Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

Does the IRS automatically audit rich people now? But your point kind of proves mine, doesn't it? You're making a solid case for him having nothing to hide from. So we're left with two options: he's hiding them for political reasons, which is absolutely his prerogative, or he's hiding some shit he doesn't want people to see for other reasons.

I'm only speaking for myself, but I don't want someone in office who feels he has to hide his gobs of money from the public. If he's proud of it, and has nothing to hide, let him show it. This really speaks to his biggest problem: people have a hard time LIKING him.

Actually, I don't feel that I made your case, I'm sticking to mine that the left considers rich people evil, CD. The left has jumped all over Romney for his wealth. Yet, when it's a democrat with wealth, he/she gets a pass. just an observation

Sorry Meister, that's rhetoric, pure and simple. Democrats don't hate rich people, or consider them evil. Again, for the fifth time in this thread: I point to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates as two prime examples of two ruthless and shrewd businessmen who have a very amazing charitable and philanthropic side to them. They "get" that just being rich isn't enough to be considered a good person. They give and give. They've pledged to give most of their money away to charity after they die. Seriously, something like 98% of their money is going to charity, the both of them. What does that say about rich people like Mitt who shove their money into shoeboxes off shore, while Gates and Buffet pledge to essentially give it all away?

Character matters, dude. That's what I'm getting at. It doesn't matter how rich you are. If you're an uncaring, cold, and callous douche, that will come through to the American people. And THAT'S who Liberals don't like. Rich douchebags.

Just to point out..

Why Warren Buffett Is a Hypocrite on Taxes - Seeking Alpha
Microsoft Will Move More Employees Offshore if Obama Proposals Pass | Business Pundit
Who's buying Microsoft's outsourcing excuses? | The Industry Standard - InfoWorld

And before you think that they aren't helping family and friends with their.."charities", you should check what the salaries are for those that manage the charities as well s the tax breaks they receive for them.
I have to ask thread writer are you mentally challenged or just dumb enough to believe the games your Marxist scummy buddies play? Hey why don't we look into Ocommie this election cycle? What a disgrace our president and people supporting him are .. ...
Only thing Mitt is hiding is his success from liberal media scum, no release = ammo he releases more tax returns= traitors attack success. Pretty sharp Tw your a real smart guy not being able to figure out politics 101

Obama and his cult followers are getting well they should be

They're not desperate, they're fed up. Fed up with the bullshit diversions from facts. But hey if you want to play the diversion game, it can be played from both sides.

Next up, Romneys magic underwear.
Don't you think that the IRS doesn't audit Romney? I'm sure if there was anything shady it would have been revealed by this point.
Like I said earlier, if the left hadn't made being rich evil it wouldn't have been an issue in revealing all.
Until offshore investing is made illegal, it is what it is, John Kerry even parked money offshore.

Does the IRS automatically audit rich people now? But your point kind of proves mine, doesn't it? You're making a solid case for him having nothing to hide from. So we're left with two options: he's hiding them for political reasons, which is absolutely his prerogative, or he's hiding some shit he doesn't want people to see for other reasons.

I'm only speaking for myself, but I don't want someone in office who feels he has to hide his gobs of money from the public. If he's proud of it, and has nothing to hide, let him show it. This really speaks to his biggest problem: people have a hard time LIKING him.

Actually, I don't feel that I made your case, I'm sticking to mine that the left considers rich people evil, CD. The left has jumped all over Romney for his wealth. Yet, when it's a democrat with wealth, he/she gets a pass. just an observation

Sorry Meister, the left has NOT jumped all over Romney for his wealth. They have however jumped all over HOW he accumulated that wealth, and how it's been hidden as to avoid taking on responsibility.

America is only great until the bill comes, then the Cayman Islands are better. I guess freedom really is only bought with the blood of the poor, not the green of the rich, hmmm?
Actually, I don't feel that I made your case, I'm sticking to mine that the left considers rich people evil, CD. The left has jumped all over Romney for his wealth. Yet, when it's a democrat with wealth, he/she gets a pass. just an observation

Sorry Meister, that's rhetoric, pure and simple. Democrats don't hate rich people, or consider them evil. Again, for the fifth time in this thread: I point to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates as two prime examples of two ruthless and shrewd businessmen who have a very amazing charitable and philanthropic side to them. They "get" that just being rich isn't enough to be considered a good person. They give and give. They've pledged to give most of their money away to charity after they die. Seriously, something like 98% of their money is going to charity, the both of them. What does that say about rich people like Mitt who shove their money into shoeboxes off shore, while Gates and Buffet pledge to essentially give it all away?

Character matters, dude. That's what I'm getting at. It doesn't matter how rich you are. If you're an uncaring, cold, and callous douche, that will come through to the American people. And THAT'S who Liberals don't like. Rich douchebags.

Just to point out..

Why Warren Buffett Is a Hypocrite on Taxes - Seeking Alpha
Microsoft Will Move More Employees Offshore if Obama Proposals Pass | Business Pundit
Who's buying Microsoft's outsourcing excuses? | The Industry Standard - InfoWorld

And before you think that they aren't helping family and friends with their.."charities", you should check what the salaries are for those that manage the charities as well s the tax breaks they receive for them.

*shrug* Show me not just the salaries, but show me how much money is actually going out to those in need. They can pay their board a billiion dollars, but if they put out a billion and one dollars into the world through charity, that's still good in my book. Then again, I'm not a Right Wing hack trying to shit all over the kindness of rich benefactors.

Oh, and your links are by and large from Conservative-leaning sites, so yeah. There's that.

I'm sure there's no reason he's being so secretive about his income, right? It wouldn't be that he doesn't want to look like a total douchebag when everyone realizes that he paid a lower tax rate then school teachers last year and he has enough money to put every kid in the country through college, do you? Or that he's fighting for tax cuts for people like him that literally offshore their money to avoid paying taxes on theirs?

What an upstanding guy! I can't wait to make HIM the leader of our nation!

I do not fracking care.

And THAT is why we are in the mess we are in.
Sorry Meister, that's rhetoric, pure and simple. Democrats don't hate rich people, or consider them evil. Again, for the fifth time in this thread: I point to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates as two prime examples of two ruthless and shrewd businessmen who have a very amazing charitable and philanthropic side to them. They "get" that just being rich isn't enough to be considered a good person. They give and give. They've pledged to give most of their money away to charity after they die. Seriously, something like 98% of their money is going to charity, the both of them. What does that say about rich people like Mitt who shove their money into shoeboxes off shore, while Gates and Buffet pledge to essentially give it all away?

Character matters, dude. That's what I'm getting at. It doesn't matter how rich you are. If you're an uncaring, cold, and callous douche, that will come through to the American people. And THAT'S who Liberals don't like. Rich douchebags.

Buffet and Gates are a sham with their own rhetoric. They have family and close friends on all the board of directors of the charities. That certainly is a way to get around the tax system. Character of both of those two I laugh at, they just found their way to beat the system, CD.

Sorry Meister, but that's loony. The charities are going to be giving the money away. That's what charities are. Maybe their families are on the board, but it's not like they're going to be raking in millions of dollars. There's a reason they are called charities, and the auditing of those organizations will probably be even more tight than it would be on Romney.

They have character. You just don't like them because they lean left in their ideologies. But be honest, if a Republican rich Guy, take one of the Kochs for examples, pledged to give 99% of his money away, you'd champion him as a great philanthropist and tell us all that's why Conservatives are better than Liberals.

Can you be THAT honest at least?

If family and friends were on the board of directors I would have issues with that also, CD.
I really don't think that Buffet and Gates would be giving away as much as they do if their family weren't on the board of directors of the charities. Like I said they beat the tax man in doing so with gifts far far above above 13,000 or whatever it is now and the death tax.

CD, I have and still do vote repub and demo at election time. I do go with the best person that will do the least amount of damage to this country.
Sorry Meister, that's rhetoric, pure and simple. Democrats don't hate rich people, or consider them evil. Again, for the fifth time in this thread: I point to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates as two prime examples of two ruthless and shrewd businessmen who have a very amazing charitable and philanthropic side to them. They "get" that just being rich isn't enough to be considered a good person. They give and give. They've pledged to give most of their money away to charity after they die. Seriously, something like 98% of their money is going to charity, the both of them. What does that say about rich people like Mitt who shove their money into shoeboxes off shore, while Gates and Buffet pledge to essentially give it all away?

Character matters, dude. That's what I'm getting at. It doesn't matter how rich you are. If you're an uncaring, cold, and callous douche, that will come through to the American people. And THAT'S who Liberals don't like. Rich douchebags.

Just to point out..

Why Warren Buffett Is a Hypocrite on Taxes - Seeking Alpha
Microsoft Will Move More Employees Offshore if Obama Proposals Pass | Business Pundit
Who's buying Microsoft's outsourcing excuses? | The Industry Standard - InfoWorld

And before you think that they aren't helping family and friends with their.."charities", you should check what the salaries are for those that manage the charities as well s the tax breaks they receive for them.

*shrug* Show me not just the salaries, but show me how much money is actually going out to those in need. They can pay their board a billiion dollars, but if they put out a billion and one dollars into the world through charity, that's still good in my book. Then again, I'm not a Right Wing hack trying to shit all over the kindness of rich benefactors.

Oh, and your links are by and large from Conservative-leaning sites, so yeah. There's that.

You're actually proving their point.

It is NOT incumbent upon the rich to make charitable contributions. They are NOT required to give their money away, during life or at their deaths. That attitude IS the money grabbing attitude.

They SHOULD however not be allowed to hide their wealth in order to avoid paying their FAIR share back into the system from which they have reaped so many benefits.

They can accumulate all the wealth they want, but I don't want to hear bitching once it's time to pay the bill. It's about responsibility.
Sorry Meister, that's rhetoric, pure and simple. Democrats don't hate rich people, or consider them evil. Again, for the fifth time in this thread: I point to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates as two prime examples of two ruthless and shrewd businessmen who have a very amazing charitable and philanthropic side to them. They "get" that just being rich isn't enough to be considered a good person. They give and give. They've pledged to give most of their money away to charity after they die. Seriously, something like 98% of their money is going to charity, the both of them. What does that say about rich people like Mitt who shove their money into shoeboxes off shore, while Gates and Buffet pledge to essentially give it all away?

Character matters, dude. That's what I'm getting at. It doesn't matter how rich you are. If you're an uncaring, cold, and callous douche, that will come through to the American people. And THAT'S who Liberals don't like. Rich douchebags.

Just to point out..

Why Warren Buffett Is a Hypocrite on Taxes - Seeking Alpha
Microsoft Will Move More Employees Offshore if Obama Proposals Pass | Business Pundit
Who's buying Microsoft's outsourcing excuses? | The Industry Standard - InfoWorld

And before you think that they aren't helping family and friends with their.."charities", you should check what the salaries are for those that manage the charities as well s the tax breaks they receive for them.

*shrug* Show me not just the salaries, but show me how much money is actually going out to those in need. They can pay their board a billiion dollars, but if they put out a billion and one dollars into the world through charity, that's still good in my book. Then again, I'm not a Right Wing hack trying to shit all over the kindness of rich benefactors.

Oh, and your links are by and large from Conservative-leaning sites, so yeah. There's that.

Only because the bought and paid for DNC mouthpieces of the MSM wouldn't DARE publish something that goes against your trumped up narrative...
Buffet and Gates are a sham with their own rhetoric. They have family and close friends on all the board of directors of the charities. That certainly is a way to get around the tax system. Character of both of those two I laugh at, they just found their way to beat the system, CD.

Sorry Meister, but that's loony. The charities are going to be giving the money away. That's what charities are. Maybe their families are on the board, but it's not like they're going to be raking in millions of dollars. There's a reason they are called charities, and the auditing of those organizations will probably be even more tight than it would be on Romney.

They have character. You just don't like them because they lean left in their ideologies. But be honest, if a Republican rich Guy, take one of the Kochs for examples, pledged to give 99% of his money away, you'd champion him as a great philanthropist and tell us all that's why Conservatives are better than Liberals.

Can you be THAT honest at least?

If family and friends were on the board of directors I would have issues with that also, CD.
I really don't think that Buffet and Gates would be giving away as much as they do if their family weren't on the board of directors of the charities. Like I said they beat the tax man in doing so with gifts far far above above 13,000 or whatever it is now and the death tax.

CD, I have and still do vote repub and demo at election time. I do go with the best person that will do the least amount of damage to this country.

Obama Family Tax Shelter Transfers Wealth Avoids Taxes
Just to point out..

Why Warren Buffett Is a Hypocrite on Taxes - Seeking Alpha
Microsoft Will Move More Employees Offshore if Obama Proposals Pass | Business Pundit
Who's buying Microsoft's outsourcing excuses? | The Industry Standard - InfoWorld

And before you think that they aren't helping family and friends with their.."charities", you should check what the salaries are for those that manage the charities as well s the tax breaks they receive for them.

*shrug* Show me not just the salaries, but show me how much money is actually going out to those in need. They can pay their board a billiion dollars, but if they put out a billion and one dollars into the world through charity, that's still good in my book. Then again, I'm not a Right Wing hack trying to shit all over the kindness of rich benefactors.

Oh, and your links are by and large from Conservative-leaning sites, so yeah. There's that.

You're actually proving their point.

It is NOT incumbent upon the rich to make charitable contributions. They are NOT required to give their money away, during life or at their deaths. That attitude IS the money grabbing attitude.

They SHOULD however not be allowed to hide their wealth in order to avoid paying their FAIR share back into the system from which they have reaped so many benefits.

They can accumulate all the wealth they want, but I don't want to hear bitching once it's time to pay the bill. It's about responsibility.

Unless you have some EVIDENCE that Romney has broken any laws or violated any tax statutes you should STFU about his money. I'm sure if the IRS didn't get EVERY DIME they had coming they would be all over Mitt like flies on horseshit.
Does the IRS automatically audit rich people now? But your point kind of proves mine, doesn't it? You're making a solid case for him having nothing to hide from. So we're left with two options: he's hiding them for political reasons, which is absolutely his prerogative, or he's hiding some shit he doesn't want people to see for other reasons.

I'm only speaking for myself, but I don't want someone in office who feels he has to hide his gobs of money from the public. If he's proud of it, and has nothing to hide, let him show it. This really speaks to his biggest problem: people have a hard time LIKING him.

Actually, I don't feel that I made your case, I'm sticking to mine that the left considers rich people evil, CD. The left has jumped all over Romney for his wealth. Yet, when it's a democrat with wealth, he/she gets a pass. just an observation

Sorry Meister, the left has NOT jumped all over Romney for his wealth. They have however jumped all over HOW he accumulated that wealth, and how it's been hidden as to avoid taking on responsibility.

America is only great until the bill comes, then the Cayman Islands are better. I guess freedom really is only bought with the blood of the poor, not the green of the rich, hmmm?

You must not realize that the rich shoulder far moRe of the tax burden than the poor, hmmm?
*shrug* Show me not just the salaries, but show me how much money is actually going out to those in need. They can pay their board a billiion dollars, but if they put out a billion and one dollars into the world through charity, that's still good in my book. Then again, I'm not a Right Wing hack trying to shit all over the kindness of rich benefactors.

Oh, and your links are by and large from Conservative-leaning sites, so yeah. There's that.

You're actually proving their point.

It is NOT incumbent upon the rich to make charitable contributions. They are NOT required to give their money away, during life or at their deaths. That attitude IS the money grabbing attitude.

They SHOULD however not be allowed to hide their wealth in order to avoid paying their FAIR share back into the system from which they have reaped so many benefits.

They can accumulate all the wealth they want, but I don't want to hear bitching once it's time to pay the bill. It's about responsibility.

Unless you have some EVIDENCE that Romney has broken any laws or violated any tax statutes you should STFU about his money. I'm sure if the IRS didn't get EVERY DIME they had coming they would be all over Mitt like flies on horseshit.

How about you STFU about illegality?

As I have stated, it's about responsibility. If you don't understand the concept, then there's really no getting through to you is there?
As soon as Mitt releases the bank documents for the cash he has stashed in bermuda, the Cayman Islands and Switzerland.

What do you care if he stashes it in the bank, under the mattress or in a jar buried in the backyard. It's his fucking money, he can "stash" it wherever he wants. Me, if I had his kind of money, you can guaran-damn-tee ya that I'd be denying access to it from a government intent on taking it from me to hand out to other people to buy votes. It's simply the intelligent thing to do........and isn't illegal.

Right. Because you're a selfish, unpatriotic asshole like him. Got it.

LOL Yeah right, it's selfish to keep what is yours instead of let the government confiscate it and give it to other "deserving" people who didn't earn it. Here's an idea comrade, fuck you. :thup:
Sorry Meister, but that's loony. The charities are going to be giving the money away. That's what charities are. Maybe their families are on the board, but it's not like they're going to be raking in millions of dollars. There's a reason they are called charities, and the auditing of those organizations will probably be even more tight than it would be on Romney.

They have character. You just don't like them because they lean left in their ideologies. But be honest, if a Republican rich Guy, take one of the Kochs for examples, pledged to give 99% of his money away, you'd champion him as a great philanthropist and tell us all that's why Conservatives are better than Liberals.

Can you be THAT honest at least?

If family and friends were on the board of directors I would have issues with that also, CD.
I really don't think that Buffet and Gates would be giving away as much as they do if their family weren't on the board of directors of the charities. Like I said they beat the tax man in doing so with gifts far far above above 13,000 or whatever it is now and the death tax.

CD, I have and still do vote repub and demo at election time. I do go with the best person that will do the least amount of damage to this country.

Obama Family Tax Shelter Transfers Wealth Avoids Taxes

Just to point out..

Why Warren Buffett Is a Hypocrite on Taxes - Seeking Alpha
Microsoft Will Move More Employees Offshore if Obama Proposals Pass | Business Pundit
Who's buying Microsoft's outsourcing excuses? | The Industry Standard - InfoWorld

And before you think that they aren't helping family and friends with their.."charities", you should check what the salaries are for those that manage the charities as well s the tax breaks they receive for them.

*shrug* Show me not just the salaries, but show me how much money is actually going out to those in need. They can pay their board a billiion dollars, but if they put out a billion and one dollars into the world through charity, that's still good in my book. Then again, I'm not a Right Wing hack trying to shit all over the kindness of rich benefactors.

Oh, and your links are by and large from Conservative-leaning sites, so yeah. There's that.

You're actually proving their point.

It is NOT incumbent upon the rich to make charitable contributions. They are NOT required to give their money away, during life or at their deaths. That attitude IS the money grabbing attitude.

They SHOULD however not be allowed to hide their wealth in order to avoid paying their FAIR share back into the system from which they have reaped so many benefits.

They can accumulate all the wealth they want, but I don't want to hear bitching once it's time to pay the bill. It's about responsibility.

Dude. Who said anything about being required to make charitable donations. I point to Gates and BUffet simply as examples of charitable rich people that Liberals don't hate. That's all.
Actually, I don't feel that I made your case, I'm sticking to mine that the left considers rich people evil, CD. The left has jumped all over Romney for his wealth. Yet, when it's a democrat with wealth, he/she gets a pass. just an observation

Sorry Meister, the left has NOT jumped all over Romney for his wealth. They have however jumped all over HOW he accumulated that wealth, and how it's been hidden as to avoid taking on responsibility.

America is only great until the bill comes, then the Cayman Islands are better. I guess freedom really is only bought with the blood of the poor, not the green of the rich, hmmm?

You must not realize that the rich shoulder far moRe of the tax burden than the poor, hmmm?

As far as Federal Income taxes, yes. I do not dispute that fact.

What I am saying is that when someone reaps the benefits of our system, they should also take on responsibility for that system. I don't care if it's Romney or Gates or you or me. We MUST pay our bills. Hiding money offshore to avoid paying back into the system that rewarded us is irresponsible and unpatriotic.
What do you care if he stashes it in the bank, under the mattress or in a jar buried in the backyard. It's his fucking money, he can "stash" it wherever he wants. Me, if I had his kind of money, you can guaran-damn-tee ya that I'd be denying access to it from a government intent on taking it from me to hand out to other people to buy votes. It's simply the intelligent thing to do........and isn't illegal.

Indeed. The left is hell-bent on taking property that doesn't belong to them away from everyone that doesn't tow thier line.

Indeed. The Right is hell-bent on making sure only 1% of the population is truly rich.

Whoa I had to reply to this before getting all the way to the end. :)

The Right is hell-bent on making sure everyone has the opportunity to become the 1% instead of government slaves. Yea, that's my signature.

The left thinks it should just be handed to them, the right understands your work for it, you invest those earnings then your money works for you. You will never, ever understand that, you're too darn stuck on wealth envy to realize everyone in America can become rich if they are willing to take the risk.
Buffet and Gates are a sham with their own rhetoric. They have family and close friends on all the board of directors of the charities. That certainly is a way to get around the tax system. Character of both of those two I laugh at, they just found their way to beat the system, CD.

Sorry Meister, but that's loony. The charities are going to be giving the money away. That's what charities are. Maybe their families are on the board, but it's not like they're going to be raking in millions of dollars. There's a reason they are called charities, and the auditing of those organizations will probably be even more tight than it would be on Romney.

They have character. You just don't like them because they lean left in their ideologies. But be honest, if a Republican rich Guy, take one of the Kochs for examples, pledged to give 99% of his money away, you'd champion him as a great philanthropist and tell us all that's why Conservatives are better than Liberals.

Can you be THAT honest at least?

If family and friends were on the board of directors I would have issues with that also, CD.
I really don't think that Buffet and Gates would be giving away as much as they do if their family weren't on the board of directors of the charities. Like I said they beat the tax man in doing so with gifts far far above above 13,000 or whatever it is now and the death tax.

CD, I have and still do vote repub and demo at election time. I do go with the best person that will do the least amount of damage to this country.

Well then you and I differ then. I look at the overall good the charity does first. If they're taking more money as income then they're giving out, that's wrong and they should lose their charity status. If they don't, then I don't get why it matters.

And I think you choosing not to vote strict party-lines is great.
Sorry Meister, but that's loony. The charities are going to be giving the money away. That's what charities are. Maybe their families are on the board, but it's not like they're going to be raking in millions of dollars. There's a reason they are called charities, and the auditing of those organizations will probably be even more tight than it would be on Romney.

They have character. You just don't like them because they lean left in their ideologies. But be honest, if a Republican rich Guy, take one of the Kochs for examples, pledged to give 99% of his money away, you'd champion him as a great philanthropist and tell us all that's why Conservatives are better than Liberals.

Can you be THAT honest at least?

If family and friends were on the board of directors I would have issues with that also, CD.
I really don't think that Buffet and Gates would be giving away as much as they do if their family weren't on the board of directors of the charities. Like I said they beat the tax man in doing so with gifts far far above above 13,000 or whatever it is now and the death tax.

CD, I have and still do vote repub and demo at election time. I do go with the best person that will do the least amount of damage to this country.

Obama Family Tax Shelter Transfers Wealth Avoids Taxes

From you link on that greedy rich Obama and his dirty use of tax shelters:

'The Obama’s untaxed gift to their daughters will leave American taxpayers to subsidize the college education of the children of the multi-millionaire Obamas'

Sorry Meister, but that's loony. The charities are going to be giving the money away. That's what charities are. Maybe their families are on the board, but it's not like they're going to be raking in millions of dollars. There's a reason they are called charities, and the auditing of those organizations will probably be even more tight than it would be on Romney.

They have character. You just don't like them because they lean left in their ideologies. But be honest, if a Republican rich Guy, take one of the Kochs for examples, pledged to give 99% of his money away, you'd champion him as a great philanthropist and tell us all that's why Conservatives are better than Liberals.

Can you be THAT honest at least?

If family and friends were on the board of directors I would have issues with that also, CD.
I really don't think that Buffet and Gates would be giving away as much as they do if their family weren't on the board of directors of the charities. Like I said they beat the tax man in doing so with gifts far far above above 13,000 or whatever it is now and the death tax.

CD, I have and still do vote repub and demo at election time. I do go with the best person that will do the least amount of damage to this country.

Obama Family Tax Shelter Transfers Wealth Avoids Taxes

And yet...Obama STILL released 12 years of tax returns and Mittens didn't.

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