george floyd statue vandelized

It is possible that the statue was vandalized by someone who disliked Mr. Floyd, or it could have been vandalized by someone who wanted to create sympathy for Mr. Floyd and the BLM movement.

Nothing nowadays should necessarily be taken at face value.
You have to wonder if Chauvin was more served up as a scapegoat for the Progressive Socialist agendas or guilty of an offense. The bottom line is that Floyd was not a good person.
Let's say he wasn't a good person, so you think Chauvin murdering him in that manner is ok.
No but making him a saint is not a good idea.
Who made him a Saint?
The leftist media. I do not mean literally. But naming streets after him, gold casket, etc. That’s a lot for a notorious criminal.
Wow no compassion for a black man I guess. Folks bitched and moaned when they named a holiday after Dr. King, so it just goes to show as a black man it really doesn't matter what your status is in life or death.
Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
He was a slaveowner and a traitor as well, but there are folks out there who only want folks to know a part of history not the complete story.
You have to wonder if Chauvin was more served up as a scapegoat for the Progressive Socialist agendas or guilty of an offense. The bottom line is that Floyd was not a good person.
Let's say he wasn't a good person, so you think Chauvin murdering him in that manner is ok.
No but making him a saint is not a good idea.
Who made him a Saint?
The leftist media. I do not mean literally. But naming streets after him, gold casket, etc. That’s a lot for a notorious criminal.
Wow no compassion for a black man I guess. Folks bitched and moaned when they named a holiday after Dr. King, so it just goes to show as a black man it really doesn't matter what your status is in life or death.
I have zero issues naming streets or even towns after Thomas Sowell or Michael Jordan. It’s not color. It’s character but you keep snagging that low hanging racism fruit. You’re a one trick pony.
Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
He was a slaveowner and a traitor as well, but there are folks out there who only want folks to know a part of history not the complete story.
Lee was a fine man

Everyone who knew him said so
Tape a knee to the back.

I would have never said that 8 years ago but it’s deserving now.
One side hates it being there and the reason/s that led to it's erection.
The other side will have to endure it being constantly vandalised and criticised.

These statues will always be targeted because they are a lie.

Meantime, New York will leave no stone unturned looking for a "hate crime." I don't see anyone here defending the thing.

It's a lie because while the officials are telling you the statue is about racism, the message of the statue is really POLITICAL.

Maybe Floyd didn't deserve to die and maybe Chauvin shouldn't have stayed on his neck 8 minutes, but the nation is largely offended by not only the 5 months of riots, violence and destruction ravaged upon the nation unchecked last year, but the way the officials have bent over backwards kissing Black's asses.

Now we have Juneteenth, a fake black holiday.

This is less about "hate" and more about a lot of people just fed up sick and tired of seeing minority groups given a fanfare of undeserved special treatment by the Left. They don't mind EQUALITY, they mind seeing every freak and weirdo ELEVATED to "special status" above the general population.

If you are white and attacked by 13 black people who kill you for nothing, good luck getting New York to send out the Hate Crime Squad looking to solve YOUR murder!
You have to wonder if Chauvin was more served up as a scapegoat for the Progressive Socialist agendas or guilty of an offense. The bottom line is that Floyd was not a good person.
Let's say he wasn't a good person, so you think Chauvin murdering him in that manner is ok.
No but making him a saint is not a good idea.
Who made him a Saint?
The leftist media. I do not mean literally. But naming streets after him, gold casket, etc. That’s a lot for a notorious criminal.
Wow no compassion for a black man I guess. Folks bitched and moaned when they named a holiday after Dr. King, so it just goes to show as a black man it really doesn't matter what your status is in life or death.
I have zero issues naming streets or even towns after Thomas Sowell or Michael Jordan. It’s not color. It’s character but you keep snagging that low hanging racism fruit. You’re a one trick pony.
Thomas Sowell? Smfh.
Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
He was a slaveowner and a traitor as well, but there are folks out there who only want folks to know a part of history not the complete story.
Lee was a fine man

Everyone who knew him said so
How many of them have you talked to? Any man that would claim to own other human beings is no where near a fine man.
As far as I'm concerned, BLM is filled with dim-witted garbage. They should have nothing to say about the words and language we use or about the historical moments we choose to remember through statues, etc.

BLM scum should be jailed or shot every time they riot, loot, destroy the property of others', or run around like brainless animals interfering with sane people as they peacefully go about their own business.
Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
He was a slaveowner and a traitor as well, but there are folks out there who only want folks to know a part of history not the complete story.
Lee was a fine man

Everyone who knew him said so
He never owned a slave either.

told you this would happen. one the statues vandelized. i suposed they will get the other one soon.
And just like that it was unacceptable to vandalize a statue


Junkie savage
You have to wonder if Chauvin was more served up as a scapegoat for the Progressive Socialist agendas or guilty of an offense. The bottom line is that Floyd was not a good person.
Let's say he wasn't a good person, so you think Chauvin murdering him in that manner is ok.
No but making him a saint is not a good idea.
Who made him a Saint?
well normally drug addled,women beating thieves don't get a statue.
Right, but slave owning, racist, segregationist do.
First off my statement was not a racial one.Number 2,I don't know any of those kinds of statues.So, listen up, the blood sacrifice for the sin of slavery was paid for with an estimated 750,000 thousand lives.It was called the Civil War.There are no more slaves or slave owners and haven't been for about 150 years.It's over.I'm white by virtue of birth and I am guilty of nothing concerning slavery.And neither were any of my ancestors.The only thing I owe the black man and woman is the common decency and respect that I would owe any man or woman. Here's your reparations



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Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
He was a slaveowner and a traitor as well, but there are folks out there who only want folks to know a part of history not the complete story.
Lee was a fine man

Everyone who knew him said so
He never owned a slave either.
CLAIM: Gen. Robert E. Lee, who led the Confederate States Army in the Civil War, “opposed both secession and slavery.” He did not own slaves.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. According to historians, not only did Lee own slaves, but he also fought in court to keep working slaves from his father-in-law’s estate. Claims casting Lee as an anti-slavery figure are tied to a false narrative known as the Lost Cause, which says the Confederate experience in the Civil War was not about slavery, but state’s rights.

Lee, in fact, owned several hundred enslaved workers. But it's also true that Ulysses S. Grant, who served as the commanding general of the United States Army and then became the nation's 18th president, owned at least one slave, whom he freed before the Civil War.


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