George Conway explains how Trump is like the Shoe Bomber

President Trump sent numerous boxes to the National Archives. He and his attorneys were talking with the National Archives about what other documents should be sent to them. The only reason for the raid was to showboat, divert attention from the catastrophe in the White House and intimidate others.


We all have access to the stuff in the search warrant. Trump himself kept saying he did not have to turn things over.

If Trump were in negotiations, the DOJ would not have sought, and would never have gotten the search warrant

Ignoring a federal subpoena is not a way to claim you're in negotiations
Well I mean...if you say must be true!

Thanks random anonymous internet dude who says stupid stuff.

I knew I could count on you.
Trump, the twice-impeached, one-termer

What a joke. The Birther was outclassed by the African-American Dude
Wow, you see the World through a binary black and white simplistic BS lens.

So in your World, even though Bush lied us into an illegal War that killed millions, Clinton is friends with him so it's OK.

But Mean Tweet McOrange is clearly a Russian spy because said Clintons (who clearly are the best judges of character and not at all corrupt amoral scumbags) told ya so.

What a lost little lamb you are, Lefty.

Good thing you've got such a big clueless flock to keep you company.

I'm the black sheep that got away.

Thank fuck.
I do not believe Bush lied to get America to invade Iraq. The WoT is not illegal and never was. Trump is an unwitting Russian asset. We beat Trump world in 2020, and the midterm was had no Red Avalanche -- it was a santorum


We all have access to the stuff in the search warrant. Trump himself kept saying he did not have to turn things over.

If Trump were in negotiations, the DOJ would not have sought, and would never have gotten the search warrant

Ignoring a federal subpoena is not a way to claim you're in negotiations
Of course, they would. They've used it before for intimidation and they'll do it again until they are stopped.

They were in negotiations, that's not in dispute. Catch up.

As for subpoenas.

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Still with this shit? Seriously? Are you trying to make yourself a laughing stock?

Hey: Remember when Mueller found jack shit after a 2 year investigation and millions of tax payer dollars flushed down the drain - and then the Left's excuse was that Barr was withholding documents that would surely prove that Orange Man rad was, in fact, the 007 of Russia? They insisted that once there was a new Attorney General it would all come to light.

And of course, as we all know, then nothing happened.

This thread just gets dumber and dumber.
Care to comment on Trump named as an unindicted co-conspirator as "Individual One" in the payoff of that pornstar that he was screwing around with? The payoff that occured a few short weeks before the 2016 election so his knee takers wouldn't find out that he's a first class hypocrite?
Care to comment on Trump named as an unindicted co-conspirator as "Individual One" in the payoff of that pornstar that he was screwing around with? The payoff that occured a few short weeks before the 2016 election so his knee takers wouldn't find out that he's a first class hypocrite?

Care to comment on the fact that you're stupid enough to voluntarily bring up another Leftist Conspiracy theory from years ago that went absolutely nowhere and no one was even discussing?
Care to comment on the fact that you're stupid enough to voluntarily bring up another Leftist Conspiracy theory from years ago that went absolutely nowhere and no one was even discussing?
Care to fuck off after I rub your nose into Co- Conspirator Individual I.Q.1?

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