Gender identity

Yet you worship a man that is on his third and cheated on all 3 wives, two of them with the future wife.

You have no moral ground to stand on
I have plenty of moral ground. I never cheated on my spouse. And the only worshipping of politicians I do is in your head.

Now continue telling us how virtuous you are because you have LGBTQLMNOP besties.
I have plenty of moral ground. I never cheated on my spouse. And the only worshipping of politicians I do is in your head.

Now continue telling us how virtuous you are because you have LGBTQLMNOP besties.
I'm single but have had quite a few married women flirt with me. I try to avoid them and prefer dating single women.
Sorry, but if you knew this girl you would know how far off the mark you are. She has always been the "boss" of the house. She does not do a damn thing to "just get along".

They had not planned to ever get married as she is sort of anti-tradition. But the company insurance was just too good to so they got married so she could put him on the insurance.
At the end of my tour and for a few years after I worked as a bouncer at a strip club outside FLW. I got to know a lot of the girls there over the years...90% of them good people and good friends...and 90% of that 90% were in one way or another emotionally broken. There were a few that that were just there to make money to do something else with their lives...but that was the exception.

Maybe your friend is the exception too.

But the odds aren't in her favor.
I find it interesting that if you look closely at progressives, they are actually just anti Christian’s b
Exactly why you never see one trying to force their gay views on a Muslim.
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I have plenty of moral ground. I never cheated on my spouse.
Were you a virgin when you got married? Cause the Bible is crystal clear that fornication is as much a sin as homosexuality.

You don’t have the right to pick and choose.
“Heterosexual’s made a mockery of Marriage”. So it’s okay if gays do it.

I did no such thing. you are the one that brought up mock marriages, not me.

Mocking “ Christmas “ parties.

I had no idea they were still a thing. Hardly mocking.

Advocating sex changes and open marriages in your fake story

I did not advocate for anything, I even said I do not understand any of it. The difference between you and I is that I will not condemn anyone just because they are different than me.
It makes sense that one persecuted minority would have sympathy for another persecuted minority.

It’s not something an evangelical Christian would get.
You are assuming all Muslims are represented in your left Leaning “ survey” from NBC/MSNBC.
I did no such thing. you are the one that brought up mock marriages, not me.

I had no idea they were still a thing. Hardly mocking.

I did not advocate for anything, I even said I do not understand any of it. The difference between you and I is that I will not condemn anyone just because they are different than me.
Your favorite argument when posters question your gay marriage views is throwing up the democratic talking points about heterosexual marriage. You did it twice in this thread.

Then you pretend to claim that your “ old fashioned notion” comment wasn’t a snark at Christmas.

The rest was all virtue signaling.

If you don’t want people to view you as a leftie…don’t act/talk like one. It’s cute that you keep denying this.
I did no such thing. you are the one that brought up mock marriages, not me.

I had no idea they were still a thing. Hardly mocking.

I did not advocate for anything, I even said I do not understand any of it. The difference between you and I is that I will not condemn anyone just because they are different than me.

“What, you 95?”

Yeah, hardly mocking.

You can’t make this 💩 up!
The survey asked US Muslims. That’s what it represents.
Okay. Go test that theory out and report back. Only you have to approach it like the activist did to the Christian baker. You have to pick a Muslim baker that is devout in their religion.

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