Gay note a hoax

Morales is saying she will still donate the monies given to her to the Wounded Warrior Charity.

This is just unreal.

Morales announced last week she would donate thousands of dollars in gratuities from supporters to the Wounded Warrior Project.

But the wife countered this gesture of apparent good will saying: ' I just felt like people have a right to know that - it's fine if people want to donate to her or to the Wounded Warriors but they're doing it under a false pretense.

Family who 'left gay waitress offensive note instead of a tip' claim it's a hoax | Mail Online
so, I didn't see this posted we go, I'd say this puts Ms. Morales squarely in DB territory.

New Jersey Waitress Also Didn’t Donate the Money She Raised

When we first heard that New Jersey waitress Dana Morales, who claimed a family had stiffed her on a tip and left a homophobic note instead, had made the whole thing up, we tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Morales had claimed she was donating the contributions people sent her in solidarity to the Wounded Warrior Project, so whatever her motive for the hoax, it didn't look financial. But now it seems not even that part was true, as Bridgewater Patch discovered on Thursday (h/t Gawker): "A Wounded Warrior representative checking for donations by her name and the ZIP codes for Bridgewater, where the restaurant is located, and Bedminster, where Morales said she lives, was unable to find any matching donations." If we still wanted to give Morales the benefit of the doubt, we'd point out she could have donated anonymously from elsewhere. But we don't.

N.J. Waitress Didn?t Donate the Money She Raised -- Daily Intelligencer

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