Gender identity

How were they supposed to know the owner was a bigot? It’s not like they tattoo it on their forehead.
So. He declined and they had no other options available to them other than to take him to court?
How were they supposed to know the owner was a bigot? It’s not like they tattoo it on their forehead.

When the owner said "I will not do that", they should have gotten a clue and moved on to the next bakery.

Pretty simple
Lefties love to lecture about if you dont like the ideology of the comic book writer,movie writer,candy company etc…don’t read,watch or purchase. Yet they never practice what they preach. How odd.
Lefties love to lecture about if you dont like the ideology of the comic book writer,movie writer,candy company etc…don’t read,watch or purchase. Yet they never practice what they preach. How odd.

I agree, it just makes them hypocrites.
Seems the SCOTUS disagreed.

Not to mention the law goes against the Constitution.
People claimed that laws against segregation violated the constitution too.

You should look at the actual Masterpiece decision. They didn’t strike down the Colorado law.
How is their grievance any different?
I realize the gays felt compelled to latch themselves on to the civil rights movement of the black population and the suffering they went through. But is hardly the same thing. Gays can walk down the street to a more progressive bakery for a damn cake.
It is pertinent because it shows how far removed people are from the views they held quite recently.

This is a MANUFACTURED issue and people need to understand that it is and to question what agenda it serves.
2007 is 16 years ago. There has been much politically and culturally that has changed in the USA and in the world in 16 years. I doubt any person on the planet has not changed some attitudes or views or opinions or likes and dislikes in 16 years. Sixteen years ago is not recently.

Certainly nobody was arguing over what pronouns to use or talking about myriad genders 16 years ago.
I realize the gays felt compelled to latch themselves on to the civil rights movement of the black population and the suffering they went through. But is hardly the same thing. Gays can walk down the street to a more progressive bakery for a damn cake.

And blacks had blood ancestors and their future children that had/would endure this without that generation making a stand.

Gays have no such argument.
I got a HUGE problem here. We have thousands of years, and many cultures and countless generations that have accepted gender norms across the millennium. Across the years, and the history, SUDDENLY there are "new" undiscovered genders all of a sudden? Gender Dysphoria by any other name. Read Oliver Sacks, the mind does strange things.
I think you have it wrong…we have for thousands of years, many cultures and countless generations accepted a multiplicity of genders.

This is not SUDDENLY new.

Some examples.

And blacks had blood ancestors and their future children that had/would endure this without that generation making a stand.

Gays have no such argument.
No they just feel entitled to hijack the civil rights movement of the past for political purposes/power.

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