George H.W. Bush has died

here's a story for all you under 18 year old kids who read the board but cant post:

Bush was flying a mission over a Japanese island, his plane was struck by enemy fire, but he kept going, diving at two hundred miles per hour, until he dropped his bombs and hit the target, he shouted for his flight mates to bail out and then did so himself. alone in the south pacific, he swam to the tiny rubber raft that had been his seat cushion. he was rescued by a submarine.
---------------------------------------------- and to the 18 year old American young adults . You will have a lots more problems getting good paying jobs like i had on the RailRoad and the jobs for me were available just for the asking . That problem is due to all these imported third worlders in the USA competing for the jobs like the RailRoad Job i had . ---------------- And your kids school rooms will be full of foreigners who may not speak good English and who don't like REAL American History or REAL Americans . And the problems for you are due to the 1986 'reagan - bush' Amnesty and then the illegal aliens flood the USA since the 'reagan - bush' Amnesty and which 'ghwb' was a part of .
"when i ran for president, i told folks i had my daddy's eyes & my mother's mouth. i said it to get a laugh, but it was true" - W
Can’t wait to see the interaction between Trump and the real presidents at the funeral

The snobby bastards might disinvite him.

I'm sure he'll do whatever I would do, maybe with more decorum.

He has a smidgen more than me.

Usually I'm in the IDGAF zone.
Trump will come

He will be treated like the creepy uncle at thanksgiving
"as i got older, i came to see that my parents' love was unconditional. i know because i tested it. i had 2 car wrecks when i was 14. my parents still loved me. i took dad's car, charged in reverse carelessly, and tore the door off. i poured Vodka in my little sister Doro's goldfish and killed it. at time i was surly, demanding, and brash. despite it all, my parents still loved me.

eventually their patient love affected me. when you know you have unconditional love, there is no point in rebellion and no need to fear failure" - W
George HW Bush is one of my favorite Presidents and one of the best.

He did what was best for the country even if it hurt him politically.

HE cared about the environment.

Under HW, we installed a cap & trade to cure acid rain.

He put together a coalition & Desert Storm was one of the best military operations ever.

He knew the country's debt was an issue & installed a tax increase ti help control it even though it broke a campaign promise.

Politics were irrelevant, Country first & always. Just like his military service.

I voted for him twice.
His Tax increases were devastating to millions of Americans… Always are
Rustic, I don't think the GHWB tax increases were devastating at all. Matter of fact, his work was the preamble to Clinton's ability to bring our debt almost to zero. Clinton built on 41's base work. And even then, during Clinton, we had more cops and a burst of technology.

As for tax is said that next year is going to be a rude awakening when we do our taxes. Some are predicting that in balance it may work out to be a tax increase for many of us. Let us know how it works out for you, rustic!
We are an overtaxed society, all of America
Right, you want EVERYTHING at a cost of NOTHING. Grids, infrastructure, rewired schools, clean water, class A roads, world class technology, superior weaponry, healthcare and research...all the goodies of a supreme super power, but without cost to its beneficiaries. I know, let's make Mexico pay for it. And hire, then stiff, a bunch of Norwegians to rake our forests. And after all crops of fruit and veggies are in and distributed, deport all the pickers too. And who needs food inspectors when suppliers tell us when asked that their meat is safe.

Me, for one.
Can’t wait to see the interaction between Trump and the real presidents at the funeral

The snobby bastards might disinvite him.

I'm sure he'll do whatever I would do, maybe with more decorum.

He has a smidgen more than me.

Usually I'm in the IDGAF zone.
Trump will come

He will be treated like the creepy uncle at thanksgiving
A devil in disguise...


The New world order... mourns
"I didn’t always agree with George H. W. Bush, but I have great respect for his lifetime of service. And send my love to his family. Compared to what we have in the Oval Office now, I’d take George H. W. Bush every day of the week and twice on Sundays." - Rob Reiner
"President George H.W. Bush led a long, successful and beautiful life. Whenever I was with him I saw his absolute joy for life and true pride in his family. His accomplishments were great from beginning to end. He was a truly wonderful man and will be missed by all!" - Trump
The funny part is anyone thinking that tiny trump wrote that.
"President George H.W. Bush led a long, successful and beautiful life. Whenever I was with him I saw his absolute joy for life and true pride in his family. His accomplishments were great from beginning to end. He was a truly wonderful man and will be missed by all!" - Trump
The funny part is anyone thinking that tiny trump wrote that.
I know, Bush sr does not deserve any Praise...
All POTUS's are failures to me - certainly since (and including) JFK at least.

But, of all of them, I thought GHWB did the least-bad job. And his foreign policy was by far the best of the lot, IMO. If he had not gone back on his 'No New Taxes' pledge, I assume he would have had two terms.

He had direct and extensive military, intelligence AND political experience. And he surrounded himself with bright, reasonable people (for the most part). I worried less about the world when he was in power. He just seemed so stable, intelligent and basically decent.

If he had just balanced the damn budget - I would actually have given him a passing grade (no POTUS ever gets a passing grade during peacetime with me if they cannot balance the budget. Clinton sort of did - but his absolutely horrific handling of Rwanda means he gets a big fail from he cares, lol).

But - outside of that - I thought he did a very, solid job as POTUS. Better than Reagan and Clinton. Much better than Obama and his son. And galaxies better than the joke in the White House now.

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All POTUS's are failures to me - certainly since (and including) JFK at least.

But, of all of them, I thought GHWB did the least-bad job. And his foreign policy was by far the best of the lot, IMO. If he had not made that stupid 'no new taxes' statement (and then gone back on it), I assume he would have had two terms.

He had direct and extensive military, intelligence AND political experience. And he surrounded himself with bright, reasonable people (for the most part). I worried less about the world when he was in power. He just seemed so stable, intelligent and basically decent.

If he had just balanced the damn budget - I would actually have given him a passing grade.

But - outside of that - I thought he did a very, solid job as POTUS. Better than Reagan and Clinton. Much better than Obama and his son. And galaxies better than the joke in the White House now.

The best president was the first, no “blueprint”, did not want the job but seen it as a duty when asked.
Knew it was a mistake to increase the size and scope of the federal government...
Two things have been mysteries since the end of the George H. W. Bush presidency in 1993. The first is where communists-turned-capitalists at the top of the Russian government invest their money. The second is where Donald J. Trump gets his money.
Can’t wait to see the interaction between Trump and the real presidents at the funeral

The snobby bastards might disinvite him.

I'm sure he'll do whatever I would do, maybe with more decorum.

He has a smidgen more than me.

Usually I'm in the IDGAF zone.
Trump will come

He will be treated like the creepy uncle at thanksgiving
A devil in disguise...


The New world order... mourns
Oh Noooooo

Not a New World Odor again
I thought Bush 41 was a good President

Not great at the level of Obama or Reagan but he did a good job given the hand he was dealt

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