Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama

Well since gay marriage and single parenthood have less than nothing to do with each've kinda painted yourself into a corner on this one.

You've claimed that a child has a natural right to be raised by its actual parents. But you don't object to straight adoptive parents, or an infertile straight couple using a sperm donor to IVF up a kid. Demonstrating your 'natural right to be raised by its actual parents' claim to be irrelevant to you.

A dozen or so studies show that children of same sex parents are fine. And you ignore them.

So what? Its not like anything changes just because you close your eyes.

I do and I am. Which is why I'm supporting gay rights. And take a private delight in every state where gay marriage is recognized. I dig liberty and equality.

They should start handing out marriage licences in Alabama in about........6 hours.
Homo marriage and single parenthood both lack the other necessary gender parent.
"Necessary", what do you think should be done about that?
First, the need for both genders needs to be pointed out more. Tough to do when obfuscated by homo and race agendas. Then homo marriage and single parenting by choice need to be stifled by pointing to the damage that unstructured families has done. After that things should take care of themselves.

Gay marriage is not part of the "unstructured marriage" claim that you are making. It is every bit as structured as a straight marriage.
Anything devoid of a mother and father is unstructured. Creating a child rearing situation that is unstructured intentionally is child abuse.
Then you better come and get me, cause I am a single parent...
Gay Palm Springs

Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.
Palm Springs is 50% gay? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Maybe during the formerly known as Dinah Shore Golf Tourney it is.[/QUOTE]e

The Dinah Shore Golf Tournament is not in Palm Springs.

And yep, while you were sleeping, Palm Springs became gay. I guess when you post it has all been emotion, not based on fact or things you actually know, if that why you tried to have me say something derogatory about your daughter by bringing her into the thread? Here is the post again, More than 50% as I say.

Gay Palm Springs

There is something truly special about Gay Palm Springs beyond its beautiful oasis setting in the Southern California dessert. In recent years, Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.
Actually everything you just stated is false.

Pride Parades are as popular or more popular as before.
Palm Springs is still a very popular destination.
Palm Springs is not majority gay.
Disneyland attendance on 'gay days' is better than normal.
There has not been a 'gay issue' California ballots since 2008.
Californians attitude towards homosexuals has done nothing but improve

Actually, its easy for all to see, syriusly is ignorant.

Gay Palm Springs

There is something truly special about Gay Palm Springs beyond its beautiful oasis setting in the Southern California dessert. In recent years, Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.

Since 2003 syphilis has been rising among the gays of Palm Springs which is why tourism has moved to Rancho Mirage.
Trouble for the CCBC in Cathedral City.
Here is the thing- I understand that you believe that NY law is unconstitutional.

But without the Federal courts having jurisidiction- you have no recourse at all- New York could pass laws telling you to turn in all of your firearms at the nearest police station- and you would have no legal recourse.

So what is the recourse in your case? Going to court. If the courts disagree- well then they disagree with you- like the State of NY disagrees with you regarding the constitutionality of the law. You can attempt to appeal this all the way to the Supreme Court- which has overturned many gun laws. But if the SOTC disagrees- well then you have had your day in court- and under our Constitution you have to live with the law.

The recourse in the case of any level of government asking people to turn in all their firearms is armed resistance, because a government that demands gun confiscation knows it will result in bloodshed is 1) asking for a fight anyway) and 2) cannot be trusted with anything else.

What should happen in politicians who pass laws declared unconstitutional should be prosecuted as criminals.
But that does happen occasionally. That is what the courts are determine constitutionality. Keep in mind, in some states, like CA, it is the people who vote in UNconstitutional laws....such as Prop 8 and earlier Prop 186.

Only unconstitutional due to an activist court that overstepped its bounds.

There is no end to this argument between us. You think the constitution means whatever suits you at the moment, and I do not.

Translation: A court that made a constitutional decision you didn't like.

No, a court MADE up something that I do not oppose to on it face, but I do oppose HOW it was allowed to happen.
So you oppose our checks and balances as written in the U.S. Constitution. Share with us your Constitutional Law background.
The Daily Fix Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama - Yahoo News

Tomorrow Alabama is open for marriage equality.

This is good, this is American, this is our values.

Those who don't like it, I have a hint: don't marry someone of your own sex.
Since you homo marriage proponents like to misuse the word equality so much, I have one question for you to answer; why should the general public be forced by law to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking? Simple question. What's your answer?
The answer is that is regulating marriage. You don't like it, don't marry someone who looks like you.
You didn't answer my question. You just made a detached comment. Why should the public be forced to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking?
Probably for the same reason it subsidizes male on female buttfucking as long as it is done within a marriage. And it does.
But that provides the option of hetero intercourse that creates babies. Homos don't.

Sorry you are confused by the biology.

buttfucking- whether by male to a female or male to a male- will never create babies.

Nor should the State be subsidizing any sex of any kind.

At most, the State should be supporting relationships between couples that benefit the state.
Actually everything you just stated is false.

Pride Parades are as popular or more popular as before.
Palm Springs is still a very popular destination.
Palm Springs is not majority gay.
Disneyland attendance on 'gay days' is better than normal.
There has not been a 'gay issue' California ballots since 2008.
Californians attitude towards homosexuals has done nothing but improve

Actually, its easy for all to see, syriusly is ignorant.

Gay Palm Springs

There is something truly special about Gay Palm Springs beyond its beautiful oasis setting in the Southern California dessert. In recent years, Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.

Since 2003 syphilis has been rising among the gays of Palm Springs which is why tourism has moved to Rancho Mirage.
You, of course, have links to show that to be something besides another one of your lies, right?

STDs in Valley teens on the rise News - Home
STDs in Valley teens on the rise
Gay Palm Springs

Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.
Palm Springs is 50% gay? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Maybe during the formerly known as Dinah Shore Golf Tourney it is.

The Dinah Shore Golf Tournament is not in Palm Springs.

And yep, while you were sleeping, Palm Springs became gay. I guess when you post it has all been emotion, not based on fact or things you actually know, if that why you tried to have me say something derogatory about your daughter by bringing her into the thread? Here is the post again, More than 50% as I say.

Gay Palm Springs

There is something truly special about Gay Palm Springs beyond its beautiful oasis setting in the Southern California dessert. In recent years, Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.
The Dinah Shore doesn't exist's called something else...but it sure was/is in Palm Springs. But...DO tell me more about where I live, eh?
The Daily Fix Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama - Yahoo News

Tomorrow Alabama is open for marriage equality.

This is good, this is American, this is our values.

Those who don't like it, I have a hint: don't marry someone of your own sex.
You are right, America is becoming the new Sodom. That is why many of us and the European Right are aligning with Russia

Oh- with Russia?

Russia- such a paragon of virtue......such a shining example of Democracy and lets not forget how dedicated Russia is to personal rights....well of the oligarchy.

Why am I not surprised that you are a Russia fan.
Russia actually puts it's corrupt oligarchs in jail. Whereas in the US they control both your parties and thus your elections. American democracy is by and for finance capital.

LOL- yes Russia puts its oligarchs in jail- when they fall out of favor with Putin.
The reason he is despised by the West is because he undermine their privatization project under Yeltsin where the nation's wealth was looted and concentrated in the hands of a few pro us oligarchs. Putin is popular among Russians because he in turn created a program of prosperity for regular people and brought up the living standard which collapsed for the regular person after the fall of the ussr. America despises that Putin turned this tide and made Russia an independent state with a Independent economy from the global neo liberal system Instead of being an impoverished US client state for privatization.

Considering your elections on both sides are controlled by wall street and the .1% continue to see all the gains while very one else's standard of living and wealth declines, you are in no position to attack them as corrupt as you support a far worse system
Homo marriage and single parenthood both lack the other necessary gender parent.
"Necessary", what do you think should be done about that?
First, the need for both genders needs to be pointed out more. Tough to do when obfuscated by homo and race agendas. Then homo marriage and single parenting by choice need to be stifled by pointing to the damage that unstructured families has done. After that things should take care of themselves.

Gay marriage is not part of the "unstructured marriage" claim that you are making. It is every bit as structured as a straight marriage.
Anything devoid of a mother and father is unstructured. Creating a child rearing situation that is unstructured intentionally is child abuse.
Then you better come and get me, cause I am a single parent...
By choice?
Actually everything you just stated is false.

Pride Parades are as popular or more popular as before.
Palm Springs is still a very popular destination.
Palm Springs is not majority gay.
Disneyland attendance on 'gay days' is better than normal.
There has not been a 'gay issue' California ballots since 2008.
Californians attitude towards homosexuals has done nothing but improve

Actually, its easy for all to see, syriusly is ignorant.

Gay Palm Springs

There is something truly special about Gay Palm Springs beyond its beautiful oasis setting in the Southern California dessert. In recent years, Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.

Since 2003 syphilis has been rising among the gays of Palm Springs which is why tourism has moved to Rancho Mirage.
You, of course, have links to show that to be something besides another one of your lies, right?

STDs in Valley teens on the rise News - Home
STDs in Valley teens on the rise
"Valley teens" = "gays" now?
No, I also object to those who 'choose' to raise children as single parents.

Well since gay marriage and single parenthood have less than nothing to do with each've kinda painted yourself into a corner on this one.

You've claimed that a child has a natural right to be raised by its actual parents. But you don't object to straight adoptive parents, or an infertile straight couple using a sperm donor to IVF up a kid. Demonstrating your 'natural right to be raised by its actual parents' claim to be irrelevant to you.

The empirical data demonstrates clearly that kids need to be raised by a mother and a father, not one or two of either but one of each, preferably those two specific people who actually create the kid.

A dozen or so studies show that children of same sex parents are fine. And you ignore them.

So what? Its not like anything changes just because you close your eyes.

Pay attention and move forward.

I do and I am. Which is why I'm supporting gay rights. And take a private delight in every state where gay marriage is recognized. I dig liberty and equality.

They should start handing out marriage licences in Alabama in about........6 hours.
Homo marriage and single parenthood both lack the other necessary gender parent.
"Necessary", what do you think should be done about that?
First, the need for both genders needs to be pointed out more. Tough to do when obfuscated by homo and race agendas. Then homo marriage and single parenting by choice need to be stifled by pointing to the damage that unstructured families has done. After that things should take care of themselves.
Well then. You get right on that. :lol:
No, I also object to those who 'choose' to raise children as single parents.

Well since gay marriage and single parenthood have less than nothing to do with each've kinda painted yourself into a corner on this one.

You've claimed that a child has a natural right to be raised by its actual parents. But you don't object to straight adoptive parents, or an infertile straight couple using a sperm donor to IVF up a kid. Demonstrating your 'natural right to be raised by its actual parents' claim to be irrelevant to you.

The empirical data demonstrates clearly that kids need to be raised by a mother and a father, not one or two of either but one of each, preferably those two specific people who actually create the kid.

A dozen or so studies show that children of same sex parents are fine. And you ignore them.

So what? Its not like anything changes just because you close your eyes.

Pay attention and move forward.

I do and I am. Which is why I'm supporting gay rights. And take a private delight in every state where gay marriage is recognized. I dig liberty and equality.

They should start handing out marriage licences in Alabama in about........6 hours.
Homo marriage and single parenthood both lack the other necessary gender parent.
"Necessary", what do you think should be done about that?
First, the need for both genders needs to be pointed out more. Tough to do when obfuscated by homo and race agendas. Then homo marriage and single parenting by choice need to be stifled by pointing to the damage that unstructured families has done. After that things should take care of themselves.
Well then. You get right on that. :lol:
And you just keep on contributing to the delinquency of society like a good conservative.
"Necessary", what do you think should be done about that?
First, the need for both genders needs to be pointed out more. Tough to do when obfuscated by homo and race agendas. Then homo marriage and single parenting by choice need to be stifled by pointing to the damage that unstructured families has done. After that things should take care of themselves.

Gay marriage is not part of the "unstructured marriage" claim that you are making. It is every bit as structured as a straight marriage.
Anything devoid of a mother and father is unstructured. Creating a child rearing situation that is unstructured intentionally is child abuse. want the government to do what about that?
Not grant legal status to homo marriage

Because that way their children will not have married parents.

What a great plan- preventing children being raised by homosexual parents from having married parents!

That will be certain to solve societal problems.
Gay Palm Springs

Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.
Palm Springs is 50% gay? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Maybe during the formerly known as Dinah Shore Golf Tourney it is.

The Dinah Shore Golf Tournament is not in Palm Springs.

And yep, while you were sleeping, Palm Springs became gay. I guess when you post it has all been emotion, not based on fact or things you actually know, if that why you tried to have me say something derogatory about your daughter by bringing her into the thread? Here is the post again, More than 50% as I say.

Gay Palm Springs

There is something truly special about Gay Palm Springs beyond its beautiful oasis setting in the Southern California dessert. In recent years, Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well since gay marriage and single parenthood have less than nothing to do with each've kinda painted yourself into a corner on this one.

You've claimed that a child has a natural right to be raised by its actual parents. But you don't object to straight adoptive parents, or an infertile straight couple using a sperm donor to IVF up a kid. Demonstrating your 'natural right to be raised by its actual parents' claim to be irrelevant to you.

A dozen or so studies show that children of same sex parents are fine. And you ignore them.

So what? Its not like anything changes just because you close your eyes.

I do and I am. Which is why I'm supporting gay rights. And take a private delight in every state where gay marriage is recognized. I dig liberty and equality.

They should start handing out marriage licences in Alabama in about........6 hours.
Homo marriage and single parenthood both lack the other necessary gender parent.
"Necessary", what do you think should be done about that?
First, the need for both genders needs to be pointed out more. Tough to do when obfuscated by homo and race agendas. Then homo marriage and single parenting by choice need to be stifled by pointing to the damage that unstructured families has done. After that things should take care of themselves.
Well then. You get right on that. :lol:
And you just keep on contributing to the delinquency of society like a good conservative.
How? By being legally married?
Since you homo marriage proponents like to misuse the word equality so much, I have one question for you to answer; why should the general public be forced by law to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking? Simple question. What's your answer?
The answer is that is regulating marriage. You don't like it, don't marry someone who looks like you.
You didn't answer my question. You just made a detached comment. Why should the public be forced to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking?
Probably for the same reason it subsidizes male on female buttfucking as long as it is done within a marriage. And it does.
But that provides the option of hetero intercourse that creates babies. Homos don't.

Sorry you are confused by the biology.

buttfucking- whether by male to a female or male to a male- will never create babies.

Nor should the State be subsidizing any sex of any kind.

At most, the State should be supporting relationships between couples that benefit the state.
That would be traditional heterosexual couples with moral values, a trait gays lack.
But what is the harm of the 'homosexual lifestyle'....which is apparently everyday life. Eating lunch. Going to get the carwashed. Going to birthday parties. Watching a movie. While gay.

What about any of that is abusive?

Yeah, you're still stuck at square 1 with the whole 'abuse' angle. You've never been able to factually establish it. And I'm still chuckling about your claim to speak for 99% of all people. And 100% of all children.
Eating is not a lifestyle, Washing the car is not a lifestyle. Watching movies is not a lifestyle.

You simply can not bring yourself to telling the truth or including anything remotely relating to homosexuality into your narrative.

Then you must cherry pick my post to another and add it to your quote, as if we are having that particular discussion, again why can you not be truthful?

You do not think 100% of all children want a mother and a father?
You have to show us any 3 year olds who are forced to be homosexual. That would definitely be child abuse of the highest order. Other than that, you are full of it.

How do you feel about 3 year olds being adopted into a fundamental christianity lifestyle? Or about 3 year olds being adopted into a rich lifestyle. Or 3 year olds being adopted into a Kansas farm lifestyle?
I do not have to show you anything, I have been using you as an example to others, to the reader of the threads who never posts.

Anybody reading your post I am responding to will see that you have no logical response.

I never ever said or implied that 3 year old orphans are being raped by homosexuals.

If you have all the facts, why make things up? did not attempt to speak for children being adopted by gay couples? Yes or no.
Adoption is my biggest concern of legal homo marriage. A kid being denied the opportunity to be raised by the ideal circumstance all because of selfish, counterproductive homo politics. Cruel.

Oh lets look at the facts again- and the facts are cruel

In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. 101,666 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 32% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.

You think having kids languish in foster care, waiting for what you consider to be 'the ideal circumstance' is preferable to allowing the child to be adopted by a single parent or a homosexual couple- now that is cruel

In 2012, 23,396 youth aged out of the U.S. foster care system without the emotional and financial support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant.

You think kids aging out of the system- to live on the streets- is preferable to allowing these kids to be adopted by single parents or homosexual parents- now that is really cruel.

Facts and Statistics

The vast majority of these children were born- and abandoned- by their biological- and heterosexual parents.

The 'mom and dad' which you consider 'ideal' abandoned these kids.

So you think that the only 'ideal' situation is to make them wait for another 'mom and dad' and to hell with how many years it takes or if they end up being abandoned by the that is cruel.

The recourse in the case of any level of government asking people to turn in all their firearms is armed resistance, because a government that demands gun confiscation knows it will result in bloodshed is 1) asking for a fight anyway) and 2) cannot be trusted with anything else.

What should happen in politicians who pass laws declared unconstitutional should be prosecuted as criminals.
But that does happen occasionally. That is what the courts are determine constitutionality. Keep in mind, in some states, like CA, it is the people who vote in UNconstitutional laws....such as Prop 8 and earlier Prop 186.

Only unconstitutional due to an activist court that overstepped its bounds.

There is no end to this argument between us. You think the constitution means whatever suits you at the moment, and I do not.

Translation: A court that made a constitutional decision you didn't like.

No, a court MADE up something that I do not oppose to on it face, but I do oppose HOW it was allowed to happen.
So you oppose our checks and balances as written in the U.S. Constitution. Share with us your Constitutional Law background.

Where is the check/balance on the courts? It used to be the amendment process but that is next to impossible to bring about nowadays, so basically we have 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers creating new law.

I don't need a constitutional law background to talk about the constitution, I'm a fucking american.
But that does happen occasionally. That is what the courts are determine constitutionality. Keep in mind, in some states, like CA, it is the people who vote in UNconstitutional laws....such as Prop 8 and earlier Prop 186.

Only unconstitutional due to an activist court that overstepped its bounds.

There is no end to this argument between us. You think the constitution means whatever suits you at the moment, and I do not.

Translation: A court that made a constitutional decision you didn't like.

No, a court MADE up something that I do not oppose to on it face, but I do oppose HOW it was allowed to happen.
So you oppose our checks and balances as written in the U.S. Constitution. Share with us your Constitutional Law background.

Where is the check/balance on the courts? It used to be the amendment process but that is next to impossible to bring about nowadays, so basically we have 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers creating new law.

I don't need a constitutional law background to talk about the constitution, I'm a fucking american.
List any new law created by the Supreme Court. Any.

And you don't know jack-shit about Constitutional law. However, it does give me a giggle to watch your ignorance on parade.
The answer is that is regulating marriage. You don't like it, don't marry someone who looks like you.
You didn't answer my question. You just made a detached comment. Why should the public be forced to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking?
Probably for the same reason it subsidizes male on female buttfucking as long as it is done within a marriage. And it does.
But that provides the option of hetero intercourse that creates babies. Homos don't.

Sorry you are confused by the biology.

buttfucking- whether by male to a female or male to a male- will never create babies.

Nor should the State be subsidizing any sex of any kind.

At most, the State should be supporting relationships between couples that benefit the state.
That would be traditional heterosexual couples with moral values, a trait gays lack.
Like Newt Gingrich? :lol:

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