George Floyd. The Truth Is Out. (Finally)

Okay, let's clear up a bunch of the confusion here.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday declared the death of George Floyd a homicide, saying he died of “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression,” according to a Minneapolis television station.

The updated report from the examiner states that Floyd died from a loss of blood flow due to compression on his neck while being restrained by Minneapolis police, local Fox television affiliate Fox 9 reported.

Coroner confirms George Floyd's death WAS a homicide as officials walk back initial reports he wasn't strangled after family's autopsy found cop's knee on his neck caused asphyxia

  • The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday ruled that George's Floyd's death was a homicide and that he died by asphyxiation
  • The finding confirms the same conclusion of the independent autopsy that was also released on Monday, but there are key differences over the cause
  • The medical examiner said underlying health conditions and drug use were possible contributing factors to Floyd's death
  • But two doctors who carried out that independent autopsy at the family's request said he had no underlying conditions that may have contributed
  • They argued that Floyd was killed by police action alone when Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck during an arrest on Memorial Day
  • Monday's medical examiner press release appeared to show authorities walked back their conclusions on what killed Floyd
  • The original criminal complaint against Chauvin cited the medical examiner's office when it said it found no findings of strangulation
  • A spokeswoman for Hennepin County did not confirm any reversal, saying only that Monday's release were the 'final findings'
So no "dueling medical examiners", no more confident assertions of "XYZ didn't happen, so the cop can't be at fault." The MEs are on the same page, and the cop is culpable, and now we move on to building a case and prosecuting it.

Fuck that. Put ME on the defense team and let me go after those jackass medical examiners. I would show them the cop's knee and ask them if they have the slightest clue about the anatomy of the human neck. Then ask them if they see the cops knee anywhere hear the victims windpipe.
YEA... look at this picture...
View attachment 345175

Is his knee on his throat???? NOPE

Your constant use of the word "throat" is a straw man. The issue is that the knee on his NECK is an improper restraint, and you know it but don't want to accept it, which is why you keep trying to make it about "throat".

Read post #83. See how often neck restraints have been used by just Minneapolis cops alone.
Okay, let's clear up a bunch of the confusion here.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday declared the death of George Floyd a homicide, saying he died of “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression,” according to a Minneapolis television station.

The updated report from the examiner states that Floyd died from a loss of blood flow due to compression on his neck while being restrained by Minneapolis police, local Fox television affiliate Fox 9 reported.

Coroner confirms George Floyd's death WAS a homicide as officials walk back initial reports he wasn't strangled after family's autopsy found cop's knee on his neck caused asphyxia

  • The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday ruled that George's Floyd's death was a homicide and that he died by asphyxiation
  • The finding confirms the same conclusion of the independent autopsy that was also released on Monday, but there are key differences over the cause
  • The medical examiner said underlying health conditions and drug use were possible contributing factors to Floyd's death
  • But two doctors who carried out that independent autopsy at the family's request said he had no underlying conditions that may have contributed
  • They argued that Floyd was killed by police action alone when Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck during an arrest on Memorial Day
  • Monday's medical examiner press release appeared to show authorities walked back their conclusions on what killed Floyd
  • The original criminal complaint against Chauvin cited the medical examiner's office when it said it found no findings of strangulation
  • A spokeswoman for Hennepin County did not confirm any reversal, saying only that Monday's release were the 'final findings'
So no "dueling medical examiners", no more confident assertions of "XYZ didn't happen, so the cop can't be at fault." The MEs are on the same page, and the cop is culpable, and now we move on to building a case and prosecuting it.

Fuck that. Put ME on the defense team and let me go after those jackass medical examiners. I would show them the cop's knee and ask them if they have the slightest clue about the anatomy of the human neck. Then ask them if they see the cops knee anywhere hear the victims windpipe.
YEA... look at this picture...
View attachment 345175

Is his knee on his throat???? NOPE

Your constant use of the word "throat" is a straw man. The issue is that the knee on his NECK is an improper restraint, and you know it but don't want to accept it, which is why you keep trying to make it about "throat".
Because the throat is where the air flow is and if it was being constricted then air flow would be constricted and he wouldn't be able to breath. He said he couldn't breath but that was not why he died.

The knee was on the right side carotid artery, not the throat. He died because he had pre-existing blood flow issues.

The knee was mostly on the back of his neck.
Okay, let's clear up a bunch of the confusion here.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday declared the death of George Floyd a homicide, saying he died of “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression,” according to a Minneapolis television station.

The updated report from the examiner states that Floyd died from a loss of blood flow due to compression on his neck while being restrained by Minneapolis police, local Fox television affiliate Fox 9 reported.

Coroner confirms George Floyd's death WAS a homicide as officials walk back initial reports he wasn't strangled after family's autopsy found cop's knee on his neck caused asphyxia

  • The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday ruled that George's Floyd's death was a homicide and that he died by asphyxiation
  • The finding confirms the same conclusion of the independent autopsy that was also released on Monday, but there are key differences over the cause
  • The medical examiner said underlying health conditions and drug use were possible contributing factors to Floyd's death
  • But two doctors who carried out that independent autopsy at the family's request said he had no underlying conditions that may have contributed
  • They argued that Floyd was killed by police action alone when Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck during an arrest on Memorial Day
  • Monday's medical examiner press release appeared to show authorities walked back their conclusions on what killed Floyd
  • The original criminal complaint against Chauvin cited the medical examiner's office when it said it found no findings of strangulation
  • A spokeswoman for Hennepin County did not confirm any reversal, saying only that Monday's release were the 'final findings'
So no "dueling medical examiners", no more confident assertions of "XYZ didn't happen, so the cop can't be at fault." The MEs are on the same page, and the cop is culpable, and now we move on to building a case and prosecuting it.

Fuck that. Put ME on the defense team and let me go after those jackass medical examiners. I would show them the cop's knee and ask them if they have the slightest clue about the anatomy of the human neck. Then ask them if they see the cops knee anywhere hear the victims windpipe.
YEA... look at this picture...
View attachment 345175

Is his knee on his throat???? NOPE

Your constant use of the word "throat" is a straw man. The issue is that the knee on his NECK is an improper restraint, and you know it but don't want to accept it, which is why you keep trying to make it about "throat".
Because the throat is where the air flow is and if it was being constricted then air flow would be constricted and he wouldn't be able to breath. He said he couldn't breath but that was not why he died.

The knee was on the right side carotid artery, not the throat. He died because he had pre-existing blood flow issues.

The knee was mostly on the back of his neck.
Fentanyl is a prescription drug that is a very effective pain killer for those who need it and follow the prescription. Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, use it safely every day - even for long periods of time.

Fentanyl didn't kill George Floyd; Cauvin did.

someone PRESCRIBED fentanyl? ------did they find the
name of the doctor who prescribed it for George Loyd?
HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people use FENTANYL regularly? on which planet are you living. It is highly addictive, very potent, and quite a killer in the
hands of street users. In recent years it has become
a street drug and has killed lots more than it "helped".
Doctors do not casually prescribe fentanyl-----criminals casually sell it
I think the proper punishment since he didn't adhere to procedures is being fired.
Really? Can you kill someone while doing your doing and the worse thing to happen to you is you get fired?

can you complain of a headache and get a prescription for Fentanyl at your local walk-in family clinic? with
some methamphetamine as a chaser? The situation
has not been fully examined.....yet
I think the proper punishment since he didn't adhere to procedures is being fired.
Really? Can you kill someone while doing your doing and the worse thing to happen to you is you get fired?

can you complain of a headache and get a prescription for Fentanyl at your local walk-in family clinic? with
some methamphetamine as a chaser? The situation
has not been fully examined.....yet
I think the proper punishment since he didn't adhere to procedures is being fired.
Really? Can you kill someone while doing your doing and the worse thing to happen to you is you get fired?

can you complain of a headache and get a prescription for Fentanyl at your local walk-in family clinic? with
some methamphetamine as a chaser? The situation
has not been fully examined.....yet
I think the proper punishment since he didn't adhere to procedures is being fired.
Really? Can you kill someone while doing your doing and the worse thing to happen to you is you get fired?

Police deal with street thugs every day. George was loser piece of shit that was going to get wasted by someone sooner or later. The druggie sonofabitch raped and beat up elderly women for goodness sake.

The policeman had no intention of killing George. Shit happens. George never would have been put into that situation had he not set out to commit a crime that day. The policeman should have only been fired for not adhering to procedures.

If you are concerned about Black street thugs dying then I suggest you take your concerns to a Democrat controlled big city shithole. Every night Blacks are murdering other Blacks. Last Sunday 17 of them were murdered in Chicago alone.
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.
Couple of things:
It is absolutely possible to yell when you are having trouble breathing

There is ZERO chance you can make a sound if you cannot breathe. If you have "trouble" breathing? Maybe some some quiet gurgling. Definitely not words. If you are fucked up on the extremely toxic drug fentanyl freaking out that the cops got you for the 3rd strike, you piss your pants and croak, or that is what felon George Floyd did. That said, EMS should have hit the felon with narcan and then have the judicial system put the felon away for good.

Most people will say I can't breathe when they are actually only having a difficult time breathing.

I was with a friend of mine when he had a serious heart attack and he kept saying I can't breathe but his breathing was in reality very labored.

That said lying face down with hands cuffed behind the back is actually a very poor position for easy breathing as the diaphragm is restricted in movement by the weight of the person and the hard surface of the pavement. The intercostal muscles in the rib cage have to do extra work lifting the person's torso up high enough for the diaphragm to expand and contract and those muscles fatigue rather quickly.

You can experience this yourself of you lie down on your stomach with your hands behind your back after running just enough to be slightly winded.

Now all the the above interference with easy breathing is with only the person's own body weight add to that the weight of one or more people and you can see how very difficult it would be to breathe in that situation. And that's what happened to Floyd, he was put in a position that made breathing difficult for a long enough time that the muscles needed for respiration were compromised to the point of failure it was that muscular failure that caused him to stop breathing. When respiration stops, the heart stops very soon thereafter.

Many people strugging to breathe die for lack of oxygen. Many actually quit breathing because, like any other activity, sometimes you get too tired to do it. He wouldn't have gotten too tired, and wouldn't have struggled to breathe, if the cops had not been trying to kill him.

The cops weren't trying to kill him. They were trying to restrain him. Read post #83.
It doesn't matter the end result is the same.

And he was struggling because he was having difficulty breathing just like you would if you were cuffed face down on the pavement with 3 people on your back and neck.
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.

He was also sniveling about 'not being able to breathe' while he was in that back seat, too. But, the cops are toast, they will hauled before a commie style tribune court, sentenced for fake crimes in a show trial, and then murdered in prison, as will the three innocents in Georgia, and the 'leadership' in both Parties will fall all over themselves taking credit for it. There will be many more to follow; find all those old Soviet films from the Stalin and Khrushchev eras for what happens to those working class types who run afoul of the Politically Correct Neo-Fascist 'Social Revolution' coming your way.

In post #83, I show a video of him apparently struggling with the cops while he was in the back seat of the cop car. If he was putting up a struggle, he must have been breathing ok.

It is never legal to put pressure on the neck because even if it doesn't prevent breathing, it disrupt the blood flow to the brain.
It is deliberate murder, and is not in the heat of passion, is 1st degree murder.
Struggling was never visible, but there was never even anything to arrest Floyd for, so struggling should be expected, since he was totally innocent and had not committed a crime.
There was no counterfeiting or forgery.
The store admitted they were mistaken.

Read post #83. Also, if he was innocent, why did he put up a fight. Also, as far as I have been able to find out, Floyd did try to spend a counterfeit $20 dollar bill. That is why the cops were called to begin with.
When he was on the ground he was struggling to breathe

That is not "putting up a fight" it is fighting to live
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
There were 2 other cops on him
At least more of the truth. For however long, the news has been making it look like the cops murdered a cooperative black guy they arrested, apparently because they had nothing better to do at the time. Causing many riots and protests. Well last night they finally showed a little more of the story.

They showed a cop on the passenger side back door trying to subdue the soon to be dead Floyd. No doubt Floyd was kicking at him. It showed the hero cop who would end up with his knee on the back of Floyd's neck to subdue him going to open the drivers side back door. What was shown at least showed Floyd putting up a fight.

Now, I would like to see the rest of the video. Which would show Floyd being dragged out of the drivers side back seat and how he ended up at the front of the cop car with the officers knee on the back of his neck. No doubt Floyd was putting up more struggle from the back seat area to the front of the cop car.

Why is the news wrongfully portraying the incident. They also made a big deal about the cop keeping his knee on Floyd's neck even after he stopped moving. But Floyd's condition wasn't caused by the knee on his neck. So why should the cop have moved it. Especially when just before then he was putting up a fight. All this coddling of criminals makes me sick. Least of all the negro ones. The cops don't have an easy job. They are almost like soldiers on the front line. A little excess on their part should be excused. They need to be supported. Not vilified.

Well, now you have been proven a liar.

I'm not a liar. Any idiot can see that the knee on his neck couldn't have been crushing his windpipe. Which is the only thing the cop could have been doing to cause him to have problems breathing.

You can prevent breathing by even just twisting the head to the side, and there are a number of bones in the neck, like the hyoid and the thyroid cartilage that can be displaced to block breath.
Further more, it is also well known pressure to the side of the neck will block the carotid, causing asphyxiation.
Everyone looking at the video has agreed it was a carotid pressure hold, designed to make the person pass out.
They fact he deliberately held it for 8 minutes was deliberate murder.

No damage to his neck was reported. And if you aren't crushing somebody's windpipe, you can't be cutting off their breathing. Floyd also had coronavirus. That could have been part of his breathing problem. That if he actually had one. Because at the time, for all the cop knew, he could have been lying. Arrested people often make up shit about rough treatment.
I already explained how a person can die of asphyxia with no damage to the neck
The Police officer violated his training..........You don't knee on someone's neck.

End of Story.......he will be convicted of at Manslaughter and/or 3rd degree murder............

Everything else is BS.
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
it was,,,
When you fight with the cops, expect rough treatment. That is something the rioters and protesters should keep in mind. The only thing that matters is that the cop didn't kill Floyd. I saw the cops knee on Floyd's neck. It wasn't cutting off his windpipe. So when he said, "I can't Breathe!, it wasn't because of what the cop was doing.
If you were unable to expand your lungs in order to be able to fill them with air due to being pinned down by the crushing weight of several people you wouldn't consider that as being unable to breath?

I looked at the video a number of times. The one cop had a knee on both Floyd's neck and back. So it wasn't two cops compressing Floyd's chest. Just one. With that being the case, there shouldn't have been enough pressure on his chest to keep him from breathing.
You’re no expert; you’re just a fucking idiot.

I am no expert------but I know enough to KNOW that
if the man had died of a weight on his back that restricted expansion of his lungs-----that fact would be demonstrable on autopsy
it was,,,

Oh YEAH? you got a citation-----not a "conclusion" as in "I think he died because people were pressing on his chest"------ a REAL PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN taken
from the body and analyzed by a competent pathologist. <<<< that's how it is done in the REAL
WORLD. -----broken ribs might aid your desperate

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