George Conway says he doesn't think Ron DeSantis will run for president because there's no 'upside' to wading into a 'mud fest to end all mud fests'

He's a founding member of 'The Lincoln Project', I doubt there are any Republicans that would vote for him for anything outside of dog catcher. Maybe shoot him, that would be more like it.
Yeah, I figured a guy with a mouth that big might want to actually do something for a change besides whine.
Assuming Trump runs, I would like for some solid republicans to challenge him in the primaries. If Trump wins the republican nomination, I'm quite sure I'd vote for him over Biden or whoever the Democrats run for president. That said, Trump carries too much baggage.
And who's going to run? A few of the same cast of characters like Lyin Ted who soil themselves when their on the recieving end of a mere mean look by that lunatic Trump? Be difficult for Lyin Ted to run with his face planted up Trump's ass anyway.
Assuming Trump runs, I would like for some solid republicans to challenge him in the primaries. If Trump wins the republican nomination, I'm quite sure I'd vote for him over Biden or whoever the Democrats run for president. That said, Trump carries too much baggage.
Too funny :laughing0301:
If Trump runs?
Trump running is certain if he's still alive or he is confident that he can beat DeSantis.

Trump won't walk into a losing proposition.

DeSantis can't beat Trump head to head and so he won't run if Trump runs.

There's no longer any doubt that DeSantis is afraid to challenge Trump's cheap shots by taking a shot of his own!

Trump has threatened Desantis and Desantis is ignoring him. That means Trump is a pathetic loser.
Trump would decimate DeSantis if he ran for POTUS.
Maybe he would. Maybe not. Trump is carrying much more baggage now than was known during the primaries for the 2016 election. Trump might try giving his opponents nicknames like Ron DeSantimonious. Then DeSantis could hit Trump with "Stormy Trump", reminding the nation how Trump hooked up with a porn star just after his wife gave birth.
Maybe he would. Maybe not. Trump is carrying much more baggage now than was known during the primaries for the 2016 election. Trump might try giving his opponents nicknames like Ron DeSantimonious. Then DeSantis could hit Trump with "Stormy Trump", reminding the nation how Trump hooked up with a porn star just after his wife gave birth.
Everyone already knows about Trump, we didn't elect him for his marriage fidelity or his non-confronting style. IMO that nickname wouldn't fly and 'Orange Man Bad' has been over used.
Everyone already knows about Trump, we didn't elect him for his marriage fidelity or his non-confronting style. IMO that nickname wouldn't fly and 'Orange Man Bad' has been over used.
Guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.
Assuming Trump runs, I would like for some solid republicans to challenge him in the primaries. If Trump wins the republican nomination, I'm quite sure I'd vote for him over Biden or whoever the Democrats run for president. That said, Trump carries too much baggage.

It is all manufactured baggage from the Democrat Media
The Democrat Media will pile fake garbage on whoever runs as a Republican.
It is unwise to only nominate Democrat Media approved candidates,
He's a founding member of 'The Lincoln Project', I doubt there are any Republicans that would vote for him for anything outside of dog catcher. Maybe shoot him, that would be more like it.

I seriously doubt that a bullet could penetrate the 16 layers of fat that POS has.
land whale.. Are u referring to Michael Moore

ha ha...

Michael Moore in a glorious Progressive Socialist world would be killed for being useless. Population reduction is a must in that situation, or an expanding mass of poverty will be tolerated with no rebellions allowed.

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