GAZA Water Supply: Israel resumes water supply to southern Gaza after U.S. pressure.


There are posts here that show you to be a despicable liar.

and you people keep going back and forth with terrorists, Palestinians, Arabs...
Liar, there is no such thing as palestinians, they are arabs! I want the terrorist hamas wiped out as well as hezbollah if possible and isis since their is some evidence of them being there
The Israeli analyst is an expert.

And believe HAMAS? You? HAMAS claims Israel__________________________(fill in the blank).

This started with:

HAMAS elected ages ago, and HAMAS has refused to put on elections ever since. It's like having a Dictator. But you don't care for facts, you only want to back a genocide ala Kahane.
No it started with you bitching that Israel had turned off the water to the Gaza Strip.
Darn straight it is
Israel is playing a game. HAMAS is playing a game. Some supporters of Israel wanted to wipe GAZA off the map -- population over 2 million, with around half being children.

Israel isn't bowing to pressure as much as it has been playing a game. Using the kids in hospitals as pawns. How many children have died since water was a bargaining chip? HAMAS doesn't really care -- we know they love their children as most parents do, but they use what they believe is necessary. Sick crap all around
Israel is playing a game. HAMAS is playing a game. Some supporters of Israel wanted to wipe GAZA off the map -- population over 2 million, with around half being children.

Israel isn't bowing to pressure as much as it has been playing a game. Using the kids in hospitals as pawns. How many children have died since water was a bargaining chip? HAMAS doesn't really care -- we know they love their children as most parents do, but they use what they believe is necessary. Sick crap all around
They care about their children enough to use them as shields, Israelis and people on this board want hamas wiped off the map not the peaceful arabs in the area

All anyone reading this has to do is use the Search feature on usmb
Get after it then! I am stating, and have stated unequivocally, I want hamas wiped off the face of the Earth, I do not want any harm to come to the peaceful arabs being hidden behind by the cowards in hamas. getting rid of hezbollah would be a bonus
I want to make sure I understand your postion.

Hamas wont put on elections so the Palestinian people can vote them out of power.

Hamas attacks Israel, targeting civilians, raping women, burning people alive, etc.

Hamas stations their rockets, HQ's and all their terrorist infrastructure in amongst the civilian Palestinian populace.

As a result when Israel goes in to kill Hamas (which it has to do) Palestinians end up getting killed, even though Israel takes more than ample precautions to not kill civilians.

This is somehow the fault of Israel.

Let's assume that the Palestinian people do not support Hamas which is likely not true but let's just assume it to be true anyway. Wouldn't the Palestinians be better off just attacking Hamas? Sure, some of them are going to die, but according to you Israel is already doing that so what's there to lose? At least if they get rid of Hamas there is a possibility that hostilities will cease. The reality is the Palestinian people dont want to be rid of Hamas. And Hamas has no interest in a peace agreement with Israel. Sadly the only solution to this problem is a ton of people dying.
They OVERWHELMINGLY support Hamas
You think a 6 or 9 month old is a supporter of terrorism? The focus MUST be on Hamas. Both morally, judicially and for Israels long term security.. The last thing they need are more radicialized people looking to avenge their mother who died of thirst.
Have you ever noticed that it is ALWAYS the Israelis who are expected to be humane and to avoid causing their ENEMIES to suffer? The ONLY reason I'd give in as far as keeping them alive is that it accomplishes getting large numbers of them out of the way of the IDF. NO PEOPLE anywhere should have to live with murderers among them and an enemy that relentlessly strives to kill them all. No other nation on the planet would put up with it as long as Israel has. It is time to cripple them so badly that they have no time or energy to do their killing for years ahead.
Hamas / ISIS loves their children?

Nominee for (Islamic terrorist) Mother of the Year Award.

Mother Of 'Martyred' Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terrorist Muhammad Jahjouh: I Will Be Happy If All My Children And Grandchildren Are Martyred For The Sake Of Allah​

Some IDF soldier needs to put a couple between her eyes so she doesn't spawn anymore demons.
Get after it then! I am stating, and have stated unequivocally, I want hamas wiped off the face of the Earth, I do not want any harm to come to the peaceful arabs being hidden behind by the cowards in hamas. getting rid of hezbollah would be a bonus
"Palestinians are a made up race the are arab nomads"

You lie. No one says Palestinians are a race. You try to dehumanize them so it's easier to support whole sale slaughter. Stop lying.

You wrote "So wait Israel bares the burden, for living in their homeland, while the squatters try to kill them...Israel will take care of this and make an example of it."

Another member wrote: You probably don't know any Muslims, I would guess.

Your defense of what you acknowledged - the claim by somebody that Israel is always "bombing schools and hospitals" was: "Because scumbags like you hide in them, and hide ammunition in them, so they can then say look how bad Israel is." -- You've justified bombing schools and hospitals just like HAMAS has.
Have you ever noticed that it is ALWAYS the Israelis who are expected to be humane and to avoid causing their ENEMIES to suffer? The ONLY reason I'd give in as far as keeping them alive is that it accomplishes getting large numbers of them out of the way of the IDF. NO PEOPLE anywhere should have to live with murderers among them and an enemy that relentlessly strives to kill them all. No other nation on the planet would put up with it as long as Israel has. It is time to cripple them so badly that they have no time or energy to do their killing for years ahead.
Yes, bring justice to the murderers and terrorists, you will never get a argument from me there. Do not kill families who pose no threat. Certainly do your best to avoid it, collateral damage is inevtiable of course. It is very difficult to walk with character, I know of what I speak. In the end how.else can we earn our wings and show to the world how humans should act? A nation and people must believe in what they stand for. Soldiers must believe in wo theynare, who their parents raised. Onoy tuing aorse than the soldier who intentionally murders thei innocent would be the superior who orders it.
Dante did not claim as you claim he claims...

Assume shit.

Ample precautions to not kill children and others who are physically unable to move, and have nowhere else to go -- is not saying "move or you'll be considered collateral damage!" It's a cover your ass for the known slaughter of innocents to come.

Analyst: Israel’s costly misunderstanding of Hamas’ true aims


Blowhards on USMB and elsewhere.

Bergen: Why did Hamas launch this attack now?

Michael: What was the strategic aim of such an operation, considering that they knew for sure that the price tag would be very high and they were endangering their very existence? I’m sure that Hamas was sure that the shock and horror of this operation and the casualties that they would cause would be interpreted by all the Palestinians, that this was a sign from God that this was the time to open all the battlefronts and to fight Israel and this will be the end of the state of Israel. They were sure about it.

Michael was an Arabic-speaking intelligence officer when he was appointed in 1994 as the first commander of the Israeli-Palestinian Security Coordination Apparatus in the Gaza Strip. Michael then served on Israel’s National Security Council as the head of the Palestinian Division and in a similar position as the deputy director-general in the Ministry of Strategic Affairs at the prime minister’s office between 2009 and 2013.
Grenades into bomb shelters kills your bullshit.

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