Gen. Flynn case about to blow up in Dimwinger's faces.

There are compelling new facts coming out on how the FBI railroaded Flynn. The bias and corruption in our Intelligence agencies has got to be rooted out. It's a cancer for the country.

The Law has become a joke. "Justice" in this country is now applied like a wedge in one of two ways:
  1. If you are part of their system to be protected, Justice is used like a blanket as a cover to protect you, like Hillary, to deflect all incoming attempts to get at you.
  2. If you are outside their system and a target of their desire like Trump, the full weight of Justice is laid on your shoulders as an almost irresistible force to destroy you.

JUSTICE IN AMERICA NOW has been made a weapon, to be either used FOR the rich and powerful and preferred, or AGAINST the poor and very undesirable or inconvenient.
  • In the ideal, it is a pyramid of agencies designed that all efforts lead up to a crucible where irrelevancies are boiled away until all that remains is the TRUTH.
  • In the deep state, it is a blanket wedge used to cover what they seek to hide and protect, able to deflect away all efforts FROM the truth.
  • In the disliked, Justice is turn around like an axe on one's neck to focus the full weight of legal power on seeking a desired outcome of prosecution REGARDLESS of the truth!
No, it’s Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Page.

what odds would you give of any of them seeing the inside of a prison cell?

Likely low. Not every consequence of law breaking results is prison time.

I’m not sure what the statute calls for if you are caught lying on a FISA warrant to spy on your political opponent.
So much for cracking skulls. BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Did I say jail Time? I think it’s unlikely but there is an active criminal investigation.

What news sources do you use to be informed?

Good enough sources to know nobody is going to prison much less have their skull cracked

It’ll be fun to show all the evidence that people like you have been denying for 3 years.

Brennan lied to the FBI and then the FBI did not properly vet the warrant.

HIllary would have them murdered.
There are compelling new facts coming out on how the FBI railroaded Flynn. The bias and corruption in our Intelligence agencies has got to be rooted out. It's a cancer for the country.

The Law has become a joke. "Justice" in this country is now applied like a wedge in one of two ways:
  1. If you are part of their system to be protected, Justice is used like a blanket as a cover to protect you, like Hillary, to deflect all incoming attempts to get at you.
  2. If you are outside their system and a target of their desire like Trump, the full weight of Justice is laid on your shoulders as an almost irresistible force to destroy you.
View attachment 286442

JUSTICE IN AMERICA NOW has been made a weapon, to be either used FOR the rich and powerful and preferred, or AGAINST the poor and very undesirable or inconvenient.
  • In the ideal, it is a pyramid of agencies designed that all efforts lead to a crucible where irrelevancies are boiled away until all that remains is the TRUTH.
  • In the deep state, it is a blanket wedge used to cover what they seek to hide and protect, able to deflect away all efforts FROM the truth.
  • In the disliked, Justice is turn around like an axe on one's neck to focus the full weight of legal power on seeking a desired outcome of prosecution REGARDLESS of the truth!
Such paranoid nonsense...

"Stop breaking the law, asshole!"
too Bad he pled guilty
Motion to withdraw can be done prior to sentencing. Which will be filed Monday according to sources. With the coercion and fabrication of evidence this is going away, like it should have anyway..
Okay, well, I'm sure Trump's DOJ will jump right on this.



I get that you're a leftist toad - but would you care to show the class ANY major news story Breitbart has falsely or incorrectly reported in the last two years.

Well, I guess there was that issue with the cages for illegal alien children. The Washington Post had sent reporters to photograph cages back in 2014, but Breitbart and the conservative media buried the story, then Breitbart turned around in 2017, used the pictures the Post had taken, and lied that they were from 2017..

Oh wait a minute, I got that backwards. It was Breitbart that did actual reporting and WaPo with the NY Times that crushed the story to cover for Obama, and WaPo that flat out lied to smear Trump three years later.

You know Mac, you Communists attacking LEGITIMATE journalism is Orwellian. Clearly you're trying to destroy freedom of the press.
Comey, Clapper, Strzok................their manipulation and tampering with evidence and testimony is about to get exposed.


How many hundreds of times have we heard that before?

And when will you figure out you've been played? I mean, it's obvious to the normal people.
Comey, Clapper, Strzok................their manipulation and tampering with evidence and testimony is about to get exposed.


How many hundreds of times have we heard that before?

And when will you figure out you've been played? I mean, it's obvious to the normal people.
Dunno. How many times have you heard it?

Really doesn’t matter, the IG report is about to come out, and Durham is now conducting a criminal probe of the Obama regime.
This is so out of hand it is in another galaxy.

A multifaceted “criminal conspiracy” to destroy former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was launched by persons across the national security state apparatus to prevent audits of intelligence agencies’ operations, said Lee Smith, author of The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History, in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning.
“General Flynn’s lawyer, Sydney Powell, has done a fantastic job of unearthing a whole bunch of new information which clarifies what we’ve known — what we’ve suspected — for quite a long time, that large parts of the intelligence community targeted General Flynn,” Smith stated.

Smith added, “Sydney Powell has brought forth a whole bunch of important information … about how they tinkered with the FBI’s interviews. They also ambushed General Flynn in the White House for an interview, and we know how that went down. It was James Comey who asked his deputy director Andy McCabe to send agents down there to go after General Flynn.”
Lee Smith: Deep State Destroyed Flynn to Stop Audit of Its Operations
And there you have it. He was an existential threat to them and therefore he had to be taken out. McCabe and Strzok under Comey devised a plan and saw to it.

Lee Smith: Deep State Destroyed Flynn to Stop Audit of Its Operations
Source: Breitbart
So What?

I use MSLSD and CNN when can I corroborate the facts even though they are outright liars and fabricators.. The FACTS MATTER... The source not so much..

I don't. If CNN reported that water is wet, I wouldn't believe them. They are nothing but propaganda for the Communist party. MRC does a daily log of the hundreds of lies CNN spews every single day.
what odds would you give of any of them seeing the inside of a prison cell?

Likely low. Not every consequence of law breaking results is prison time.

I’m not sure what the statute calls for if you are caught lying on a FISA warrant to spy on your political opponent.
So much for cracking skulls. BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Did I say jail Time? I think it’s unlikely but there is an active criminal investigation.

What news sources do you use to be informed?

Good enough sources to know nobody is going to prison much less have their skull cracked

It’ll be fun to show all the evidence that people like you have been denying for 3 years.

Brennan lied to the FBI and then the FBI did not properly vet the warrant.

HIllary would have them murdered.
You’re too dumb for words
Okay, well, I'm sure Trump's DOJ will jump right on this.



Trumps DOJ is about to crack skulls.
Yeah. I heard it's gonna lock Hillary up any minute now. :happy-1:

No, it’s Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Page.

what odds would you give of any of them seeing the inside of a prison cell?

With the exception of Clapper and Comey - 95% chance they will be convicted and sentenced to prison. KGB Brennan and McCabe BRAGGED about their massive violations of federal law. Hard to deny you're a criminal when you write a book bragging about your crimes. Page and Strzok left a trail of text messages that can't be argued away. These people will all be convicted. Comey is very likely to be charged with felony dissemination of classified materials for his leaks. He probably will not be sentenced to prison because he is too well connected (has dirt on people). Clapper is probably the worst of the lot, but he is also the smartest and left less evidence to hang him with.

Andrew Weissman with his attack on General Flynn may well face criminal charges. He is already held in contempt, along with his entire legal team.
Yeah. I heard it's gonna lock Hillary up any minute now. :happy-1:

No, it’s Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Page.

what odds would you give of any of them seeing the inside of a prison cell?

Likely low. Not every consequence of law breaking results is prison time.

I’m not sure what the statute calls for if you are caught lying on a FISA warrant to spy on your political opponent.
So much for cracking skulls. BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Did I say jail Time? I think it’s unlikely but there is an active criminal investigation.

What news sources do you use to be informed?

I disagree, I think it is HIGHLY likely 4 of those mentioned will be handed prison sentences.
I don't. If CNN reported that water is wet, I wouldn't believe them. They are nothing but propaganda for the Communist party. MRC does a daily log of the hundreds of lies CNN spews every single day.
The same has been true of Fox as well, to be fair.

Disclaimer * I no longer watch TYT.

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