Gay Pete Buttigieg to Pence: If you oppose my sexuality, 'your quarrel, sir, is with my creator'

Oops, looks like someone has never picked up a Bible, or else he'd know that his Creator has expressly condemned homosexuality as unnatural and sinful.
Mayor Buttplug was speaking to a group of LBGT. Of course he would attack VP Pence.

The way to success for Buttplug is to make the entire election about butt fucking. Make LGBT support the litmus test for voters. Yeah, that will do it. Don't mention anything else. It's all about sex.

Porn is free on the internet. You can satisfy your voyeuristic tendencies anytime you want.
Oops, looks like someone has never picked up a Bible, or else he'd know that his Creator has expressly condemned homosexuality as unnatural and sinful.

Doesn't say he wasn't created that way though now does it?

"The creator" said a lot of things were sinful that the created don't pay attention to anymore...Old Testament stuff. What did Jesus say about the gays?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Butt~Gigger should learn to shut his cock holster and shut his hell faceup about a righteous Christian man.

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