Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama

Marriage between two persons of the same gender is now legal in Alabama.

People in love are getting married.

What a wonderful development.

And all that had to happen is a giant shit had to be taken on the US constitution, and the will of the people of the State of Alabama.
You have yet to make any logical post.

You have offered nothing but rather bizarre unsubstantiated claims.

I laughed out loud and hard at that comment, you made all our posts worth it.

How many times have we gone back and forth in this thread alone, dozens?

You have responded dozens of times to posts that are, not logical, unsubstantiated, and bizarre? If true that would make you an idiot.
I for one could not imagine how vile the attacks would become. Outright lies about what I say, stating I am describing sex graphically as well as talking about peoples personal relationships with their daughter. It certainly is a dangerous game, to discuss this with such irrational people.

Seriously, you people must bait people with your family? You must lie about what is buried in the posts? Much of what this conversation should entail is too repulsive to posted. Much of what should be discussed is graphic and disgusting.

Of course the idiots will think that I stated their sexual proclivity is disgusting, what is disgusting is the physiology of how non-sexual organs of the body will be used for sexual gratification.

You have stated some pretty nasty things about gay families and yet you managed to perpetrate yourself as a victim. Well done. It must be terribly hard to type with that cross on your back.
You are a filthy scoundrel of a liar, I did not say one nasty thing about gay families.

You get your but kicked trying to defend the indefensible so you come back lie.

Cross on my back? No, its not hard for me to type at all, actually I can type with great speed, as you notice I have responded to about 50 posts will you finger peck out 1 post.

You consistently run down gay families with unsubstantiated claims and than have the gull to claim that you are being victimized when you get called on it. Then again you believe you speak for 99% of Americans and all children which is just one of the more laughable claims I've ever read here.
Roy Moore is right and federal judges are fools to ignore God's Law.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. - Galatians 6:7

And it is blatantly unconstitutional for Judge Roy Moore to use a single faith to go against the law of the land. This is why he was kicked out of office once before.

And he may well be impeached this time. I, for one, would like to see it.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I still can't get a CCW in NYC unless I prove to the NYPD I "need" one. How is that an example of the courts defending my rights?

Here is the thing- I understand that you believe that NY law is unconstitutional.

But without the Federal courts having jurisidiction- you have no recourse at all- New York could pass laws telling you to turn in all of your firearms at the nearest police station- and you would have no legal recourse.

So what is the recourse in your case? Going to court. If the courts disagree- well then they disagree with you- like the State of NY disagrees with you regarding the constitutionality of the law. You can attempt to appeal this all the way to the Supreme Court- which has overturned many gun laws. But if the SOTC disagrees- well then you have had your day in court- and under our Constitution you have to live with the law.

What should happen in politicians who pass laws declared unconstitutional should be prosecuted as criminals.

And who decides that the law is unconstitutional?

A Supreme Court that follows its Constitutional mandate, not the whims of the Justices own viewpoints.

Sadly we do not have that.
Tell us how much more about Constitutional law you know.....than those Justices. You know they are selected, vetted and approved based on their case history in Constitutional issues, right?

I know what I read, and what I read is not what is being enforced under our current system. But keep laughing while the courts bend people over and fuck them in the ass. Sooner or later it will be your turn. And you will wonder why it's happening.
Roy Moore is right and federal judges are fools to ignore God's Law.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. - Galatians 6:7

And please spare us your fake pious claims. You advocate shooting people based on skin color. You claim you would volunteer to do so if you were terminally ill (thereby showing your own cowardice). You claim blacks are not even humans. And yet you now claim our gov't should follow Christian law? You are the lowest form of hypocrite.
I for one could not imagine how vile the attacks would become. Outright lies about what I say, stating I am describing sex graphically as well as talking about peoples personal relationships with their daughter. It certainly is a dangerous game, to discuss this with such irrational people.

Seriously, you people must bait people with your family? You must lie about what is buried in the posts? Much of what this conversation should entail is too repulsive to posted. Much of what should be discussed is graphic and disgusting.

Of course the idiots will think that I stated their sexual proclivity is disgusting, what is disgusting is the physiology of how non-sexual organs of the body will be used for sexual gratification.

You have stated some pretty nasty things about gay families and yet you managed to perpetrate yourself as a victim. Well done. It must be terribly hard to type with that cross on your back.
You are a filthy scoundrel of a liar, I did not say one nasty thing about gay families.

You get your but kicked trying to defend the indefensible so you come back lie.

Cross on my back? No, its not hard for me to type at all, actually I can type with great speed, as you notice I have responded to about 50 posts will you finger peck out 1 post.

You consistently run down gay families with unsubstantiated claims and than have the gull to claim that you are being victimized when you get called on it. Then again you believe you speak for 99% of Americans and all children which is just one of the more laughable claims I've ever read here.
You consistently lie about what I said, I would of been warned by now, and banned if I continued, if what you state I said, was true.

Homosexual families, is that what you meant to say, Gay simply means happy, while not anymore, you have to take words that mean sunshine and apple pie and apply them to stuff most people do find vile, so much easier to be the deceiver, when one chooses the right thing to say, like same-sex instead of homosexual.
There is just no way to make the people accept the edicts. There are a myriad of ways gays forcing themselves on normal people can have their lives be made absolutely miserable. All while following the letter of the law.
If you feel strongly enough, then go for that last box. I think you will be surprised at the number of people who will be against you. And many of us are quite capable with that box as well.
There are many kinds of ammunition. You just won't be able to fight them all.

As I said. There are myriad ways normals can make the lives of forceful gays absolutely miserable. Isn't that something gays point to when they address the high number of gay suicides? Go. Fight that.

I have and I will continue to do so. The tide has turned and homosexuality is more accepted today than ever before. You are losing. If causing more teens to commit suicide is your goal, you are simply a despicable human being.
That's because once a culture starts on the path of perversion and depravity it doesn't stop until that culture is dead.

Our culture already has gays. They are more accepted now than ever before. Marriage does not change that. Nor will it increase the number of such couples.
Actually, they are less accepted, people are pushing back against the advocates which is hurting the non-advocate homosexuals. There is an increase in bullying in schools, there is a push against pride parades, people are avoiding places like Palm Springs because it is now a majority Gay City. People are careful about going to disneyland on the gay days. People are voting against Gays at the ballot. In California I see a bigger divide than ever, especially when it comes to the mexicans and blacks accepting what is being forced in the schools.

Actually everything you just stated is false.

Pride Parades are as popular or more popular as before.
Palm Springs is still a very popular destination.
Palm Springs is not majority gay.
Disneyland attendance on 'gay days' is better than normal.
There has not been a 'gay issue' California ballots since 2008.
Californians attitude towards homosexuals has done nothing but improve

  • Support is still highest in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles, but it has risen in all regions.
    More than six in 10 residents in the San Francisco Bay Area (73%, up 15 points since 2008) and Los Angeles (64%, up 20 points) favor allowing same-sex marriage. In "other Southern California” (Orange, San Diego, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties), support has increased 14 points to 55% (42% oppose). Central Valley residents are divided on this issue (49% favor, 44% oppose), although support has grown 11 points since 2008.
No, I also object to those who 'choose' to raise children as single parents.

Well since gay marriage and single parenthood have less than nothing to do with each've kinda painted yourself into a corner on this one.

You've claimed that a child has a natural right to be raised by its actual parents. But you don't object to straight adoptive parents, or an infertile straight couple using a sperm donor to IVF up a kid. Demonstrating your 'natural right to be raised by its actual parents' claim to be irrelevant to you.

The empirical data demonstrates clearly that kids need to be raised by a mother and a father, not one or two of either but one of each, preferably those two specific people who actually create the kid.

A dozen or so studies show that children of same sex parents are fine. And you ignore them.

So what? Its not like anything changes just because you close your eyes.

Pay attention and move forward.

I do and I am. Which is why I'm supporting gay rights. And take a private delight in every state where gay marriage is recognized. I dig liberty and equality.

They should start handing out marriage licences in Alabama in about........6 hours.
Homo marriage and single parenthood both lack the other necessary gender parent.
So three year olds get to make such decisions in your world? Most 3 year olds would choose to live with Mickey Mouse.
Now you get it, a 3 year old can not make a decisions about something they have not learned, hence you will be forcing a homosexual lifestyle on that child, a lifestyle they may or may not choose later in life.
But what is the harm of the 'homosexual lifestyle'....which is apparently everyday life. Eating lunch. Going to get the carwashed. Going to birthday parties. Watching a movie. While gay.

What about any of that is abusive?

I knew you would come around.

Yeah, you're still stuck at square 1 with the whole 'abuse' angle. You've never been able to factually establish it. And I'm still chuckling about your claim to speak for 99% of all people. And 100% of all children.
Eating is not a lifestyle, Washing the car is not a lifestyle. Watching movies is not a lifestyle.

You simply can not bring yourself to telling the truth or including anything remotely relating to homosexuality into your narrative.

Then you must cherry pick my post to another and add it to your quote, as if we are having that particular discussion, again why can you not be truthful?

You do not think 100% of all children want a mother and a father?

100% of all children waiting for adoption wants a parent- or parents who commit to raising them with love and emotional and financial support.
Now that is a pretty good lie, how can a orphan want a homosexual parent if you are going to hide that truth from them.

Hell, some orphans do not want to be adopted at all, some do, some want to die, some start doing drugs as teenagers, many become alcoholic, and you on your high horse deny any of that can happen in a homosexual home.
I AM curious why you seem to think the sexuality of adoptive parents must be front and center with a 3 year old child.
You didn't answer my question. You just made a detached comment. Why should the public be forced to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking?

Marriage isn't about sex. As demonstrated by all the infertile and childless folks that are allowed to marry or remain married.

So the entire premise of your argument is invalid. A classic 'when did you stop beating your wife' question.
Then how can homosexual marriage be defined as homosexual marriage if it isn't about homosexuality? Root word, sex.

Its same sex marriage. With sex being a biological designation.
You mean gender. Two male friends who don't have sex with each other don't count as homosexual couple in order to qualify as a homosexual married couple. So it is the sex that makes the determination. Why should everyone be forced by the government to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking?
How do you subsidize it, do you know what subsidize means?
Tax breaks afforded to married couples. That is made up for by everyone else.
Do liberals think it should be a crime for incestuous or polygamous couples to merely attempt to marry? It is, they go to jail for trying to marry unlike gayS. If you use terms like marriage equality you must oppose this or admit you are a liar

No- since the issue is only a strawman raised by those who oppose same sex marriage.

Here is how your side does this:
- homosexual marriage is like incest and polygamy
- no its not.
- if you don't support incest and polygamy and gay marriage you are a hypocrite
  • If someone says: yes I support incest and polygamy- then you and your followers then yell "see just like we told you- they want incest and polygamy'
  • if someone says: no, I don't support incest and polygamy- then you and your followers(who oppose gay marriage) then scream hypocrisy.
But its a strawman- raised by bigots who don't want to deal with the issue of equality for same gender couples.

So in answer to your question: I believe that a same gender couple should be treated legally when it comes to marriage as my wife and I are- that was the question in Alabama, and that is the question the Supreme Court will be addressing.

You can play with your strawman anyway you want- I won't.
The Daily Fix Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama - Yahoo News

Tomorrow Alabama is open for marriage equality.

This is good, this is American, this is our values.

Those who don't like it, I have a hint: don't marry someone of your own sex.
You are right, America is becoming the new Sodom. That is why many of us and the European Right are aligning with Russia

Oh- with Russia?

Russia- such a paragon of virtue......such a shining example of Democracy and lets not forget how dedicated Russia is to personal rights....well of the oligarchy.

Why am I not surprised that you are a Russia fan.
Russia actually puts it's corrupt oligarchs in jail. Whereas in the US they control both your parties and thus your elections. American democracy is by and for finance capital.
Marriage isn't about sex. As demonstrated by all the infertile and childless folks that are allowed to marry or remain married.

So the entire premise of your argument is invalid. A classic 'when did you stop beating your wife' question.
Then how can homosexual marriage be defined as homosexual marriage if it isn't about homosexuality? Root word, sex.

Its same sex marriage. With sex being a biological designation.
You mean gender. Two male friends who don't have sex with each other don't count as homosexual couple in order to qualify as a homosexual married couple. So it is the sex that makes the determination. Why should everyone be forced by the government to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking?
How do you subsidize it, do you know what subsidize means?
Tax breaks afforded to married couples. That is made up for by everyone else.


In all of my years of marriage, my wife and I have paid both less- and more- than an unmarried couple. A few years we actually laughed and talked about the taxes we would save if we divorced before December 31.

Meanwhile- there is no reason not to treat a same gender couple legally exactly like my wife and I are treated.
I for one could not imagine how vile the attacks would become. Outright lies about what I say, stating I am describing sex graphically as well as talking about peoples personal relationships with their daughter. It certainly is a dangerous game, to discuss this with such irrational people.

Seriously, you people must bait people with your family? You must lie about what is buried in the posts? Much of what this conversation should entail is too repulsive to posted. Much of what should be discussed is graphic and disgusting.

Of course the idiots will think that I stated their sexual proclivity is disgusting, what is disgusting is the physiology of how non-sexual organs of the body will be used for sexual gratification.

You have stated some pretty nasty things about gay families and yet you managed to perpetrate yourself as a victim. Well done. It must be terribly hard to type with that cross on your back.
You are a filthy scoundrel of a liar, I did not say one nasty thing about gay families.

You get your but kicked trying to defend the indefensible so you come back lie.

Cross on my back? No, its not hard for me to type at all, actually I can type with great speed, as you notice I have responded to about 50 posts will you finger peck out 1 post.

You consistently run down gay families with unsubstantiated claims and than have the gull to claim that you are being victimized when you get called on it. Then again you believe you speak for 99% of Americans and all children which is just one of the more laughable claims I've ever read here.
You consistently lie about what I said, I would of been warned by now, and banned if I continued, if what you state I said, was true.

Homosexual families, is that what you meant to say, Gay simply means happy, while not anymore, you have to take words that mean sunshine and apple pie and apply them to stuff most people do find vile, so much easier to be the deceiver, when one chooses the right thing to say, like same-sex instead of homosexual.

Most people? lmao Not anymore!!

from: More Americans Accepting Of Gays And Lesbians Gallup Poll Finds
"With young adults by far the most tolerant of homosexuality -- among those 18 to 29 years old, 73 percent support same-sex marriage -- the trend seems more likely to accelerate than reverse."

from: Poll 45 Of Americans Think Homosexuality A Sin But 60 Are Okay With It Anyway Mediaite
"The good, somewhat obvious news is that 72% of Americans see legal recognition of same-sex marriage as inevitable, including 85% of marriage equality supporters, and 59% of opponents. That 72% total is up from 59% in 2004, and is likely due to the fact that, as the survey indicates, many more Americans (87%) know gay people (or know that they’re gay) than in the past."

from: Most Say Homosexuality Should Be Accepted By Society Pew Research Center
"While the public is divided over same-sex marriage, a majority of Americans (58%) say that homosexuality should be accepted, rather than discouraged, by society."

So most people think homosexuality should be accepted by society.
The Daily Fix Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama - Yahoo News

Tomorrow Alabama is open for marriage equality.

This is good, this is American, this is our values.

Those who don't like it, I have a hint: don't marry someone of your own sex.
You are right, America is becoming the new Sodom. That is why many of us and the European Right are aligning with Russia

Oh- with Russia?

Russia- such a paragon of virtue......such a shining example of Democracy and lets not forget how dedicated Russia is to personal rights....well of the oligarchy.

Why am I not surprised that you are a Russia fan.
Russia actually puts it's corrupt oligarchs in jail. Whereas in the US they control both your parties and thus your elections. American democracy is by and for finance capital.

LOL- yes Russia puts its oligarchs in jail- when they fall out of favor with Putin.
No, I also object to those who 'choose' to raise children as single parents.

Well since gay marriage and single parenthood have less than nothing to do with each've kinda painted yourself into a corner on this one.

You've claimed that a child has a natural right to be raised by its actual parents. But you don't object to straight adoptive parents, or an infertile straight couple using a sperm donor to IVF up a kid. Demonstrating your 'natural right to be raised by its actual parents' claim to be irrelevant to you.

The empirical data demonstrates clearly that kids need to be raised by a mother and a father, not one or two of either but one of each, preferably those two specific people who actually create the kid.

A dozen or so studies show that children of same sex parents are fine. And you ignore them.

So what? Its not like anything changes just because you close your eyes.

Pay attention and move forward.

I do and I am. Which is why I'm supporting gay rights. And take a private delight in every state where gay marriage is recognized. I dig liberty and equality.

They should start handing out marriage licences in Alabama in about........6 hours.
Homo marriage and single parenthood both lack the other necessary gender parent.
"Necessary", what do you think should be done about that?
The Daily Fix Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama - Yahoo News

Tomorrow Alabama is open for marriage equality.

This is good, this is American, this is our values.

Those who don't like it, I have a hint: don't marry someone of your own sex.
Since you homo marriage proponents like to misuse the word equality so much, I have one question for you to answer; why should the general public be forced by law to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking? Simple question. What's your answer?
The answer is that is regulating marriage. You don't like it, don't marry someone who looks like you.
You didn't answer my question. You just made a detached comment. Why should the public be forced to subsidize male-on-male buttfucking?
Probably for the same reason it subsidizes male on female buttfucking as long as it is done within a marriage. And it does.
But that provides the option of hetero intercourse that creates babies. Homos don't.
Actually everything you just stated is false.

Pride Parades are as popular or more popular as before.
Palm Springs is still a very popular destination.
Palm Springs is not majority gay.
Disneyland attendance on 'gay days' is better than normal.
There has not been a 'gay issue' California ballots since 2008.
Californians attitude towards homosexuals has done nothing but improve

Actually, its easy for all to see, syriusly is ignorant.

Gay Palm Springs

There is something truly special about Gay Palm Springs beyond its beautiful oasis setting in the Southern California dessert. In recent years, Palm Springs has experienced a huge influx of new Gay residents and Gay businesses. The Gay population is now estimated at more than 50 percent of the annual resident population. Today the City of Palm Springs has the highest per capita gay population in the US, if not the world.

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