Gay Teacher fired

The Church should be able to fire the gay teacher, just as it should be able to fire a woman for getting an abortion.

I should be able to fire churchgoers...but I can't.

Start a religion. Seawytchism. Get the State to recognize your religion. Then fire any employees of your business who are not Seawychists.

Let's lay down the foundation of your church. What are the catechisms of Seawytchery?

Hmmm, now there's an idea...

My religion would require heavy tithing...but the initiations you get with each tithe would be well worth it. All my "clergy" would be recruited from the best "houses of ill repute" from around the world. ;) Care to join? "Donations" are tax deductible.
Couldn't decide where this belongs. Since liberals think this is a political issue I will post it in politics.

Gay Catholic School Teacher Fired for Wedding Plans

The man knew the contract he worked under required him to adhere to the Church's teachings publicly.

Most Churches do not abandon gays just for being gay. And the catholic church is similar. BY going public that he was marrying a man that meant he was actively living the gay life style. The Church does oppose that.

Prior to his public acknowledgement that he was a practicing gay the school and the Church had no problem and the contract held. As soon as he went public he was in violation of Church teachings and beliefs.

I do not see how contacting a lawyer will help. Prior to his announcement he was wedding a man the church had no public record that he was a practicing gay. They could in good faith keep him under the terms of the Contract.

Any civil action would be trying to put the Government in church business. And the 1st Amendment says that can not happen.

well if he was under contract, he's screwed b/c he agreed.

seems harsh though
No, I can't. I'm prohibited by Federal law from firing someone based on their religion.

Churches, however, are exempted and can in fact fire someone for their religious views. And it is obvious why. A catholic church being forced to hire a non-catholic or someone who contradicts their views would be preposterous.

Uh like those protections as long as they're all yours, right married guy?


does someone need a hug?

"Today the Court holds only that the ministerial exception bars an employment discrimination suit brought on behalf of a minister, challenging her church’s decision to fire her. The Court expresses no view on whether the exception bars other types of suits. "​

Since the ministerial exception applies to - ah - ministers, and in this case the teacher was a lay teacher and not functioning as a minister, then employment law may still apply.


No, it does NOT.It is you, who should have read about the case and the grounds it was based on :lol:

The case was almost IDENTICAL - the teacher in Lutheran school fired for a disability reason, which is even much more shaky ground, than CLEAR violation of the Church teachings on the morals. Should this particular teacher remained SILENT on his views - he won't be fired. A DEMONSTRATION of the clear violation of the Catholic Church on homosexuality is in defiance of the rules of employment. A TEACHER in a Catholic School is the same minister as the TEACHER in the Lutheran school.


Sorry you are incorrect for a couple of reasons:

#1 The case isn't closed, as we don't know if there will even be a case.

#2 The SCOTUS case you linked to is about MINISTREL Exceptions to employment law, not about the employment of lay people.​

If you don't believe me I'll let the SCOTUS speak for themselves:

The interest of society in the enforcement of employment
discrimination statutes is undoubtedly important. But so
too is the interest of religious groups in choosing
who will preach their beliefs, teach their faith, and carry
out their mission. When a minister who has been fired
sues her church alleging that her termination was dis-
criminatory, the First Amendment has struck the balance
for us. The church must be free to choose those who will
guide it on its way.
The judgment of the Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit is reversed.
It is so ordered​


yes, I am correct. you fail to understand that teaching the children is not only in the classroom repeating the text, but by your own example as well.
Teacher, who openly marries his gay partner does exactly that - preaches HIS beliefs, teaches his views, and that is in EXACT confrontation with what RCC teaches.
Therefore he should and was fired.
And the School ( or the church) had the Constitutional right to do so.
Case closed.
I'd like to be but I'm prohibited from firing Christians for being Christian.

In other words you are a worker and not in charge of anything, especially your own life because you follow the far left religiously.

In actual words, Federal law prohibits firing based on religion (and gender, race, country of origin, etc.). Not on that Federally protected list? The gheys, despite public approval for such adding them.
In other words you are a worker and not in charge of anything, especially your own life because you follow the far left religiously.

In actual words, Federal law prohibits firing based on religion (and gender, race, country of origin, etc.). Not on that Federally protected list? The gheys, despite public approval for such adding them.

Again that is not true.

Please post this law.
I should be able to fire churchgoers...but I can't.

if you made it part of the employment contract, and you could prove that a person went, you could.

of course you would be out of business in a heartbeat.

Nope, Federal law prohibits it.

I think you have that twisted.

Fed law prohibits you from using religion as a reason to not hire someone.

since it's clear the school canned him post announcement, it seems you can
if you made it part of the employment contract, and you could prove that a person went, you could.

of course you would be out of business in a heartbeat.

Nope, Federal law prohibits it.

I think you have that twisted.

Fed law prohibits you from using religion as a reason to not hire someone.

since it's clear the school canned him post announcement, it seems you can

Here is a perfect example:

A person applies for a job that requires them to work morning and afternoons Thus - Sat. Well they are Jewish and observe the Sabbath. So what is the likelihood that this person gets hired for this job over someone who can work all those days?

On the other hand if said person applies and claims they can work those hours then suddenly pulls the religious card they can be let go as they lied on their application.

The gay person entered into a contract and claimed they would follow the rules and guidelines set forth in the contract. They didn't now they are unemployed.

But since the far left is arguing that contracts are meaningless maybe we should null and void all union contracts, imagine how outraged these far left zealots would be over that.
if you made it part of the employment contract, and you could prove that a person went, you could.

of course you would be out of business in a heartbeat.

Nope, Federal law prohibits it.

I think you have that twisted.

Fed law prohibits you from using religion as a reason to not hire someone.

since it's clear the school canned him post announcement, it seems you can

The Church can legally fire him. PA has no workplace protections for gays and there is no Federal law...besides, the Fed bill has a religious exemption clause.

The church will change through public opinion.
seems clear

Discrimination Law: Hiring & Firing | eHow

Workplace Discrimination Based on Religion -

Sea is right, that school had no right to have that clause in the contract, therefore they owe him money

Churches are specifically exempted from those laws. Separation of church and state?

And from a justice standpoint, why should churches be forced to hire people who contradict or even violate their religion or belong to another religion?

I object personally to any publicly politically active teacher teaching young children. That doesn't seem to be the case with this guy, he was low key. It's too bad, but it is a direct violation of the views of the catholic church. They certainly had the right to fire him legally and ethically.
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seems clear

Discrimination Law: Hiring & Firing | eHow

Workplace Discrimination Based on Religion -

Sea is right, that school had no right to have that clause in the contract, therefore they owe him money

•denying employment opportunities to a person because of marriage to, or association with, an individual of a particular race, religion, national origin, or an individual with a disability. Title VII also prohibits discrimination because of participation in schools or places of worship associated with a particular racial, ethnic, or religious group.

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