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Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews

the star of david is obviously symbolic of israel in this case and not all jews.

It symbolized Hamas hates all Jews.

Something to which you can probably relate.

Always amuses me you are in a hurry to defend Hamas' obvious hatred, but put horns on our heads and every moronic fanat, to you represents us all.

Busted for hypocrisy, again, Sealy? :D

“Hamas has no problem with the Jews, the problem is only with the Israeli occupation which is based on the Zionism,” Haneya told reporters after the meeting.

Gaza - Hamas Meets Neturei Karta Rabbis in Gaza Strip -- VosIzNeias.com

Since when are neturey karta jews?

Since.when does hamas NOT uses Taquiyya?
Saigon, recent poll showed that more than 60% of Palestinians support terror attacks against Israel.


I haven't seen any reseach on this, although one survey I have read found that 39% of people in Lebanon might support terror attacks.

I do think that is a fairly alarming finding, but on the other hand - when people with bombing, violence and terror on an almost daily basis, it is hardly surprising.

If we asked Israelis whether they would accept the use of, say, chemical weapons in Gaza, the results would likely be similar.

Should peace ever breakout and hold for a few years, only then would we get a clearer impression of how Palestinians regard terror.

The thing is Israels attacks on civilians and other war crimes are a regular daily event for Palestinians, which are essentially acts of terror, so many simply may see the use of terror as simply a proportionate response to Israels terror. I do not think that is the best way for them to respond to Israel's terror, I think nonviolent resistance is the better response.
"...The thing is Israels attacks on civilians and other war crimes are a regular daily event for Palestinians..."
Many folks operate under the impression that Israel does not launch attacks unless provoked either by first-strikes on the part of others or build-ups of threatening assets that need to be taken-out before they can do harm to Israelis, and that when Israelis hit civilians it is almost always because they were nearby to a legitimate military target.

Of course, it doesn't help the Palestinian civilian population that their Fighters choose to deploy rocket-launchers and to establish operational bases embedded deep within civilian population centers, disdainful of the cost to their own civilians. Pigs.

And, something tells me that if Israel were committing actual War Crimes on a daily basis against the Palestinians that the rest of the world would have heard something about it by now.

What are these War Crimes that Israel commits daily?

Inquiring minds want to know.
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What are these War Crimes that Israel commits daily?

All of these have been mentioned by HRW:

Collective punishment

Detention without trial

Use of torture

Destruction of crops, homes and forms of business without due process

Use of particular weapons against or near civilian targets
"...The thing is Israels attacks on civilians and other war crimes are a regular daily event for Palestinians..."
Many folks operate under the impression that Israel does not launch attacks unless provoked either by first-strikes on the part of others or build-ups of threatening assets that need to be taken-out before they can do harm to Israelis, and that when Israelis hit civilians it is almost always because they were nearby to a legitimate military target.

Of course, it doesn't help the Palestinian civilian population that their Fighters choose to deploy rocket-launchers and to establish operational bases embedded deep within civilian population centers, disdainful of the cost to their own civilians. Pigs.

And, something tells me that if Israel were committing actual War Crimes on a daily basis against the Palestinians that the rest of the world would have heard something about it by now.

What are these War Crimes that Israel commits daily?

Inquiring minds want to know.

What are these War Crimes that Israel commits daily?

All of these have been mentioned by HRW:

Personally, I wouldn't trust HRW to report objectively on The Holocaust or the Armenian Genocide or the genocides of Genghis Khan, never mind objectivity regarding Israel - but that's just me.

I think we need an NPO or NGO in the mix that routinely examines both sides of the coin in depth and which interviews both sides and which examines documentation and witnesses from both sides and which has no preconceived outcomes in mind and is capable of dealing with the practicalities of asymmetrical warfare in a life-and-death struggle with a modicum of realism rather than idealism. And no such critter exists, insofar as I am aware.

"...Collective punishment..."

That is rather wide-open, and I'm sure that things such as The Blockade are tossed in there for good measure, along with civilians being hit during counterstrikes, etc. Well, if you don't want a Blockade, and you don't want casualties, don't attack without provocation, although I'm sure that HRW avoids such fine distinctions.

"...Detention without trial..."

This one is believable, although I'm not sure that's a 'War Crime', but more like a Civil Rights issue, or a bit of Judicial Wrongdoing.

Bottom line... I have no problem believing that the Israelis detain Palestinians without trial on a regular basis; most of them terror suspects or known fighters, a handful of them innocents, as well. Once captured, they can't let them loose again, or else they get another chance to kill more Israelis, and that would be foolhardy indeed. And, given that they cannot be let loose, detaining them is better than putting a bullet in the back of their heads and shoveling them into the ground, as the Palestinians have been known to do to captured Israeli soldiers. I'm sure that that, too, escapes the notice of our esteemed HRW.

"...Use of torture..."

Doubtful, at least on a broad basis, although, personally, I would have little difficulty believing that some over-eager Israeli cop or soldier-interrogator beats the crap out of an occasional Palestinian fighter, to learn the whereabouts of a high-profile leader or rocket launcher depot or some-such thing. Such is the nature of assymetrical warfare and life-and-death struggles. Ugly.

"...Destruction of crops, homes and forms of business without due process..."

True enough, I expect.

The Israelis continue mop-up and consolidation operations in reclaiming all of Eretz Yisrael.

Vae victus.

"...Use of particular weapons against or near civilian targets"

True enough, I expect.

The Palestinians can stop that anytime they wish.

By moving their rocket launchers and operational bases away from civilian population centers.

Until then...

Asymmetrical warfare is, indeed, a bitch.
What are these War Crimes that Israel commits daily?

All of these have been mentioned by HRW:

Collective punishment

Detention without trial

Use of torture

Destruction of crops, homes and forms of business without due process

Use of particular weapons against or near civilian targets

And they have been mentioned by Amnesty and The International Red Cross and DCI Palestine and Btselem and WHO and the UN Human Rights Council and UNICEF and Rabbis For Human Rights and The International Court Of Justice (it discussed the illegal settlements and the illegal Wall in 2004). And there are many others. On the UNISPAL website, monthly reports are produced and filed that document daily human rights abuses of the Occupation day by day. Essentially, every national and local human rights groups that exist in our world are regularly documenting Israels war crimes carried out in her Occupation.
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"...The thing is Israels attacks on civilians and other war crimes are a regular daily event for Palestinians..."
Many folks operate under the impression that Israel does not launch attacks unless provoked either by first-strikes on the part of others or build-ups of threatening assets that need to be taken-out before they can do harm to Israelis, and that when Israelis hit civilians it is almost always because they were nearby to a legitimate military target.

Of course, it doesn't help the Palestinian civilian population that their Fighters choose to deploy rocket-launchers and to establish operational bases embedded deep within civilian population centers, disdainful of the cost to their own civilians. Pigs.

And, something tells me that if Israel were committing actual War Crimes on a daily basis against the Palestinians that the rest of the world would have heard something about it by now.

What are these War Crimes that Israel commits daily?

Inquiring minds want to know.

The illegal Blockade of Gaza is collective punishment and a war crime. The illegal settlements are war crimes. The unlawful detentiin of Palestinian prisoners are war crimes. The regular torture of children and other prisoners are war crimes. Attacks on civilians and civilian objects that violate The Fourth Geneva Convention are war crimes. The attacks on protesters involve the unlawful use of force and are war crimes. These are all continuous and daily war crimes. And there are many more war crimes not addressed. Unlawful attacks on civilians and civilian objects are never ever sanctioned by intl law. It is not a defense to war crimes, the claim the opponent committed war crimes.
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"...The thing is Israels attacks on civilians and other war crimes are a regular daily event for Palestinians..."
Many folks operate under the impression that Israel does not launch attacks unless provoked either by first-strikes on the part of others or build-ups of threatening assets that need to be taken-out before they can do harm to Israelis, and that when Israelis hit civilians it is almost always because they were nearby to a legitimate military target.

Of course, it doesn't help the Palestinian civilian population that their Fighters choose to deploy rocket-launchers and to establish operational bases embedded deep within civilian population centers, disdainful of the cost to their own civilians. Pigs.

And, something tells me that if Israel were committing actual War Crimes on a daily basis against the Palestinians that the rest of the world would have heard something about it by now.

What are these War Crimes that Israel commits daily?

Inquiring minds want to know.

The illegal Blockade of Gaza is collective punishment and a war crime. The illegal settlements are war crimes. The unlawful detentiin of Palestinian prisoners are war crimes. The regular torture of children and other prisoners are war crimes. Attacks on civilians and civilian objects that violate The Fourth Geneva Convention are war crimes. The attacks on protesters involve the unlawful use of force and are war crimes. These are all continuous and daily war crimes. And there are many more war crimes not addressed. Unlawful attacks on civilians and civilian ibjects are never ever sanctioned by intl law. It is not a defense to war crimes, the claim the opponent committed war crimes.

Post of the day!
What are these War Crimes that Israel commits daily?

All of these have been mentioned by HRW:

Collective punishment

Detention without trial

Use of torture

Destruction of crops, homes and forms of business without due process

Use of particular weapons against or near civilian targets

And they have been mentioned by Amnesty and The International Red Cross and DCI Palestine and Btselem and WHO and the UN Human Rights Council and UNICEF and Rabbis For Human Rights and The International Court Of Justice (it discussed the illegal settlements and the illegal Wall in 2004). And there are many others. On the UNISPAL website, monthly reports are produced and filed that document daily human rights abuses of the Occupation day by day. Essentially, every national and local human rights groups that exist in our world are regularly documenting Israels war crimes carried out in her Occupation.
Asymmetrical warfare is a bitch, isn't it? The Palestinians can end it any time they wish.

When you come up with an NPO or NGO that has dispassionately and objectively evaluated both sides evenly and consistently with respect to the events related to this asymmetrical warfare, perhaps people will pay more attention. Until then, not so much, I fear.
And what IS 'non-violent resistance" exactly?

It's a myth, they're almost always violent and hurt the blameless.!

It is staying in your home when you face daily attacks by illegal settlers. It is weekly nonviolent protests in villages like Nabi Saleh. It is the Gaza student Facebook campaigns exposing human rights abuses of Occupation that hundreds of thousands join in in our world. Those students in Gaza are beautiful ansd inspiring young people and filled with life and love, no natter how much Zionists like you and the likes of you try to quench it. It is BDS. It is samud. The Palestinian committment to samud only grows stronger with each Injustice of Occupation. Hope springs eternal. Truth is always brought inro the light. And Injustices like Occupations always have an end.
those protest are full of violent, just the way the Palestinians kill our brothers in Judea and Samaria and then cry when the masses react.

Their goal is one- to destroy Israel.

That is the only truth that matters!
All of these have been mentioned by HRW:

Collective punishment

Detention without trial

Use of torture

Destruction of crops, homes and forms of business without due process

Use of particular weapons against or near civilian targets

And they have been mentioned by Amnesty and The International Red Cross and DCI Palestine and Btselem and WHO and the UN Human Rights Council and UNICEF and Rabbis For Human Rights and The International Court Of Justice (it discussed the illegal settlements and the illegal Wall in 2004). And there are many others. On the UNISPAL website, monthly reports are produced and filed that document daily human rights abuses of the Occupation day by day. Essentially, every national and local human rights groups that exist in our world are regularly documenting Israels war crimes carried out in her Occupation.
Asymmetrical warfare is a bitch, isn't it? The Palestinians can end it any time they wish.

When you come up with an NPO or NGO that has dispassionately and objectively evaluated both sides evenly and consistently with respect to the events related to this asymmetrical warfare, perhaps people will pay more attention. Until then, not so much, I fear.

The world shall never ever accept Zionist attempts to whitewash their war crimes. Funny or ironic is remembering how alleged ancestors of Zionists were called for whitewashing their crimes by Jesus in Matthew 23. They crucified Jesus but He and His message still live. Truth shall always be brought into the light.
When you come up with an NPO or NGO that has dispassionately and objectively evaluated both sides evenly and consistently with respect to the events related to this asymmetrical warfare, perhaps people will pay more attention. Until then, not so much, I fear.

I disagree - I have found the HRW site generally fair and objective.

Israel tends to fare worse in discussions about law because they are, in effect, the law, whereas many terrorists attacks are not made under the auspices of any government, military or police action.

But the points I listed above are worth checking out, IMO.

Here is one story from HRW:

(Jerusalem) – Israel should strengthen an announced reduction of its military use of white phosphorus munitions by banning all use of “air-burst” white phosphorus munitions in populated areas without exception. Human Rights Watch has also urged all countries to make white phosphorus illegal when used as an incendiary weapon.

Israel: Strengthen White Phosphorus Phase-Out | Human Rights Watch
those protest are full of violent, just the way the Palestinians kill our brothers in Judea and Samaria and then cry when the masses react.

Their goal is one- to destroy Israel.

That is the only truth that matters!

The violence is predominantly instigated by Israel, who does things like blind Jewish American protesters and seriously injure and kill protesters by acts like attacking them with tear gas canistors and dummy bullets and even live ammunition. You Israeli Zionists get off on demonizing and hurting and killing Gentiles, it is the essence of who you are, Occupiers and human rights abusers and baby killers. But Palestinian students and others in the OPT simply remain steadfast in the face of all of the evil you vomit on them, that includes your lies in your OP in this thread.
"...The illegal Blockade of Gaza is collective punishment and a war crime...
I seriously doubt that it can classified as a War Crime within the realm of objective real-world thinking, even if misguided or malevolent literalists construe thus.

Nations impose naval blockades as the military or political need arises.

Did the United States commit a War Crime when it imposed a Naval Blockade upon the Confederacy during the American Civil War? Did the US commit a War Crime when it imposed a Naval Blockade upon Cuba during the 1962 Missile Crisis?

I'm not talking about Treaties and Signatories and Effective Dates... I'm talking about Ethics.

"...The illegal settlements are war crimes..."

Doubtful, in a practical sense.

Perhaps the Palestinians should have met the Israelis half-way while they were still interested in talking to them.

Bad judgment on the Palestinians' part.

Too late to whine about it now.

"...The unlawful detentiin of Palestinian prisoners are war crimes..."

Possibly. Technically. But better that than (a) turning them loose again to kill Israelis or (b) killing them outright, to ensure that they can do no more harm.

"...The regular torture of children and other prisoners are war crimes..."

The regular torture of children?

Not bloody likely.

The regular torture of others?

Not bloody likely.

Infrequent torture applied in selective situations based upon pending danger?

Perhaps, from time to time, as happens in asymmetrical warfare.

"...Attacks on civilians and civilian objects that violate The Fourth Geneva Convention are war crimes..."

It's also a war-crime on the part of the Palestinians to position thier rocket launchers and operational bases within civilian population centers but they do it anyway.

If it's a choice between allowing those launchers and bases to continue hitting Israelis unimpeded or destroying them (and sometimes triggering civilian Palestinian casualties in the process), then I would vote for destroying those launchers and bases, and, if I have to take-the-hit for a bullshit accusation of committing a War-Crime, I have the consolation of knowing more of my people are still alive because I had the courage to take-out those launchers and bases, consequences be damned.

An entirely understandable thing for the Israelis to do.

The Palestinians can stop hiding behind their womens' skirts anytime they want (in positioning these war assets amongst their civilian population) but they won't; it's both a tactical advantage and a public relations cow that they milk regularly. They really DO have to get some new material.

"...The attacks on protesters involve the unlawful use of force and are war crimes..."

Yes... each and every attack by a government on a group of protestors since time began is a War crime, isn't it? You're really much like the little boy (or girl) who cried 'wolf' once too often. I'm sure that by the time you're done, an Israeli looking cross-eyed at a Palestinian will be categorized as a War Crime. You're really reaching on this one and it shows.

"...These are all continuous and daily war crimes. And there are many more war crimes not addressed. Unlawful attacks on civilians and civilian objects are never ever sanctioned by intl law. It is not a defense to war crimes, the claim the opponent committed war crimes."

Yes... very nice, I'm sure.
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Saigon; Kondor3; et al,

Some of these are not "war crimes" as truly defined. Some of these are not substantiated claims (mistaken facts). But the real issue, as to whether any of these claims are even valid is rooted in the discussion of "first event."

What are these War Crimes that Israel commits daily?

All of these have been mentioned by HRW:

  • Collective punishment
  • Detention without trial
  • Use of torture
  • Destruction of crops, homes and forms of business without due process
  • Use of particular weapons against or near civilian targets

Hostile Arab/Palestinians (HoAP), of all variety, make one basic claim; that the are the victim of an illegal occupation (victimization) and that all hostile activity they initiate are related to their right to self-determination, freedom and independence. The basic claim is that the HoAP, was forcibly deprived of that right under a form of colonial and apartheid regime (Israeli). And in being so deprived of their rights, are entitled to the use of force in whatever capacity they may find opportunity to exploit.

The HoAP see all of the Jewish People as complicit participants, in whatever boundary expressed, to an invasion by a foreign aggressor resulting in an annexation by the use of force of the territory of sovereign integrity of Palestine. They see the UN, and all the Subsidiary Committees, Commissions, Boards, Councils, Panel, Working Groups and Courts as allied with them as the victim; giving them tacit, if not direct approval, to conduct what hostilities they may find available to them, in order to secure the deprived rights, lands and properties. They see the UN, and its bodies, as approving the sending of armed bands, groups, irregulars, insurgents, terrorists, or mercenaries, which carry out acts of armed force against the Jewish State; which they see as an illegal occupation of Palestine.


With that as a backdrop, then anything that Israel does, in an effort to secure the integrity of its territorial borders, the sovereignty of their nation, and the protection of their people, is in contravention to established law.

Everyone knows and understands that the HoAP has weapons. They use these weapons (rockets as an example). Everyone knows they have bomb makers (Samer Issawi as an example). Everyone understands that the HoAP is a threat to the security of Israel.

The Serious Questions:

The question that has to be addressed is relative to the legitimacy of the State of Israel. At what point does the International Community see Israel as a legitimate nation?

When did Israel lose its right to defend itself against:
  • HoAP insurgents and terrorist?
  • Adjacent hostile aggressors?
  • External Influence, such as the IRCG-QF, promoting conflict?

The extent to which Israel is considered in violation of "war crimes" and "crimes of aggression" starts with a determination on the status of the legitimacy of the state, and the determination of which party (Israel 'vs' HoAP) is the aggressor with the stated goal of annihilation of the other; which party is considered the initiator of the Hostilities? Which party is considered the defender and the aggressor?

Also, what must be taken into consideration is the "mental" capacity of the HoAP to distinguish between right and wrong. Do the Palestinians support terrorism?

Most Respectfully,
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Rocco, suicide bombings are a thing of the past in Palestine, they stopped years ago. Just let it go, this baseless claim they desire suicide bombings and love to commit suicide bombings, it is not true. And let it go, your hate and demonization of them, let it all go. Free yourself of all this hate you are enslaved by. Occupations are not supposed to last over 40 years, the Israeli Occupation of Palestine became unlawful a long time ago. All that is lacking is an Opinion by The Intl Court of Justice confirming this. But I read a Special Rapporteurs Report years ago concluding the Occupation was unlawful. And people have the right to resist Occupations, their resistance, even armed resistance, is 100 percent lawful under intl law. Israel has no right to claim self defense as long as her unlawful Occupation of Palestine continues.
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RoccoR said:
Hostile Arab/Palestinians (HoAP), of all variety, make one basic claim; that the are the victim of an illegal occupation (victimization) and that all hostile activity they initiate are related to their right to self-determination, freedom and independence. The basic claim is that the HoAP, was forcibly deprived of that right under a form of colonial and apartheid regime (Israeli). And in being so deprived of their rights, are entitled to the use of force in whatever capacity they may find opportunity to exploit.


You are finally getting it.

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