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Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews

Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews

With that sort of destructive and negative rhetoric coming from students in Gaza .... is it any wonder peace is so hard to achieve in that region of the world?
it is probably a good idea in reports such as these to do a rudimentary search to see actually what was said and, if you cannot find a reliable source in the first few pages, well, i disregard it. something like this would be distorted easily and massaged to the writer's agenda.

i think also, people neglect to read the whole article. mustafa carroll seems to be joking.
Was Mustafa Carrol joking? I don't think so. He made a joking statement about people worrying about sharia but the tenet of his speech wasn't to compete with David Letterman in the joke department. These people are dead serious.

CAIR TX -- stated "Muslims living in America should not be bound by U.S. law... ? Act For America Omaha Chapter

all you are really proving to me is that the number of muslim hate sites in the USA are limitless and that, if muslim youth are exposed to this kind of fookin' vile shite on a regular basis (and they are) it is a wonder that more bombings don't occur.

hell, i am an irish catholic and the constant exposure to this bigoted crap almost makes me want to join them. imagine if we targeted black americans like this, or asian americans, or mormons, or gays, or jews.

click on the homepage to your link...which is the same article as the opening post.

i have no idea exactly what mustafa carroll said or in what context...and we could spin things in many different ways. try this, and i won't mention names, but "evangelical christian advocates shackling black man to flag pole and whipping him for celebrating american way of life." we can put all kinds of spins on things...how about this..."after advocating the whipping of black american, southern christian man condemns another black american for defending the constitutional".

those are eamples of entirely accurate statements by themselves but the context is absent. i am merely trying to show you how things can be twisted to fit an agenda or or whatever reason.

i did a search...and got hate site after hate site after hate site before i actually got to some sort of legitimate news site...

Muslims try to counter Sharia fear - San Antonio Express-News

which doesn't really address the specifics but it does lend perspective. i don't see any difference between sharia law or judaic law or christian law canon law or whatever other than the fact that people have become accustomed to the use of the word "law" in these cases.

explain this,,,later in the article...

"Carroll began joking about the widespread concern about Shariah, the religious code that governs Muslim civil and political life.

“We tried to downplay Shariah, because we didn’t want to give the other side any excitement for being here,” he said.

He dismissed critics who express concern about Shariah, calling them “anti-foreign.”

“When you even say the word Shariah, people get nervous. We are not advocating for Shariah. We are not trying to make Shariah the law of the land,” he said.

Carroll claimed Muslims only want the “right to practice our faith.”

But he also said, “If you understand Shariah, the foundation of our faith … how we treat our neighbor, how we treat our parents … how we participate in society, all of that is part of Shariah.”

you make me sick.
Still babbling, Seal. Have you ever thought that you have made many posters and viewers nauseated over the years with your nonsense? But carry on, since it is apparent you have nothing else to do. We all realize that parts of Sharia Law have to do with family, etc. However, what have you to say about Muslims who feel it is quite OK to kill apostates. Imagine that. They live here in America with so many different religions and nobody is killing others who convert to Islam, but God forbid the opposite happens.
If he's joking - it would be in extremely poor taste and quite counter-productive. I should hope a 'lobby' group would choose spokespeople who could better present their positions than that.......

lol, you call your lying scumbag Zionist propaganda outfits others spokesmen, pathetic describes your words here. A quote taken out of context and without even a source to document it was even made is worthless drivel.

This is a fine example of an incoherent rant which was also a complete non sequitur.
Kondor -

Oddly enough, the most common basis for law in Muslim countries is English common law. But of course England had Egypt, Malaysia, Jordan etc as colonies, and much of that has remained in place. They still use Sharia in some areas of law, but it really is not the draconian nightmare people think of when they hear the word 'Sharia'.

It is difficult to really get clear figures on this, because the mix of Sharia and Common law varies from place to place so much.

It is mixed up in Iran. I was asking my husband about the distinction between religious courts and other courts and he could not explain it. But he was sure the religious courts and their rules for Muslims did not apply to Christians and Jews. He said maybe they had their own religious courts, these other two groups, he did not know. In schools, children of different religious have separate religious classes, but otherwise attend school classes together. I was reading about Malaysia which is 50% Muslim.They have Sharia courts to deal with certain issues, for Muslims only. A bad thing about this is an individual is labelled as a Muslim from birth, based on their parents being Muslim, and laws prevent such things as changing religions.
I am not aware that Judaic Law nor Christian (Canon?) Law are presently operative in the United States in a distinct and recognizable manner, so, this does not seem to present a problem for the foreseeable future.

Neither is Sharia. So what's the point of this ignorant law other than to single out Muslims?
Do not confuse 'knee-jerk bigoted actions generated by histrionic fear' with 'proactive preventative measures' brought about by observable and problematic scenarios visible in sister-countries equipped with kindred laws and barriers which failed to stop such an outcome in whole or in part.

What visible scenarios?
Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews

With that sort of destructive and negative rhetoric coming from students in Gaza .... is it any wonder peace is so hard to achieve in that region of the world?

No students said that, the thread title is a lie. You want to hate students in Gaza based on lies of a Zionist poster, go for it, you and hating and demonizing seem to all go together.

Why are you getting personal with me?

I don't appreciate that.

Why are you blaming all Gaza students for lies attributed to them by a lying Zionist?
SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

What are the salient points that you think are important.

Why are you blaming all Gaza students for lies attributed to them by a lying Zionist?

Relative to .gif "Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews"

Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States said:
In accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations, States have the duty to refrain from propaganda for wars of aggression.


Do you think that this dialog adheres to the UN Principles.

Do you think that this particular ".gif" has a suggestive undertone? What message do you think this ".gif" intended to send?

Most Respectfully,
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Do not confuse 'knee-jerk bigoted actions generated by histrionic fear' with 'proactive preventative measures' brought about by observable and problematic scenarios visible in sister-countries equipped with kindred laws and barriers which failed to stop such an outcome in whole or in part.

What visible scenarios?
Why don't we begin with the United Kingdom, and the Sharia Courts that have been allowed to spring-up in Muslim-dominated areas of the U.K. - and to which Muslims are expected to go for Enclave-Internal / Ghetto-Internal civil and domestic law and disputes, rather than going to the British law courts - and given that these Sharia courts are sending women suffering from domestic violence back to abusive husbands and children of trouble marriages back to the abusing husband etc etc etc.

The very fact that Sharia Courts exist as a substitute for British law courts is an outrage.

Their misogynistic perspective is medieval and unforgivable in this day-and-age.

Their very existence undermines British law.

That the Brits conceded this all-important first point is contemptible.

That gets us started... we can go on and on if you like... but to what end?

Sharia Law and Sharia Courts do NOT belong as part of the fabric of Western society.
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Poll Shows 85% of PA Arabs Support Terror
Two recent polls find a vast majority of Arabs supporting terror attacks and a growing Israeli majority opposed to further withdrawals.
By Ezra HaLevi

Two recent polls find a vast majority of Arabs supporting terror attacks and a growing Israeli majority opposed to further withdrawals.

A recent Palestinian Authority poll shows that 84 percent of PA Arabs approve of the massacre at Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where eight students were murder and ten wounded.

The poll, carried out by Ramallah-based pollster Khalil Shikaki, interviewed 1,270 PA Arabs. 64 percent support the rocket attacks on Israeli cities and towns such as Sderot and Ashkelon launched from Hamas-controlled Gaza. Those who oppose the attacks don’t necessarily do so on moral grounds, but rather strategic considerations.

The Palestinian Terror Index: A Majority Support Terror

Analysis released by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research contains a wealth of insights which have been ignored by the media.
By: Frimet and Arnold Roth
Published: January 20th, 2013

This is the report. Terrorism is not mentioned.

PSR poll 46 - Full analysis
Most black South Africans had never heard a white South African condemn apartheid either - and yet we know that hundreds of thousands of them voted to end apartheid.

Several Palestinians have told me they oppose terror, because I'm not Israeli nor American.

You can't see that, but behind the screen, I almost smile.

And how many of them, I wonder, "reject" terror simply because they know we kick their asses in response?

Don't answer that.

I agree with you - many do think that way, but that's fine, isn't it?

If I was Palstinian that would certainly be one reason that I would not want another war.

The Palestinians never wanted war.
"The very fact that Sharia Courts exist as a substitute for British law courts is an outrage."

you have every right to be outraged. it's...scary too. i don't blame you. the little things here, they think they are immune from our laws, and it doesn't apply to them.
like...there was a BIG issues about "THEM" not wanting to remove their VEILS from their faces while they take their drivers' license picture. ...
PATHETIC ISN'T IT ? AND... in the ISLAMIC MUTHALAND....she "ain't" EVEN allowed to drive. total insanity. :cuckoo:
the star of david is obviously symbolic of israel in this case and not all jews.

It symbolized Hamas hates all Jews.

Something to which you can probably relate.

Always amuses me you are in a hurry to defend Hamas' obvious hatred, but put horns on our heads and every moronic fanat, to you represents us all.

Busted for hypocrisy, again, Sealy? :D

“Hamas has no problem with the Jews, the problem is only with the Israeli occupation which is based on the Zionism,” Haneya told reporters after the meeting.

Gaza - Hamas Meets Neturei Karta Rabbis in Gaza Strip -- VosIzNeias.com
P F Tinmore; Lipush; et al,

Polls are just an insight, an educated hunch.

Saigon, recent poll showed that more than 60% of Palestinians support terror attacks against Israel.


40 percent of Muslim Palestinians support terror attacks against civilians

Poll: 68 Percent of Palestinians Support Peace Talks If Settlements Frozen

Poll: Hamas loses popularity among Palestinians 04/10/2013 said:
Wednesday’s poll, which was based on a sample of 1,179 people over the age of 18 and has a 3 percentage point margin of error, found that more than 80 percent of Palestinians support nonviolent means of “resistance” against Israel.

About 60% said that military operations harm Palestinian national interests.

The proportion of Palestinians who support military operations against Israel dropped from 50% in December 2012 to 31% in this poll.

Moreover, support for firing rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israel has dropped sharply; while 74% indicated their approval in December 2012, the current figure stands at 38%, the poll showed.

In terms of overall support, Hamas’s popularity dropped from 28% in December 2012 to 20% in this poll.

Similarly, the survey found that fewer Palestinians support the Oslo Accords. While a poll in 1997 indicated that 68% of Palestinians supported the Oslo Accords, this latest survey indicated that only 43% favor the agreements.

The poll also found that 33% of Palestinians believe that the Oslo Accords have harmed their interests; another 34% consider them to have made no difference.

More than 55% of those surveyed expressed strong criticism of the Palestinian Authority’s security coordination with Israel.

The overwhelming majority of Palestinians (90%) believe that Hamas and Fatah should pursue national reconciliation, even if this results in the US and Israel imposing sanctions on the Palestinians.

Also, a majority of Palestinians (59%) says both Hamas and Fatah are acting in their own interests instead of national interests.

Twenty-eight percent blamed Hamas for the ongoing divisions among Palestinians, as opposed to 19% who held Fatah responsible.

SOURCE: Poll: Hamas loses popularity among Palestinians | JPost | Israel News

There are polls on everything. Think of them as "spot assessments" or a snapshot in time. They are one data point along the continuum of time. The Palestinians can change their mind tomorrow. You can't see the trend until you have a string of data points.

The best indicator of Palestinian support for terrorism is the expression of support for organizations like Hamas and their Charter; or, the support they show for people like Samer Issawi; a known insurgent.

Most Respectfully,
the star of david is obviously symbolic of israel in this case and not all jews.

It symbolized Hamas hates all Jews.

Something to which you can probably relate.

Always amuses me you are in a hurry to defend Hamas' obvious hatred, but put horns on our heads and every moronic fanat, to you represents us all.

Busted for hypocrisy, again, Sealy? :D

“Hamas has no problem with the Jews, the problem is only with the Israeli occupation which is based on the Zionism,” Haneya told reporters after the meeting.

Gaza - Hamas Meets Neturei Karta Rabbis in Gaza Strip -- VosIzNeias.com
Hey, Tinnie, next time this very, very tiny group meets with the crazies in Iran, perhaps if you grow a beard, they will let you accompany them. It's amusing how this miniscule group of Jews is a favorite of the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. By the way, Tinnie, this group believes that when the Messiah comes, the only people living in Israel will be the Jews. When you go with them to Iran, could you ask them where they think your fellow Arabs will land up when the Messiah comes?
Yes, that's exactly my point. It's about time that people who post constantly on this Board, start making plans about visiting there.

I do agree with this.

I understand not everyone is interested in the Middle East, but I don't get one or two of our posters who post 54827 times a day about the Islamic world - but have never set foot in an Islamic country.

It's like posting on a golf forum but never picking up a club.

Exactly, they need to get over there and see whats really going on.

Indeed, all these people ranting about Gaza. How many have been there?
P F Tinmore, et al,

One doesn't need to visit outer space to know it is danger and hazardous to your health. One doesn't need to visit a volcano to know they can be dangerous and hazardous to your health.

One doesn't need to meet a serial killer to know that they are dangerous. One doesn't need to be in a firefight to know you can get killed in one.

One doesn't need to drive to the ghetto to know they are dangerous at night. And one doesn't need to sit at a casino table to know you can lose a lot of money at one.

Indeed, all these people ranting about Gaza. How many have been there?

Gaza is a third world city. Yes! it has hotels, restaurants and attractions. It has some very fine wine and dining. It has some very wholesome entertainment.

But it is also true that the people of Gaza have embraced the Hamas stance against Israel. And even Egypt has taken a second look at the curious nature of Hamas. You may have not noticed (in recent times), but Egyptian Army Engineers have flooded a network of tunnels, destroyed dozens more, and Egyptian courts has authorized the demolition of all the other tunnels on national security grounds.

Think about that for a minute. You don't have to be there to know that if the Egyptians see a "national security" issue, that Hamas may very well be a regional security issue and a threat to peace.

You don't have to step into the fire to know that you can get burned; or, maybe you do. It is all a matter of being able to assimilate the information available and digest it. But we do teach our children to not play with fire.

Most Respectfully,
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Saigon, recent poll showed that more than 60% of Palestinians support terror attacks against Israel.


I haven't seen any reseach on this, although one survey I have read found that 39% of people in Lebanon might support terror attacks.

I do think that is a fairly alarming finding, but on the other hand - when people with bombing, violence and terror on an almost daily basis, it is hardly surprising.

If we asked Israelis whether they would accept the use of, say, chemical weapons in Gaza, the results would likely be similar.

Should peace ever breakout and hold for a few years, only then would we get a clearer impression of how Palestinians regard terror.
No students said that, the thread title is a lie. You want to hate students in Gaza based on lies of a Zionist poster, go for it, you and hating and demonizing seem to all go together.

Why are you getting personal with me?

I don't appreciate that.

Why are you blaming all Gaza students for lies attributed to them by a lying Zionist?

Why do you hate all israelis just because you think our policies suck?:doubt:

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