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George Floyd replay in Rancho Cucamonga

I can see how this went down...

The Chase went on for miles and the Local Chief Knew this would end in a "George Floyd" type extraction....you can be damn sure
the officers radioed back in that they were chasing a black man....big red flag right off the bat for the officers.
So he did the smart thing. He took his officers out of the equation and dealt with this thing for what it actually was...
a form of Urban Terrorism. By using the highly trained and equipped response team he:

1.) Ensured the automobile could not be used against anyone or to continue to run away...
2.) Ensured that none of his officers would be shot or injured.....
3.) Ensured that no matter how formidable the "Extractee" may have been there was more than enough man power to make damn good and sure he couldn't mount any kind of meaningful physical resistance... ( this is actually a protection to the idiot in the car too by making sure that the non Leathal force was adequate to control the subject ).

Well and smartly done all around.... and no disciplined police officers in fear of losing their jobs or going to jail.

Pretty much covers it!
Um, yeah, if you think this makes the cops look good, you are a little delusional.

"Hey, look, we didn't kill anyone this time during a traffic enforcement!"

Um, yeah, that really doesn't play as well as you think it does. I mean, I guess it does if you get a chubby every time you see a person of color being abused... but for normal people, not so much.
The cops aren't in a beauty contest fucktard. How they look is irrelevant to the job requirements.
Perhaps the black community should learn how to comply with a lawful stop
Derek Chauvin is in jail because with a lot of work it was shown that many times police officers just can not be trusted with the power we give them.

By not holding the officer liable for what he did to the deaf man empowered him to believe he could taze and punch an innocent old man. They did have to fire him after that one.

Cop charged with assault used Taser on 75-year-old without warning

Idaho Springs cop fired after accused assault on 75-year-old

There is a reason people do not trust the police.
Because they're brainwashed morons.
Derek Chauvin is in jail because with a lot of work it was shown that many times police officers just can not be trusted with the power we give them.

By not holding the officer liable for what he did to the deaf man empowered him to believe he could taze and punch an innocent old man. They did have to fire him after that one.

Cop charged with assault used Taser on 75-year-old without warning

Idaho Springs cop fired after accused assault on 75-year-old

There is a reason people do not trust the police.
I know....criminals really hate cops ..
Damn cops!

Wrong.... And your expectations of 100% are insanity. First of all the response was appropriate.... Your bugaboo criticisms of over-force are merely a back door attack on what real law and order should look like. Once a person fails to stop...the possibilities and probabilities are exponential and preemptive policing is completely within the bounds of reasonable and necessary reaction to that. To take a 3,000 pound machine out of the equation you use two 8,000 pound machines....to make an extraction of a full grown man who may be armed and uncooperative....you first neutralize resistance then you supply the necessary man power to safely subdue someone who may be physically imposing....and to do it without injury requires enough of that man power to make sure the subject cannot get the upper hand. This a protection for that subject....not an oppression.

Or you don't escalate a traffic stop into a major use of force.

That works, too.

You get his license plate number, find out where he lives, and wait for him to get home, after he realized what a stupid thing he did.
It wasn't a traffic infraction. It started out that way. Like the first 30 seconds. But didn't end that way. Turns out it was hours long stand off.
That's the point. Every case of police misconduct usually starts out as an infraction.

George Floyd passed a fake $20, probably by accident.
Laquan McDonald was trying to break into a truck to keep warm
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy that someone thought was a real gun
Mike Brown jaywalked after shoplifting some smokes.

Give a bully power and no checks and balances, they WILL abuse it.

DO NOT make out like any traffic stop is just a simple traffic stop. There's a LOT of cops are shot during traffic stop. And to be honest bro, letting this dude sit in his car for that long, is being EXTREMELY patient by the police.

I'm not sure what your point is here. The reason why you guys think that the Militia Amendment says we can has us a gun is because we needs to fights us the government.

Well.. That cop is the government.

Now, as much as you put out your wank videos of cops being shot in the line line of duty because we have crazy gun laws in this country, the fact is cops shoot 1000 suspects a year, while only 50 cops a year are shot by suspects.

And again, most of those cases ARE justified...

Where people get upset is when they use lethal force in a traffic violation or nuscience crime.
The cops aren't in a beauty contest fucktard. How they look is irrelevant to the job requirements.
Perhaps the black community should learn how to comply with a lawful stop

You mean like Philandro Castille did? He came to a lawful stop, he complied with the cops. He informed them he had a legal concealed carry gun on him, and he was shot by a trigger happy cop anyway, while his girlfriend and daughter were in the car.
That's the point. Every case of police misconduct usually starts out as an infraction.

Thats how the cops get a TON of thugs off the streets. You make it sound like it's a bad thing.
George Floyd passed a fake $20, probably by accident.

BS dude, his friend waited in the vehicle because he wasn't allowed in the store, because of all the fake money he'd passed in the store before. He knew what was going on.
Laquan McDonald was trying to break into a truck to keep warm
It wasn't his truck. And he was armed.
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy that someone thought was a real gun

No argument from me on that one. Cop was way to quick to shoot Tamir.
Mike Brown jaywalked after shoplifting some smokes.

Also after reaching into the cops vehicle going for the cops gun.
Give a bully power and no checks and balances, they WILL abuse it.

One thing about all these you listed, they were thugs, creating victims. And the left takes up for these thugs. They're thugs. Wanna prove me wrong, then point out some instances where actual innocent decent people were shot and killed by thugs. Then we can have some common ground.
The simple fact of this, you and I both agree there are way too many scared shitless cops out there, who shoot way before they should. But as long as this is happening to thugs, then I don't lose any sleep at night.
Where I draw in the line in on cases like Tamir Rice or Samantha Ramsey.<<<She's white, so you probably didn't hear about it. If you go to BLM meetings and protests, you didn't hear about it there either.
I'm not sure what your point is here. The reason why you guys think that the Militia Amendment says we can has us a gun is because we needs to fights us the government.

Well.. That cop is the government.

I posted two video's of cops during what first appeared to be simple traffic stops. They could've been simple traffic stops, except the thugs decided to shoot their way out of a simple traffic stop.
Point is, this is why cops don't approach any traffic stop like it's just a normal traffic stop. They can be extremely dangerous for the simple fact that they don't know much about who's in the car they just stopped.

In both those, and THOUSANDS more times, the people in the car were defending themselves. They were trying to get out of going to jail. They're stupid that way. Would rather shoot a cop, than be held accountable for something they did prior to the stop.
Now, as much as you put out your wank videos of cops being shot in the line line of duty because we have crazy gun laws in this country, the fact is cops shoot 1000 suspects a year, while only 50 cops a year are shot by suspects.

That's 4 a month. But let's do some math, shall we?
Percentage wise, cops are 3 times more likely to get shot by a suspect, than blacks by cops. Do the math, using your "50 cops" number.
Number of cops in the US vs the number of blacks.
Seriously, then add up the number of whites and blacks, and the cops are still more likely to get shot when you add in both white and black. (% wise)
So yeah, let's go down this road, shall we? Be glad to.
And again, most of those cases ARE justified...

Where people get upset is when they use lethal force in a traffic violation or nuscience crime.

Dude the number of unarmed people killed by police in 2020 was like 19. Out of 1000 people, only 19 of them weren't armed. 19. That's it.
So you can just stop with this narrative that these are just poor innocent victims, that the cops just randomly picked out because they wanna kill someone. It's BS.
I'm extremely anti-bad cop. 2 years ago, I was like you, anti all cops. But not anymore. I found some common sense about me from watching so many justified cop shooting video's, that I had no choice but to realize a few things.
1. Being a cop, in most area's (especially with the drug problem we have) is an extremely dangerous job.
2. There's no possible way to train cops in ever scenario, and for every mentality of suspect they come across.
3. There's away too "GOT DAYUM" many thugs in this country, who created way too many "GOT DAYUM" victims, for the cops to be so patient and understanding to thugs like Michael Brown and George Floyd.
Thats how the cops get a TON of thugs off the streets. You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

Actually, it is a bad thing. We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation or parole. We've developed a prison industrial complex that ADDS to the crime problem.

BS dude, his friend waited in the vehicle because he wasn't allowed in the store, because of all the fake money he'd passed in the store before. He knew what was going on.

That's on his friend. How was he suppsoed to know his friend wasn't allowed in the store.

It wasn't his truck. And he was armed.

He had a boy scout knife. It really didn't justify him getting shot 16 times.

Also after reaching into the cops vehicle going for the cops gun.

Which he wasn't doing when he was fatally shot. He was fatally shot in the middle of the street when he had his hands up.

One thing about all these you listed, they were thugs, creating victims. And the left takes up for these thugs. They're thugs. Wanna prove me wrong, then point out some instances where actual innocent decent people were shot and killed by thugs. Then we can have some common ground.

Except most people are shot by their family members of neighbors... you know, because the Founding Fathers wanted us to have us some guns.

The simple fact of this, you and I both agree there are way too many scared shitless cops out there, who shoot way before they should. But as long as this is happening to thugs, then I don't lose any sleep at night.
Where I draw in the line in on cases like Tamir Rice or Samantha Ramsey.<<<She's white, so you probably didn't hear about it. If you go to BLM meetings and protests, you didn't hear about it there either.

So all you have to do to lose all human rights is be declared a "thug" (IE, person of color) and it becomes okay.


I posted two video's of cops during what first appeared to be simple traffic stops. They could've been simple traffic stops, except the thugs decided to shoot their way out of a simple traffic stop.
Point is, this is why cops don't approach any traffic stop like it's just a normal traffic stop. They can be extremely dangerous for the simple fact that they don't know much about who's in the car they just stopped.
And when cops stop sucking the NRA's dick, I'll work up more sympathy for them.

Let's get real here. yes, 50 cops are killed by gunfire every year... and so are 43,000 civilians. But we aren't going to change the gun laws. Using lethal force over a vehicle break in or passing a fake $20.00 is still not acceptable.

In both those, and THOUSANDS more times, the people in the car were defending themselves. They were trying to get out of going to jail. They're stupid that way. Would rather shoot a cop, than be held accountable for something they did prior to the stop.

Oh, I agree. they never should have had a gun to start with... of course, people do crazy shit when they panick, it's kind of nature. When people are stressed, we go into "fight or flight" mode. Put guns in that mix, bad stuff will happen.
That's 4 a month. But let's do some math, shall we?
Percentage wise, cops are 3 times more likely to get shot by a suspect, than blacks by cops. Do the math, using your "50 cops" number.
Number of cops in the US vs the number of blacks.
Seriously, then add up the number of whites and blacks, and the cops are still more likely to get shot when you add in both white and black. (% wise)
So yeah, let's go down this road, shall we? Be glad to.

Um, yeah, you probably shouldn't try math this early in the morning. The fact is, cops should only be shooting ANYONE as a last resort. We usually give cops a lot of leeway on use of force, and that's the problem.

In Chicago, we have yet another case this last month, where a cop shot a man who had called for help because his mentally ill wife was having an episode. A subsequent investigation showed that he should have been fired for misconduct in 2016, but instead was reinstated.

Dude the number of unarmed people killed by police in 2020 was like 19. Out of 1000 people, only 19 of them weren't armed. 19. That's it.

Actually, we really don't know how many of them were 'unarmed", because how many of them had drop pieces put on the body afterwards.

The cases people get upset about are usually the ones where we have videotape.

I'm extremely anti-bad cop. 2 years ago, I was like you, anti all cops. But not anymore. I found some common sense about me from watching so many justified cop shooting video's, that I had no choice but to realize a few things.
I'm not anti-cop. I have cops in my family and some of my friends are cops. I am pro-police reform. Particularly when dealing with departments like Chicago with questionable practices.

1. Being a cop, in most area's (especially with the drug problem we have) is an extremely dangerous job.
2. There's no possible way to train cops in ever scenario, and for every mentality of suspect they come across.
3. There's away too "GOT DAYUM" many thugs in this country, who created way too many "GOT DAYUM" victims, for the cops to be so patient and understanding to thugs like Michael Brown and George Floyd.

Um, no, actually, there's a very good way to train cops... and that is train them in de-escalation. The problem in both the Floyd and Brown cases is the cops quickly escalated minor offenses into lethal incidents.

Part of the problem is the police unions, who feel the need to defend the bad apples no matter what they do.

The officer involved in the McDonald shooting had 20 previous incidents of excessive force, including one where the city paid out $375,000 to a man who had his arm dislocated.

The officer involved in the Michael Brown shooting had been fired from department that was so corrupt they had to fire everyone and start over.

The officer involved in the Tamir Rice shooting was in the process of being fired from a previous job because of a lack of mental stability.

Now, yes, MOST cops are never involved in a shooting, and those who are are usually justified...

And it's not just the lethal incidents that are the problem. The police brutalized a 15 year old girl because some Karen called the cops on her for swimming in "her" pool.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Um, yeah, you probably shouldn't try math this early in the morning. The fact is, cops should only be shooting ANYONE as a last resort. We usually give cops a lot of leeway on use of force, and that's the problem.

In Chicago, we have yet another case this last month, where a cop shot a man who had called for help because his mentally ill wife was having an episode. A subsequent investigation showed that he should have been fired for misconduct in 2016, but instead was reinstated.

Again, you're preaching to the choir to me about bad cops. We have too many bad cops. That's a fact. From stone cold murderers to revenue generators.
As far as the reinstatement goes, you can probably point your finger at the police union.
For the record: I know nothing about the cop you're talking about. And I'll betcha there's some details that either you, or the information you was giving, that you're leaving out.
Do you have a link?
Actually, we really don't know how many of them were 'unarmed", because how many of them had drop pieces put on the body afterwards.

The cases people get upset about are usually the ones where we have videotape.

Drop guns use to be a thing. True fact. But today, that's just a reasonable suspicion.
I'm not anti-cop. I have cops in my family and some of my friends are cops. I am pro-police reform. Particularly when dealing with departments like Chicago with questionable practices.

Chicago has too many thugs to brow beat the cops up there. Those cops are real soldiers imo. When I worked for a trucking company who had a terminal there, we were not allowed to park on the street overnight there. And it wasn't because of the cops. It was because two drivers were robbed and one killed by some POS thug with a gun, who'd park on the street to sleep.
Um, no, actually, there's a very good way to train cops... and that is train them in de-escalation. The problem in both the Floyd and Brown cases is the cops quickly escalated minor offenses into lethal incidents.

Neither of those instances were quick. Both of the suspects were guilty. Both of them fought with the officer(s). Brown even made a play for the cops gun. So F Floyd and F Brown. Both had innocent victims in their past. And they way they were headed, both had innocent victims in their future. Luckily for the world, the future victims won't be victims.

Do yourself a favor and point out NON-Thugs when you're discussing this. Because I'll take a bad cops side over a thugs side, any day of the week. But will always take the side of an innocent, decent persons side over even a good cop... Does that make sense?
Part of the problem is the police unions, who feel the need to defend the bad apples no matter what they do.

That's what they get paid to do. City councils have the authority abolish their police departments and do away with police and police unions. Then reestablish a police force, without the union. And if necessary, advise all the new officers that if a union comes in, they'll rinse and repeat.
BTW, every union contract is signed by both parties. The union and the local and state governments. So who's to blame here? The unions? or the Local and/or state governments who agree to it?
The officer involved in the McDonald shooting had 20 previous incidents of excessive force, including one where the city paid out $375,000 to a man who had his arm dislocated.

The officer involved in the Michael Brown shooting had been fired from department that was so corrupt they had to fire everyone and start over.

The officer involved in the Tamir Rice shooting was in the process of being fired from a previous job because of a lack of mental stability.

Now, yes, MOST cops are never involved in a shooting, and those who are are usually justified...

Again, you'll get no argument from me about bad cops contacting innocent people. But I'll be dayumed if I'm going to rag on a cop in a bad situation that was perpetuated by some thug. Floyd, Brown etc etc etc

And it's not just the lethal incidents that are the problem. The police brutalized a 15 year old girl because some Karen called the cops on her for swimming in "her" pool.

Again, you'll get no argument from me about bad cops contacting innocent people.
Actually, it is a bad thing. We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation or parole. We've developed a prison industrial complex that ADDS to the crime problem.

BS, it's not the prison system that causes people to shoot, rob, sell drugs to or any of those other crimes.
LMAO.. Trying to blame the prison system for the amount of prisoners, is just dumb.
That's on his friend. How was he suppsoed to know his friend wasn't allowed in the store.

LMAO.. Uh, there's this thing called "conversation" that goes on amongst friends. Duh.
He had a boy scout knife. It really didn't justify him getting shot 16 times.

So a boy scout knife isn't made for cutting? You're stretching again. Beside, the thug was an armed thief, trying to break into someone ELSES vehicle. Instead of staying home, reading a book, he's out on the streets trying to break into someone's semi. Good riddance.
I was a trucker. And I have not sympathy or empathy for those kind of people. Never will.
Which he wasn't doing when he was fatally shot. He was fatally shot in the middle of the street when he had his hands up.

You didn't really watch the video, did you? His hands were not up. Not even close.
Except most people are shot by their family members of neighbors... you know, because the Founding Fathers wanted us to have us some guns.
Most people are shot by thugs.
So all you have to do to lose all human rights is be declared a "thug" (IE, person of color) and it becomes okay.

View attachment 561352

What color are you talking about? Black, white brown? The white colored people get killed moreso than all the others combined.

I want my reparations.
And when cops stop sucking the NRA's dick, I'll work up more sympathy for them.

Dude, most cops don't support the 2nd, because of all the thugs with guns. Here in Texas, we finally (after many MANY years of GOP controlled government) got a constitutional carry law. And the cops were the biggest opponent to it.
Let's get real here. yes, 50 cops are killed by gunfire every year... and so are 43,000 civilians. But we aren't going to change the gun laws. Using lethal force over a vehicle break in or passing a fake $20.00 is still not acceptable.

LMAO.. There you go stretching again. Floyd wasn't killed for trying to pass a fake $20. And the McDonald dude wasn't killed for trying to break into a semi. And you know it. You're just trying to carry on this false narrative.
It's BS, and you know it. People raised by wolves know it. Hell, the wolves know it.
Oh, I agree. they never should have had a gun to start with... of course, people do crazy shit when they panick, it's kind of nature. When people are stressed, we go into "fight or flight" mode. Put guns in that mix, bad stuff will happen.

Cops do the same thing sometimes. Like the McDonald shooting. Way too quick to shoot, I agree. But it was a thug, so it matters less. Had he shot someone who was not armed, that would've been a completely different story.

A thug is going to thug. Take the POS to jail. He get's bailed out. The prosecutor lumps him into a lesser charge, thug pays a fine or sets it out for a month or two, and he's back on the streets to thug again.
NOT exactly to the benefit of the innocent decent people of society. Which leads me to the question.

Why TF do you think decent people pay their taxes that go towards a police force? Do you not realize that it's to help take these thugs off the street, out of society, so that decent people can go about their day/night, without being made a victim by these thugs? Who TF do you think a free society is for?
Again, you're preaching to the choir to me about bad cops. We have too many bad cops. That's a fact. From stone cold murderers to revenue generators.
As far as the reinstatement goes, you can probably point your finger at the police union.
For the record: I know nothing about the cop you're talking about. And I'll betcha there's some details that either you, or the information you was giving, that you're leaving out.
Do you have a link?

Chicago has too many thugs to brow beat the cops up there. Those cops are real soldiers imo. When I worked for a trucking company who had a terminal there, we were not allowed to park on the street overnight there. And it wasn't because of the cops. It was because two drivers were robbed and one killed by some POS thug with a gun, who'd park on the street to sleep.
Actually, Chicago cops are a lot of the problem. I grew up here... they're thugs.

Neither of those instances were quick. Both of the suspects were guilty. Both of them fought with the officer(s). Brown even made a play for the cops gun. So F Floyd and F Brown. Both had innocent victims in their past. And they way they were headed, both had innocent victims in their future. Luckily for the world, the future victims won't be victims.

Neither of them was guilty of something that required them to die...

There's really no proof that Brown did anything more serious than shoplift some smokes... if he even did that.

So a boy scout knife isn't made for cutting? You're stretching again. Beside, the thug was an armed thief, trying to break into someone ELSES vehicle. Instead of staying home, reading a book, he's out on the streets trying to break into someone's semi. Good riddance.
I was a trucker. And I have not sympathy or empathy for those kind of people. Never will.
He didn't have a home. He was a mentally ill child who was living on the streets. Now, I don't put all the blame on the cop, DCFS had this kid in their control for years and failed him since he was an infant.

You didn't really watch the video, did you? His hands were not up. Not even close.
What are you babbling about? We don't have any video of Brown's murder.

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