g'day from Australia

I am from Sydney Australia and is very interested in whats happening in the USA. Will be making my eighth trip to the US later in the year.

Hello gam. Very happy to have you join the USMB, where discussions abound 24/7.

I am from Sydney Australia and is very interested in whats happening in the USA. Will be making my eighth trip to the US later in the year.

G'day gam. I've been down thereabouts a few times since my first trip after H.S. graduation. I hope to see you around the forums.
Your toll is a case of VB! Oh, fine....welcome to the forum......no toll...:D
I am from Sydney Australia and is very interested in whats happening in the USA. Will be making my eighth trip to the US later in the year.

Hello and welcome.
I'm not so far away from you, I live in Indonesia.
I am from Sydney Australia and is very interested in whats happening in the USA. Will be making my eighth trip to the US later in the year.

Good for you! We love visitors.
Ask any Texan or Coloradoan along the border...

Hope you enjoy posting here....:)
I am from Sydney Australia and is very interested in whats happening in the USA. Will be making my eighth trip to the US later in the year.

You are no Australian when you have the American flag as an avatar.
I am from Sydney Australia and is very interested in whats happening in the USA. Will be making my eighth trip to the US later in the year.

Welcome to USMB, gam. Hope you enjoy the boards! :)

My Auntie came from Australia some time after WWII and married my Uncle. Then, a couple of years later, they moved to Australia to spend their twilight years. She was such a lovely lady, full of kindness, industry, and good will.

Hope your trip is an enjoyable one, and that you get to see some of the National Parks. I recommend Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, and Devil's Tower. But if you come in the fall, you might prefer to visit Acadia Park. They say the colors peak at different times, but if you're there from Oct 1 through October 15, you are likely to be treated to maple eye candy!

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