Geologists On Global Climate Change

So what you are saying is that you lied when you claimed "On my part, we are talking about decades of research". What research, where?
Do you have any evidence whatsoever that I am lying? Or are you just full of shit?
This answer is evidence enough.
Deniers have so few sources to cite for their fables, always grasping at straws. You don't even bother doing that much.
How would you know?
Because both you and he are completely full of shit, neither one of you has presented anything like any kind of actual evidence to support your views. I challenge what your views are based on. I say you guys are all either too stupid to know or too dishonest to say. You have no idea what you really believe or why.
The AGW doomsday cultists are the ones making extraordinary claims, therefore the onus them to show some extraordinary evidence to back up their claims if they want any person who is not a total fucking idiot and fool to take them seriously.
That doesn't sound even remotely like a scientifically based argument, more of politically minded rebuttal.
It's a logically-based argument.

Put up or shut up, bitch. Where's your proof that Al Gore's jets are the cause of deleterious global warming?
Real genius rebuttal there. Another fucking phony....big surprise.
You wouldn't know if it hit you in the face
You're just plain lazy.
Sure it is you fool! Now I know you're not a geologist

Science is not about proof. Science is about evidence. Mathematics and philosophy are about proof. Science is not.
Yes it is stupid

No it is not, and never has been. There are no proofs in science. There is only empirical evidence and empirically based interpretations of the evidence.
Hahahaha what a fool

You are only fooling yourself, bubba.

Common misconceptions about science I Scientific proof Psychology Today

Scientific evidence - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
FOX News has apparently given some people the idea that every fact is open to idle speculation and ideological interpretation.
This answer is evidence enough.
Deniers have so few sources to cite for their fables, always grasping at straws. You don't even bother doing that much.
Sources have been cited. I can not read and comprehend for you.
And of course you can personally vouch for the credibility of those sources, because of your vast wealth of knowledge.

There is irony in your post.... Your the one who stated that you dont know jack shit about climate or the science behind it..
You still don't understand irony.
Already did that and within a few seconds determined it to be irrelevant regarding the subject..

Where is your proof that human produced carbon dioxide is causing deleterious global warming?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

If you read it, get back to us, if not, don't bother.
I don't need to read it. I am an expert regarding the science.

Can you prove that Al Gore's CO2 spewing out of his private jet is causing deleterious global warming or not?

That is the relevant question.
You are an expert of nothing, you aren't even a good internet forum liar.
Click on the link, Einstein.
Already did that and within a few seconds determined it to be irrelevant regarding the subject..

Where is your proof that human produced carbon dioxide is causing deleterious global warming?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

If you read it, get back to us, if not, don't bother.
I don't need to read it. I am an expert regarding the science.

Can you prove that Al Gore's CO2 spewing out of his private jet is causing deleterious global warming or not?

That is the relevant question.
I think the forum can take that as a big, fat no.

You have no evidence or proof whatsoever. Zero, zip, nada!

Scientists have known this long before the climategate scandal.
I'm still waiting to see the evidence of your imaginary, massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments. I wonder why Edward Snowden didn't reveal any of those secrets?
Fucking psycho, nut job conspiracy theorists....that's what deniers are.

Yes those wacky AGW cult members are, glad you can finally admit that!
So tell everyone all about the insidious "they" who conspire against freedom.

The far left that you support!

That was easy! Also the those at the UN wish to do this to redistribute the worlds wealth to combat the non-existent human caused global climate change.

Trillions have been spent trying to push this agenda vs the billions that have been spent to actually figure out how our climate system actually works..
Ah yes, the insidious, ever present evil of "they", as described for you on FOX News every day.
I challenge you to state the supposed "facts" that you are speaking of, and support them with evidence. And explain the relevance.

I have already challenged you to post links to your so-called "research", which you have yet to do.
"Research" and "links" are not mutually inclusive, except in the minds of extremely stupid people.
so you have nothing. Thats all you had to say.
Only an extremely unintellegent person would come to that ridiculous conclusion.
Is that supposed to be a linked source? :eusa_eh:
They don't need sources, they have their opinions.
You asked me to post something I had published. So that's what I did.

As for the proof you are asking for, science isn't about proof. When you figure that out, come back, and we'll talk some more.
Sure it is you fool! Now I know you're not a geologist

Science is not about proof. Science is about evidence. Mathematics and philosophy are about proof. Science is not.
Yes it is stupid

No it is not, and never has been. There are no proofs in science. There is only empirical evidence and empirically based interpretations of the evidence.
Hahahaha what a fool
You are evidently a very stupid little man. Why do you bother posting on a public forum? Aren't you embarrassed for people to know how ignorant you are? Even anonymously, you should be embarrassed.
Basically you are admitting that you are not intelligent enough to know the difference.
Feel free to demonstrate your incredible scientific expertise on this issue.
Hahahaha from you? You know shit but you are funny
If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd be about twice as smart as I think you are.
And still smarter than you
I guess you just like keeping all your really smart thoughts to yourself, maybe you're saving the good stuff for later.
Nah, you don't deserve them
Sure it is you fool! Now I know you're not a geologist

Science is not about proof. Science is about evidence. Mathematics and philosophy are about proof. Science is not.
Yes it is stupid

No it is not, and never has been. There are no proofs in science. There is only empirical evidence and empirically based interpretations of the evidence.
Hahahaha what a fool
You are evidently a very stupid little man. Why do you bother posting on a public forum? Aren't you embarrassed for people to know how ignorant you are? Even anonymously, you should be embarrassed.
Why do you? you know nothing

By the way your own admission
As you can vouch for yours.....

I'd rather put my money on the realists than on the liars.
IPCC has been discredited so often that a sane man wouldn't believe anything from them
And how would you know the difference without FOX News to tell you?
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
He doesn't know. He's just following orders.
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
As you can vouch for yours.....

I'd rather put my money on the realists than on the liars.
IPCC has been discredited so often that a sane man wouldn't believe anything from them
And how would you know the difference without FOX News to tell you?
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
FOX News is the anti science channel, and your primary source of information.
Science is not about proof. Science is about evidence. Mathematics and philosophy are about proof. Science is not.
Yes it is stupid

No it is not, and never has been. There are no proofs in science. There is only empirical evidence and empirically based interpretations of the evidence.
Hahahaha what a fool
You are evidently a very stupid little man. Why do you bother posting on a public forum? Aren't you embarrassed for people to know how ignorant you are? Even anonymously, you should be embarrassed.
Why do you? you know nothing

By the way your own admission
I know enough to know that you don't know anything about anything.
As you can vouch for yours.....

I'd rather put my money on the realists than on the liars.
IPCC has been discredited so often that a sane man wouldn't believe anything from them
And how would you know the difference without FOX News to tell you?
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
He doesn't know. He's just following orders.
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
How's the pay?
As you can vouch for yours.....

I'd rather put my money on the realists than on the liars.
IPCC has been discredited so often that a sane man wouldn't believe anything from them
And how would you know the difference without FOX News to tell you?
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
FOX News is the anti science channel, and your primary source of information.
You probably watch more FoxNews than JC and I.
As you can vouch for yours.....

I'd rather put my money on the realists than on the liars.
IPCC has been discredited so often that a sane man wouldn't believe anything from them
And how would you know the difference without FOX News to tell you?
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
FOX News is the anti science channel, and your primary source of information.

It's funny how some Americans have such a small world view. I have basically never watched FoxNews or listened to Rush Limbaugh yet you seem to think they are of utmost importance. I have on occasion listened to CNN and the excretable MSNBC. Their PC lies and exaggerations would lead anyone to disbelief of anything they said. Only my opinion of course. Perhaps if you listen to bullshit long enough you start to believe it. I prefer to think things out by myself.

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