General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

That poor soldiers whole family will be getting demonized by USMB posters before this story is finished. All of them will become liars, communist, and probably Muslims.

Just like they did to the Khan gold star family.

Only, they were muslim. But the rest holds up.
Has anyone actually checked if Trump paid the $25 million Trump University settlement? The case Trump said he would never settle. And claimed the Mexican-american judge was against him.

Or did Trump just say he would pay the victims, and not pay it like he did with the soldiers father back in june.
The Left has NO MORAL INTEGRITY. Absolutely ZERO.

No wonder The Father divorced his skank wife.
Who in the Hell is that much of a scumbag to let her son be used as a political football and lie about a phone call to offer condolences to her and her family?
There we have it, the Green Beret's mother is a "skank". This kind of post is easily written by those who cheaply sold their souls to FM 45 last year.

What's ironic is this poster talking about "no moral integrity" if this poster has any left or even can recognize it anymore.
Cant believe the left is this desperate......
FU, the moron disrespected fallen soldiers who died in service to all of us. Cult following assholes like you are willing to facilitate that obscene behavior and the rest of us are taking it. We will mock and disparage that man in the White House and you can be assured that the next time he is tasked with responding to the family of KIA's he will do it the way we are telling him to do it. We win the argument, you lose the debate and that is the way it is. Now go cry in some corner until you realize you have no say and no choice in the matter.
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Obama repeatedly showed up on the tarmac of airports when the bodies of dead soldiers were brought home when a lot were dying during the war on terror... Trump goes golfing when 4 die in a time when few are dying.
Link to Trump golfing. As I remember it Obama lied about the deaths of four in bengazi, then went to Vegas to fundraise and golf.

Obama was there to receive the bodies. Where was Trump?
And lied to the parents while standing over their bodies.

Bingo along with his Secretary of State.

Bingo liar. Where is your proof.
The family member of the soldier she talked to.
The Left has NO MORAL INTEGRITY. Absolutely ZERO.

No wonder The Father divorced his skank wife.
Who in the Hell is that much of a scumbag to let her son be used as a political football and lie about a phone call to offer condolences to her and her family?
Typical trump supporter. Attack a KIA's mother and call her names. Something for all those serving in the military to look forward to if they are killed in action. The trump forces will degrade and disparage their moms.
Nothing but standard partisan conjecture, rumor-mongering and attacks so far.

Provide some proof one way or the other and we'll have something.
That poor soldiers whole family will be getting demonized by USMB posters before this story is finished. All of them will become liars, communist, and probably Muslims.

Just like they did to the Khan gold star family.

Only, they were muslim. But the rest holds up.

Khan attacked Trump. He entered the political ring in a planned assault on the R candidate. Made him fair game. You step into the ring and throw down the gauntlet expect a big fucking chair shot to your life from your opponents.

His son is a hero. But not the father.
Trump: "Guess that's what your boy signed up for - well, have a good time!"

I'm considering a line of Trump Brand® sympathy cards. :D



These are Trump's people so why should they be trusted? The fact is that getting in a spat with the mother of a dead soldier is a losing proposition. Independents will be alienated. Then you have another mother of a slain soldier who sys she heard nothing from Trump. Then you have the fact that Trump promised to send a $25,000 check which he only did after it became public.


Trump sends $25,000 check to fallen soldier's family on same day as ...

You are another member of Liars for Trump. He only sent the check after it had become public knowledge. He made the promise in June. Was his writing hand broken or was he too busy golfing? He did the same thing when he skipped a debate to supposedly attend a fund-raiser for veterans. He only sent the check months later when he was called on it. You should find links that support you not prove you are a liar.

Look, it is a CNN link! They are the master's of fake news and they didn't even bother disputing what the WH said!

I take it you didn't read or could not comprehend what the link said.

I am truly sorry, but I would recommend an educational malpractice suit for allowing you to graduate without an education.

Is that why you are so damn hateful?
"Earlier this week, Trump falsely claimed that former President Barack Obama didn't call families of fallen service members, later suggesting reporters contact his chief of staff, John Kelly, whose son was killed in Afghanistan, to ask if Obama reached out to him."

^ "Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly is "disgusted and frustrated" by the way his son's death has become politicized." BY TRUMP!
Obama only celebrated soldiers like berghdal. That was his respect for our troops.

Obama repeatedly showed up on the tarmac of airports when the bodies of dead soldiers were brought home when a lot were dying during the war on terror... Trump goes golfing when 4 die in a time when few are dying.
Link to Trump golfing. As I remember it Obama lied about the deaths of four in bengazi, then went to Vegas to fundraise and golf.

Obama was there to receive the bodies. Where was Trump?

You do realize those were all civilians, one was an ambassador, and their bodies came back on one flight.

Not so for the casualties from Niger.

Trump did meet the remains being returned of the Navy SEAL killed in January.

Why so much hate?
FACT: Trump told the parents he would give the parents $25,000 to help them out. He was setting up a fundraiser to raise the money for them which likely would have resulted in FAR MORE MONEY, then that jackass congresswoman from Florida looking to make a name for herself + WaPo came along and lied about it to make it into a scandal, .

That's the one from June, that Trump promised $25,000 to, and didn't send him a check until the newspapers shamed Trump into mailing one out 4 months later.

Four f*ck*ng months later. I hope the guy didn't need it to pay funeral bills.

His wife got $100,000. That was her responsibility.
That poor soldiers whole family will be getting demonized by USMB posters before this story is finished. All of them will become liars, communist, and probably Muslims.

Just like they did to the Khan gold star family.

Only, they were muslim. But the rest holds up.

Khan attacked Trump. He entered the political ring in a planned assault on the R candidate. Made him fair game. You step into the ring and throw down the gauntlet expect a big fucking chair shot to your life from your opponents.

His son is a hero. But not the father.
Disrespect and demonizing of Gold Star Family members will never be accepted. People like you are trying to disregard and ignore a long American tradition of giving special respect and honor to our Gold Star Families. They are given special privilege because of the sacrifice they have made. No one, not a single soul in this country has more of a right to speak their mind and say what they want to say, to use their freedom of speech more than the moms, dads, wives, brother and sisters of the men and woman who gave their lives for all of us to have those freedoms.
A son gave his life so his father would have a right to free speech and because he did you are claiming he is fair game for people like you to attack him, demonize him and disparage him. That attitude is what has brought you to today. Trump didn't learn his lesson over Khan, but he is learning it now for sure. We will win this battle and you have already lost it.
$25,000 to Trump is the equivalent of $100 to Barack Obama

Still sound generous?
Somehow, Kelly added in "women are sacred". But not anymore. That backfired.


And now he's saying Trump did the best he could.
Cant believe the left is this desperate......
FU, the moron disrespected fallen soldiers who died in service to all of us. Cult following assholes like you are willing to facilitate that obscene behavior and the rest of us are taking it. We will mock and disparage that man in the White House and you can be assured that the next time he is tasked with responding to the family of KIA's he will do it the way we are telling him to do it. We win the argument, you lose the debate and that is the way it is. Now go cry in some corner until you realize you have no say and no choice in the matter.

what an asshole.

we *all* have a say in the matter. as for trump doing how YOU SAY to do it - give me an example of trump caving to liberal demands. that will be fun.

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