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Gaza Students: Clean the World of Jews

Rocco, suicide bombings are a thing of the past in Palestine, they stopped years ago. Just let it go, this baseless claim they desire suicide bombings and love to commit suicide bombings, it is not true. And let it go, your hate and demonization of them, let it all go. Free yourself of all this hate you are enslaved by. Occupations are not supposed to last over 40 years, the Israeli Occupation of Palestine became unlawful a long time ago. All that is lacking is an Opinion by The Intl Court of Justice confirming this. But I read a Special Rapporteurs Report years ago concluding the Occupation was unlawful. And people have the right to resist Occupations, their resistance, even armed resistance, is 100 percent lawful under intl law. Israel has no right to claim self defense as long as her unlawful Occupation of Palestine continues.
It's funny to see Frau Sherri call Rocco a hater and demonizer when she is the one who is really the hater and demonizer. Anyone with any brains at all can see that Rocco, as a result of his career, knows exactly what has been going on and is willing to share with us what he knows. I don't think anyone but a hater herself would call Rocco a hater. Frau Sherri only makes herself look like a fool pulling out her usual shtick ad nauseam about someone being a hater and demonizer because she didn't like what he posted
SherriMunnerlyn; et al,

A couple points I would like to make.

Rocco, suicide bombings are a thing of the past in Palestine, they stopped years ago. Just let it go, this baseless claim they desire suicide bombings and love to commit suicide bombings, it is not true. And let it go, your hate and demonization of them, let it all go.

This is not a demonization effort; at least not in the same sense as the reverse is true.

The mention of the "Suicide Bombing" data was relative to the "mental capacity" and "thought processes" of the HoAP (Hostile Arab/Palestinian), and not to the active strategy in play. I thought I made that clear, that it was exemplary and not a charge. If I did not make it clear, I am now.

While you can claim that Palestinians do not embrace suicide bombings, in the specific, they do embrace the concept of "martyrdom." And that is a question of mental capacity and competency.

Occupations are not supposed to last over 40 years, the Israeli Occupation of Palestine became unlawful a long time ago. All that is lacking is an Opinion by The Intl Court of Justice confirming this. But I read a Special Rapporteurs Report years ago concluding the Occupation was unlawful. And people have the right to resist Occupations, their resistance, even armed resistance, is 100 percent lawful under intl law.

Without regard to what you might interpret as being declared "lawful" by the International Court, the promotion of terrorism (in any form) and the support of an armed insurgency (against a sovereign nation) is unlawful. There is no justification for the targeting of civilians in Israel relative to the Occupation of any territory lost in conflict by the aggressor (HoAP).

For more than four decades, attempts to reach an amicable arrangement with the Palestinians have met with negative results. Even today, the US Secretary of State is trying to kick-start negotiations for a settlement and peace; even Israeli President Shimon Peres (Nobel Laureate), is asking for the two sides to come together.

Israel has no right to claim self defense as long as her unlawful Occupation of Palestine continues.

Both side agree on one thing: There is a conflict in progress. And while there is a conflict in progress, a military occupation cannot be "illegal;" it is a consequence of war. International Law does not set term limits on "occupation." The International Law address the conditions the Occupation Force sets over the occupied territory and the customary fashion in which such land is administered. Theoretically, as long as the UN doesn't establish another Mandate (Trusteeship), the Occupation can last indefinitely. The International Law establishes the responsibility of the Occupation Authority.

Remember, no International Law prohibits "military occupation" during times of conflict. Normally, at the end of open hostilities, it is traditional for the winner to set the tone for negotiations. However, in this case, the HoAP are trying to set the terms and demands. It is the HoAP that is continuing the conflict.

Most Respectfully,
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P F Tinmore, et al,

Paul, my friend, I understood this all the time. I just don't agree with it.

I've been trying to get you to adopt a 21st Century Paradigm. (Not that I have a cobblers chance in Vegas.)

RoccoR said:
Hostile Arab/Palestinians (HoAP), of all variety, make one basic claim; that the are the victim of an illegal occupation (victimization) and that all hostile activity they initiate are related to their right to self-determination, freedom and independence. The basic claim is that the HoAP, was forcibly deprived of that right under a form of colonial and apartheid regime (Israeli). And in being so deprived of their rights, are entitled to the use of force in whatever capacity they may find opportunity to exploit.


You are finally getting it.

This is a conception that needs to be abandon.

Most Respectfully,
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RoccoR said:
Hostile Arab/Palestinians (HoAP), of all variety, make one basic claim; that the are the victim of an illegal occupation (victimization) and that all hostile activity they initiate are related to their right to self-determination, freedom and independence. The basic claim is that the HoAP, was forcibly deprived of that right under a form of colonial and apartheid regime (Israeli). And in being so deprived of their rights, are entitled to the use of force in whatever capacity they may find opportunity to exploit.


You are finally getting it.

Not exactly, Sherlock: Rocco is getting that the above claim is a farce and a sham and a LIE. It's you and others who insist Israel shouldn't have been 'allowed' to exist who aren't 'getting it'.
Rocco, suicide bombings are a thing of the past in Palestine, they stopped years ago. Just let it go, this baseless claim they desire suicide bombings and love to commit suicide bombings, it is not true. And let it go, your hate and demonization of them, let it all go. Free yourself of all this hate you are enslaved by. Occupations are not supposed to last over 40 years, the Israeli Occupation of Palestine became unlawful a long time ago. All that is lacking is an Opinion by The Intl Court of Justice confirming this. But I read a Special Rapporteurs Report years ago concluding the Occupation was unlawful. And people have the right to resist Occupations, their resistance, even armed resistance, is 100 percent lawful under intl law. Israel has no right to claim self defense as long as her unlawful Occupation of Palestine continues.
It's funny to see Frau Sherri call Rocco a hater and demonizer when she is the one who is really the hater and demonizer. Anyone with any brains at all can see that Rocco, as a result of his career, knows exactly what has been going on and is willing to share with us what he knows. I don't think anyone but a hater herself would call Rocco a hater. Frau Sherri only makes herself look like a fool pulling out her usual shtick ad nauseam about someone being a hater and demonizer because she didn't like what he posted

not to criticise rocco specifically, but it is a bit erroneous to suggest that someone, because of their career, knows exactly what is going on or, even if they do, to consider their opinion objective.

i am quite sure ismail haniyah is more familiar with the situation than rocco, are you going to blindly accept his version of what is going on.

rocco's opinions are skewed in favour of zionism i think he would admit that.
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P F Tinmore, et al,

Paul, my friend, I understood this all the time. I just don't agree with it.

I've been trying to get you to adopt a 21st Century Paradigm. (Not that I have a cobblers chance in Vegas.)

RoccoR said:
Hostile Arab/Palestinians (HoAP), of all variety, make one basic claim; that the are the victim of an illegal occupation (victimization) and that all hostile activity they initiate are related to their right to self-determination, freedom and independence. The basic claim is that the HoAP, was forcibly deprived of that right under a form of colonial and apartheid regime (Israeli). And in being so deprived of their rights, are entitled to the use of force in whatever capacity they may find opportunity to exploit.


You are finally getting it.

This is a conception that needs to be abandon.

Most Respectfully,

OK, we can abandon anything that is not true.
RoccoR said:
Hostile Arab/Palestinians (HoAP), of all variety, make one basic claim; that the are the victim of an illegal occupation (victimization) and that all hostile activity they initiate are related to their right to self-determination, freedom and independence. The basic claim is that the HoAP, was forcibly deprived of that right under a form of colonial and apartheid regime (Israeli). And in being so deprived of their rights, are entitled to the use of force in whatever capacity they may find opportunity to exploit.


You are finally getting it.

Not exactly, Sherlock: Rocco is getting that the above claim is a farce and a sham and a LIE. It's you and others who insist Israel shouldn't have been 'allowed' to exist who aren't 'getting it'.

Why in this world should anyone buy the mind reading of a Zionist schill like you? Let the man speak for himself, Zionist schill.
A little advice for sherrimunnerliar, per Tom Leher: "Don't write naughty words on walls if you can't spell". : ))
"not to criticise rocco specifically, but it is a bit erroneous to suggest that someone, because of their career, knows exactly what is going on or, even if they do, to consider their opinion objective.

i am quite sure ismail haniyah is more familiar with the situation than rocco, are you going to blindly accept his version of what is going on.

rocco's opinions are skewed in favour of zionism i think he would admit that. "

LOL, seal - very droll indeed! Oh, Haniyah might be more familiar with the situation than Rocco - but then Haniyah is more than a little 'skewed' as to his opinions.

At least Rocco is working at attempting to be objective. Haniyah, OTOH, is a total ideologue whose views are completely one-sided and unrealistic.

Between the two, Rocco's words are much more trustworthy.
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is critical, in any real analysis, that you understand your opponent; what they believe, what they know, and what drives them in their decision making process.

It is also very important, as an analyst, that you don't lie to yourself; intellectually shifting the facts to fit the outcome that you desire.

I know what the Palestinian sees as the truth from their perspective. I couldn't help but know, because they have spared little tact in telling me so. You, and our friend SherriMunnerlyn, have been quite frank in your expressed assessment of the situation (differing only in the perspective of a Gazian "vs" West Banker).

It is essential that each sized (of the dispute, as well as the outside observers) understand that the sum total of the events that have brought us forward from the first half of the 20th Century --- to the --- first half of the 21st Century were a culmination of exceptionally poor leadership decisions (on both sides), coupled with the need to achieve a higher rung on the ladder of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Humanity, and its propensity for mistakes (the human factor), compounded the cascade failure overtime.

"The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. It's got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion."
-- Theodore Hesburgh, President of the University of Notre Dame​

"There's nothing more demoralizing than a leader who can't clearly articulate why we're doing what we're doing."
-- James Kouzes and Barry Posner​

In this case, a complete series of failures, from the outset, by nearly every major participant, including the UN/LoN,

Paul, my friend, I understood this all the time. I just don't agree with it.

I've been trying to get you to adopt a 21st Century Paradigm. (Not that I have a cobblers chance in Vegas.)


You are finally getting it.

This is a conception that needs to be abandon.

Most Respectfully,

OK, we can abandon anything that is not true.

What I said, the way I said it, is true (for the most part). But in order to meet the goal of "peace," some reality must creep into the equation.

My thought is, that the HoAP is not attempting to achieve the goal of "peace." Thus, they cannot move forward. They want land, power, and the dismantlement of Israel. Those are not the factors that will lead to peace.

When the HoAP changes their goal to "peace," the conditions will be set for successful negotiations.

Most Respectfully,
I do not think now is the time for Palestinians to talk about peace, I think they should keep demanding Israel abide with intl law and get their baby killing soldiers and land stealling illegal settlers and their spawn out of Occupied Palestine, which includes East Jerusalem and the West Bank. ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in these lands. The Palestinians should take a stand and demand Israel fully comply with intl law.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

To the extent as this statement goes, it is headed towards the right track.

I do not think now is the time for Palestinians to talk about peace, I think they should keep demanding Israel abide with intl law and get their baby killing soldiers and land stealling illegal settlers and their spawn out of Occupied Palestine, which includes East Jerusalem and the West Bank. ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in these lands. The Palestinians should take a stand and demand Israel fully comply with intl law.

In this statement, you are not threatening violence.

The next step is for the PA (Mahmoud Abbas) and the Israelis (Benjamin Netanyahu) to sit down and workout the details.

Most Respectfully,
Abbas: New government within weeks Published yesterday (updated) 26/05/2013 15:21. "AMMAN, Jordan (Ma’an) -- President Mahmoud Abbas said Saturday that the leadership in Ramallah was working to form a unity government within weeks.*“It may need the coming two weeks,” Abbas told Ma'an on the sidelines of a global economic forum in Jordan." Abbas: New government within weeks | Maan News Agency
"not to criticise rocco specifically, but it is a bit erroneous to suggest that someone, because of their career, knows exactly what is going on or, even if they do, to consider their opinion objective.

i am quite sure ismail haniyah is more familiar with the situation than rocco, are you going to blindly accept his version of what is going on.

rocco's opinions are skewed in favour of zionism i think he would admit that. "

LOL, seal - very droll indeed! Oh, Haniyah might be more familiar with the situation than Rocco - but then Haniyah is more than a little 'skewed' as to his opinions.

At least Rocco is working at attempting to be objective. Haniyah, OTOH, is a total ideologue whose views are completely one-sided and unrealistic.

Between the two, Rocco's words are much more trustworthy.

i have no idea as to either rocco's objectivity or haniyah's and have no idea how i would determine either. haniyah has moved away from the covenant. that doesn't sound like a total idealogue to me.

i do know that your determination of both is based upon their political stance and how closely they align with yours. the same hold true about your evaluation of their trustworthiness. i don't find either particularly not worthy of trust.

personally, i find haniyah's views more realistic, at least in regards to the current situation, and more realistic than netanyahu's, kerry's, and abbas' views.

you will not have peace over there. israel is too greedy and their political structure is a hindrance to that efforts and america lacks the will to dictate conditions.

my discussion on rocco is over. he is not a topic. my discussion was more about how experience and familiarity does not necessarily equate to objectivity. thank you for agreeing with me.
"i do know that your determination of both is based upon their political stance and how closely they align with yours. the same hold true about your evaluation of their trustworthiness."

This is not accurate at all. You are very wrong about all of that. Simply because someone's views are very far from mine does NOT have anything to do with how much I trust or respect them. There are posters here who have expressed views with which I very much disagree whom I respect and trust. And there are those whose views are similar to mine who I do not respect or trust.
"my discussion on rocco is over. he is not a topic. my discussion was more about how experience and familiarity does not necessarily equate to objectivity. thank you for agreeing with me."

A 'discussion' involves more than one person: you presume to know 'both sides' of a discussion. WRONG. And NO, I wasn't agreeing with you, because you misrepresent your previous 'discussion' in the above quote.

It could never matter, by the way, if some people absolutely agreed with every word of mine: there are some I can find ZERO reason to respect OR trust.
"i do know that your determination of both is based upon their political stance and how closely they align with yours. the same hold true about your evaluation of their trustworthiness."

This is not accurate at all. You are very wrong about all of that. Simply because someone's views are very far from mine does NOT have anything to do with how much I trust or respect them. There are posters here who have expressed views with which I very much disagree whom I respect and trust. And there are those whose views are similar to mine who I do not respect or trust.

that may be true. i have witnessed neither. you hide it well.

now say "good night gradie" or "thank you, roudy". whichever strikes yyou.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

To the extent as this statement goes, it is headed towards the right track.

I do not think now is the time for Palestinians to talk about peace, I think they should keep demanding Israel abide with intl law and get their baby killing soldiers and land stealling illegal settlers and their spawn out of Occupied Palestine, which includes East Jerusalem and the West Bank. ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in these lands. The Palestinians should take a stand and demand Israel fully comply with intl law.

In this statement, you are not threatening violence.

The next step is for the PA (Mahmoud Abbas) and the Israelis (Benjamin Netanyahu) to sit down and workout the details.

Most Respectfully,

I have no idea what your comment is about that in that statement I am not threatening violence. I never threaten violence. Abbas needs to work out the divided government problem before he approaches binding the Palestinians to any agreement. He simply presently lacks legitimacy and support of the people necessary to bind the Palestinians to any agreement.
"my discussion on rocco is over. he is not a topic. my discussion was more about how experience and familiarity does not necessarily equate to objectivity. thank you for agreeing with me."

A 'discussion' involves more than one person: you presume to know 'both sides' of a discussion. WRONG. And NO, I wasn't agreeing with you, because you misrepresent your previous 'discussion' in the above quote.

It could never matter, by the way, if some people absolutely agreed with every word of mine: there are some I can find ZERO reason to respect OR trust.

your discussion, in essence, had very little to do with my initial satement. rocco was a personality in the discussion and i chose to end that part of it because you appeared to become distracted.

my point, and my only point, was that one's involvement in a situation or knowledge based upon that involvement has very little to do with the objectivity of their opinion.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

To the extent as this statement goes, it is headed towards the right track.

I do not think now is the time for Palestinians to talk about peace, I think they should keep demanding Israel abide with intl law and get their baby killing soldiers and land stealling illegal settlers and their spawn out of Occupied Palestine, which includes East Jerusalem and the West Bank. ISRAEL has no sovereignty rights in these lands. The Palestinians should take a stand and demand Israel fully comply with intl law.

In this statement, you are not threatening violence.

The next step is for the PA (Mahmoud Abbas) and the Israelis (Benjamin Netanyahu) to sit down and workout the details.

Most Respectfully,

I have no idea what your comment is about that in that statement I am not threatening violence. I never threaten violence. Abbas needs to work out the divided government problem before he approaches binding the Palestinians to any agreement. He simply presently lacks legitimacy and support of the people necessary to bind the Palestinians to any agreement.

i have never seen sherri threaten any type of violence.

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