George H.W. Bush has died

In what way is a gun safety organization "extreme"?

Just read your link. Now I understand. You get your talking point from HuffPo

Funny. The NRA quit being a gun safety organization in 1977 when it was hijacked by radical Rambos.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksman group into a gun lobby
No money to be made in gun safety
Fortune in .....Gubmints going to take your guns
would Trump ever say this?

Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
that quote changed my life. thank you President Bush. i will follow in your legacy and become president of the united states and solve the immigration crisis just like you solved germany by uniting it after the berlin wall fell. with a germany that started two world wars, you made world peace. i will follow in your footsteps!

A legacy uniting Islam & Christianity for 9/11 & it's Islamidiotocracy Fourth Reich with mass American casualties again ought to follow sociopsychological human farming techniques of the master plan for a master race in the pedophilia slave business ......

Not the time or place for your trolling.
would Trump ever say this?

Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
that quote changed my life. thank you President Bush. i will follow in your legacy and become president of the united states and solve the immigration crisis just like you solved germany by uniting it after the berlin wall fell. with a germany that started two world wars, you made world peace. i will follow in your footsteps!

A legacy uniting Islam & Christianity for 9/11 & it's Islamidiotocracy Fourth Reich with mass American casualties again ought to follow sociopsychological human farming techniques of the master plan for a master race in the pedophilia slave business ......

Not the time or place for your trolling.

Well for some elected pseudo American protected pariah Pharaoh in getting thousands of US citizens killed with that 9/11 second coming pyramid scheme, his afterlife certainly has enough cronies & supporters propaganda buying him a stairway to heaven as the national religion Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality business pedophilia slave trade of every form of tyranny over the mind of man where there's no equal justice under law for eternity.
would Trump ever say this?

Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
that quote changed my life. thank you President Bush. i will follow in your legacy and become president of the united states and solve the immigration crisis just like you solved germany by uniting it after the berlin wall fell. with a germany that started two world wars, you made world peace. i will follow in your footsteps!

A legacy uniting Islam & Christianity for 9/11 & it's Islamidiotocracy Fourth Reich with mass American casualties again ought to follow sociopsychological human farming techniques of the master plan for a master race in the pedophilia slave business ......

Not the time or place for your trolling.

Well for some elected pseudo American protected pariah Pharaoh in getting thousands of US citizens killed with that 9/11 second coming pyramid scheme, his afterlife certainly has enough cronies & supporters propaganda buying him a stairway to heaven as the national religion Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality business pedophilia slave trade of every form of tyranny over the mind of man where there's no equal justice under law for eternity.

Now you’re spamming and trolling. What a low-life POS.
Too bad he was a republican … and a (misguided) jesus freak.
Really crappy way to go thru life......
Since he was misguided & obsessed with entering the afterlife, seems plenty of his cronies & supporters are his afterlife; which doesn't say much about what life is.
that quote changed my life. thank you President Bush. i will follow in your legacy and become president of the united states and solve the immigration crisis just like you solved germany by uniting it after the berlin wall fell. with a germany that started two world wars, you made world peace. i will follow in your footsteps!

A legacy uniting Islam & Christianity for 9/11 & it's Islamidiotocracy Fourth Reich with mass American casualties again ought to follow sociopsychological human farming techniques of the master plan for a master race in the pedophilia slave business ......

Not the time or place for your trolling.

Well for some elected pseudo American protected pariah Pharaoh in getting thousands of US citizens killed with that 9/11 second coming pyramid scheme, his afterlife certainly has enough cronies & supporters propaganda buying him a stairway to heaven as the national religion Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality business pedophilia slave trade of every form of tyranny over the mind of man where there's no equal justice under law for eternity.

Now you’re spamming and trolling. What a low-life POS.

Yet more of some national religion super ego "serve the Pope or die" "death to the infidels" diatribe tautology.
George H W Bush was considered a "nazi" and "racist" while he was alive by libs. He was attacked because of his father's business with Germany before the war, and for not using a rubber resulting in the conception and birth Dubya. libs were apoplectic about HW's apocryphal meeting with Iranian mullahs in Prague to allegedly fix the 1980 election, as well as his alleged efforts to keep his son Dubya out of the draft in the 1960's. They hated George HW Bush for his abuse in 1988 over Dukakis' release of Willie Horton (when will Mr. Horton be interviewed on his opinion of HW). Also, President Bush was attacked brutally for his behavior when his plane went down and his crew was lost during WWII.

HW, in his later years was criticized for alleged sexual harassment of broads in the me-too movement.

yet, now, the libs have totally rehabilitated the man, George HW Bush, who was considered the most evil man who ever lived while he was alive.
Only a son of a bitch of the lowest character sees this as an opportunity to troll. Disgraceful.
George H W Bush was considered a "nazi" and "racist" while he was alive by libs. He was attacked because of his father's business with Germany before the war, and for not using a rubber resulting in the conception and birth Dubya. libs were apoplectic about HW's apocryphal meeting with Iranian mullahs in Prague to allegedly fix the 1980 election, as well as his alleged efforts to keep his son Dubya out of the draft in the 1960's. They hated George HW Bush for his abuse in 1988 over Dukakis' release of Willie Horton (when will Mr. Horton be interviewed on his opinion of HW). Also, President Bush was attacked brutally for his behavior when his plane went down and his crew was lost during WWII.

HW, in his later years was criticized for alleged sexual harassment of broads in the me-too movement.

yet, now, the libs have totally rehabilitated the man, George HW Bush, who was considered the most evil man who ever lived while he was alive.

Like some on USA soil CIA black bag job buying a stairway to heaven & anticipated afterlife.
George H W Bush was considered a "nazi" and "racist" while he was alive by libs. He was attacked because of his father's business with Germany before the war, and for not using a rubber resulting in the conception and birth Dubya. libs were apoplectic about HW's apocryphal meeting with Iranian mullahs in Prague to allegedly fix the 1980 election, as well as his alleged efforts to keep his son Dubya out of the draft in the 1960's. They hated George HW Bush for his abuse in 1988 over Dukakis' release of Willie Horton (when will Mr. Horton be interviewed on his opinion of HW). Also, President Bush was attacked brutally for his behavior when his plane went down and his crew was lost during WWII.

HW, in his later years was criticized for alleged sexual harassment of broads in the me-too movement.

yet, now, the libs have totally rehabilitated the man, George HW Bush, who was considered the most evil man who ever lived while he was alive.

Considering Willie Horton is still in prison, I doubt he will be made available for interviews.
George H W Bush was considered a "nazi" and "racist" while he was alive by libs. He was attacked because of his father's business with Germany before the war, and for not using a rubber resulting in the conception and birth Dubya. libs were apoplectic about HW's apocryphal meeting with Iranian mullahs in Prague to allegedly fix the 1980 election, as well as his alleged efforts to keep his son Dubya out of the draft in the 1960's. They hated George HW Bush for his abuse in 1988 over Dukakis' release of Willie Horton (when will Mr. Horton be interviewed on his opinion of HW). Also, President Bush was attacked brutally for his behavior when his plane went down and his crew was lost during WWII.

HW, in his later years was criticized for alleged sexual harassment of broads in the me-too movement.

yet, now, the libs have totally rehabilitated the man, George HW Bush, who was considered the most evil man who ever lived while he was alive.
No matter the contrived outrage and pearl clutching of days gone by, in the end he was still one of them.....To watch them all sit around now like they're all reverent and respectful is as revealing as it is stomach turning.

I haven’t read all the way through the thread..

Most of those professing deep seated hatred voted for him for President. That tells you all you need to know about those people.

I don’ think anyone is calling the man a saint though. Could be wrong. I didn’t always agree with him but I did respect him; and voted for him myself by the way.

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