Gay Marriage Fails In Maine

Actually, thats an opinion, Lollipop.

And marriage has worked well, in my opinion. You hold yours. Nobody will ever be able to articulate what you consider to be a "good argument" You are too self-absorbed. And more than a bit light in the loafers.

Actually, I provided a fact while you state opinions, so who's self absorbed? I cited divorce rates. You're citing.....nothing.

Ok. 50% of marriages do not end in divorce (assuming your "facts" are not merely guesses)
lol and that alludes to it being a success??? :lol:
Dismissively because I've argued them all in-depth over the years and it all ended up being (as you're seeing with pickledick) veiled bigotry.

I like the 14th amendment, that's a good argument. I also like the word "freedom." I think that gays being married doesn't harm society in any way I've eva eva eva eva seen proven, and so discriminating against them (in terms of the legal contract) to me, is based on bigotry or religion. If anyone can show another reason that is actually substanciated through study or 1 + 1 = 2 logic, I'll look into it.

PickledPunk's colorful language aside, gay marriage advocates always use the most egregious examples of dissent with gay marriage to broadly dismiss everyone. I don't buy for one second that "it all ended up being veiled bigotry".

How does the 14A have anything to do with gay marriage? Gay marriage is a fairly novel concept, and there's no way people can "prove" that it harms society. People can argue it, but it's easy to simply not care. It's all a matter of perspective, and you're asking people to objectively prove your perspective wrong. That's never going to happen, because neither perspectives are mired in absolute objectivity.

Whatever about discrimination and legal contracts and bigotry. You're using how you feel about gays as your guiding principle for how you feel about gay marriage, and you figure that's all those opposed to it consider as well. There's no right to government recognition of your relationship, and trying to hide the fact that that's your actual assertion behind stuff like "legal contracts" isn't going to work. I doubt it's bigotry and religion that's behind the reticence to alter the definition of marriage. That might be apart of it, but it's also a cop-out. In any issue, there are people with basest motives.

lol this is a bunch of blah. Seriously, it really is. You're living in a Country where Slavery, women's right, etc. for equality were all good things, and you can't come up with a reason not to allow Gays to have a legal relationship. (currently it's inequality). And yea, it means something when you can't show a harm on society. It means that there's no justification for said inequality. You sure as shit haven't shown me one.

Why justify an inequality that does not exist?
PickledPunk's colorful language aside, gay marriage advocates always use the most egregious examples of dissent with gay marriage to broadly dismiss everyone. I don't buy for one second that "it all ended up being veiled bigotry".

How does the 14A have anything to do with gay marriage? Gay marriage is a fairly novel concept, and there's no way people can "prove" that it harms society. People can argue it, but it's easy to simply not care. It's all a matter of perspective, and you're asking people to objectively prove your perspective wrong. That's never going to happen, because neither perspectives are mired in absolute objectivity.

Whatever about discrimination and legal contracts and bigotry. You're using how you feel about gays as your guiding principle for how you feel about gay marriage, and you figure that's all those opposed to it consider as well. There's no right to government recognition of your relationship, and trying to hide the fact that that's your actual assertion behind stuff like "legal contracts" isn't going to work. I doubt it's bigotry and religion that's behind the reticence to alter the definition of marriage. That might be apart of it, but it's also a cop-out. In any issue, there are people with basest motives.

lol this is a bunch of blah. Seriously, it really is. You're living in a Country where Slavery, women's right, etc. for equality were all good things, and you can't come up with a reason not to allow Gays to have a legal relationship. (currently it's inequality). And yea, it means something when you can't show a harm on society. It means that there's no justification for said inequality. You sure as shit haven't shown me one.

LOL, this is what I mean when I say it's silly for people who claim to be for gay marriage "because they haven't seen a good argument against it" to say that. Yeah, it's a bunch of "blah" because you're waiting on me to beg at your lap to not support gay marriage, and you aren't going to change your mind, and I'm sure as hell not going to beg you.

Most of the arguments for gay marriage are pretty bad, too. But that doesn't matter since you believe them, right? LOL.

No the arguments aren't bad, they're American. Equality.

If you don't believe in it, I can see why you think it a bad argument.
Actually, I provided a fact while you state opinions, so who's self absorbed? I cited divorce rates. You're citing.....nothing.

Ok. 50% of marriages do not end in divorce (assuming your "facts" are not merely guesses)
lol and that alludes to it being a success??? :lol:

sure. Thats a lot of good marriages, and does not even begin to account for all of the successful marriages. It only states that some dont work.
Number 2 is simply not true in a single case of incest. And if you are going to argue number 2 then what is your position on those currently allowed to produce offspring that have known defective genies some with an incident rate of 50 percent or more? Should they be barred from marrying?

Sure ... if they are going to ban people who cannot create offspring from marriage, then all who produce poor offspring should be as well. ;)

Trying to change or ignore the question I see. Your entire argument on why Gays should be allowed to marry applies to Incestuous couples but you do not like that so resort to ignoring the argument or trying to change it.

No, I answered the question, you just changed it ... again. I said:

1. It's illegal prior to marriage, so they cannot get that far anyway.

2. The offspring they produce are known to be forced to suffer because of physical and mental defects.

Since neither applies to gay couples, the connection you are making is 100% ignorant, wrong, or dishonest.
lol this is a bunch of blah. Seriously, it really is. You're living in a Country where Slavery, women's right, etc. for equality were all good things, and you can't come up with a reason not to allow Gays to have a legal relationship. (currently it's inequality). And yea, it means something when you can't show a harm on society. It means that there's no justification for said inequality. You sure as shit haven't shown me one.

LOL, this is what I mean when I say it's silly for people who claim to be for gay marriage "because they haven't seen a good argument against it" to say that. Yeah, it's a bunch of "blah" because you're waiting on me to beg at your lap to not support gay marriage, and you aren't going to change your mind, and I'm sure as hell not going to beg you.

Most of the arguments for gay marriage are pretty bad, too. But that doesn't matter since you believe them, right? LOL.

No the arguments aren't bad, they're American. Equality.

If you don't believe in it, I can see why you think it a bad argument.

We are all equally free to marry. None of us has the right to marry anyone we want.
LOL, this is what I mean when I say it's silly for people who claim to be for gay marriage "because they haven't seen a good argument against it" to say that. Yeah, it's a bunch of "blah" because you're waiting on me to beg at your lap to not support gay marriage, and you aren't going to change your mind, and I'm sure as hell not going to beg you.

Most of the arguments for gay marriage are pretty bad, too. But that doesn't matter since you believe them, right? LOL.

No the arguments aren't bad, they're American. Equality.

If you don't believe in it, I can see why you think it a bad argument.

We are all equally free to marry. None of us has the right to marry anyone we want.

I wouldn't get too cocky about the divorce rate with hetero couples. I don't know how many studies have been done on divorce with gay marriages in the U.S., but in Denmark and Sweden they have divorced at higher rates than heterosexual couples, and before somebody mentions MA having the lowest divorce rate in the country since they legalized gay marriage, I'll just add that MA also has some of the toughest divorce laws in the country. It's hard to dissolve a marriage in MA...for everyone. But there's no reason to believe that the rate of successful gay couples will be any higher than the rate of heterosexual couples.
I'm a lollipop, then you can suck me, pussy. Upstate NY is where I reside, love.

Does your wife know you go online and ask other men to suck you?

Does your husband know you use petnames like lollipop for internet crushes?

I have no internet crush. nor a husband. But you DID go online and ask another man to suck you. You can call me gay all you want. Doesn't make it so. But you did ask for a gay sex act.
No the arguments aren't bad, they're American. Equality.

If you don't believe in it, I can see why you think it a bad argument.

We are all equally free to marry. None of us has the right to marry anyone we want.


Not, it's Absolutely Accurate.

Everyone has the Same Ability to Marry the Opposite Sex.

Noone is Allowed to Marry MORE than one, Children, Close Relatives, Animals or the Same Gender.

Marriage is Distinct in that it Reflects why we are even Typing into this Website.

If People Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Couple outside of what Created them, they are FREE to do so...

They are NOT Free to Demand that Society Embrace it, Acknowledge or give it False Validation in Marriage as Equal to something it Factually is NOT Equal to.


I wouldn't get too cocky about the divorce rate with hetero couples. I don't know how many studies have been done on divorce with gay marriages in the U.S., but in Denmark and Sweden they have divorced at higher rates than heterosexual couples, and before somebody mentions MA having the lowest divorce rate in the country since they legalized gay marriage, I'll just add that MA also has some of the toughest divorce laws in the country. It's hard to dissolve a marriage in MA...for everyone. But there's no reason to believe that the rate of successful gay couples will be any higher than the rate of heterosexual couples.

The fact is, the success rates shouldn't apply. That's the whole point of citing the divorce rate, simply to show that if you're going to call an institution a great success, you sorta need a basis for saying so.

I mean, really. You can say they're (gays) aren't discriminated against, but they are. They're not allowed to affirm their Relationship legally and achieve the same legal benefits straights are. That's not equality, and there's no reason provided to date that's a logical one, the fact that we dismiss them doesn't mean they were "good" but we're "closed minded," it simply means they don't fly in the realm of logic.

Your taboos are like really really dark glasses. They make it hard to see. Anyone opposing your point of view, you're calling them closed minded, that, in-turn, is closed mindedness. :cuckoo:
lol this is a bunch of blah. Seriously, it really is. You're living in a Country where Slavery, women's right, etc. for equality were all good things, and you can't come up with a reason not to allow Gays to have a legal relationship. (currently it's inequality). And yea, it means something when you can't show a harm on society. It means that there's no justification for said inequality. You sure as shit haven't shown me one.

LOL, this is what I mean when I say it's silly for people who claim to be for gay marriage "because they haven't seen a good argument against it" to say that. Yeah, it's a bunch of "blah" because you're waiting on me to beg at your lap to not support gay marriage, and you aren't going to change your mind, and I'm sure as hell not going to beg you.

Most of the arguments for gay marriage are pretty bad, too. But that doesn't matter since you believe them, right? LOL.

No the arguments aren't bad, they're American. Equality.

If you don't believe in it, I can see why you think it a bad argument.

I can see I'm dealing with a mental midget here, so I'll leave you alone.
We are all equally free to marry. None of us has the right to marry anyone we want.


Not, it's Absolutely Accurate.

Everyone has the Same Ability to Marry the Opposite Sex.

Noone is Allowed to Marry MORE than one, Children, Close Relatives, Animals or the Same Gender.

Marriage is Distinct in that it Reflects why we are even Typing into this Website.

If People Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Couple outside of what Created them, they are FREE to do so...

They are NOT Free to Demand that Society Embrace it, Acknowledge or give it False Validation in Marriage as Equal to something it Factually is NOT Equal to.



NO. Sex does. Not marriage.

:lol: @ it not being "factually" equally. Who's keeping score? Jesus? Procreation does not equal marriage.
Those so against gay marriage, how would you feel if the government arranged marriages, you would have no choice in the matter ... they would tell you who you will marry.
A fine record showing how SERIOUSLY straight couples really take marriage. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

You already know my beliefs regarding this topic of discussion so I won't go into that, but using the argument that since 50% of marriages end in divorce it means straight couples don't take marriage seriously doesn't really wash. How many of those marriages are second, third, fourth etc marriages? What is the percentage of straight people that get divorced? Regardless of the percentage of that last question it is too high. How many gay people who married someone of the opposite sex for convenience sake ended up divorcing? It happens.

Just because someone is straight does not mean they believe in the sandtity of marriage.

But more important, IMHO, to your argument is how many people who argue against gay marriage because it destroys the sanctity of marriage are divorced?

people know what they want and what they dont want, and they are not buying that this is about civil rights.

Homophobes don't have the first fucking clue about Civil Rights. If they did they would not be so homophobic and anti-American and most definitely not so anti-Jesus.
I wouldn't get too cocky about the divorce rate with hetero couples. I don't know how many studies have been done on divorce with gay marriages in the U.S., but in Denmark and Sweden they have divorced at higher rates than heterosexual couples, and before somebody mentions MA having the lowest divorce rate in the country since they legalized gay marriage, I'll just add that MA also has some of the toughest divorce laws in the country. It's hard to dissolve a marriage in MA...for everyone. But there's no reason to believe that the rate of successful gay couples will be any higher than the rate of heterosexual couples.

The fact is, the success rates shouldn't apply. That's the whole point of citing the divorce rate, simply to show that if you're going to call an institution a great success, you sorta need a basis for saying so.

I mean, really. You can say they're (gays) aren't discriminated against, but they are. They're not allowed to affirm their Relationship legally and achieve the same legal benefits straights are. That's not equality, and there's no reason provided to date that's a logical one, the fact that we dismiss them doesn't mean they were "good" but we're "closed minded," it simply means they don't fly in the realm of logic.

Your taboos are like really really dark glasses. They make it hard to see. Anyone opposing your point of view, you're calling them closed minded, that, in-turn, is closed mindedness. :cuckoo:

you supplied the basis for marriage being a sucksess.

And a man and two women cant affirm their relationship any more than you and your gloryhole lover can. But so what? You can still get married.

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