GDP growth rate has jumped over 7% under Obama - still not good enough for haters.

Dude it's been FOUR YEARS of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. Barry doesn't have a clue how to get the economy going again and he needs to go play golf full time and let someone who's competent take a turn running things.

The fact that you're touting a 2% GDP growth shows how bad things have been under this President.

David Cameron would kill for Obama's economic record. What a bunch of Obama haters you all are. Just want to get the White back into the White House.

Playing the race card will get you nowhere.
Obama's economic record is abysmal. Period.
Nowhere near as bad as the Pubs. Thanks for the depression and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction- and we STILL have the best major economy, no thanks to you stupid a-holes...
Comparing America to Greece is ridiculous and just spreading fear, which you whitewingers are good at.
Greece is the product of the Dreams from Obama's father. Bloated public sectors with powerful public and private sector unions and nanny-state entitlements
is pretty much what Barry envisions when he invokes "Forward". Kind of like marching forward into the same abyss that 30 years of Socialism and populism led Greece.

Greece was the first to go, others that have followed the same policies are teetering on the brink.

Saying that Socialism will make America like Greece is like saying that Capitalism will make a country like Arkansas.
Comparing America to Greece is ridiculous and just spreading fear, which you whitewingers are good at.
Greece is the product of the Dreams from Obama's father. Bloated public sectors with powerful public and private sector unions and nanny-state entitlements
is pretty much what Barry envisions when he invokes "Forward". Kind of like marching forward into the same abyss that 30 years of Socialism and populism led Greece.

Greece was the first to go, others that have followed the same policies are teetering on the brink.

Saying that Socialism will make America like Greece is like saying that Capitalism will make a country like Arkansas.
Hell, socialism will make the US like Greece if we're lucky. The worst case would be like all those other failed socialist Cold War states that make Greece look like an economic paradise even today.
Comparing America to Greece is ridiculous and just spreading fear, which you whitewingers are good at.
Greece is the product of the Dreams from Obama's father. Bloated public sectors with powerful public and private sector unions and nanny-state entitlements
is pretty much what Barry envisions when he invokes "Forward". Kind of like marching forward into the same abyss that 30 years of Socialism and populism led Greece.

Greece was the first to go, others that have followed the same policies are teetering on the brink.

Saying that Socialism will make America like Greece is like saying that Capitalism will make a country like Arkansas.

Wrong, moron. Capitalism is what made America like America. What economic system do you think has been in force in America for the last 200 years?
LOL that is math for mental midgets!


The annualized real GDP growth rate in the first quarter of 2009 was -5.3%


The annualized real GDP growth rate in third quarter of 2012 was +2.0%.


The difference under Obama is %7.3.
Greece is the product of the Dreams from Obama's father. Bloated public sectors with powerful public and private sector unions and nanny-state entitlements
is pretty much what Barry envisions when he invokes "Forward". Kind of like marching forward into the same abyss that 30 years of Socialism and populism led Greece.

Greece was the first to go, others that have followed the same policies are teetering on the brink.

Saying that Socialism will make America like Greece is like saying that Capitalism will make a country like Arkansas.

Wrong, moron. Capitalism is what made America like America. What economic system do you think has been in force in America for the last 200 years?

That went right over your head, moron.

The annualized real GDP growth rate in the first quarter of 2009 was -5.3%


The annualized real GDP growth rate in third quarter of 2012 was +2.0%.


The difference under Obama is %7.3.

I see you are as bad at math as you are at facts.

The annualized real GDP growth rate in the first quarter of 2009 was -5.3%


The annualized real GDP growth rate in third quarter of 2012 was +2.0%.


The difference under Obama is %7.3.

The mortgage industry had bottomed in early 2009...started down in 2005-2006. The DOW was about 8500....above 13,000 now. The economy was losing 750,000 jobs a about forty consecutive months of growth. No war in Iraq and beginning to wind down in Afghanistan...troops are coming home. The goddamned greedy assholes who want it all are the only ones griping.
From what I can find the GDP in real dollars (billions) in 2008 was 13161.9. In 2012 it is 12723.4. How is that translated to good news in the liberal mind?
From what I can find the GDP in real dollars (billions) in 2008 was 13161.9. In 2012 it is 12723.4. How is that translated to good news in the liberal mind?

Because liberals are so far in the tank for Obama, they cannot see the light of day.
The amusing thing is, if Obama was doing the fantastic job the libs are claiming, Obama would be ahead by 20 percentage points in the polls.

The annualized real GDP growth rate in the first quarter of 2009 was -5.3%


The annualized real GDP growth rate in third quarter of 2012 was +2.0%.


The difference under Obama is %7.3.

The mortgage industry had bottomed in early 2009...started down in 2005-2006. The DOW was about 8500....above 13,000 now. The economy was losing 750,000 jobs a about forty consecutive months of growth. No war in Iraq and beginning to wind down in Afghanistan...troops are coming home. The goddamned greedy assholes who want it all are the only ones griping.

First, you libs are barred from mentioning the financial markets. FOr years your side vilified and demonized "Wall Street"....Now you people want to use the current DJIA index for political advantage? I don't fucking think so.
Housing? Find a market that is even marginally improving.
For example, here in our neighborhood, the last phase is now being built. However, the price point of the new homes is far under what it was 5 years ago. So those new homes, are actually hurting values of existing homes. That's an improvement? Existing homeowners are losing equity in their homes.
You sit there scratching your head.....Figure it out.. When a home is appraised, the appraiser must use homes of comparable value in the same or similar neighborhood which have sold in the last 12 months.
Yeah, cuz you screeching nutters were all about the 'love' when DA BOOOOOSH was in there. Obamabots are such hypocrites.
Great piece from Sheldon Richman...

The U.S. government announced last week that gross domestic product grew in the third quarter at an annualized rate of about 2 percent. That’s hardly vigorous growth, but considering the previous quarter’s annualized rate of 1.3 percent, the news was received with optimism.

But optimism is unwarranted. As the U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis explained: “The increase in real GDP in the third quarter primarily reflected positive contributions from personal consumption expenditures (PCE), federal government spending, and residential fixed investment.”

To put it another way, what grew was not the real economy but GDP—a statistical construct that is subject to myriad assumptions and dubious measurements of, for example, inflation. And the reason GDP grew at a higher rate is that the government and consumers spent more than previously.


What’s horrifying is that President Obama, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, and Congress have been doing precisely the opposite of what economic recovery requires. In addition to the programs Higgs enumerates, the Obama administration has tried to prevent the housing market from correcting for the massive distortions wrought by the Fed and federal housing programs as they inflated the infamous bubble. The government and its central bank seem determined to reinflate the housing bubble. For example, under QE3 the Fed for the foreseeable future will buy $40 billion worth of mortgage bonds each month, providing easy money and low interest rates for the mortgage market. “Our mortgage-backed securities purchases ought to drive down mortgage rates and put downward pressure on mortgage rates and create more demand for homes and more refinancing,” Bernanke said.

This is precisely the sort of policy that set the table for the housing bubble and consequent Great Recession in the first place. No good comes from artificial stimulation of markets.

The Fed also plans to continue to hold the federal funds rate to near zero well into 2015. To the extent this keeps other rates down, people will be discouraged from saving and encouraged to spend and borrow. Thus, as noted at the outset, the very thing needed for sustainable economic growth—saving—is being discouraged by the government.

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