignores you, you'll suddenly find that no one every responds to any of your posts.

It's because everyone has you on ignore. And you wonder why your isolated, and no one acknowledges you exist. Well it's because everyone has on you ignore. They actually don't know you exist. A few months ago, I was changing my profile information, and happen to click on my ignore list, and there's guys on there that I literally forgot were ever on this forum. And I removed one, and he hadn't posted for over a year. Likely because everyone else ignored him too... and because no one talked or responded to him, he left the forum.

So my rather vain hope is that some people will..... actually learn to not be a worthless waste of forum space, if I tell them why they are being ignored.

But the Bible has a proverb about that.
"Proverbs 17:10 A single rebuke does more for a person of understanding than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool."

Which is to say, wise people usually never end up ignored in the first place. A fool isn't likely to learn anything ever, no matter what the consequences. So I'm not holding my breath on this one.
may he rest in peace...

women can where g-string bikinis on the side of the road hot dog stands, and on public beaches...

Unfortunately.... sadly... he's in judgement now.

Anyway, doesn't that depend on where you are? If he was at the beach, would he still have been arrested?

For example, that wouldn't fly here in Ohio. I know this because we had a sicko shop down on high street, in downtown columbus, and all it was, was a glass window, with a lady doing a dance, and she was wearing a dress. It covered more than a bikini.

Well that government shut that place down, and there was no objection from anyone.

Now I would assume that there are standards clearly laid out by law on what is acceptable in San Diego. Am I wrong on that?
What's interesting about stories like this, is the following:

A man gets arrested for wearing a costume in public that exposes his buttocks to the public, including children.

He is arrested for indecent exposure.

He sues the police for arresting him, loses the lawsuit, and racks up $1 million in legal bills that he can never pay.

So, despondent and hopeless, he commits suicide.

Now, if I told you this story and you thought he was straight, you would all think, "Well, obviously this man is mentally ill and needed help, look at all the self-destructive behavior he engaged in that led up to his suicide."

He should have been involuntarily committed, he should have gotten counseling, he should have gotten medicated, anything to save him.

But no, because he was gay, people accept all this behavior as normal and think,
"well he did all those things because he's gay and that's what gay people do."

This man killing himself after racking up an unpayable debt is a clear case that being gay is a mental illness.
This man killing himself after racking up an unplayable debt is a clear case that being gay is a mental illness.
Look at all my links, that clearly show that homosexuals have higher incidences of mental illness, depression, suicide, and substance abuse.

If homosexuality is LINKED to all these problems, how do you explain it if it is NOT a mental illness?

If you say it is societal disapproval causing all these problems, I don't believe it.

Adulterers are also disapproved by society, but don't have all these problems.
This man killing himself after racking up an unplayable debt is a clear case that being gay is a mental illness.
Look at all my links, that clearly show that homosexuals have higher incidences of mental illness, depression, suicide, and substance abuse.

If homosexuality is LINKED to all these problems, how do you explain it if it is NOT a mental illness?

If you say it is societal disapproval causing all these problems, I don't believe it.

Adulterers are also disapproved by society, but don't have all these problems.

Societal disapproval isn't a cause of all the problems facing the gay community, but I am sure self-righteous and mean-spirited assholes such as yourself don't make it any easier.
This man killing himself after racking up an unplayable debt is a clear case that being gay is a mental illness.
Look at all my links, that clearly show that homosexuals have higher incidences of mental illness, depression, suicide, and substance abuse.

If homosexuality is LINKED to all these problems, how do you explain it if it is NOT a mental illness?

If you say it is societal disapproval causing all these problems, I don't believe it.

Adulterers are also disapproved by society, but don't have all these problems.

Societal disapproval isn't a cause of all the problems facing the gay community, but I am sure self-righteous and mean-spirited assholes such as yourself don't make it any easier.
Don't forget that I offered you a hand of friendship on these issues earlier this year, and you disdainfully slapped it away. You couldn't give up your precious abortions.
Will X Walters who lost San Diego police lawsuit over gay pride arrest is dead in apparent suicide | Daily Mail Online

Maybe our USMB gays can tell us why a gay man should have a right to wear a gladitorial costume that exposes his buttocks on a public street. Apparently, a federal jury disagreed that this was a pressing "gay rights issue" and found for the city of San Diego after he was arrested for indecent exposure. Then, faced with $1 million in legal bills he couldn't pay, this gay rights advocate took the coward's way out and killed himself.

A disgusting waste of life, if you ask me.
I agree. Especially when the Go Fund me thing is now an option. Whatever money was needed could have been gathered that way if he didn't have it already. Just about every kind of person out there will have a "fan base" once the word about their situation is brought to everyone else's attention.

God bless you and the guy's family always!!!

Don't forget that I offered you a hand of friendship on these issues earlier this year, and you disdainfully slapped it away.

I neither want, nor require, your hand in friendship. Why on Earth would I want a sanctimonious prick as an ally?! lol

You couldn't give up your precious abortions.

I am opposed to abortion, but I am glad to I see that we've reached the inevitable part of our conversation where you just make up nonsense about me. Your lies only further expose your obvious superiority complex.
may he rest in peace...

women can where g-string bikinis on the side of the road hot dog stands, and on public beaches...

Unfortunately.... sadly... he's in judgement now.

Anyway, doesn't that depend on where you are? If he was at the beach, would he still have been arrested?

For example, that wouldn't fly here in Ohio. I know this because we had a sicko shop down on high street, in downtown columbus, and all it was, was a glass window, with a lady doing a dance, and she was wearing a dress. It covered more than a bikini.

Well that government shut that place down, and there was no objection from anyone.

Now I would assume that there are standards clearly laid out by law on what is acceptable in San Diego. Am I wrong on that?

those are all of my questions as well...I don't know!

I know when I lived in Florida, there was an issue with the G string bikini girls selling food on the side of the road hot dog stands, people complained it was indecent and funnily, causing traffic jams....and if memory serves me, it was ruled ok in a court memory is fuzzy on the details....

and yes, I do believe it is a State's prerogative or maybe even a city's jurisdiction?

I know there is a town in Vermont that allows nudity on the the local level might actually rule over this?
Don't forget that I offered you a hand of friendship on these issues earlier this year, and you disdainfully slapped it away.

I neither want, nor require, your hand in friendship. Why on Earth would I want a sanctimonious prick as an ally?! lol

You couldn't give up your precious abortions.

I am opposed to abortion, but I am glad to I see that we've reached the inevitable part of our conversation where you just make up nonsense about me. Your lies only further expose your obvious superiority complex.
Your side supports abortion, and you lend aid to your side. Do not think you can stand idly by and watch people on your side support abortion, say nothing, and I will let you off.
Hetero and Homo are born in the womb and not learned after birth.
Hetero and Homo are born in the womb and not learned after birth.
There's really no proof of that, or you would have linked to it.

I have a photographic memory and remember anything and everything that gets my interest. A medical study proved that many years ago and I don't have the ability to give a link, hell I can't copy and paste so just take my statement as undisputed fact.
Hetero and Homo are born in the womb and not learned after birth.
There's really no proof of that, or you would have linked to it.

I have a photographic memory and remember anything and everything that gets my interest. A medical study proved that many years ago and I don't have the ability to give a link, hell I can't copy and paste so just take my statement as undisputed fact.
That's a pretty lame excuse for not providing a link, and I always provide a link, so that's a rule if you want people to believe what you say.
Hetero and Homo are born in the womb and not learned after birth.
There's really no proof of that, or you would have linked to it.

I have a photographic memory and remember anything and everything that gets my interest. A medical study proved that many years ago and I don't have the ability to give a link, hell I can't copy and paste so just take my statement as undisputed fact.
That's a pretty lame excuse for not providing a link, and I always provide a link, so that's a rule if you want people to believe what you say.

I can't spell the word but testersone is also naturally produced by women bearing a fetus. If the woman has more of that natural chemical then a fag is born. A woman with a high natural estrogen level then a straight is born. QED
I don't know what causes homosexuality and frankly, I don't care. What's important to me is that it was once recognized as a psychological problem, but then it was taken out of the DSM because of political pressure applied, not because there was some sort of scientific revelation.

So people who are homosexual can't get help, because psychologists aren't allowed to treat it as a problem that needs treatment.

I'm not saying homosexuality can be cured, but I do believe homosexuals could benefit from treatment that would make it easier for them to deal with all their problems that go along with being homosexual, like increased chances of other mental illness, depression, suicide, and substance abuse.

And I am called a homophobe for saying that homosexuals need help for their problems, that's how twisted the radical LGBT agenda is. It's twisted and evil.

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