George H.W. Bush has died

Well, The Great Douche won't speak at the funeral. Then, why go, if you can't insult them bushy's losers?

Trump won't speak at George HW Bush funeral: report George W. Bush will eulogize father at funeral, Trump won't speak: report

Seem the Great Douche is an outcast DOPer type..btw Godly loving stupid DOPer. The Douche is the first to skip the national Xmas tree lighting. Seems Say Marry Xmas was all a Con Man lying BS DOPers.
The less he has to say the better

And that goes for tweets afterward
Let’s not pretend the media wasn’t horrible, HORRIBLE, to the Bushes!

The media treated both Bushs well

Bush 41 was glorified for Desert Storm and the wall coming down

The press was hands off on Bush 43 after 9-11 and he was not attacked until his didadterous wars
Let’s not pretend the media wasn’t horrible, HORRIBLE, to the Bushes!

Can't recall any others anticipating going into the afterlife than the announcement of Bush & then those 9/11 airplane hijackers; where if once is an accident, twice is a coincidence & there are no coincidences while the media has it as pomp & no circumstance......

you would give credit to a globalist who serves the elite and wanted our arms taken away from us so the elite could round us up and we could not fight back.thats so typical of YOU.
The NRA President, after the Waco massacre/group suicide, said Federal Agents were Nazis, and having lost one of his best friends in life, a federal agent who was a good family man, lost his life in the Oklahoma City bombing. It wasn't what the NRA generally stands for--defense and hunting, it was that losing a friend who was a good agent, hearing those words gave him cause to withdraw his support from the group. If you look at one person who failed to do his job out of thousands of good, decent, honest, and hardworking men who put their life on the line to save others, you do a disservice by calling the entire group NAZIs. President Bush fought in WWII, and he knew what Nazis were, and he knew that federal agents in no way, shape or form resemble NAZIs. They do hero jobs and they save lives by risking their own life when raising a family.

So his resignation is not meat for the groupthink set that merges the human race into something bad just because yo mama abandoned you as a child, and you're still mad.
George H W Bush was considered a "nazi" and "racist" while he was alive by libs. He was attacked because of his father's business with Germany before the war, and for not using a rubber resulting in the conception and birth Dubya. libs were apoplectic about HW's apocryphal meeting with Iranian mullahs in Prague to allegedly fix the 1980 election, as well as his alleged efforts to keep his son Dubya out of the draft in the 1960's. They hated George HW Bush for his abuse in 1988 over Dukakis' release of Willie Horton (when will Mr. Horton be interviewed on his opinion of HW). Also, President Bush was attacked brutally for his behavior when his plane went down and his crew was lost during WWII.

HW, in his later years was criticized for alleged sexual harassment of broads in the me-too movement.

yet, now, the libs have totally rehabilitated the man, George HW Bush, who was considered the most evil man who ever lived while he was alive.

Well, maybe it's because, like the liberals, George H W Bush never really did care what the facts were. :abgg2q.jpg:

GHW Bush: "I don't care what the facts are"
Great article in Consortium News that revealed the traitorous acts of George H W Bush to ensure that Reagan got elected;

Taking a Bush Secret to the Grave
Taking a Bush Secret to the Grave
Justifying a Secret

"In 1991-92, President George H.W. Bush’s administration continued to insist on keeping the “Moore Residence” destination secret even after Congress authorized an investigation into the so-called October Surprise case: whether Republicans in 1980 had contacted Iranians behind President Jimmy Carter’s back to frustrate his efforts to free 52 American hostages.

Carter’s failure to gain release of the hostages made him look weak and inept, setting the stage for Ronald Reagan’s landslide victory, an election which dramatically changed the course of the nation. The Iranians released the American hostages immediately after Reagan was sworn in on Jan. 20, 1981, further making Reagan appear to be an imposing world figure.

Though there were early rumors about a secret Republican deal with Iran, the October Surprise mystery didn’t gain much traction until the exposure of secret Iran-Contra arms shipments approved by Reagan to Iran in 1985-86. Suddenly, the notion that Reagan and his Vice President George H.W. Bush would lie about covert dealings with Iran didn’t seem so preposterous.

Essentially, the October Surprise question was whether Reagan’s secret contacts with Iran dated back to Campaign 1980, as a growing number of witnesses — from inside the governments of Iran, Israel, France and the United States — were alleging.. . . . "


". . . Though John Maclean was not eager to talk with me, he finally agreed and confirmed what Henderson had written in his letter. Maclean said a well-placed Republican source told him in mid-October 1980 about Bush taking a secret trip to Paris to meet with Iranians on the U.S. hostage issue.

After hearing this news from his source, Maclean passed on the information to Henderson when the two met at Henderson’s Washington home to discuss another matter. . . "


"On July 12, 1973, Moore told the Senate Watergate Committee that “nothing said in my meetings with Mr. Dean or my meetings with the President suggests in any way that before March 21 [1973] the President had known, or that Mr. Dean believed he had known, of any involvement of White House personnel in the bugging or the cover-up.”

Perhaps because of his status as a lawyer to Nixon, Moore escaped the fate of many other White House insiders who were indicted and prosecuted for false testimony and obstruction of justice.

Being a Yale alumnus and a friend of the well-connected George H.W. Bush, who was then chairman of the Republican National Committee, probably didn’t hurt either.

Moore had started his legal career working as a lawyer for the American Broadcasting Company in the 1940s. He was a close friend of Nixon’s Attorney General John N. Mitchell who brought Moore into the Nixon administration as his special assistant. Moore moved over to the White House in 1971 to serve as special counsel to Nixon.

After leaving the White House, Moore returned to the television industry, becoming a founder and associate producer of “The McLaughlin Group” political chat show.

In September 1989, President George H.W. Bush named Moore as Ambassador to Ireland, where he stayed until June 1992, when his testimony in another political scandal might have proved very important in either exonerating Bush or exposing a phony cover story that protected Bush’s participation in an operation that bordered on treason."

Great article in Consortium News that revealed the traitorous acts of George H W Bush to ensure that Reagan got elected;

If Reagan had not been elected in 1980, the USSR would still be around. The Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain would still be standing. By this point in time, the Soviet beachhead in Nicaragua would have expanded through Mexico and Soviet Influence would extend to the Rio Grande.

Gasoline would be a lot higher as Carter's strategy of malaise would have been allowed to marinate into our nation's fiber.
George H W Bush was considered a "nazi" and "racist" while he was alive by libs. He was attacked because of his father's business with Germany before the war, and for not using a rubber resulting in the conception and birth Dubya. libs were apoplectic about HW's apocryphal meeting with Iranian mullahs in Prague to allegedly fix the 1980 election, as well as his alleged efforts to keep his son Dubya out of the draft in the 1960's. They hated George HW Bush for his abuse in 1988 over Dukakis' release of Willie Horton (when will Mr. Horton be interviewed on his opinion of HW). Also, President Bush was attacked brutally for his behavior when his plane went down and his crew was lost during WWII.

HW, in his later years was criticized for alleged sexual harassment of broads in the me-too movement.

yet, now, the libs have totally rehabilitated the man, George HW Bush, who was considered the most evil man who ever lived while he was alive.

Well, maybe it's because, like the liberals, George H W Bush never really did care what the facts were. :abgg2q.jpg:

GHW Bush: "I don't care what the facts are"

The facts are that the only ones that anticipated the afterlife are those that killed Americans on USA soil for 9/11.
Great article in Consortium News that revealed the traitorous acts of George H W Bush to ensure that Reagan got elected;

Taking a Bush Secret to the Grave
Taking a Bush Secret to the Grave
Justifying a Secret

"In 1991-92, President George H.W. Bush’s administration continued to insist on keeping the “Moore Residence” destination secret even after Congress authorized an investigation into the so-called October Surprise case: whether Republicans in 1980 had contacted Iranians behind President Jimmy Carter’s back to frustrate his efforts to free 52 American hostages.

Carter’s failure to gain release of the hostages made him look weak and inept, setting the stage for Ronald Reagan’s landslide victory, an election which dramatically changed the course of the nation. The Iranians released the American hostages immediately after Reagan was sworn in on Jan. 20, 1981, further making Reagan appear to be an imposing world figure.

Though there were early rumors about a secret Republican deal with Iran, the October Surprise mystery didn’t gain much traction until the exposure of secret Iran-Contra arms shipments approved by Reagan to Iran in 1985-86. Suddenly, the notion that Reagan and his Vice President George H.W. Bush would lie about covert dealings with Iran didn’t seem so preposterous.

Essentially, the October Surprise question was whether Reagan’s secret contacts with Iran dated back to Campaign 1980, as a growing number of witnesses — from inside the governments of Iran, Israel, France and the United States — were alleging.. . . . "


". . . Though John Maclean was not eager to talk with me, he finally agreed and confirmed what Henderson had written in his letter. Maclean said a well-placed Republican source told him in mid-October 1980 about Bush taking a secret trip to Paris to meet with Iranians on the U.S. hostage issue.

After hearing this news from his source, Maclean passed on the information to Henderson when the two met at Henderson’s Washington home to discuss another matter. . . "


"On July 12, 1973, Moore told the Senate Watergate Committee that “nothing said in my meetings with Mr. Dean or my meetings with the President suggests in any way that before March 21 [1973] the President had known, or that Mr. Dean believed he had known, of any involvement of White House personnel in the bugging or the cover-up.”

Perhaps because of his status as a lawyer to Nixon, Moore escaped the fate of many other White House insiders who were indicted and prosecuted for false testimony and obstruction of justice.

Being a Yale alumnus and a friend of the well-connected George H.W. Bush, who was then chairman of the Republican National Committee, probably didn’t hurt either.

Moore had started his legal career working as a lawyer for the American Broadcasting Company in the 1940s. He was a close friend of Nixon’s Attorney General John N. Mitchell who brought Moore into the Nixon administration as his special assistant. Moore moved over to the White House in 1971 to serve as special counsel to Nixon.

After leaving the White House, Moore returned to the television industry, becoming a founder and associate producer of “The McLaughlin Group” political chat show.

In September 1989, President George H.W. Bush named Moore as Ambassador to Ireland, where he stayed until June 1992, when his testimony in another political scandal might have proved very important in either exonerating Bush or exposing a phony cover story that protected Bush’s participation in an operation that bordered on treason."
Looks like that one is on Reagan

Nixon did the same thing in Vietnam
Great article in Consortium News that revealed the traitorous acts of George H W Bush to ensure that Reagan got elected;

Taking a Bush Secret to the Grave
Taking a Bush Secret to the Grave
Justifying a Secret

"In 1991-92, President George H.W. Bush’s administration continued to insist on keeping the “Moore Residence” destination secret even after Congress authorized an investigation into the so-called October Surprise case: whether Republicans in 1980 had contacted Iranians behind President Jimmy Carter’s back to frustrate his efforts to free 52 American hostages.

Carter’s failure to gain release of the hostages made him look weak and inept, setting the stage for Ronald Reagan’s landslide victory, an election which dramatically changed the course of the nation. The Iranians released the American hostages immediately after Reagan was sworn in on Jan. 20, 1981, further making Reagan appear to be an imposing world figure.

Though there were early rumors about a secret Republican deal with Iran, the October Surprise mystery didn’t gain much traction until the exposure of secret Iran-Contra arms shipments approved by Reagan to Iran in 1985-86. Suddenly, the notion that Reagan and his Vice President George H.W. Bush would lie about covert dealings with Iran didn’t seem so preposterous.

Essentially, the October Surprise question was whether Reagan’s secret contacts with Iran dated back to Campaign 1980, as a growing number of witnesses — from inside the governments of Iran, Israel, France and the United States — were alleging.. . . . "


". . . Though John Maclean was not eager to talk with me, he finally agreed and confirmed what Henderson had written in his letter. Maclean said a well-placed Republican source told him in mid-October 1980 about Bush taking a secret trip to Paris to meet with Iranians on the U.S. hostage issue.

After hearing this news from his source, Maclean passed on the information to Henderson when the two met at Henderson’s Washington home to discuss another matter. . . "


"On July 12, 1973, Moore told the Senate Watergate Committee that “nothing said in my meetings with Mr. Dean or my meetings with the President suggests in any way that before March 21 [1973] the President had known, or that Mr. Dean believed he had known, of any involvement of White House personnel in the bugging or the cover-up.”

Perhaps because of his status as a lawyer to Nixon, Moore escaped the fate of many other White House insiders who were indicted and prosecuted for false testimony and obstruction of justice.

Being a Yale alumnus and a friend of the well-connected George H.W. Bush, who was then chairman of the Republican National Committee, probably didn’t hurt either.

Moore had started his legal career working as a lawyer for the American Broadcasting Company in the 1940s. He was a close friend of Nixon’s Attorney General John N. Mitchell who brought Moore into the Nixon administration as his special assistant. Moore moved over to the White House in 1971 to serve as special counsel to Nixon.

After leaving the White House, Moore returned to the television industry, becoming a founder and associate producer of “The McLaughlin Group” political chat show.

In September 1989, President George H.W. Bush named Moore as Ambassador to Ireland, where he stayed until June 1992, when his testimony in another political scandal might have proved very important in either exonerating Bush or exposing a phony cover story that protected Bush’s participation in an operation that bordered on treason."
Looks like that one is on Reagan

Nixon did the same thing in Vietnam


I am not sure. The article didn't say anything about evidence of Reagan's knowledge. Perhaps at the October surprise it may be argued he wasn't privy, but by the time of the arms sales, the only way one could possibly defend him not knowing would by the progression of Alzheimer's.
It will be interesting to see which world leaders will come to the funeral

Bush 41 was the last Republican President respected enough to build global alliances

Bush 43 and Trump have failed miserably

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