Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews

member, et al,

BTW, I really wanted to say thanks for this photo.


We had one a bit similar to this, but with a tiny bit more T&A (Toes and Ankles) on our door at my office in Yemen.


..... proof that Sharia is going global!:thup:

Better Shariah then killing a million or more people with nuclear weapons or sanctions or wars that are acts of agression.
And Shariah has nothing to do with Israel and Palestine. Nor do your Photos.

I must have missed a news report somewhere. Didn't Hamas just install Sharia law in Gaza, Sherri? - Jeri

It appears that is what happening.

"Gaza City, occupied Palestinian territories - Beginning this September, girls and boys above the age of nine in the Gaza Strip will be segregated in school under a new law passed by Hamas, which governs the coastal Palestinian enclave. The new decision is one of many polarising measures that Hamas has recently taken. Earlier this year, it launched a "Virtue Campaign" aiming to spread Islamic Sharia traditions in Gaza by fighting against "Western" dress and behaviour.

In March, Hamas banned women and girls from participating in Gaza's UNRWA-organised marathon, causing the UN agency to cancel the event in protest. Other Hamas bans prohibit women from smoking water pipes in public, riding on the back of motorcycles, and having male stylists do their hair. "

Hamas segregates Gaza schools by gender - Features - Al Jazeera English
Shariah law generally refers to religious laws under the jurisdiction of religious courts and we generally see such laws applying to marriage and divorce and inheritance, in nations where it applies, like Malaysia which has Shariah law for Muslims only, which applies to certain areas, like marriages and divorces of Muslims. This is from an article addressing Shariah law: "Dual Legal System.*Many majority Muslim countries have a dual system in which the government is secular but Muslims can choose to bring familial and financial disputes to sharia courts. The exact jurisdiction of these courts varies from country to country, but usually includes marriage, divorce, inheritance, and guardianship. Examples can be seen in Nigeria and Kenya, which have sharia*courts that rule on family law for Muslims. A variation exists in Tanzania, where civil courts apply sharia or secular law according to the religious backgrounds of the defendants. Several countries, including Lebanon and Indonesia, have mixed jurisdiction courts based on residual colonial legal systems and supplemented with sharia." Islam: Governing Under Sharia - Council on Foreign Relations An example, in Iran if a man kills a woman in some tyle of domestic dispute, the family of the man can pay blood money to the family of the wife to resolve the dispute. The value of the life of a woman is worth less than the value of the life of a man. Everyone may have heard of the man who threw acid in the eyes of a woman who rebuffed his advances. Under the law, they were going to blind him with acid, under Shariah law. At the last minute, she asked that the punishment not be carried out. I think she got some money settlement from his family and wrote a book.
SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

I don't think that many people in the West would agree.

Better Shariah then killing a million or more people with nuclear weapons or sanctions or wars that are acts of agression.

Most countries under Islamic Leadership are very restrictive.

Here, in America, the watch phrases are: "Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" (Patrick Henry); or in other words: "God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it" (Daniel Webster).

Most Respectfully,

Most Respectfully,
SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

I don't think that many people in the West would agree.

Better Shariah then killing a million or more people with nuclear weapons or sanctions or wars that are acts of agression.

Most countries under Islamic Leadership are very restrictive.

Here, in America, the watch phrases are: "Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" (Patrick Henry); or in other words: "God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it" (Daniel Webster).

Most Respectfully,

Most Respectfully,

I think most do not care how many million people we kill in other lands.
SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

I don't think that many people in the West would agree.

Better Shariah then killing a million or more people with nuclear weapons or sanctions or wars that are acts of agression.

Most countries under Islamic Leadership are very restrictive.

Here, in America, the watch phrases are: "Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" (Patrick Henry); or in other words: "God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it" (Daniel Webster).

Most Respectfully,

Most Respectfully,

I think most do not care how many million people we kill in other lands.

You think wrong, I care.
Shariah law generally refers to religious laws under the jurisdiction of religious courts and we generally see such laws applying to marriage and divorce and inheritance, in nations where it applies, like Malaysia which has Shariah law for Muslims only, which applies to certain areas, like marriages and divorces of Muslims. This is from an article addressing Shariah law: "Dual Legal System.*Many majority Muslim countries have a dual system in which the government is secular but Muslims can choose to bring familial and financial disputes to sharia courts. The exact jurisdiction of these courts varies from country to country, but usually includes marriage, divorce, inheritance, and guardianship. Examples can be seen in Nigeria and Kenya, which have sharia*courts that rule on family law for Muslims. A variation exists in Tanzania, where civil courts apply sharia or secular law according to the religious backgrounds of the defendants. Several countries, including Lebanon and Indonesia, have mixed jurisdiction courts based on residual colonial legal systems and supplemented with sharia." Islam: Governing Under Sharia - Council on Foreign Relations An example, in Iran if a man kills a woman in some tyle of domestic dispute, the family of the man can pay blood money to the family of the wife to resolve the dispute. The value of the life of a woman is worth less than the value of the life of a man. Everyone may have heard of the man who threw acid in the eyes of a woman who rebuffed his advances. Under the law, they were going to blind him with acid, under Shariah law. At the last minute, she asked that the punishment not be carried out. I think she got some money settlement from his family and wrote a book.

There is more sherri there is always more, sharia enters into every facet of a person's life.

For example, " 2004 the European Court of Human Rights "found that sharia was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy… It considered that “sharia, which faithfully reflects the dogmas and divine rules laid down by religion, is stable and invariable. Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it. According to the Court, it was difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia, which clearly diverged from Convention values, particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervened in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts.”
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Better Shariah then killing a million or more people with nuclear weapons or sanctions or wars that are acts of agression.
Frau Sherri conveniently omits the fact that her friends have nuclear weapons, and no one would be surprised if they used them on the Infidels (such as those in Pakistan wanting to kill the Hindus in India). Naturally Frau Sherri is waiting for her Iranian friends to go nuclear so that they can attempt to destroy Israel. And, let's face it, did Frau Sherri's friends didn't even need nuclear weapons to murder 2,000,000 Christians in the Sudan, millions of Christians in Nigeria, and 3,000,000 people (mainly Hindus) in Bangladesh
Shariah law generally refers to religious laws under the jurisdiction of religious courts and we generally see such laws applying to marriage and divorce and inheritance, in nations where it applies, like Malaysia which has Shariah law for Muslims only, which applies to certain areas, like marriages and divorces of Muslims. This is from an article addressing Shariah law: "Dual Legal System.*Many majority Muslim countries have a dual system in which the government is secular but Muslims can choose to bring familial and financial disputes to sharia courts. The exact jurisdiction of these courts varies from country to country, but usually includes marriage, divorce, inheritance, and guardianship. Examples can be seen in Nigeria and Kenya, which have sharia*courts that rule on family law for Muslims. A variation exists in Tanzania, where civil courts apply sharia or secular law according to the religious backgrounds of the defendants. Several countries, including Lebanon and Indonesia, have mixed jurisdiction courts based on residual colonial legal systems and supplemented with sharia." Islam: Governing Under Sharia - Council on Foreign Relations An example, in Iran if a man kills a woman in some tyle of domestic dispute, the family of the man can pay blood money to the family of the wife to resolve the dispute. The value of the life of a woman is worth less than the value of the life of a man. Everyone may have heard of the man who threw acid in the eyes of a woman who rebuffed his advances. Under the law, they were going to blind him with acid, under Shariah law. At the last minute, she asked that the punishment not be carried out. I think she got some money settlement from his family and wrote a book.
Perhaps you can pull up the story for us, Frau Sherri. While you are at it, you can pull up some stories about Muslim men killing the women who refuse their advances and/or refuse to marry them. Meanwhile, how about you travelling to Afghanistan and telling the Taliban who are such devout Muslims that they shouldn't be throwing acid in schoolgirls' faces.
Shariah law generally refers to religious laws under the jurisdiction of religious courts and we generally see such laws applying to marriage and divorce and inheritance, in nations where it applies, like Malaysia which has Shariah law for Muslims only, which applies to certain areas, like marriages and divorces of Muslims. This is from an article addressing Shariah law: "Dual Legal System.*Many majority Muslim countries have a dual system in which the government is secular but Muslims can choose to bring familial and financial disputes to sharia courts. The exact jurisdiction of these courts varies from country to country, but usually includes marriage, divorce, inheritance, and guardianship. Examples can be seen in Nigeria and Kenya, which have sharia*courts that rule on family law for Muslims. A variation exists in Tanzania, where civil courts apply sharia or secular law according to the religious backgrounds of the defendants. Several countries, including Lebanon and Indonesia, have mixed jurisdiction courts based on residual colonial legal systems and supplemented with sharia." Islam: Governing Under Sharia - Council on Foreign Relations An example, in Iran if a man kills a woman in some tyle of domestic dispute, the family of the man can pay blood money to the family of the wife to resolve the dispute. The value of the life of a woman is worth less than the value of the life of a man. Everyone may have heard of the man who threw acid in the eyes of a woman who rebuffed his advances. Under the law, they were going to blind him with acid, under Shariah law. At the last minute, she asked that the punishment not be carried out. I think she got some money settlement from his family and wrote a book.

There is more sherri there is always more, sharia enters into every facet of a person's life.

For example, " 2004 the European Court of Human Rights "found that sharia was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy… It considered that “sharia, which faithfully reflects the dogmas and divine rules laid down by religion, is stable and invariable. Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it. According to the Court, it was difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia, which clearly diverged from Convention values, particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervened in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts.”

But nothing in that defines Shariah Law.
Shariah law generally refers to religious laws under the jurisdiction of religious courts and we generally see such laws applying to marriage and divorce and inheritance, in nations where it applies, like Malaysia which has Shariah law for Muslims only, which applies to certain areas, like marriages and divorces of Muslims. This is from an article addressing Shariah law: "Dual Legal System.*Many majority Muslim countries have a dual system in which the government is secular but Muslims can choose to bring familial and financial disputes to sharia courts. The exact jurisdiction of these courts varies from country to country, but usually includes marriage, divorce, inheritance, and guardianship. Examples can be seen in Nigeria and Kenya, which have sharia*courts that rule on family law for Muslims. A variation exists in Tanzania, where civil courts apply sharia or secular law according to the religious backgrounds of the defendants. Several countries, including Lebanon and Indonesia, have mixed jurisdiction courts based on residual colonial legal systems and supplemented with sharia." Islam: Governing Under Sharia - Council on Foreign Relations An example, in Iran if a man kills a woman in some tyle of domestic dispute, the family of the man can pay blood money to the family of the wife to resolve the dispute. The value of the life of a woman is worth less than the value of the life of a man. Everyone may have heard of the man who threw acid in the eyes of a woman who rebuffed his advances. Under the law, they were going to blind him with acid, under Shariah law. At the last minute, she asked that the punishment not be carried out. I think she got some money settlement from his family and wrote a book.

There is more sherri there is always more, sharia enters into every facet of a person's life.

For example, " 2004 the European Court of Human Rights "found that sharia was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy… It considered that “sharia, which faithfully reflects the dogmas and divine rules laid down by religion, is stable and invariable. Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it. According to the Court, it was difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia, which clearly diverged from Convention values, particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervened in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts.”

But nothing in that defines Shariah Law.

It is a fair and accurate representation of what sharia law stands for and how it encompasses every facet of a Muslim's life not just some aspects as you suggested. Indeed, "Within Muslim discourse, sharia designates the rules and regulations governing the lives of Muslims"(see Calder, N. "Sharīa." Encyclopaedia of Islam)
There is more sherri there is always more, sharia enters into every facet of a person's life.

For example, " 2004 the European Court of Human Rights "found that sharia was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy… It considered that “sharia, which faithfully reflects the dogmas and divine rules laid down by religion, is stable and invariable. Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it. According to the Court, it was difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia, which clearly diverged from Convention values, particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervened in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts.”

But nothing in that defines Shariah Law.

It is a fair and accurate representation of what sharia law stands for and how it encompasses every facet of a Muslim's life not just some aspects as you suggested. Indeed, "Within Muslim discourse, sharia designates the rules and regulations governing the lives of Muslims"(see Calder, N. "Sharīa." Encyclopaedia of Islam)

so? the same could be said about most religious laws...that they are "incompatable with the fundamental principles of democracy"... at some time point they served a purpose and still do in some societies.

i myself believe in a total seperation of church and state but i also believe that if broad and general statements are to be made, they must be made broadly and generally throughout and not focus on one religion..

personally, in america, i find evangelical christians more threatening to democracy in the practise of their religious beliefs than muslims are in the practice of theirs theirs.

your pdf link denies me access so the context of your excerpt is unclear.

i think a lot of people who focus specifically on islamic dogma to the exclusion of other dogmas are guilty of fear mongering unnecessarily.
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Well, I think those Palestinians in Gaza, students or Hamas who created that cartoon,, it remains a bit unclear who they are, are doing a fantastic job of keeping the world clean.

I think whoever created that cartoon should be given an award for their creativity and positive artistic expression, addressing how they are coping with all the Zionist attempts to turn Gaza into rubbish.

They just keep on picking up the rubbish.

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But nothing in that defines Shariah Law.

It is a fair and accurate representation of what sharia law stands for and how it encompasses every facet of a Muslim's life not just some aspects as you suggested. Indeed, "Within Muslim discourse, sharia designates the rules and regulations governing the lives of Muslims"(see Calder, N. "Sharīa." Encyclopaedia of Islam)

so? the same could be said about most religious laws...that they are "incompatable with the fundamental principles of democracy"... at some time point they served a purpose and still do in some societies.

i myself believe in a total seperation of church and state but i also believe that if broad and general statements are to be made, they must be made broadly and generally throughout and not focus on one religion..

personally, in america, i find evangelical christians more threatening to democracy in the practise of their religious beliefs than muslims are in the practice of theirs theirs.

your pdf link denies me access so the context of your excerpt is unclear.

i think a lot of people who focus specifically on islamic dogma to the exclusion of other dogmas are guilty of fear mongering unnecessarily.

I agree, which is why secular law with a prohibition of religious and foreign law, for that matter works best. There are many discussions regarding America and their laws in relation to Islamic and other religious laws in the proper forum. To discuss that in this thread would be inappropriate.

Further the link has been fixed. Enjoy the case.
The Palestinians want the Jews dead, their not shy about it either.

Some do. Most do not.

We need to be very careful of sweeping generalisations about an entire people.

Yes, but we don't hear any opinions rejecting those views, either...

They are too busy trying to survive ethnic cleansing efforts of Zionists, trying to stay alive is what they are spending their time doing, there is no time to be on a discussion board saying anything here to Zionists. You Zionists are hurting and torturing their children at this very moment, presently unlawfully detaining over 200 Palestinian children. Sherri
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SherriMunnerlyn, Connery, et al,

Definitions and descriptions are successive approximations of the impact; but, are no substitute for real observations.

Shariah law generally refers to religious laws under the jurisdiction of religious courts and we generally see such laws applying to marriage and divorce and inheritance, in nations where it applies, like Malaysia which has Shariah law for Muslims only, which applies to certain areas, like marriages and divorces of Muslims. ....

There is more sherri there is always more, sharia enters into every facet of a person's life.

One only has to look at the cultures and civilizations that embrace Islam and/or Sharia Law to rate them according to the freedoms they have, the advancement the culture makes, and the contributions they make in order to determine if that is what they want.

One of the problems with Islamic/Muslim Lands and Sharia law is that the shift tends to radicalize the population; and there is no turning back. The top 10 most prosperous Islamic/Muslim countries in the world (by GDP) are:
  • Qatar GDP = $173,320
  • Brunei GDP = $16,360
  • Kuwait GDP = $160,916
  • UAE GDP = $338,690
  • Bahrain GDP = $25,825
  • Oman GDP = $72,680
  • Iran GDP = $521,835
  • Saudi Arabia GDP = $597,086
  • Turkey GDP = $774,983
  • Malaysia GDP = $287,934
Then subtract those that are artificially held high because they are energy export nations.
  • Brunei GDP = $16,360
  • Turkey GDP = $774,983
  • Malaysia GDP = $287,934
  • Libya GDP = $31,373
  • Lebanon GDP = $39,039
  • Azerbaijan GDP = $63,404
  • Tunisia GDP = $46,332
  • Albania GDP = $13,000
  • Algeria GDP = $198,735
  • Egypt GDP = $231,222
  • Turkmenistan GDP = $25,742
  • Jordan GDP = $28,840
  • Maldives GDP = $2,050
  • Syria GDP = $64,273

Now look at the top nations that are not using energy resources as a crutch to the economy.
  • US GDP = $14,991,300
  • China GDP = $7,203,784
  • Japan GDP = $5,870,357
  • Germany GDP = $3,604,061
  • France GDP = $2,775,518
  • Brazil GDP = $2,476,651
  • UK GDP = $2,429,184
  • Italy GDP = $2,195,937
  • India GDP = $1,897,608
  • Russia GDP = $1,857,770
  • Canada GDP = $1,736,869
  • Australia GDP = $1,515,468

You will notice that these are (generally) younger cultures and nations (excluding China, Brazil and Russia), and none the G8/G20 nations are Islamic/Muslim.

Put another way: Examine the chart on page GDP Per Captia Ranking: Middle East and North Africa. Look at where Israel ranks in comparison to all the other Islamic/Muslim states (this is a variation of the IQ Test Question: Which of these does not belong with the rest? Hint: It is not Muslim or Islamic!). The only countries that out-rank them are Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, and Bahrain; and they are all Kingdoms.

Decide where you want to be and what kind of culture you want to have.

Most Respectfully,

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