George H.W. Bush has died

One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was anything but a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

Bush was a pedophile that liked getting fellatio by little black boys especially. We know this fact from abused children involved in the Franklin scandal where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were pimped out to high ranking politicians for the purpose of blackmailing them. Cathy O'Brien, a MK-ULTRA and presidential model victim wrote the book "Tranceformation Of America" goes into great detail about her handlers and how Bush raped and sodomized her daughter in front of her to keep her in compliance and docile. Bush was one disgusting piece of shit....

That isn't so. President Bush served his country as a WWII hero, had a long-standing love for God and his church, and was a strong 1-family man, and loved his best friend, who was Barbara Pierce Bush. After reading your post, I spent 2 hours this morning reviewing Cathy O'Brien's tapes at you tube, and in what I saw and read, she admitted to a severe form of mental illness that confuses the person it attacks, often experiencing false or non-existent events, and there was little she said in claims that still are printable that interfaced with reality. So excuse me, but if you have proof of your claim, bring it. Another problem with M-PD sufferers is that some do some pretty heinous things and will pass blame onto a celebrity or other important person as taking responsibility doesn't occur to some of them.

Everything that George HW and Barbara Bush did in their lifetime benefitted other people to the last detail. George H.W. Bush helped lead GOP toward evangelicalism

You should not believe negative information on famous people when the shoe doesn't fit, and is related by someone who is unwell in their mind.

Sorry, it wasn't just Cathy O'Brien's testimony that I took into consideration. It was young people from Boystown, Nebraska that testified as to what a evil pedophile Bush was.
Just remember this….

Bush will be remembered.
You won’t be.

Bush wins.

That should tell you something about the power of your evil anti-democratic authoritarian NWO overlords.


"The Global Capitalist Ruling Classes are About to Teach the World a Lesson""

Another immaculate conception that the supreme swastika up Uranus court of thieving US Constitution arsonists Islamidiotocracy cross conditioned way beyond therapy kakistocracy lynching enforcement national religion reasoning of an afterlife exists & making the US paying Islam 9/11 for the rite making it one nation under God is just as scientifically absurd as WW II Nazi war criminals rants.
here's a story for all you under 18 year old kids who read the board but cant post:

Bush was flying a mission over a Japanese island, his plane was struck by enemy fire, but he kept going, diving at two hundred miles per hour, until he dropped his bombs and hit the target, he shouted for his flight mates to bail out and then did so himself. alone in the south pacific, he swam to the tiny rubber raft that had been his seat cushion. he was rescued by a submarine.

How come all 3 of the other guys died?

Seems suspicious to me.

Considering who he was?

Yeah, I'm with you. I doubt the whole story, the entire thing.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was never in the theater of war to begin with.

As reported, as we are all entirely more media savvy and understand how elite journalism uses propaganda to make up stories about our cultural and political elites? It was probably propaganda from the start. The story is just too good to be true. I wonder how much the witnesses were paid. :21:

Not like that family was poor or anything. . .
His service dog, Sully, on his last watch
View attachment 232508

The dog has it easy since cognitive dissonance from worshipping an elected leader's waiting on the afterlife prior to death might as well be a national religion like those 9/11 flying carpet trained 9/11 hijackers & their 40 virgins in Valhalla with Muhammad.
His service dog, Sully, on his last watch
A staged photo if ever there was one. I'm not one for peeing on the dead but this out pouring of love for this ex CIA boss and globalist cheer leader is kind of sickening. Globalist New World Order Promoter George H.W. Bush Dies and Goes to Hell – Brutal Proof

If you like where the world is headed, the third world being mainlined into the West through mass migration and the end of borders, than thank your globalist masters.
Well, The Great Douche won't speak at the funeral. Then, why go, if you can't insult them bushy's losers?

Trump won't speak at George HW Bush funeral: report George W. Bush will eulogize father at funeral, Trump won't speak: report

Seem the Great Douche is an outcast DOPer type..btw Godly loving stupid DOPer. The Douche is the first to skip the national Xmas tree lighting. Seems Say Marry Xmas was all a Con Man lying BS DOPers.
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Speaker Paul Ryan: Pres. George H.W. Bush "was the first president to teach me and many of us that in a democracy, sometimes you fall short. And that how you handle that—that is just as important as how you win."
Hard to believe we haven’t burried a Democratic President in almost 50 years
LBJ was the last
Since then, Nixon,Reagan, Ford and now Bush

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