Gee Mittens, whatchya hidin'?

The only thing the loser lefties can do is insult and demonize Romney. Their leaders have made a collosal glittering mess after spending billions and billions and taxing us to hell. The American people can do better than this.
The only thing the loser lefties can do is insult and demonize Romney. Their leaders have made a collosal glittering mess after spending billions and billions and taxing us to hell. The American people can do better than this.

Of course they can...but you have far too many courtesy of the US Education system that have been told that they're special...deserve a trophy just for showing up...participating...that when they mature? They find out they've been LIED TO by the left, by the Teacher's thier parents for NOT paying attetion......and they transform into OWS Lunatics.

You forgot this part that precedes your snippet: ""When he ran against Sen. Edward Kennedy in 1994, Romney spoke critically of Kennedy's claim that he had no control over his investments." Wait, what? Teddy had a blind trust toooo???

When Romeny ran for Gov. in 2003 he'd evolved his opinion on blind trusts and placed his family's funds in his own blind trust to avoid whatever accusations could surface ... just like Teddy Kennedy had done.
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Anyone of either party who claims the 'right' to look at a candidates tax returns should themselves release their tax returns for the world to see.

Let's see how many people on either side actually are willing to do so.

I'm guessing zero.

“The divorce between Church and State ought to be absolute. It ought to be so absolute that no Church property anywhere, in any state or in the nation, should be exempt from equal taxation; for if you exempt the property of any church organization, to that extent you impose a tax upon the whole community.”
― James A. Garfield

:confused: So the religious exemption in the ACA is unfairly taxing on the rest of us who do not belong to an organized religious group, right...?

Christians Are Exempt From Insurance Mandates

On March 22, 2010 President Obama signed into law legislation that requires most Americans to purchase government regulated health insurance by the year 2014.

We are grateful that the law gives Christians who participate in Health Care Sharing Ministries a special exemption from the mandate to purchase insurance. More importantly, we thank God for His protection and favor on our Ministry and the continued opportunity to serve one another.

Health Care Sharing Ministries are the only “organized healthcare concept” to receive a special exemption from the taxes, penalties and regulations that are a part of this law, as these apply to insurance companies.

As a Medi-Share member you are exempt from the “individual mandate” that will require all other Americans to purchase insurance by 2014 or face financial penalties. (page 107 & 128 of the final law).

Medi-Share - Healthcare Reform exemption

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