george floyd statue vandelized

Any man that would claim to own other human beings is no where near a fine man.
Dont use 21st Century standards to judge 19th Century people
What Century was Jesus? Don't you still follow his teachings in the 21st Century, they claim they were following them in the 19th Century. Right is right and wrong is wrong I don't give a damn what Century you live in.
You have to wonder if Chauvin was more served up as a scapegoat for the Progressive Socialist agendas or guilty of an offense. The bottom line is that Floyd was not a good person.
Let's say he wasn't a good person, so you think Chauvin murdering him in that manner is ok.
No but making him a saint is not a good idea.
Who made him a Saint?
well normally drug addled,women beating thieves don't get a statue.
Right, but slave owning, racist, segregationist do.
First off my statement was not a racial one.Number 2,I don't know any of those kinds of statues.So, listen up, the blood sacrifice for the sin of slavery was paid for with an estimated 750,000 thousand lives.It was called the Civil War.

I didn't pay for the sins of slavery it just stopped the practice.

There are no more slaves or slave owners and haven't been for about 150 years.It's over.I'm white by virtue of birth and I am guilty of nothing concerning slavery.And neither were any of my ancestors.The only thing I owe the black man and woman is the common decency and respect that I would owe any man or woman. Here's your reparations

You're right you don't owe anything, but America does.

Japanese-Americans were put in interment camps for about what 4 or 5 yrs and they were paid reparations for it.

Pacific Islanders property was taken during WWII and they were paid reparations for it.

Native Americans were paid reparations for the injustices they have suffered, a debt which can never be repaid really.

Now we come to black folks, what do you think the price is for the over 400yrs of injustice we have suffered in America?
You have to wonder if Chauvin was more served up as a scapegoat for the Progressive Socialist agendas or guilty of an offense. The bottom line is that Floyd was not a good person.
Let's say he wasn't a good person, so you think Chauvin murdering him in that manner is ok.
No but making him a saint is not a good idea.
Who made him a Saint?
well normally drug addled,women beating thieves don't get a statue.
Right, but slave owning, racist, segregationist do.
First off my statement was not a racial one.Number 2,I don't know any of those kinds of statues.So, listen up, the blood sacrifice for the sin of slavery was paid for with an estimated 750,000 thousand lives.It was called the Civil War.

I didn't pay for the sins of slavery it just stopped the practice.

There are no more slaves or slave owners and haven't been for about 150 years.It's over.I'm white by virtue of birth and I am guilty of nothing concerning slavery.And neither were any of my ancestors.The only thing I owe the black man and woman is the common decency and respect that I would owe any man or woman. Here's your reparations

You're right you don't owe anything, but America does.

Japanese-Americans were put in interment camps for about what 4 or 5 yrs and they were paid reparations for it.

Pacific Islanders property was taken during WWII and they were paid reparations for it.

Native Americans were paid reparations for the injustices they have suffered, a debt which can never be repaid really.

Now we come to black folks, what do you think the price is for the over 400yrs of injustice we have suffered in America?
A few bucks to get you started (a small fortune there) and back to Africa you go.
Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
He was a slaveowner and a traitor as well, but there are folks out there who only want folks to know a part of history not the complete story.
He inherited the slaves from his wife’s family. He then emancipated them.
#14: Fentanyl murdering him in that manner is not ok, either. Impossible for the expert media-coerced assholes to separate the neck-hold from the fentanyl, though the media had a field-day for mind-control experiments.

This vandalism sure looks better than automaton Americans’ chronic performing of fellatio on the opportunist black racist pimp.
You have to wonder if Chauvin was more served up as a scapegoat for the Progressive Socialist agendas or guilty of an offense. The bottom line is that Floyd was not a good person.
Let's say he wasn't a good person, so you think Chauvin murdering him in that manner is ok.
No but making him a saint is not a good idea.
Who made him a Saint?
well normally drug addled,women beating thieves don't get a statue.
Right, but slave owning, racist, segregationist do.
First off my statement was not a racial one.Number 2,I don't know any of those kinds of statues.So, listen up, the blood sacrifice for the sin of slavery was paid for with an estimated 750,000 thousand lives.It was called the Civil War.

I didn't pay for the sins of slavery it just stopped the practice.

There are no more slaves or slave owners and haven't been for about 150 years.It's over.I'm white by virtue of birth and I am guilty of nothing concerning slavery.And neither were any of my ancestors.The only thing I owe the black man and woman is the common decency and respect that I would owe any man or woman. Here's your reparations

You're right you don't owe anything, but America does.

Japanese-Americans were put in interment camps for about what 4 or 5 yrs and they were paid reparations for it.

Pacific Islanders property was taken during WWII and they were paid reparations for it.

Native Americans were paid reparations for the injustices they have suffered, a debt which can never be repaid really.

Now we come to black folks, what do you think the price is for the over 400yrs of injustice we have suffered in America?
A few bucks to get you started (a small fortune there) and back to Africa you go.
That's cool, I've got some funds for your return to Siberia.
Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
He was a slaveowner and a traitor as well, but there are folks out there who only want folks to know a part of history not the complete story.
He inherited the slaves from his wife’s family. He then emancipated them.
Prove it.
He never owned a slave either.
Superbadbrutha is right about Lee and slavery

Lee was a 19th Century man who did not see africans as the equal of whites

Which was a widely held belief in the north and the south

I’m not sure that even the most strident abolitionists would go that far

But what does that mean for us today?

It means very little to most whites who have accepted MLKs dream about the content of character, ect

Its only blacks and guilt-ridden white libs who prefer to live in tje past and remain perpetually angry

told you this would happen. one the statues vandelized. i suposed they will get the other one soon.
Deifying a life long criminal and POS drug addict was a stupid move to begin with..... Might as well erect a statue to Jack the Ripper.

You have to wonder if Chauvin was more served up as a scapegoat for the Progressive Socialist agendas or guilty of an offense. The bottom line is that Floyd was not a good person.
Let's say he wasn't a good person, so you think Chauvin murdering him in that manner is ok.
Murder is debatable.... His death had as much to do with his physical health as it did with his arrest. I think you would make an exception to if it was your baby inside the stomach of the gun target.
inherited the slaves from his wife’s family. He then emancipated them.
Unlike most liberals I do not want to rewrite history to fit the narrative of today

Lee was the son of a famous Revolutionary war hero Lighthorse Harry Lee

Harry was an unapologetic slave owner who fell on hard times and lost most of his slaves to debt collectors

Robert E Lee was a professional soldier for 38 years prior to the Civil War and had little use for slaves

But his attitude was far from being against slavery

Nevertheless he was no different than most Americans of his time, including the union solders who freed the slaves or abraham lincoln who commanded them

Lee was a great man who deserves to be remembered and respected in spite of his flaws when judged by 21st Century standards
Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
It is every Black Mom and Dad's dream that their kids will grow up to live a life just like George Floyd's....ergo a Statue dedicated to this great role model has been erected for young black youth to see and admire. College credits will be given to those who complete his biography ( wonder if they'll include the jail time in that book eh? ) and answer the entire section on the " White people suck " segment of the exam with at least 70% cognition of white privilege that will Never be mitigated and therefore must always be protested. Hasbro has offered to mass Produce George Floyd flex figurines in Cape and tights for those adventurous young Negroes who need an alternative to the WHITEY superman legends. All proceeds will go the the SAVE-A-FETUS FOUNDATION in the name of " Blastem outta dey mommies tummies " 501-c3.
You have to wonder if Chauvin was more served up as a scapegoat for the Progressive Socialist agendas or guilty of an offense. The bottom line is that Floyd was not a good person.
The bottom line is that Floyd was murdered by Chauvin, and everyone can see it happen on the video.

Floyd's character is irrrelevant, since we have due process specified by the Constitution, and that does not include extrajudicial executions by Police in the streets!

I know lots of white people who aren't nice people, so perhaps I should just go and choke them all to death? By your logic, that's ok.
Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
It is every Black Mom and Dad's dream that their kids will grow up to live a life just like George Floyd's....ergo a Statue dedicated to this great role model has been erected for young black youth to see and admire. College credits will be given to those who complete his biography ( wonder if they'll include the jail time in that book eh? ) and answer the entire section on the " White people suck " segment of the exam with at least 70% cognition of white privilege that will ever be mitigated and therefore must always be protested. Hasbro has offered to mass Produce George Floyd flex figurines in Cape and tights for those adventurous young Negroes who need an alternative to the WHITEY superman legends. All proceeds will go the the SAVE-A-FETUS FOUNDATION in the name of " Blastem outta dey mommies tummies " 501-c3.
Your seething racism is unacceptable, and this drooling hate crime would not be allowed to finish in my presence.

Check yourself, racist.
Robert E Lee was a traitor
Robert E Lee was a fine solder and the most respected general on either side

He was also a respected educator

But wet behind the ears race hustlers who are too young to have ever picked cotton only know the lies spread by Black Lies Matter
It is every Black Mom and Dad's dream that their kids will grow up to live a life just like George Floyd's....ergo a Statue dedicated to this great role model has been erected for young black youth to see and admire. College credits will be given to those who complete his biography ( wonder if they'll include the jail time in that book eh? ) and answer the entire section on the " White people suck " segment of the exam with at least 70% cognition of white privilege that will Never be mitigated and therefore must always be protested. Hasbro has offered to mass Produce George Floyd flex figurines in Cape and tights for those adventurous young Negroes who need an alternative to the WHITEY superman legends. All proceeds will go the the SAVE-A-FETUS FOUNDATION in the name of " Blastem outta dey mommies tummies " 501-c3.
Well said
I wouldn't be amazing if Floyd becomes the fifth person here.

But I bet you'd love to see Trumpolini the Orange Nitwit up there, right?

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