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Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews

P F Tinmore, et al,

Ah, yes. The "blockade." One might ask, what purpose does it serve? Is it a lawful purpose? What is the intent and does it have in basis in customary law and history.

We need to examine the whole story.

A blockade is an act of war. The Palestinians were defending themselves as international law allows.

Most Respectfully,

That linked document is titled "Measures to eliminate international terrorism."

Hamas does not operate outside Palestine's borders and does not attack protected persons as defined by the Fourth Geneva Convention. They do, however, defend their country from occupation that they have the right to do.

Please explain how international terrorism fits into the picture.

HAMAS are international terrorists. The lying BS in bold is only vaguely 'true' if one disregards Israeli sovereignty entirely - which is something only the international terrorists and their whores do.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Ah, yes. The "blockade." One might ask, what purpose does it serve? Is it a lawful purpose? What is the intent and does it have in basis in customary law and history.

We need to examine the whole story.

Most Respectfully,

That linked document is titled "Measures to eliminate international terrorism."

Hamas does not operate outside Palestine's borders and does not attack protected persons as defined by the Fourth Geneva Convention. They do, however, defend their country from occupation that they have the right to do.

Please explain how international terrorism fits into the picture.

HAMAS are international terrorists. The lying BS in bold is only vaguely 'true' if one disregards Israeli sovereignty entirely - which is something only the international terrorists and their whores do.

What defines them as such?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Let us see if we can walk you through this.

What defines them as such?

Israel is a member state of the UN; recognized by the General Assembly.

We resolve to undertake the following measures to prevent and combat terrorism, in particular by denying terrorists access to the means to carry out their attacks, to their targets and to the desired impact of their attacks:

To refrain from organizing, instigating, facilitating, participating in, financing, encouraging or tolerating terrorist activities and to take appropriate practical measures to ensure that our respective territories are not used for terrorist installations or training camps, or for the preparation or organization of terrorist acts intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.​

SOURCE: Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy - UN Action to Counter Terrorism

The mere fact that Hamas, and its many supporters, encourage armed action against the sovereign State of Israel, is a crime in itself.

Because the Gaza Strip is outside Israel, and the launching of rockets (using it as an example) crosses an international boundary set by Treaty, recognized by the UN, makes it international.


I know at this point you are going to say that Israel is inside Palestine. We've had this argument before. But Israel is a "state" and Palestine is not.

Most Respectfully,
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SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

Oh come now. You are only telling half the story.

That is exactly what Israel did, Israel launched tbe first attack in CL as Students were changing shifts at their schools, it was 11:35 am. The streets were filled with children.

Prior to the initiation of Operation Cast Lead, HAMAS was launching an average of 60 to 70 rockets into Israel each day; some 122-mm Grad-type Katyusha and some Qassam Rockets. That is called provocation.

I stand by my analysis, that it was a consequence of of HoAP incitement.

This was clearly an Article 51 response.

Most Respectfully,

A/RES/46/51 Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism said:
Reaffirming also the inalienable right to self-determination and independence of all peoples under colonial and racist regimes and other forms of alien domination and foreign occupation, and upholding the legitimacy of their struggle, in particular the struggle of national liberation movements, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter and the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,

SOURCE: A/RES/46/51. Measures to eliminate international terrorism

A blockade is an act of war. The Palestinians were defending themselves as international law allows.

The Blockade is also collective punishment and a war crime.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Ah, yes. The "blockade." One might ask, what purpose does it serve? Is it a lawful purpose? What is the intent and does it have in basis in customary law and history.

We need to examine the whole story.

Most Respectfully,

That linked document is titled "Measures to eliminate international terrorism."

Hamas does not operate outside Palestine's borders and does not attack protected persons as defined by the Fourth Geneva Convention. They do, however, defend their country from occupation that they have the right to do.

Please explain how international terrorism fits into the picture.

HAMAS are international terrorists. The lying BS in bold is only vaguely 'true' if one disregards Israeli sovereignty entirely - which is something only the international terrorists and their whores do.

Israel occupies Gaza and the WB and East Jerusalem and the Occupied have a lawful right to resist Occupation. Until IDF terrorists and war criminal illegal settlers leave, Palestinians have the right to resist their Occupation. This sovereignty argument is raised only by Zions whores and it has no merit as long as the Occupation continues
P F Tinmore, et al,

Ah, yes. The "blockade." One might ask, what purpose does it serve? Is it a lawful purpose? What is the intent and does it have in basis in customary law and history.

We need to examine the whole story.

Most Respectfully,

That linked document is titled "Measures to eliminate international terrorism."

Hamas does not operate outside Palestine's borders and does not attack protected persons as defined by the Fourth Geneva Convention. They do, however, defend their country from occupation that they have the right to do.

Please explain how international terrorism fits into the picture.

HAMAS are international terrorists. The lying BS in bold is only vaguely 'true' if one disregards Israeli sovereignty entirely - which is something only the international terrorists and their whores do.

No, they are not international terrorists. But the Zionist government is, we see acts of terrorism by her, like assassinations in Iran of Iranian scientists.
"Nothing justifies targeting of civilians and children."

That's exactly right: no 'resistance to occupation' justifies the targeting of Israeli civilians and children - let alone the targeting of citizens of other nations! - by HAMAS and the PLO/PA

Just the way OBL's fan club targeted so many completely innocent civilians on 9/11- completely and irrevocably WRONG, no excuse.

Of course, since the whores for HAMAS/PLO/Pa/whatever keep telling the Big Lie of claiming Israel 'deliberately targets' civilians, they don't have an iota of credibility remaining.
Please stop putting your words into my mouth, words that always distort truth. As you know, what I was addressing was Israels deliberate unlawful targeting of civilians and civilian objects that have resulted in the deaths of 1519 children since 2000. We have reports by human rights groups and NGOs confirming the attacks on civilians are unlawful. Truth is always brought into the light, Zion's whores cannot keep it buried. I wish someone would come up with the alleged source that printed that cartoon. If it even ever existed and there really were words written under it, words that appeared would probably have been "clean the world of Zionists." We read the names of 1519 children Zionists killed on Remember These Children website and it becomes perfectly clear what Zionism stands for, the Zionism Palestinians see is the murder of Palestinian nonJewish children. Sherri
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"Nothing justifies targeting of civilians and children."

That's exactly right: no 'resistance to occupation' justifies the targeting of Israeli civilians and children - let alone the targeting of citizens of other nations! - by HAMAS and the PLO/PA

Just the way OBL's fan club targeted so many completely innocent civilians on 9/11- completely and irrevocably WRONG, no excuse.

Of course, since the whores for HAMAS/PLO/Pa/whatever keep telling the Big Lie of claiming Israel 'deliberately targets' civilians, they don't have an iota of credibility remaining.
Please stop putting your words into my mouth, words that always distort truth. As you know, what I was addressing was Israels deliberate unlawful targeting of civilians and civilian objects that have resulted in the deaths of 1519 children since 2000. We have reports by human rights groups and NGOs confirming the attacks on civilians are unlawful. Truth is always brought into the light, Zion's whores cannot keep it buried. I wish someone would come up with the alleged source that printed that cartoon. If it even ever existed and there really were words written under it, words that spoke a bit of truth would read "clean the world of Zionists." We read the names of 1519 children Zionists killed on Remember These Children website and it becomes perfectly clear what Zionism stands for, the murder of Palestinian nonJewish children. Sherri

Remember These Children 2012 Memorial http://dci-palestine.org/content/fatalities-and-injuries http://www.dci-palestine.org/docume...-352-children-killed-during-israeli-offensive
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"...International law excludes Israeli citizens from the 'civilian' category."
So that Palestinian civilians are 'protected' and Israeli citizens are not 'protected'?


If true, then...

I can understand why the Israelis tell outsiders to go screw themselves, when citing International Law as part of their whining...

I can also understand why the United States does not pressure Israel in such matters...

And, of course, when all is said-and-done, when we look at the shrunken and shriveled collection of tiny pock-marks on the map representing what is left of Palestinian-controlled land in the region, we can see how effective reliance upon International Law has been for the Palestinians over the past 65 years and more... when they're not busy lobbing rockets at Israeli civilians or killing Israeli civilians with suicide vests and the like.

Charming naivete... rather like waiting for Sandy-Claws to come down the smoke-hole in the roof at the start of Ramadan with a gift-bag full of AK-47s and RPGs and ammo...
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"...International law excludes Israeli citizens from the 'civilian' category."
So that Palestinian civilians are 'protected' and Israeli citizens are not 'protected'?


If true, then...

I can understand why the Israelis tell outsiders to go screw themselves, when citing International Law as part of their whining...

I can also understand why the United States does not pressure Israel in such matters...

And, of course, when all is said-and-done, when we look at the shrunken and shriveled collection of tiny pock-marks on the map representing what is left of Palestinian-controlled land in the region, we can see how effective reliance upon International Law has been for the Palestinians over the past 65 years and more... when they're not busy lobbing rockets at Israeli civilians or killing Israeli civilians with suicide vests and the like.

Charming naivete... rather like waiting for Sandy-Claws to come down the smoke-hole in the roof at the start of Ramadan with a gift-bag full of AK-47s and RPGs and ammo...

There are nearly 3 million Arabs in the West Bank, and less than a half-million Israeli settlers.
I think more about the cartoon, and see that the popular nonviolent resistance movement and BDS are the proper methods to use and support to clean the world of this Zionism that is today committing egregious daily human rights abuses in Palestine. I think that cartoon could be effectively used by BDS. Now, I am off for a bit to share my ideas with some Palestinians. I would not be surprised if we later were to find that cartoon was used in a bigger context, very like the one I am visualizing it could be very effectively used in. I just realized the article in the OP alleges the words written under the cartoon were keep the world clean, not clean the world of Jews. The thread title is a lie. Sherri
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SherriMunnerlyn; P F Tinmore; et al,

You bolded the wrong part. The "Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States" (DPILFRCAS) main point is to "refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State." Hamas and the People of the Gaza Strip do many things, but that is not one of them. The DPILFRCAS is all about peaceful solutions, and not war, or terrorism.

A/RES/46/51 Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism said:
Reaffirming also the inalienable right to self-determination and independence of all peoples under colonial and racist regimes and other forms of alien domination and foreign occupation, and upholding the legitimacy of their struggle, in particular the struggle of national liberation movements, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter and the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,

SOURCE: A/RES/46/51. Measures to eliminate international terrorism

A blockade is an act of war. The Palestinians were defending themselves as international law allows.

The Blockade is also collective punishment and a war crime.

One can, from a humanitarian point of view, consider the blockade as "collective punishment" where the idea is that the innocent are punished right along with the guilty. Yes, that is --- in the adversarial form, a side to be argued. But one could also argue, from the prosecutorial perspective, that the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly and actively support a terrorist state that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, encourages or tolerates the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the recognized State of Israel (in the first count). And further, the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly finance, encourage, and tolerates by allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State (Iran), to be used by that other State (Iran) for perpetrating an act of aggression and terrorism against a third State (Israel). (Second Count) The People of the Gaza Strip knowingly engage in the illicit procurement of small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from a third party state currently under UN Sanctions (Iran - known to support terrorist campaigns) for the purpose of engaging the sovereignty of Israel. (Third Count)

Collective Punishment is not always a "war crime." It may be entirely appropriate to consider multiple conspirators under the same measure of justice. The Gaza Strip is a territory that is entirely populated by criminals and terrorists, or those that either encourage or directly support the criminal activity and terrorist action of a known terrorist organization (Hamas). The People of Gaza are the people behind a state which they encourage to sponsor terrorism.

But the blockade is not intended to be punishment at all. The blockade is a crime prevention countermeasure to the impact of the criminal activity and terrorist action supported by the People of Gaza. The blockade can be lifted by changing the behaviors of the People of Gaza and their support for Hamas.

Most Respectfully,
"...There are nearly 3 million Arabs in the West Bank, and less than a half-million Israeli settlers."
Doesn't matter a bit. In their setting, military power decides who rules and who lives where.

Of course that is illegal, but as Israel says:

We don't need no steenking law!
Given that the law (supposedly) protects Palestinian civilians while allowing Open Hunting Season on Israeli civilians...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqomZQMZQCQ]We don't need no stinking badges! - YouTube[/ame]

By Jove, I think you're beginning to get the hang of this thing...
"...A blockade is an act of war.

The Palestinians were defending themselves
as international law allows."


...hypocrisy....the way I see it -- "INTERNATIONAL LAW" also allows ....




....and whackos TO BE in charge of people (like ghadaffy [was] or amadinejiHAD [is] AND the President/warlord of syria who (as we speak) is committing "present day genocide" on his people (AND, has aspirations to CONTINUE ON AS...........ppppppRESIDENT OF THE SAME COUNTRY where he's killing all the people) - it's--confounding. yeah, IT IS.

i know, their (U.N.) hands are tied .....................ASSAD running AGAIN FOR PRESIDENT OF SYRIA. they can't do anything about it.
They have "no control" over who is 'elected' by the people of a country. i guess it's up to the "good" people of the country to get rid of him...

as of ...now, what's the consensus, i forgot: "DOES THE U.N. "RECOGNIZE" Hamass as a legitimate Government over the palestinian people or, are waffling on the subject....and see them as a palestinian terrorist group (who continually fires 'rockets' into israel ????) so which is it ?

That linked document is titled "Measures to eliminate international terrorism."

Hamas does not operate outside Palestine's borders and does not attack protected persons as defined by the Fourth Geneva Convention. They do, however, defend their country from occupation that they have the right to do.

Please explain how international terrorism fits into the picture.

HAMAS are international terrorists. The lying BS in bold is only vaguely 'true' if one disregards Israeli sovereignty entirely - which is something only the international terrorists and their whores do.

No, they are not international terrorists. But the Zionist government is, we see acts of terrorism by her, like assassinations in Iran of Iranian scientists.

If 'PressTV' and other mullah-controlled propaganda rags were believable, there might be some merit in those allegations. But, alas for the pseudo-pacifist haha-humanitarian fake, that's not the case.......

There's just as much reason to suppose some insane mullah had those 'scientists' killed as to blame Israel - perhaps more. The maniacal mullahs sent 9 year olds into mine fields to clear them: they've shown ZERO regard or consideration for their own populace time and again.

Why wouldn't the mullahs do a little 'false flag' op of their own? Especially after they've murdered unarmed demonstrators protesting election fraud? No better way to distract the Iranian public than to claim Israel has 'attacked' them........
SherriMunnerlyn; P F Tinmore; et al,

You bolded the wrong part. The "Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States" (DPILFRCAS) main point is to "refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State." Hamas and the People of the Gaza Strip do many things, but that is not one of them. The DPILFRCAS is all about peaceful solutions, and not war, or terrorism.

A blockade is an act of war. The Palestinians were defending themselves as international law allows.

The Blockade is also collective punishment and a war crime.

One can, from a humanitarian point of view, consider the blockade as "collective punishment" where the idea is that the innocent are punished right along with the guilty. Yes, that is --- in the adversarial form, a side to be argued. But one could also argue, from the prosecutorial perspective, that the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly and actively support a terrorist state that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, encourages or tolerates the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the recognized State of Israel (in the first count). And further, the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly finance, encourage, and tolerates by allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State (Iran), to be used by that other State (Iran) for perpetrating an act of aggression and terrorism against a third State (Israel). (Second Count) The People of the Gaza Strip knowingly engage in the illicit procurement of small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from a third party state currently under UN Sanctions (Iran - known to support terrorist campaigns) for the purpose of engaging the sovereignty of Israel. (Third Count)

Collective Punishment is not always a "war crime." It may be entirely appropriate to consider multiple conspirators under the same measure of justice. The Gaza Strip is a territory that is entirely populated by criminals and terrorists, or those that either encourage or directly support the criminal activity and terrorist action of a known terrorist organization (Hamas). The People of Gaza are the people behind a state which they encourage to sponsor terrorism.

But the blockade is not intended to be punishment at all. The blockade is a crime prevention countermeasure to the impact of the criminal activity and terrorist action supported by the People of Gaza. The blockade can be lifted by changing the behaviors of the People of Gaza and their support for Hamas.

Most Respectfully,

I am not addressing what the Blockade is from a humanitarian standpoint. I am saying it is an act of collective punishment under the law, international law, unlawful and a war crime under The Fourth Geneva Convention. If intl law is not to be upheld with respect to Israel, then we might as well get rid of all if it. Lets just start WWIII right now and get it all over with, do away completely with the rule of law, end our existence now. Better that then our nation endlessly inflicting terrorism and occupations on the rest of our world and its inhabitants. Sherri
HAMAS are international terrorists. The lying BS in bold is only vaguely 'true' if one disregards Israeli sovereignty entirely - which is something only the international terrorists and their whores do.

No, they are not international terrorists. But the Zionist government is, we see acts of terrorism by her, like assassinations in Iran of Iranian scientists.

If 'PressTV' and other mullah-controlled propaganda rags were believable, there might be some merit in those allegations. But, alas for the pseudo-pacifist haha-humanitarian fake, that's not the case.......

There's just as much reason to suppose some insane mullah had those 'scientists' killed as to blame Israel - perhaps more. The maniacal mullahs sent 9 year olds into mine fields to clear them: they've shown ZERO regard or consideration for their own populace time and again.

Why wouldn't the mullahs do a little 'false flag' op of their own? Especially after they've murdered unarmed demonstrators protesting election fraud? No better way to distract the Iranian public than to claim Israel has 'attacked' them........

Everyone knows Israel was behind the killings, Zions's whores are not burying the truth about this. And its not just terrorism in Iran, I was just reading about Palestinians kidnapped in Europe by Israel, addressed by human rights groups. Israel is a terrorist state. Zions whores cannot bury the Truth about this.
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SherriMunnerlyn; P F Tinmore; et al,

You bolded the wrong part. The "Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States" (DPILFRCAS) main point is to "refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State." Hamas and the People of the Gaza Strip do many things, but that is not one of them. The DPILFRCAS is all about peaceful solutions, and not war, or terrorism.

A blockade is an act of war. The Palestinians were defending themselves as international law allows.

The Blockade is also collective punishment and a war crime.

One can, from a humanitarian point of view, consider the blockade as "collective punishment" where the idea is that the innocent are punished right along with the guilty. Yes, that is --- in the adversarial form, a side to be argued. But one could also argue, from the prosecutorial perspective, that the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly and actively support a terrorist state that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, encourages or tolerates the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the recognized State of Israel (in the first count). And further, the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly finance, encourage, and tolerates by allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State (Iran), to be used by that other State (Iran) for perpetrating an act of aggression and terrorism against a third State (Israel). (Second Count) The People of the Gaza Strip knowingly engage in the illicit procurement of small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from a third party state currently under UN Sanctions (Iran - known to support terrorist campaigns) for the purpose of engaging the sovereignty of Israel. (Third Count)

Collective Punishment is not always a "war crime." It may be entirely appropriate to consider multiple conspirators under the same measure of justice. The Gaza Strip is a territory that is entirely populated by criminals and terrorists, or those that either encourage or directly support the criminal activity and terrorist action of a known terrorist organization (Hamas). The People of Gaza are the people behind a state which they encourage to sponsor terrorism.

But the blockade is not intended to be punishment at all. The blockade is a crime prevention countermeasure to the impact of the criminal activity and terrorist action supported by the People of Gaza. The blockade can be lifted by changing the behaviors of the People of Gaza and their support for Hamas.

Most Respectfully,

You crack me up with that territorial integrity of Israel thing. Israel sits inside Palestine with no land or borders of its own.

Hamas are not terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. That is just a "western" name calling thing.

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