Gen. Flynn quit because he lied. Why didn't obama quit for lying to us?

Caught red handed.

Quick, equivocate.

Oblama, Oblama, Oblama.

Isn't the real question "Did the so called President ask that Flynn smooth over the new sanctions stuff, or was he just ignorant of the fact that one of his top advisers was in contact with Russia?
What does it matter?

Flynn was the Security Advisor for the duly elected President-elect.

Did he not have his story straight? Apparently so.
Did he do anything illegal, immoral, unethical, or fattening? No.

Don't know. Wasn't there. They should release the transcripts of his conversations. It's the only way to be sure.
Obama is not an honorable man.

yet you support a man who lies every time he opens his mouth, a man who lied and cheated his way through life? a pussy grabber....that's who you listen too?? billy I thought you were smarter than that

I'm having a good time watching the "liar" keep campaign promises.

And the irony of it is he kept calling Hillary a liar too.
You must be one of those America haters and flag burners.

So, your whole post is just you trying to put me in some kind of category so that you can then attack me? What's wrong with actually making an argument instead of attacking?

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