George H.W. Bush has died

All in their prime, he probably could have kicked the ass of every other president but Lincoln.
Na, not really
Of course, really.

The burning Bush's certainly kicked America's arse since it didn't matter Arab terrorists threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 just as when in the mid 70's refused to uphold the US Constitution when it came to KKK churchstate cops threatening SCOTUS for all thieving US Constitution arsonists......

Troll somewhere else. This is not the place for you.

As if more of the national religion Islamidiotocracy clergy diatribe tautology should be revered. It's your megalomaniacal world, I'm just passing thru......
would Trump ever say this?

Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
would Trump ever say this?

Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
that quote changed my life. thank you President Bush. i will follow in your legacy and become president of the united states and solve the immigration crisis just like you solved germany by uniting it after the berlin wall fell. with a germany that started two world wars, you made world peace. i will follow in your footsteps!
When Bush meets his fake god. I'm sure he will say.

You POS god, you had to take my life under this POS The Great Orange Douche.
I'm your enemy for eternal life YOU Asshole POS lord. And Barbare going to spank his
ass for letting the Orange COWARD lying about Bonespurs POS and Great Douche
coming to the service.

haha. This is the time you understand, there are no gods btw.
Just a hole in the ground, and worms.
would Trump ever say this?

Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
that quote changed my life. thank you President Bush. i will follow in your legacy and become president of the united states and solve the immigration crisis just like you solved germany by uniting it after the berlin wall fell. with a germany that started two world wars, you made world peace. i will follow in your footsteps!

A legacy uniting Islam & Christianity for 9/11 & it's Islamidiotocracy Fourth Reich with mass American casualties again ought to follow sociopsychological human farming techniques of the master plan for a master race in the pedophilia slave business ......
would Trump ever say this?

Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
The only reason, I really don't take off on the guy. Is...
He is a part of the WWII Great Generation that saved many lives.
btw. He did breed weak cowardly spawns.
would Trump ever say this?

Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
The only reason, I really don't take off on the guy. Is...
He is a part of the WWII Great Generation that saved many lives.
btw. He did breed weak cowardly spawns.

Don't want that 9/11 conspiracy label as a suicidal homicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality in America's a waste of time since it's all organized crime according to his afterlife the churchstate whitewashes with propaganda .
would Trump ever say this?

Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
The only reason, I really don't take off on the guy. Is...
He is a part of the WWII Great Generation that saved many lives.
btw. He did breed weak cowardly spawns.

Don't want that 9/11 conspiracy label as a suicidal homicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality in America's a waste of time since it's all organized crime according to his afterlife the churchstate whitewashes with propaganda .
no comment
One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was anything but a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

Bush was a pedophile that liked getting fellatio by little black boys especially. We know this fact from abused children involved in the Franklin scandal where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were pimped out to high ranking politicians for the purpose of blackmailing them. Cathy O'Brien, a MK-ULTRA and presidential model victim wrote the book "Tranceformation Of America" goes into great detail about her handlers and how Bush raped and sodomized her daughter in front of her to keep her in compliance and docile. Bush was one disgusting piece of shit....

That isn't so. President Bush served his country as a WWII hero, had a long-standing love for God and his church, and was a strong 1-family man, and loved his best friend, who was Barbara Pierce Bush. After reading your post, I spent 2 hours this morning reviewing Cathy O'Brien's tapes at you tube, and in what I saw and read, she admitted to a severe form of mental illness that confuses the person it attacks, often experiencing false or non-existent events, and there was little she said in claims that still are printable that interfaced with reality. So excuse me, but if you have proof of your claim, bring it. Another problem with M-PD sufferers is that some do some pretty heinous things and will pass blame onto a celebrity or other important person as taking responsibility doesn't occur to some of them.

Everything that George HW and Barbara Bush did in their lifetime benefitted other people to the last detail. George H.W. Bush helped lead GOP toward evangelicalism

You should not believe negative information on famous people when the shoe doesn't fit, and is related by someone who is unwell in their mind.
In what way is a gun safety organization "extreme"?

Just read your link. Now I understand. You get your talking point from HuffPo

Funny. The NRA quit being a gun safety organization in 1977 when it was hijacked by radical Rambos.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksman group into a gun lobby
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One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was anything but a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

Bush was a pedophile that liked getting fellatio by little black boys especially. We know this fact from abused children involved in the Franklin scandal where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were pimped out to high ranking politicians for the purpose of blackmailing them. Cathy O'Brien, a MK-ULTRA and presidential model victim wrote the book "Tranceformation Of America" goes into great detail about her handlers and how Bush raped and sodomized her daughter in front of her to keep her in compliance and docile. Bush was one disgusting piece of shit....

Really, the only President I can think of who was sued for child rape was your man Trump. No need to speculate about it or make up facts. Read the complaint.

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl
Johnslaw, that's a 22-year-old occurrence that never saw the light of day until President Trump was running for office. Today's DNC has a way of twisting arms to get false confessions, 20+ years later. I am not buying that little tidbit of off topic calumny. :offtopic:
One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was anything but a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

Bush was a pedophile that liked getting fellatio by little black boys especially. We know this fact from abused children involved in the Franklin scandal where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were pimped out to high ranking politicians for the purpose of blackmailing them. Cathy O'Brien, a MK-ULTRA and presidential model victim wrote the book "Tranceformation Of America" goes into great detail about her handlers and how Bush raped and sodomized her daughter in front of her to keep her in compliance and docile. Bush was one disgusting piece of shit....

That isn't so. President Bush served his country as a WWII hero, had a long-standing love for God and his church, and was a strong 1-family man, and loved his best friend, who was Barbara Pierce Bush. After reading your post, I spent 2 hours this morning reviewing Cathy O'Brien's tapes at you tube, and in what I saw and read, she admitted to a severe form of mental illness that confuses the person it attacks, often experiencing false or non-existent events, and there was little she said in claims that still are printable that interfaced with reality. So excuse me, but if you have proof of your claim, bring it. Another problem with M-PD sufferers is that some do some pretty heinous things and will pass blame onto a celebrity or other important person as taking responsibility doesn't occur to some of them.

Everything that George HW and Barbara Bush did in their lifetime benefitted other people to the last detail. George H.W. Bush helped lead GOP toward evangelicalism

You should not believe negative information on famous people when the shoe doesn't fit, and is related by someone who is unwell in their mind.
No one believed the negative shit that Jimmy Carter did to this country and we ended up with Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama. We didnt believe what George H W Bush did was bad, so we got his son, look how well that ended. At least we remembered what Bill Clinton did, because We the People didnt vote for the sick bitch.

Well for some elected pseudo American protected pariah Pharaoh in getting thousands of US citizens killed with that 9/11 second coming pyramid scheme, his afterlife certainly has enough cronies & supporters propaganda buying him a stairway to heaven as the national religion Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality business pedophilia slave trade of every form of tyranny over the mind of man where there's no equal justice under law for eternity.

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