Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

Indeed. The left is hell-bent on taking property that doesn't belong to them away from everyone that doesn't tow thier line.

Indeed. The Right is hell-bent on making sure only 1% of the population is truly rich.

You meant the SAME 1% obama is a card-Carrying member of? But that's just different somehow...

No. It's actually not different. At least not to those who aren't partisan hacks.

Are you willing to demand from Romney what you demand from Obama? I am.
No one is hiding money offshore to avoid taxes. Romney has done nothing illegal, get over it. He's rich, so is Gates, so is Soros, they can spend or save their money how they see fit. Obama can't tell them what to do with it and it pisses him off.

Yea, get over it and focus on what the guy in the white house now, today is doing. He's running this country into the ground and still spending your money like a drunken sailor.

out of the three? WHO do you trust? SOROS is a nazi holdover that is reknown for hostile takeovers and tanking economies. SOROS...learned well from his Nazi masters.

Heck no it's not Soros!! Gates kinda stole, errrr I mean bought Microsoft so that kinda leaves Romney. I wonder why the left wasn't this demanding about Kerry's money and tax returns when he ran for Pres?? You know the guy that touts green energy when his one house consumes more than 20 of mine. Not to mention the carbon footprint he leaves every time he boards his private plane.

Because the right was busy swift boating Kerry. No need to ask for his documents when plenty had already been manufactured to keep him from having a chance at the Presidency...which some say he actually won.

And for the record, John Kerry was a shitty candidate, a poor choice to run against Bush or anyone for that matter.
No one is hiding money offshore to avoid taxes. Romney has done nothing illegal, get over it. He's rich, so is Gates, so is Soros, they can spend or save their money how they see fit. Obama can't tell them what to do with it and it pisses him off.

Yea, get over it and focus on what the guy in the white house now, today is doing. He's running this country into the ground and still spending your money like a drunken sailor.

out of the three? WHO do you trust? SOROS is a nazi holdover that is reknown for hostile takeovers and tanking economies. SOROS...learned well from his Nazi masters.

Heck no it's not Soros!! Gates kinda stole, errrr I mean bought Microsoft so that kinda leaves Romney. I wonder why the left wasn't this demanding about Kerry's money and tax returns when he ran for Pres?? You know the guy that touts green energy when his one house consumes more than 20 of mine. Not to mention the carbon footprint he leaves every time he boards his private plane.

Take a look at the house Al Gore bought in Cali a year or so ago. It's right on the beach in La Jolla, I guess he's not too worried about rising sea levels, either...






Obama, asking others what they are hiding

now that is RICH

It's hilarious watching them squeal about Mittens 'hiding' something while simultaneously ignoring all the unanswered questions about Obutthead. Leftists are a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Is he a Christian or a Muslim?

Where was he born?

Is he a Commie?

Is he a Socialist?

How the hell did he get into Law School?

He's not black enough?

He's too black?

"What is Obama hiding"

"He caused the economic crisis of 2007-2008"

"It's Obama's economy"

What is not hilarious is watching the far Rights hysteria, a hysteria manufactured by propaganda. How can the hoi polloi on the right be so stupid, so self righteous and so full of hate?

What are you rambling on about?

How about just one question .... where's his college transcripts? Why doesn't he show them? According to the left Mittens must surely be hiding something since he hasn't released 12 years of tax returns so logically, so must Obutthead for not releasing his transcripts ... if he didn't have something to hide he'd release them, right? Oh wait, he had them sealed didn't he? And the leftists say "oh but that's ok, he's Obama!" :eusa_hand: Like I said, leftist are a bunch of hypocritical assholes. I hope Mittens makes a statement that he'll release his tax info just as soon as Obutthead release his records.

Oh and btw? It IS Obutthead's economy.
out of the three? WHO do you trust? SOROS is a nazi holdover that is reknown for hostile takeovers and tanking economies. SOROS...learned well from his Nazi masters.

Heck no it's not Soros!! Gates kinda stole, errrr I mean bought Microsoft so that kinda leaves Romney. I wonder why the left wasn't this demanding about Kerry's money and tax returns when he ran for Pres?? You know the guy that touts green energy when his one house consumes more than 20 of mine. Not to mention the carbon footprint he leaves every time he boards his private plane.

Take a look at the house Al Gore bought in Cali a year or so ago. It's right on the beach in La Jolla, I guess he's not too worried about rising sea levels, either...







Did he pay his taxes on that home? Does he have money hidden somewhere offshore? Are you throwing out a diversionary tactic trying to make this about Al Gore, who hasn't run for ANYTHING in 12 years ?

Judging from what democrats have done with just the information they have now they'll twist anything up. Ann Romney likes horses, SEE, they are rich and steal bread from starving children to feed horses!
It's hilarious watching them squeal about Mittens 'hiding' something while simultaneously ignoring all the unanswered questions about Obutthead. Leftists are a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Is he a Christian or a Muslim?

Where was he born?

Is he a Commie?

Is he a Socialist?

How the hell did he get into Law School?

He's not black enough?

He's too black?

"What is Obama hiding"

"He caused the economic crisis of 2007-2008"

"It's Obama's economy"

What is not hilarious is watching the far Rights hysteria, a hysteria manufactured by propaganda. How can the hoi polloi on the right be so stupid, so self righteous and so full of hate?

What are you rambling on about?

How about just one question .... where's his college transcripts? Why doesn't he show them? According to the left Mittens must surely be hiding something since he hasn't released 12 years of tax returns so logically, so must Obutthead for not releasing his transcripts ... if he didn't have something to hide he'd release them, right? Oh wait, he had them sealed didn't he? And the leftists say "oh but that's ok, he's Obama!" :eusa_hand: Like I said, leftist are a bunch of hypocritical assholes. I hope Mittens makes a statement that he'll release his tax info just as soon as Obutthead release his records.

Oh and btw? It IS Obutthead's economy.

Why won't Romney release his past tax returns? What's he hiding?
Honest question. When one holds a Senate seat either by State or Federally do the Senators have to release their tax info?

Because CD keeps bringing up Obama's tax records over a span of 12 years. Now, the O was a State Senator running for a Federal Senate seat and then running for the Presidency so was he required in that time period to release his tax returns.

And the mean average on releasing tax returns by a candidate is two years. John Edwards never did release his. Kerry only released 2003.
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Judging from what democrats have done with just the information they have now they'll twist anything up. Ann Romney likes horses, SEE, they are rich and steal bread from starving children to feed horses!

Partisan hacks just don't like their own logic applied to the candidate they support. Try spreading that indignation around evenly and maybe there can be an actual dialogue.
Heck no it's not Soros!! Gates kinda stole, errrr I mean bought Microsoft so that kinda leaves Romney. I wonder why the left wasn't this demanding about Kerry's money and tax returns when he ran for Pres?? You know the guy that touts green energy when his one house consumes more than 20 of mine. Not to mention the carbon footprint he leaves every time he boards his private plane.

Take a look at the house Al Gore bought in Cali a year or so ago. It's right on the beach in La Jolla, I guess he's not too worried about rising sea levels, either...







Did he pay his taxes on that home? Does he have money hidden somewhere offshore? Are you throwing out a diversionary tactic trying to make this about Al Gore, who hasn't run for ANYTHING in 12 years ?


Let me take these one at a time...

1.) Probably

2.) Probably

3.) No, just illustrating the hypocrisy of the heroes of the left, Mr. GlobalWarmingEcoDisaster buying multimillion $$$ oceanfront property while bitching about carbon footprints.

His monthly power bill is more than I make in a year!!
You're making judgements of Gates for example, base on how much of his money he is willing to give away. Not if he is avoiding paying his taxes by hiding money overseas. All that should be asked is that someone pay back what they owe.

And as long as we're on Gates philanthropy, it's nice, don't get me wrong, but wouldn't it be better utilized if instead of just giving it away to charitable foundations, he invested in businesses that provided jobs for the people he is trying to help?

You know the whole teach a man to fish thing?

No, it wouldn't be better if he gave it all to businesses (and honestly dude, he might, I don't know everything about what he gives away, and neither do you). But I'd rather he continue to give billions to AIDS research and green technology research and other more traditional charities first, then he can give money to businesses.

He might this is true. I'm simply illustrating that the way you have worded your arguments thus far is that the Rich MUST give back their money to charities in order to gain your acceptance.

I disagree. As long as they are paying their fair share of the taxes, then their obligation to our system is fulfilled.

Well, that was certainly not my intent to put that view out there. Let me clarify: charity is wonderful, but not required. And I agree that as long as the rich are actually paying their taxes as they should be, that's enough for me too.

Again, I only meant to use Buffet and Gates as two members of the super-elite .2% and that are well respected by the Left.
Judging from what democrats have done with just the information they have now they'll twist anything up. Ann Romney likes horses, SEE, they are rich and steal bread from starving children to feed horses!

Partisan hacks just don't like their own logic applied to the candidate they support. Try spreading that indignation around evenly and maybe there can be an actual dialogue.

oh for crying out people look silly as hell..

you with how people who reap from the system must give back to it..

where the hell do you live? sheesh
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Honest question. When one holds a Senate seat either by State or Federally do the Senators have to release their tax info?

Because CD keeps bringing up Obama's tax records over a span of 12 years. Now, the O was a State Senator running for a Federal Senate seat and then running for the Presidency so was he required in that time period to release his tax returns.

And the mean average is two years. John Edwards never did release his. Kerry only released 2003.

I think you answered your own question...

Nothing On the US Senate Website except for LOBBYISTS...

I think the answer is NO

Candidate Registration Brochure
As far as Federal Income taxes, yes. I do not dispute that fact.

What I am saying is that when someone reaps the benefits of our system, they should also take on responsibility for that system. I don't care if it's Romney or Gates or you or me. We MUST pay our bills. Hiding money offshore to avoid paying back into the system that rewarded us is irresponsible and unpatriotic.

No one is hiding money offshore to avoid taxes. Romney has done nothing illegal, get over it. He's rich, so is Gates, so is Soros, they can spend or save their money how they see fit. Obama can't tell them what to do with it and it pisses him off.

Yea, get over it and focus on what the guy in the white house now, today is doing. He's running this country into the ground and still spending your money like a drunken sailor.


Really, genius? Then what's the point of hiding the money offshore?

Well dude. Its really none of your business. If it were illegal the gov't would have taken care of it already. So try not to cry in your sleep tonight.
Judging from what democrats have done with just the information they have now they'll twist anything up. Ann Romney likes horses, SEE, they are rich and steal bread from starving children to feed horses!

Partisan hacks just don't like their own logic applied to the candidate they support. Try spreading that indignation around evenly and maybe there can be an actual dialogue.

oh for crying out people look silly as hell..

you with how people who reap from the system must give back to it..

where the hell do you live? sheesh

In "Cass Sunstien Land".

Is he a Christian or a Muslim?

Where was he born?

Is he a Commie?

Is he a Socialist?

How the hell did he get into Law School?

He's not black enough?

He's too black?

"What is Obama hiding"

"He caused the economic crisis of 2007-2008"

"It's Obama's economy"

What is not hilarious is watching the far Rights hysteria, a hysteria manufactured by propaganda. How can the hoi polloi on the right be so stupid, so self righteous and so full of hate?

What are you rambling on about?

How about just one question .... where's his college transcripts? Why doesn't he show them? According to the left Mittens must surely be hiding something since he hasn't released 12 years of tax returns so logically, so must Obutthead for not releasing his transcripts ... if he didn't have something to hide he'd release them, right? Oh wait, he had them sealed didn't he? And the leftists say "oh but that's ok, he's Obama!" :eusa_hand: Like I said, leftist are a bunch of hypocritical assholes. I hope Mittens makes a statement that he'll release his tax info just as soon as Obutthead release his records.

Oh and btw? It IS Obutthead's economy.

Why won't Romney release his past tax returns? What's he hiding?

Why won't Obama release his college records? What's he hiding?

Obama can go first, he's had 4 years to release them.
Obama, asking others what they are hiding

now that is RICH

It's hilarious watching them squeal about Mittens 'hiding' something while simultaneously ignoring all the unanswered questions about Obutthead. Leftists are a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Is he a Christian or a Muslim?

Don't CARE. What is his record on LIBERTY?

Where was he born?

Who cares?

Is he a Commie?
his record on support of Liberty will ferret that out.

Is he a Socialist?

See above.

How the hell did he get into Law School?

How did YOU become a COP?

He's not black enough?

Typical Racist Yaksqueeze expected from YOU.

He's too black?

Another racist Mule Muffin.

"What is Obama hiding"

Asswipes as you know too well since YOU are pinch hitting for the Liar.

"He caused the economic crisis of 2007-2008"

Bullshit. GW Bush did...and Obama tripled down upon it. What else ya got, derp?

"It's Obama's economy"

Why, yes at this stage? It certainly IS. Yer BOY denies it. YOU are here under the pretense of defending it...disingenuously as a matter of course.

What is not hilarious is watching the far Rights hysteria, a hysteria manufactured by propaganda. How can the hoi polloi on the right be so stupid, so self righteous and so full of hate?

What's hillarious is watching DERPS as you spin like whirrling derbishes in a Summer Breeze just before an afternoon thunderstorm.

Have a great Obama Failure Day.
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