Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews

SherriMunnerlyn; P F Tinmore; et al,

You bolded the wrong part. The "Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States" (DPILFRCAS) main point is to "refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State." Hamas and the People of the Gaza Strip do many things, but that is not one of them. The DPILFRCAS is all about peaceful solutions, and not war, or terrorism.

The Blockade is also collective punishment and a war crime.

One can, from a humanitarian point of view, consider the blockade as "collective punishment" where the idea is that the innocent are punished right along with the guilty. Yes, that is --- in the adversarial form, a side to be argued. But one could also argue, from the prosecutorial perspective, that the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly and actively support a terrorist state that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, encourages or tolerates the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the recognized State of Israel (in the first count). And further, the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly finance, encourage, and tolerates by allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State (Iran), to be used by that other State (Iran) for perpetrating an act of aggression and terrorism against a third State (Israel). (Second Count) The People of the Gaza Strip knowingly engage in the illicit procurement of small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from a third party state currently under UN Sanctions (Iran - known to support terrorist campaigns) for the purpose of engaging the sovereignty of Israel. (Third Count)

Collective Punishment is not always a "war crime." It may be entirely appropriate to consider multiple conspirators under the same measure of justice. The Gaza Strip is a territory that is entirely populated by criminals and terrorists, or those that either encourage or directly support the criminal activity and terrorist action of a known terrorist organization (Hamas). The People of Gaza are the people behind a state which they encourage to sponsor terrorism.

But the blockade is not intended to be punishment at all. The blockade is a crime prevention countermeasure to the impact of the criminal activity and terrorist action supported by the People of Gaza. The blockade can be lifted by changing the behaviors of the People of Gaza and their support for Hamas.

Most Respectfully,

You crack me up with that territorial integrity of Israel thing. Israel sits inside Palestine with no land or borders of its own.

Hamas are not terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. That is just a "western" name calling thing.

Israel is a member-state of the United Nations, and has peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. On another note, if Hamas would take over all or part of "Palestine", how do you know they wouldn't set up yet another Muslim theocracy, and shoot themselves in the foot, like what just happened in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and other Arab countries in the Arab Spring movement? Syria's civil war has just spilled over into Lebanon, and 80,000 ppl have just been slaughtered over there, and the only time you ppl woke up over that, is when 40 murderous Syrian soldiers were taken out by Israel. BTW, the ppl in Israel are very productive. They are doctors, teachers, and architects, and don't spend their whole lives on a message board.
SherriMunnerlyn; P F Tinmore; et al,

You bolded the wrong part. The "Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States" (DPILFRCAS) main point is to "refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State." Hamas and the People of the Gaza Strip do many things, but that is not one of them. The DPILFRCAS is all about peaceful solutions, and not war, or terrorism.

The Blockade is also collective punishment and a war crime.

One can, from a humanitarian point of view, consider the blockade as "collective punishment" where the idea is that the innocent are punished right along with the guilty. Yes, that is --- in the adversarial form, a side to be argued. But one could also argue, from the prosecutorial perspective, that the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly and actively support a terrorist state that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, encourages or tolerates the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the recognized State of Israel (in the first count). And further, the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly finance, encourage, and tolerates by allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State (Iran), to be used by that other State (Iran) for perpetrating an act of aggression and terrorism against a third State (Israel). (Second Count) The People of the Gaza Strip knowingly engage in the illicit procurement of small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from a third party state currently under UN Sanctions (Iran - known to support terrorist campaigns) for the purpose of engaging the sovereignty of Israel. (Third Count)

Collective Punishment is not always a "war crime." It may be entirely appropriate to consider multiple conspirators under the same measure of justice. The Gaza Strip is a territory that is entirely populated by criminals and terrorists, or those that either encourage or directly support the criminal activity and terrorist action of a known terrorist organization (Hamas). The People of Gaza are the people behind a state which they encourage to sponsor terrorism.

But the blockade is not intended to be punishment at all. The blockade is a crime prevention countermeasure to the impact of the criminal activity and terrorist action supported by the People of Gaza. The blockade can be lifted by changing the behaviors of the People of Gaza and their support for Hamas.

Most Respectfully,

You crack me up with that territorial integrity of Israel thing. Israel sits inside Palestine with no land or borders of its own.

Hamas are not terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. That is just a "western" name calling thing.
What Tinmore calls borders are demarcation lines. This map shows how the world sees Israel with the unresolved borders (demarcation lines) of Palestine inside Israel. The outer borders of Israel aren't going to change but the demarcation lines could grow (or shrink), depending on Palestines actions.

Drawing the lines: Obama, Israel, the Palestinians, 1967 and beyond - World - CBC News
Keep the World Clean

This is what is reported as wriiten under the cartoon.

The people of Gaza are doing that.

They keep cleaning up Zionist messes in Gaza.

Photos from Gaza, taken by Palestinian Photographer Hassan Rabie







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SherriMunnerlyn; P F Tinmore; et al,

You bolded the wrong part. The "Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States" (DPILFRCAS) main point is to "refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State." Hamas and the People of the Gaza Strip do many things, but that is not one of them. The DPILFRCAS is all about peaceful solutions, and not war, or terrorism.


One can, from a humanitarian point of view, consider the blockade as "collective punishment" where the idea is that the innocent are punished right along with the guilty. Yes, that is --- in the adversarial form, a side to be argued. But one could also argue, from the prosecutorial perspective, that the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly and actively support a terrorist state that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, encourages or tolerates the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the recognized State of Israel (in the first count). And further, the People of the Gaza Strip knowingly finance, encourage, and tolerates by allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State (Iran), to be used by that other State (Iran) for perpetrating an act of aggression and terrorism against a third State (Israel). (Second Count) The People of the Gaza Strip knowingly engage in the illicit procurement of small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from a third party state currently under UN Sanctions (Iran - known to support terrorist campaigns) for the purpose of engaging the sovereignty of Israel. (Third Count)

Collective Punishment is not always a "war crime." It may be entirely appropriate to consider multiple conspirators under the same measure of justice. The Gaza Strip is a territory that is entirely populated by criminals and terrorists, or those that either encourage or directly support the criminal activity and terrorist action of a known terrorist organization (Hamas). The People of Gaza are the people behind a state which they encourage to sponsor terrorism.

But the blockade is not intended to be punishment at all. The blockade is a crime prevention countermeasure to the impact of the criminal activity and terrorist action supported by the People of Gaza. The blockade can be lifted by changing the behaviors of the People of Gaza and their support for Hamas.

Most Respectfully,

You crack me up with that territorial integrity of Israel thing. Israel sits inside Palestine with no land or borders of its own.

Hamas are not terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. That is just a "western" name calling thing.

Israel is a member-state of the United Nations, and has peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. On another note, if Hamas would take over all or part of "Palestine", how do you know they wouldn't set up yet another Muslim theocracy, and shoot themselves in the foot, like what just happened in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and other Arab countries in the Arab Spring movement? Syria's civil war has just spilled over into Lebanon, and 80,000 ppl have just been slaughtered over there, and the only time you ppl woke up over that, is when 40 murderous Syrian soldiers were taken out by Israel. BTW, the ppl in Israel are very productive. They are doctors, teachers, and architects, and don't spend their whole lives on a message board.

I guess the poster would prefer Palestine was like the US and developed nuclear weapons they dropped on two cities in Japan, like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Well, what I say to this poster is a people having a nation does not require that nation become what he or any other person wants them to become. It is not for me or him to dictate what nations make of themselves.

"...later in the article..."Carroll began joking about the widespread concern about Shariah, the religious code that governs Muslim civil and political life.......'We tried to downplay Shariah, because we didn’t want to give the other side any excitement for being here,' he said."

“When you even say the word Shariah, people get nervous. We are not advocating for Shariah. 'We are not trying to make Shariah the law of the land,' he said. Carroll claimed Muslims only want the 'right to practice our faith.'"

"But he also said, 'If you understand Shariah, -- 'the foundation of our faith …......'


". . . how we treat our neighbor..."

"how we treat our parents…"

"how we participate in society...

"...all of that is part of Shariah.”
Yeah, but the more gruesome ones are a timely reminder of what we're dealing with, in talking about Hamas and Hezbollah, and what their declared hopes for, for governing Palestine, in the unlikely event that they ever get the chance.
You crack me up with that territorial integrity of Israel thing. Israel sits inside Palestine with no land or borders of its own.

Hamas are not terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. That is just a "western" name calling thing.

Israel is a member-state of the United Nations, and has peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. On another note, if Hamas would take over all or part of "Palestine", how do you know they wouldn't set up yet another Muslim theocracy, and shoot themselves in the foot, like what just happened in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and other Arab countries in the Arab Spring movement? Syria's civil war has just spilled over into Lebanon, and 80,000 ppl have just been slaughtered over there, and the only time you ppl woke up over that, is when 40 murderous Syrian soldiers were taken out by Israel. BTW, the ppl in Israel are very productive. They are doctors, teachers, and architects, and don't spend their whole lives on a message board.

I guess the poster would prefer Palestine was like the US and developed nuclear weapons they dropped on two cities in Japan, like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Well, what I say to this poster is a people having a nation does not require that nation become what he or any other person wants them to become. It is not for me or him to dictate what nations make of themselves.

Perhaps you can have your Palestinians friends tell the King of Jordan that his family didn't deserve to get 78 percent of the Mandate and that 78 percent should have been used for a country for the Palestinians (even though there never was a country called Palestine in history). After all, look at the huge amount of Palestinians living there now.
No interest in Zionist Propaganda. Reality is Shariah is the law nowhere in Palestine.
Do you actually think that most people are interested in your propaganda? I wonder if anyone remembers the name of the C.A.I.R. leader who said that Islam isn't here in America to follow the Constitution, but Sharia Law. Maybe Frau Sherri can find out what his name is.
SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

We have to agree to disagree.

The Blockade is also collective punishment and a war crime.

It depends on the intent and application. Blockades and sanctions are a form of active punitive pressure to induce or force compliance.

I am not addressing what the Blockade is from a humanitarian standpoint. I am saying it is an act of collective punishment under the law, international law, unlawful and a war crime under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

The GCIV is Humanitarian Law by treaty. It is not in the same category as International Criminal Law like the Rome Statues; under the old broader category of Law of Land Warfare.

The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are at the core of international humanitarian law, the body of international law that regulates the conduct of armed conflict and seeks to limit its effects.

SOURCE: The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols

Most laws talk about what is proscribed or prohibited. Humanitarian Law is in a different tongue and voice; speaking about requirements and practices. The Protocols (diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette) include provisions to protect civilians from the effects of hostilities; the modern day code of chivalry (courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms).

While a vast majority of the original Codes of Chivalry come from the ancient Arab World (pre-Islamic), today --- it is nothing that the Hostile Arab/Palestinian (HoAP) is familiar with in regards to the tactics and strategies they apply. Among the code's central beliefs are:

  • To protect the weak and defenceless
  • To give succour to widows and orphans
  • To respect the honour of women
  • To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
  • To fight for the welfare of all
  • To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
  • At all times to speak the truth

These are concepts that have been long lost to the HoAP. And, I must say in fairness, the duration of the Israel-HoAP struggle has frayed the Israeli application of chivalry as well. But certainly not to the same degree.

If intl law is not to be upheld with respect to Israel, then we might as well get rid of all if it. Lets just start WWIII right now and get it all over with, do away completely with the rule of law, end our existence now. Better that then our nation endlessly inflicting terrorism and occupations on the rest of our world and its inhabitants.

Neither side respects "International Law;" but for the HoAP to claim that the Israeli is the principle violator is the "pot calling the kettle - black."

The HoAP cannot selectively splice International Law together and claim they have some special right to pursue aggressive behaviors, applied force and hostile action because the UN General Assembly offered the Israeli an opportunity to establish independence.

All these laws you cite were written by the same body that admitted Israel to the UN as a member nation. And the subsequent wars and insurgencies that occurred, are all based on the premise that the rights and recognition of the State of Israel are somehow invalid and unfair. It was the HoAP that opened up the hostile actions that bring us to the discussion today.

The basic law says (layman's terms) that no party can aggressively challenge by use of force the sovereign recognition the international community has granted. For more than six decades, the HoAP has been trying to use force to overturn the recognition of Israel, instead of approaching it through peaceful means of negotiation and settlement.

The combative nature of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute is the making of the HoAP who objected to the UN Recognition of Israel, and challenged it in open warfare and now through terrorism and insurgency. If there is a party to the conflict that we can call the "first violator" of international law, it is the HoAP (including the Arab League) and the third party associates that have recently begun to interfere (ex Iran).

It is a bit disingenuous of you or the HoAP to suggest that it is Israel that is not adhering to International Law. Now, am I saying that Israel has never violated International Law? No! But the circumstance that lead to today's occupation are clearly driven by HoAP (including the Arab League) and the third party associates that have recently begun to interfere (ex Iran).

You crack me up with that territorial integrity of Israel thing. Israel sits inside Palestine with no land or borders of its own.

Hamas are not terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. That is just a "western" name calling thing.

Yeah, sometimes I (as well) have to laugh at myself.

There are no borders to Palestine (not the Mandate). The borders you are trying to refer to are the artificial lines made-up by the Sykes-Picot Agreement and under the authority to the 1920 Treaty of Sevres ("within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers"). All this nonsense about Israel being inside Palestine is ridiculous.

Peel: The Royal Commission said:
“Manifestly”, the Commission wrote, “the problem cannot be solved by giving either the Arabs or the Jews all they want. The answer to the question ‘which of them in the end will govern Palestine?’ must surely be ‘Neither.’

SOURCE: A/AC.14/8 of 2 October 1947

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 said:
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. In 1947, and again on May 14, 1948, the United States had offered de facto recognition of the Israeli Provisional Government, but during the war, the United States maintained an arms embargo against all belligerents.

SOURCE: Office of the Historian - Milestones - 1945-1952 - The Arab-Israeli War of 1948

It is clear that the "first violator" of the concept that they (HoAP) refrain in their international relations from the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State (Israel).

In the US, as well as most western countries, has something akin to the Felony Murder Rule (FMR). Normally, murder requires an intent to cause a death; but in the FMR, only requires the intent to commit the felony. During the course of of over six decades, intended or not --- the HoAP is responsible for the death, destruction and occupation that resulted in the wars and insurgencies they (HoAP) induced in the dispute; regardless of what they pursue today. The HoAP was not satisfied with the outcomes and went straight to war as a solution; totally ignoring the concept of law that they pursue peaceful means of resolution and settlement. The borders they recognize as Palestine are not applicable and not theirs to decide. The use of force to impose HoAP will upon the UN and Israel is and has been unlawful. The words that they HoAP so often quote come from the same body as recognized the State of Israel.

Most Respectfully,
SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

Now this is an interesting scenario.

I guess the poster would prefer Palestine was like the US and developed nuclear weapons they dropped on two cities in Japan, like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

The very idea that the International Community would tolerate Hamas, or Fatah, developing a WMD would ridiculous as well.

"Ceterum censeo Paestinem esse delendam"

No one want to light the Middle East or Persian Gulf on fire. But if the fire starts, it will (most likely) be from the arsonist within, and the Arab/Middle Easterner that suffers the most.

, what I say to this poster is a people having a nation does not require that nation become what he or any other person wants them to become. It is not for me or him to dictate what nations make of themselves.

The Allied Powers don't care if the Middle East nations and cultures want to stay in the 6th Century of un-enlightenment. Just as long as they don't pose a threat to anyone and don't become a nuisance. They can stone all the women they want, chop all the hands off they want, cut all the throats they want, destroy every monument of historical interest they want. I don't care; we don't care. As long as they play in their back yard and don't create a regional or international threat.

Most Respectfully,
SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

Now this is an interesting scenario.

I guess the poster would prefer Palestine was like the US and developed nuclear weapons they dropped on two cities in Japan, like Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

The very idea that the International Community would tolerate Hamas, or Fatah, developing a WMD would ridiculous as well.

"Ceterum censeo Paestinem esse delendam"

No one want to light the Middle East or Persian Gulf on fire. But if the fire starts, it will (most likely) be from the arsonist within, and the Arab/Middle Easterner that suffers the most.

, what I say to this poster is a people having a nation does not require that nation become what he or any other person wants them to become. It is not for me or him to dictate what nations make of themselves.

The Allied Powers don't care if the Middle East nations and cultures want to stay in the 6th Century of un-enlightenment. Just as long as they don't pose a threat to anyone and don't become a nuisance. They can stone all the women they want, chop all the hands off they want, cut all the throats they want, destroy every monument of historical interest they want. I don't care; we don't care. As long as they play in their back yard and don't create a regional or international threat.

Most Respectfully,

I certainly was not arguing I wanted to see Palestine try to emulate the US in her production and use of nuclear weapons.

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