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"Genocide" Perpetrated By The Administration Via Katrina

Where was the whinning from the people of the Mississippi Gulf Coast which was worse than just being flooded, they were completely destroyed? The only thing I remember seeing about Mississippi was a lady talking about all of her possessions including her home and car being washed away but she wasn't complaining, she was thanking God for her and her family's lives being spared. This was someone who actually owned her home, wasn't using the government for a handout and wasn't asking the government for anything.

Quite a contrast from the professional whinners of New Orleans which have been taken to cities all over the south and screwed up where ever they ended up. Houston's murder rate is up substantially, corruption is rampant and in an economy that has a jobless rate of less than 5% FEMA is still funding these shits to continue to breed. On top of that, illegal mexicans are the ones that are rebuilding New Orleans..... typical.

Hey, my fiancee wants to know

a) do you know any New Orleanians personally.
b) have you ever lost your home
c) have you ever lost your home, job, family, neighborhood, all at once.

and also

quit you f**king whining about New Orleanians.
Hey, my fiancee wants to know

a) do you know any New Orleanians personally.
b) have you ever lost your home
c) have you ever lost your home, job, family, neighborhood, all at once.

and also

quit you f**king whining about New Orleanians.

A....I've known numerous people from the New Orleans area, they were all smart enough to leave that dump 30 years ago when Morial took it down the sewer.
B....I'm smart enough to not live in a toilet bowl surrounded by a huge lake, the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River running through the middle. No I haven't lost my home, have you?
C....No, don't plan on putting myself in that situation. Have you?

I'll stop complaining about your filth when you come get them out of my city.

As for you fiance, as decadent as New Orleans is I still don't believe they are allowing ******* so I guess you'll have to take a trip to Canada for one of those fake weddings.
I'm not going to apologize for SpidermanTuba, but as most of you know, our schools here in La. ranks about 49th in the nation, so I will apologize for that. We are trying to make improvements though. I think the first school we should work on is the one he went to. I'm sure if his parents had seen the deficiency early enough, they could have found him a little better school though.
A lot of the people in New Orleans remind me of a joke I heard once. This rich guy was trying to find the laziest person on earth and he wound up in N.O. and offered a hundred dollars for the laziest person he could find. People were lined up to tell how lazy they were with the exception of this old man lying beside an old oak tree. The rich guy walked up to him and explained what he was there for and the old man said, "just put in my top pocket where I can get to it easy."
I received this in my e-mail one day last week and thought it was fitting for us that went through Katrina. In my nearly 7 decades of life, I do remember when there wasn't any help, local and/or Government, just the neighborhood, and even though it was a struggle, we always came out on top. It is (or used to be) a wonderful feeling of one helping themselves and each other. Uneducated whiners like SpidermanTuba just wants to make me puke.


Up here, in the "Mile-Hi City", we just recovered from a Historic event--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of "BiblicalProportions" --- with a
historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH thatbroke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of communities and cut
power to 10's of thousands.

It has again been snowing since yesterday and will continue to snow for another two days! That said, please read the following:


George Bush did not come.

FEMA did nothing.

No one howled for the government.

No one blamed the government.

No one even uttered an expletive on TV.

Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.

Our Mayor did not blame Bush or anyone else.

Our Governor did not blame Bush or anyone else, either.

CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC did not visit - or report on this category 5 snowstorm. Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.

No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.

No one looted.

Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.

Nobody expected the government to do anything, either.

No Larry King, No Bill O'Rielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews and No Geraldo Rivera.

No Shaun Penn, No Barbara Striesand, No Hollywood types to be found.

Nope, we just melted the snow for water.

Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars.

The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didn't ask for a penny.

Local restaurants made f ood and the police and fire departments delivered it to the snowbound families.

Families took in the stranded people - total strangers.

We fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Coleman lanterns.

We put on extra layers of clothes because up here it is "Workor Die".
We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out of a mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that trades votes for 'sittin at home' checks.

Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has neverfallen this early, we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves.

"In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate."

It does seem that way, at least to me.

Maybe SOME people (Like New Orlense and Wash. DC freeloaders) will get the message.
The world does Not owe you a living.
The Government and Tax dollars ($) are not your insurance company.
A....I've known numerous people from the New Orleans area, they were all smart enough to leave that dump 30 years ago when Morial took it down the sewer.
B....I'm smart enough to not live in a toilet bowl surrounded by a huge lake, the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River running through the middle.

Would you mind having the slightest bit of respect for someone's home you little prick?

No I haven't lost my home, have you?

Didn't think so.

C....No, don't plan on putting myself in that situation. Have you?

No, I've never planned on putting myself in that situation, neither has anyone else

I'll stop complaining about your filth when you come get them out of my city.
I'll stop complaining about your filth when you shoot yourself in the head.

As for you fiance, as decadent as New Orleans is I still don't believe they are allowing homosexual marriage so I guess you'll have to take a trip to Canada for one of those fake weddings.

I didn't say my fiance, I said my fiancee, can you read or are you retarded?
I'm not going to apologize for SpidermanTuba, but as most of you know, our schools here in La. ranks about 49th in the nation, so I will apologize for that. We are trying to make improvements though. I think the first school we should work on is the one he went to.

Catholic High School Baton Rouge - class of 1995, honors.
I received this in my e-mail one day last week and thought it was fitting for us that went through Katrina. In my nearly 7 decades of life, I do remember when there wasn't any help, local and/or Government, just the neighborhood, and even though it was a struggle, we always came out on top. It is (or used to be) a wonderful feeling of one helping themselves and each other. Uneducated whiners like SpidermanTuba just wants to make me puke.
And you were flooded in for 7 decades of your life?


George Bush did not come.

FEMA did nothing.

No one howled for the government.

Are there thousands of people stranded without drinkable water?

Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has neverfallen this early, we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves.

You're comparing 44 inches of snow to 10 feet of fetid sewer water? What is this, a joke?

I've lived in the Rockies and I hate snow and I hate the cold. But I'd take being snowed in for a week over being stranded on an interstate ramp for a week with trillions of gallons of fetid flood water all around me evaporating into steam by the hot summer sun but no actual water to drink - ANY time. Whats the death toll from your witty blizzard you little whiny baby, 10, 20? 1000?

DENVER — The powerful winter storm that lingered over Colorado, punishing it with snowdrifts up to 10 feet high, had barreled out of the Plains states Monday, leaving thousands of homes and businesses without power.

At least 12 deaths were blamed on the storm, most in accidents on icy roads.
oooo, 12 deaths, surely this is a natural disaster of unparalleled magnitude. Aren't you going to blame them for their deaths, too, since it aint too bright to be driving around in that weather? Downed trees? You haven't seen downed trees till you pass through St. Tammany Parish a few days after a Cat 3 passes through it. My grandfather literally half of his trees, decades old pines shattered like toothpicks under tornado after tornado.

Gusts of up to 90 mph? Please. Even if those were sustained speeds it would only be a cat 1.

Have fun with your blizzard and be thankful you dont have to worry about being up to your neck in sewer water while you watch your family die.

The world does Not owe you a living.

No one was asking for a living, they were asking to be rescued. Begging in fact. Does that get you off, to see mothers with children begging for drinking water? You don't even really understand the nature of emergencies, do you? You seriously think 10000 people lined up at the Convention Center were there to collect a lifetime's worth of welfare checks? What is this, a joke?

Nope, we just melted the snow for water.

That's just wonderful, good for you. Those idiot New Orleanians should have just melted snow for drinking water.

Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars.

And the citizens of Louisiana sent out a fleet of boats, manned, owned, and directed for the most part, by private citizens.

The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didn't ask for a penny.

What's your point? I'm not aware of any voluntary rescue worker in Louisiana asking for money. You think anyone would be stupid enough to hop in a boat, ride around a screwed up flooded city for days while getting shot at, so they could charge poor people money for rides?

Local restaurants made f ood and the police and fire departments delivered it to the snowbound families.

Goodie two shoes for them. The first aid to hit anywhere in Louisiana was from private citizens. The first 18 wheeler of food and water sent to the Florida Parishes- not bound for some staging area where it would sit for weeks, but to actual shelters was from private citizens. I don't see your point. You seem to have switched from pointing out how the situations were different to how they were the same.

Families took in the stranded people - total strangers.
What the hell do you think everyone in Baton Rouge did? Heck there were so many people volunteering in Baton Rouge that after the first day it was hard to find a place that needed anyone, they put you on a waiting list. We turned the assembly center at LSU into a hospital and the River Center downtown into a massive shelter within a day. The shelter I worked at in Donaldsonville had a fully stocked storage room full of food, water, clothes, and toys for the kiddies, just from donations of the people in town - within a day or two. If you're trying to suggest that the difference between Denver folk and Louisiana folk is that Denver folk take care of Denver folk, you're way off. Apparently, the difference is that while Louisiana folk would certainly want the federal government to step in if 10000 Coloradans were stranded without food or water, yet Coloradans would prefer to stand around a bitch about how whiny the people in need are.
Thought this was relevant.

Posted as a thread starter by sitarro:


Big Easy Weighs Curfew After 8 Slayings

Jan 6, 6:18 PM (ET)


NEW ORLEANS (AP) - With at least eight slayings in the city in the first week of the new year, officials are considering a curfew to help stem the violence, the police superintendent said Saturday.
"It's something we're just sort of talking about, to see if that will make a difference," police Superintendent Warren Riley said.
Mayor Ray Nagin, meanwhile, urged residents not to leave the city, still rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina, because of the recent killings. He said the slayings could be a tipping point that "galvanizes our community" to find solutions.
Some residents have called for a march on City Hall on Thursday to demand action to curb the violence.
Nagin and Riley both tried to reassure residents that they were doing all they can to make the city safer. Riley said some covert operations were under way and Nagin said he hoped to have details sometime next week on a "more creative, aggressive" plan developed in talks he has had with local ministers.
Riley said the slayings are a part of a chronic problem that goes back to the city's school system and what he sees as the city's failure, over many years, to adequately educate and provide job opportunities for residents.
He said he's also concerned about making sure "hard-core criminals" are prosecuted and kept in jail.
Problems will continue until there are improvements in the criminal justice system, which has struggled to get court cases moving again since Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, Riley said.

I belive this fits well with the disccussions going on in this thread.

Thought this was relevant.

Posted as a thread starter by sitarro:


Big Easy Weighs Curfew After 8 Slayings

Jan 6, 6:18 PM (ET)


NEW ORLEANS (AP) - With at least eight slayings in the city in the first week of the new year, officials are considering a curfew to help stem the violence, the police superintendent said Saturday.
"It's something we're just sort of talking about, to see if that will make a difference," police Superintendent Warren Riley said.
Mayor Ray Nagin, meanwhile, urged residents not to leave the city, still rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina, because of the recent killings. He said the slayings could be a tipping point that "galvanizes our community" to find solutions.
Some residents have called for a march on City Hall on Thursday to demand action to curb the violence.
Nagin and Riley both tried to reassure residents that they were doing all they can to make the city safer. Riley said some covert operations were under way and Nagin said he hoped to have details sometime next week on a "more creative, aggressive" plan developed in talks he has had with local ministers.
Riley said the slayings are a part of a chronic problem that goes back to the city's school system and what he sees as the city's failure, over many years, to adequately educate and provide job opportunities for residents.
He said he's also concerned about making sure "hard-core criminals" are prosecuted and kept in jail.
Problems will continue until there are improvements in the criminal justice system, which has struggled to get court cases moving again since Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, Riley said.

I belive this fits well with the disccussions going on in this thread.


They have their built-in excuse....... how would you like to lose your world, wouldn't you become a looting, murderous thug? The whiners from NO think they are the only ones that a natural disaster has ever happened too. It's as silly as Californians complaining about earthquakes(which you really don't hear from real Californians), it is the place you have put yourself in and unless you are incapable of rational thought and illiterate you know the risks. Like I have said before, the people of Mississippi aren't wasting time complaining, they are doing.
Really? I thought his job was to look good on TV.

Of course you did.

Yeah, exactly, that's the point, and the feds drug their asses in getting them there.

Well, I think we all know who drug their asses in this mess, don't we Spiderman?

Oh, I had forgotten, the function of local government is to employ several fortune tellers to predict the next big storm, considering the tropical depression that would form into Katrina hadn't even existed until 6 days before landfall, and hadn't even been named until less than 5 days before the storm.

Excuse me, I thought NO was famous for its fortune tellers, and susayers. There was ample warning Spiderman, even YOU can't defend the silliness, that was going on in NO just hours before the storm made land fall.

I'm confused as to how you expect ANYONE, local, state, federal, or any mortal for that matter, to be able to predict that a cat 5 hurricane would form in the Gulf before it even formed in the Atlantic.

I've no doubt, that your confused, your postings just confirm it.

No, you cannot just walk 80 miles with enough food and water to support you and your family on 2 days notice. And it would be especially troublesome if you didn' t have proper backpacking equipment. Perhaps I'm wrong though, I'm sure you've had similar experiences and have walked your family much more than 80 miles in 2 days before, all the while running the risk of someone getting injured and having to wait out the storm with no shelter.

So its BETTER to just "stay put", and wallow around in despair, rather than, take your fate in your own hands, and do SOMETHING? Help me out here Spinderman, how the hell have you survived to this point in your life.

I believe if I lived in the effected area's of NO, I would of had all the necessary equipment put away, and some idea as to a PLAN, any of this getting through to you?

As to someone getting injured, surely you jest? My God....:eusa_eh:

You are of course aware that the nearest place not under an evacuation order was 80 miles away, I'm sure.

No I wasn't, prove it.

I'm sure there was safe haven much closer.

state and federal government, as well. Lazy poor people. They should have just WALKED out. Right. You are a nutbag.

Well, YES.

Its a mass conspiracy, they must just want to be stranded.

Your starting to catch on, though barely I'm sure.

It depends on whether or not incompetent jackasses like Michael Brown and George Bush are in office.

Actually Spiderman, it depends more on whom your trying to give assistance to.

No, I don't have to take care of my family in the middle of the worst hurricane in decades and then at a forgotten Superdome or Convention center on a daily basis - and neither do you.

Certainly you can talk for yourself, but don't for a minute talk for me. My family and me have lived through ice storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods. Each and everyone we helped ourselves, didn't rely on ANY government assistance, NEVER. I want to see the government take care of their responsibilities, the INFASTRUTURE, not running around trying to save people, that SHOULD be taking care of themselves, man, you are dense!

No, they didn't. The President himself admits the Federal government failed.

No he didn't, he said "they could have done better".

I am the local you piece of human excrement.

Again with the local color, cute.:rolleyes:

So what did they do for the 2 1/2 days that thousands of people were crowded at the Convention Center? Because I was under the impression they were doing nothing, perhaps I'm wrong.

First of all, Mr. Local, the convention center, was NOT a shelter, yes it ended up being one, but that was only because the LOCAL emergency plan was flawed. And YES, you are wrong, but lets move past THAT.

And the majority of Americans as well as the entire city of New Orleans thinks your full of shit.

I'm sure you have supporting evidence, that you would be happy to post, that would back up such a lame statement.

Job training? WTF are you talking about? They don't need job training, they HAD jobs, so presumably they're already trained DUH.

So, do you IN New Orleans, are UNDERGROUND, wake the fuck up, if you have any hope in helping your fellow citizens.

Not here.
Why would you expect that anyway? Why can't you be more self reliant? Stop whining about murders and don't expect the government to step in and spend a bunch of my taxes on investigating any murders.

What bothers me sir, MY tax's, and my fellow citizens across this great land, are expected to bail your sorry ass out, THATS what bothers me. If you think for one minute, that the tax's that are paid in New Orleans is anywhere near enough to cover the Federal outlay of Katrina, you are, as usual WRONG.

Why don't you deal with them yourself? Why can't you be more self reliant? Why does the government have to be the one to make sure your neighbor pays his fair share?

Thats the job of government, NOT paddling around in boats rescuing people, that haven't got the sense to evacuate a SINKING SHIP, hello!

You're the one equating the desire to be rescued from the middle of the most catastrophic disaster to hit the nation in decades with the desire to live a life from birth to death on government handouts.

YES, I am, your point eludes me.

Lets just close our eyes and pretend that all the poor folks in all the cities will start saving up to buy the hiking gear they'll need to evacuate the city on foot.

I'll leave the closing of eyes to you, and your fellow citizens of NO, you seem well equipped in that area.

Good luck next time, cause there will be a NEXT time.

Sleep tight!
Would you mind having the slightest bit of respect for someone's home you little prick?

Why, the residents don't even have any respect?

Didn't think so.

I feel sorry for anyone that loses everything whether it be a fire, earthquake, flood or tornado. I just don't want to hear how our President is to blame for all of the bad decisions you ever made.

No, I've never planned on putting myself in that situation, neither has anyone else

If you live in a bowl surrounded by water that is over 10 feet above your head you should plan on it. What happened to N.O. didn't surprise anyone but the people foolish enough to continue living there. The surprising part is that it took this long and wasn't much worse.

I'll stop complaining about your filth when you shoot yourself in the head.

Judging from the murder rate this year in that wonderful place that does seem to be the way problems are solved in N.O.

I didn't say my fiance, I said my fiancee, can you read or are you retarded?

I was making a joke about how gay all of your complaining is, sorry you didn't get it.
Thought this was relevant.

Posted as a thread starter by sitarro:


Big Easy Weighs Curfew After 8 Slayings

Jan 6, 6:18 PM (ET)


NEW ORLEANS (AP) - With at least eight slayings in the city in the first week of the new year, officials are considering a curfew to help stem the violence, the police superintendent said Saturday.
"It's something we're just sort of talking about, to see if that will make a difference," police Superintendent Warren Riley said.
Mayor Ray Nagin, meanwhile, urged residents not to leave the city, still rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina, because of the recent killings. He said the slayings could be a tipping point that "galvanizes our community" to find solutions.
Some residents have called for a march on City Hall on Thursday to demand action to curb the violence.
Nagin and Riley both tried to reassure residents that they were doing all they can to make the city safer. Riley said some covert operations were under way and Nagin said he hoped to have details sometime next week on a "more creative, aggressive" plan developed in talks he has had with local ministers.
Riley said the slayings are a part of a chronic problem that goes back to the city's school system and what he sees as the city's failure, over many years, to adequately educate and provide job opportunities for residents.
He said he's also concerned about making sure "hard-core criminals" are prosecuted and kept in jail.
Problems will continue until there are improvements in the criminal justice system, which has struggled to get court cases moving again since Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, Riley said.

I belive this fits well with the disccussions going on in this thread.


Glad they'd doing something about it. I've been thinking for the past few months, what are they doing to curb the murder rates? Other than the NOPD pigs cheering for 4 1st degree murder suspects as they are jailed, what have they done? The NOPD is the most inept, corrupt, and inefficient police force in the nation. It has to be. I feel sorry for anyone who does happen to live in a city with a police force worse than the NOPD - you know, like Nuevo Laredo for instance.
They have their built-in excuse....... how would you like to lose your world, wouldn't you become a looting, murderous thug? The whiners from NO think they are the only ones that a natural disaster has ever happened too.

Because as we all know, every single person left behind in the storm immediately turned into a looting murderous thug. I think it was a full moon that night, after all. Its not like a few thousand mothers with their children were left behind.

What pisses me off is that guy who was going around looting baby formula for babies - what a thug scumbag I hope they lock that piece of human refuse up for good.
It's as silly as Californians complaining about earthquakes(which you really don't hear from real Californians),
No one was complaining about the storm, they were complaining about the entire government, from your local PD on up to the President, FAILING. When's the last time an earthquake killed 1000 people?

it is the place you have put yourself in and unless you are incapable of rational thought and illiterate you know the risks. Like I have said before, the people of Mississippi aren't wasting time complaining, they are doing.
And what do you think is going on down here? You think we're all sitting around with our thumbs up our butts? Everyone I know who lives or commutes to N.O. is working 25%-75% more hours than they were before the storm, so go sit on it you little bitch.

If you dislike complaining so much, then why do you complain so often?
There was ample warning Spiderman, even YOU can't defend the silliness, that was going on in NO just hours before the storm made land fall.

Listen, I just want you to explain how its possible to predict where a storm will make landfall before it even forms as a tropical depression. You claimed there were "weeks" of warning. Since I know you're not a liar and I know you would never simply make up a pretend fact to make a point - this must be true. Since it is true, I want to know how it is possible. The NWS didn't know about it. Who did? Do you possess knowledge of the weather that the rest of the world is unaware of? The storm formed 6 days before it made landfall. You claim it was known that it was coming for "weeks" - the shortest amount of time "weeks" could be is 14 days, so you are saying that someone knew the storm would hit New Orleans a full EIGHT days before it was even formed.

Perhaps, instead of being a whiny bitchy ass, you might help the people of New Orleans to help themselves in the future and explain how it is possible to know of a storm's landfall location 8 days before it even exists.

So its BETTER to just "stay put", and wallow around in despair, rather than, take your fate in your own hands, and do SOMETHING?

You wouldn't want to be caught in a blizzard without shelter would you? Why would you think being caught in a hurricane without shelter would be a good idea?

Help me out here Spinderman, how the hell have you survived to this point in your life.

By skillfully avoiding bad drivers like yourself.

I believe if I lived in the effected area's of NO, I would of had all the necessary equipment put away, and some idea as to a PLAN, any of this getting through to you?
As to someone getting injured, surely you jest? My God....:eusa_eh:

Yeah, people get injured sometimes when they go on long hikes. Stop being stupid. Also, would you stop shouldawouldn' all over this board, its starting to sink?

I'm sure there was safe haven much closer.

Really, is there some sort of underground bunker in St. John's Parish we were all unaware of? You really should be running FEMA. Not only do you possess the capability to predict the landfall location of storms 8 days before they even form, but you also have knowledge of invisible hurricane shelters in the swamp between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Amazing.

Incidentally, if you ever do have the opportunity to make a 80 mile hike over swampland with a hurricane less than 2 days away, please, by all means, I would definitely encourage YOU to do that. It would be one less whining rightie and the gators would probably eat your body so we wouldn't even have to count it.

Actually Spiderman, it depends more on whom your trying to give assistance to.

You mean, like black people?

Certainly you can talk for yourself, but don't for a minute talk for me. My family and me have lived through ice storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods.

How many cities did you lose?

Each and everyone we helped ourselves, didn't rely on ANY government assistance, NEVER. I want to see the government take care of their responsibilities, the INFASTRUTURE, not running around trying to save people, that SHOULD be taking care of themselves, man, you are dense!

Unfortunately for you, the government, by direction of its duly elected and appointed representatives, sees otherwise. These are the "strategic goals" of the Department of Homeland Security, of which FEMA is a part of:

Strategic Goals

Awareness -- Identify and understand threats, assess vulnerabilities, determine potential impacts and disseminate timely information to our homeland security partners and the American public.
Prevention -- Detect, deter and mitigate threats to our homeland.
Protection -- Safeguard our people and their freedoms, critical infrastructure, property and the economy of our Nation from acts of terrorism, natural disasters, or other emergencies.
Response -- Lead, manage and coordinate the national response to acts of terrorism, natural disasters, or other emergencies.
Recovery -- Lead national, state, local and private sector efforts to restore services and rebuild communities after acts of terrorism, natural disasters, or other emergencies.
Service -- Serve the public effectively by facilitating lawful trade, travel and immigration.
Organizational Excellence -- Value our most important resource, our people. Create a culture that promotes a common identity, innovation, mutual respect, accountability and teamwork to achieve efficiencies, effectiveness, and operational synergies.

Note the bold faced words. Note the part where it says that they are to safeguard PEOPLE - not just infrastructure, which is also listed, but PEOPLE.

Note also the term LEAD. Do I need to give you a definition of what that means?


First of all, Mr. Local, the convention center, was NOT a shelter, yes it ended up being one, but that was only because the LOCAL emergency plan was flawed.

What are you, some kind of genius? Wow, yeah no one knew that. Whatever.

And just in case you didn't get it, or don't understand English, of course the local emergency plan was flawed, that was already established and acknowledged when I pointed out that there was a failure on a local, state, and federal level.

We don't have an argument over whether or not state and local responses were flawed - you see, we AGREE on that point. So your continued insistence on making a point that the local and state governments were flawed contributes absolutely nothing to the debate on the point which we disagree on - which is that the federal government also screwed the pooch.

So, do you IN New Orleans, are UNDERGROUND, wake the fuck up, if you have any hope in helping your fellow citizens.

Learn proper grammar and then get back to me on WTF it is you're trying to say.

What bothers me sir, MY tax's, and my fellow citizens across this great land, are expected to bail your sorry ass out, THATS what bothers me.

If you can find a country that satisfies your requirements that

A) property and liberty are protected, thus encouraging capitalism and entrepreneurship
B) taxes are low and the government does nothing to help the victims of natural disasters

by all means, MOVE there.

If you think for one minute, that the tax's that are paid in New Orleans is anywhere near enough to cover the Federal outlay of Katrina, you are, as usual WRONG.

Well no shit, what did you have to get a PhD in economics to figure something like that out? You really are a genius. Wow. I always thought cities would have massive tax bases after they get decimated by a natural disaster. Its so counterintuitive, what you are saying, I'm sure there's a complex explanation behind it that only someone as smart as yourself could possibly understand.

Thats the job of government, NOT paddling around in boats rescuing people, that haven't got the sense to evacuate a SINKING SHIP, hello!

Actually, your wrong. You see, in the strategic goals of DHS, it says one of their goals is to lead in the protection of PEOPLE effected by natural disasters. I know I already told you that, but I figured you must have forgotten by this point.

I'm curious though. You think, for one reason or another, that it isn't governments job to save lives threatened by natural disaster. You obviously didn't get that from the mission statement of DHS, but I'm sure you didn't just make it up because you figured your argument was shitty so you'd better make up some false facts! No, you wouldn't do that. So there must be some law or something that overrides the mission statement of DHS. What law is that?

I feel sorry for anyone that loses everything whether it be a fire, earthquake, flood or tornado. I just don't want to hear how our President is to blame for all of the bad decisions you ever made.

If you live in a bowl surrounded by water that is over 10 feet above your head you should plan on it. What happened to N.O. didn't surprise anyone but the people foolish enough to continue living there.

It sure as hell surprised the President. I'm curious as to read your postings about how the people living on the coast of California are really stupid for living there, since a massive earthquake will eventually hit them and destroy major cities like LA or San Francisco. Also, I'd like to read your posting as to how the people of New York are dumb for living in a giant terrorist target, or as to how the people of Kansas are dumb for living in a place that's regularly hit with tornadoes and, frankly, smells like shit. I'm sure you're not suggesting that the people of New Orleans are the only ones stupid enough to live in the city they were born in.

I was making a joke about how gay all of your complaining is, sorry you didn't get it.
So you hate black people AND you're homophobic. I see.
Listen, I just want you to explain how its possible to predict where a storm will make landfall before it even forms as a tropical depression. You claimed there were "weeks" of warning. Since I know you're not a liar and I know you would never simply make up a pretend fact to make a point - this must be true.

Ok, who are you, and what have you done with our Spiderman?

Since it is true, I want to know how it is possible. The NWS didn't know about it. Who did? Do you possess knowledge of the weather that the rest of the world is unaware of? The storm formed 6 days before it made landfall. You claim it was known that it was coming for "weeks" - the shortest amount of time "weeks" could be is 14 days, so you are saying that someone knew the storm would hit New Orleans a full EIGHT days before it was even formed.

Actually I've known for years, but I'm not the only one, but obviously, NO ONE in New Orleans KNEW or much cared.

Perhaps, instead of being a whiny bitchy ass, you might help the people of New Orleans to help themselves in the future and explain how it is possible to know of a storm's landfall location 8 days before it even exists.

Aww, there's the old Spiderman, obnoxious as usual.

Watch TV, or listen to the radio always helps. Hell, read the paper, as a last ditch effort to save yourself, listen to the police as they go up, and down the streets yelling for people to leave on bull horns.

You wouldn't want to be caught in a blizzard without shelter would you? Why would you think being caught in a hurricane without shelter would be a good idea?

I think its a terrible idea.

By skillfully avoiding bad drivers like yourself.

And you know I'm a bad driver, how?

Yeah, people get injured sometimes when they go on long hikes. Stop being stupid. Also, would you stop shouldawouldn' all over this board, its starting to sink?

Wrong again, the stink is coming from New Orleans.

Really, is there some sort of underground bunker in St. John's Parish we were all unaware of? You really should be running FEMA. Not only do you possess the capability to predict the landfall location of storms 8 days before they even form, but you also have knowledge of invisible hurricane shelters in the swamp between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Amazing.

No, not really. You really don't get it, do you?

Incidentally, if you ever do have the opportunity to make a 80 mile hike over swampland with a hurricane less than 2 days away, please, by all means, I would definitely encourage YOU to do that. It would be one less whining rightie and the gators would probably eat your body so we wouldn't even have to count it.

Actually, I have hiked over 50 miles in gator infested waters, in a place you may be familiar with. Leesville, LA. That would be the location of Ft. Polk, the first Army installation that had a mock up of a 'Nam village. It wasn't fun, but's it doable. Course, if your 400 lbs., and the only exercise you get is going down to collect your welfare check, could be a hard row to hoe.

You mean, like black people?

You going to play the race card now?

How many cities did you lose?

I didn't lose any cities.:confused:

Did you lose a city? Boy Spiderman, if ya can't keep tract of a whole city, well.........

Unfortunately for you, the government, by direction of its duly elected and appointed representatives, sees otherwise. These are the "strategic goals" of the Department of Homeland Security, of which FEMA is a part of:

Ok, I looked them over, and your point?

Note the bold faced words. Note the part where it says that they are to safeguard PEOPLE - not just infrastructure, which is also listed, but PEOPLE.

Note also the term LEAD. Do I need to give you a definition of what that means?


Ok, noted. I know your going someplace with this, just can't figure out where it is.

I said, I would rather see the government working on getting the infrastructure back up and going, I would take care of myself.

What are you, some kind of genius? Wow, yeah no one knew that. Whatever.

And just in case you didn't get it, or don't understand English, of course the local emergency plan was flawed, that was already established and acknowledged when I pointed out that there was a failure on a local, state, and federal level.

We don't have an argument over whether or not state and local responses were flawed - you see, we AGREE on that point. So your continued insistence on making a point that the local and state governments were flawed contributes absolutely nothing to the debate on the point which we disagree on - which is that the federal government also screwed the pooch.

Learn proper grammar and then get back to me on WTF it is you're trying to say.

So, we're in agreement then?

If you can find a country that satisfies your requirements that

A) property and liberty are protected, thus encouraging capitalism and entrepreneurship
B) taxes are low and the government does nothing to help the victims of natural disasters

by all means, MOVE there.

Oh come on Spiderman, give me a hint. Do you know of such a place?

Well no shit, what did you have to get a PhD in economics to figure something like that out? You really are a genius. Wow. I always thought cities would have massive tax bases after they get decimated by a natural disaster. Its so counterintuitive, what you are saying, I'm sure there's a complex explanation behind it that only someone as smart as yourself could possibly understand.

Again with the genius label, I appreciate it Spiderman, but really, people are going to start talking.:razz:

Actually, your wrong. You see, in the strategic goals of DHS, it says one of their goals is to lead in the protection of PEOPLE effected by natural disasters. I know I already told you that, but I figured you must have forgotten by this point.

So now I'm NOT a genius?

I'm curious though. You think, for one reason or another, that it isn't governments job to save lives threatened by natural disaster. You obviously didn't get that from the mission statement of DHS, but I'm sure you didn't just make it up because you figured your argument was shitty so you'd better make up some false facts! No, you wouldn't do that. So there must be some law or something that overrides the mission statement of DHS. What law is that?

Mission statements? Laws? What, you can't go to the crapper with out instructions?

What I'm talking about in self reliance, pride, personal initiative. Look into sir, you'll fine those qualities helpful.

It sure as hell surprised the President. I'm curious as to read your postings about how the people living on the coast of California are really stupid for living there, since a massive earthquake will eventually hit them and destroy major cities like LA or San Francisco. Also, I'd like to read your posting as to how the people of New York are dumb for living in a giant terrorist target, or as to how the people of Kansas are dumb for living in a place that's regularly hit with tornadoes and, frankly, smells like shit. I'm sure you're not suggesting that the people of New Orleans are the only ones stupid enough to live in the city they were born in.

No, of course not. Just be prepared to pay the price for YOUR choice's.

So you hate black people AND you're homophobic. I see.

No sir, thats the problem, you DON'T see. You label, you react, you pigeon hole, and you expect the Federal government to step in and make everything ok, when thats NOT the Federal governments job. The Dem's have tried to make it so, but that job is the job of the individual first, local government next. Get over it.........:eusa_hand:
The concept of individual responsibility is foreign to ST and others like him. It's rather sad.

People can prepare. Cities can to. But when you expect others to do things for you, you shouldnt be upset when things dont get done.
The concept of individual responsibility is foreign to ST and others like him. It's rather sad.

People can prepare. Cities can to. But when you expect others to do things for you, you shouldnt be upset when things dont get done.

Not simply personal responsibility, but self-reliance. It's a matter of not expecting anyone else to do for you when with some planning and preparation, you can probably do for yourself.
Not simply personal responsibility, but self-reliance. It's a matter of not expecting anyone else to do for you when with some planning and preparation, you can probably do for yourself.

Is that such a hard concept for the left to get their minds around?

You'd swear, just following the conversation, that Spiderman, and me have been having, that there is NO personal responsibility in this country anymore.

That ALL responsibility reverts back to the government in some way.

So many in this country has been sucking off the tit of the government for so long, they haven't a clue as to how to act independently.

Scary stuff actually............:eusa_eh:
No, in fact, state governments are not equipped to handle apocalyptic scale humanitarian disasters, that's why we pay the bulk of our taxes to the federal government. The level of government best equipped to help the citizens in need failed just as miserably as the other levels which were ill equipped.

I don't know what country you come from, or what planet for that matter, but this is America and a good American doesn't stand by and watch his fellow American drown and neither does a good American federal government.

Report: $1.4 Billion Went to Fraudulent Aid for Katrina Victims
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Report: $1.4 Billion Went to Fraudulent Aid for Katrina Victims
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

WASHINGTON — The government doled out as much as $1.4 billion in bogus assistance to victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, getting hoodwinked to pay for season football tickets, a tropical vacation and even a divorce lawyer, congressional investigators have found.

Prison inmates, a supposed victim who used a New Orleans cemetery for a home address, and a person who spent 70 days at a Hawaiian hotel all were able to wrongly get taxpayer help, according to evidence that gives a new black eye to the nation's disaster relief agency.

Agents from the General Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, went undercover to expose the ease of receiving disaster expense checks from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Speakout! Do you thin FEMA needs an overhaul?

The GAO concluded that as much as 16 percent of the billions of dollars in FEMA help to individuals after the two hurricanes was unwarranted.

The findings are detailed in testimony, obtained by The Associated Press, that is to be delivered at a hearing Wednesday by the House Homeland Security subcommittee on investigations.

To dramatize the problem, GAO provided lawmakers with a copy of a $2,358 U.S. Treasury check for rental assistance that an undercover agent got using a bogus address. The money was paid even after FEMA learned from its inspector that the undercover applicant did not live at the address.

"This is an assault on the American taxpayer," said Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the subcommittee that will conduct the hearing. "Prosecutors from the federal level down should be looking at prosecuting these crimes and putting the criminals who committed them in jail for a long time."

FEMA spokesman Aaron Walker said Tuesday that the agency, already criticized for a poor response to Katrina, makes its highest priority during a disaster "to get help quickly to those in desperate need of our assistance."

"Even as we put victims first, we take very seriously our responsibility to be outstanding stewards of taxpayer dollars, and we are careful to make sure that funds are distributed appropriately," he said.

FEMA said it has identified more than 1,500 cases of potential fraud after Katrina and Rita and has referred those cases to the Homeland Security inspector general. The agency said it has identified $16.8 million in improperly awarded disaster relief money and has started efforts to collect the money.

The GAO said it was 95 percent confident that improper and potentially fraudulent payments were much higher — between $600 million and $1.4 billion.

The investigative agency said it found people lodged in hotels often were paid twice, since FEMA gave them individual rental assistance and paid hotels directly. FEMA paid California hotels $8,000 to house one individual — the same person who received three rental assistance payments for both disasters.

In another instance, FEMA paid an individual $2,358 in rental assistance, while at the same time paying about $8,000 for the same person to stay 70 nights at more than $100 per night in a Hawaii hotel.

FEMA also could not establish that 750 debit cards worth $1.5 million even went to Katrina victims, the auditors said.

Among the items purchased with the cards:

—an all-inclusive, one-week Caribbean vacation in the Punta Cana resort in the Dominican Republic.

—five season tickets to New Orleans Saints professional football games.

—adult erotica products in Houston and "Girls Gone Wild" videos in Santa Monica, Calif.

—Dom Perignon champagne and other alcoholic beverages in San Antonio.

—a divorce lawyer's services in Houston.

"Our forensic audit and investigative work showed that improper and potentially fraudulent payments occurred mainly because FEMA did not validate the identity of the registrant, the physical location of the damaged address, and ownership and occupancy of all registrants at the time of registration," GAO officials said.

FEMA paid millions of dollars to more than 1,000 registrants who used names and Social Security numbers belonging to state and federal prisoners for expedited housing assistance. The inmates were in Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Florida.

FEMA made about $5.3 million in payments to registrants who provided a post office box as their damaged residence, including one who got $2,748 for listing an Alabama post office box as the damaged property.

To demonstrate how easy it was to hoodwink FEMA, the GAO told of an individual who used 13 different Social Security numbers — including the person's own — to receive $139,000 in payments on 13 separate registrations for aid. All the payments were sent to a single address.

Likewise, another person used a damaged property address located within the grounds of Greenwood Cemetery in New Orleans to request disaster aid. Public records show no record of the registrant ever living in New Orleans.

Instead, records indicate that for the past five years, the registrant lived in West Virginia — at the address provided to FEMA, the GAO said.


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