George H.W. Bush has died

when i first knew he passed away, all i could think about was him and barbara bush are now in heaven together
Sad to hear.

The last Republican to not be batshit crazy. Respected around the world. Knew enough to not invade Iraq. Worked with Democrats.
A one world government guy, a globalist to the extreme. There is a reason why he was a one term president losing to a piece of shit Clinton...
Definitely a progressive
It's a new day in America! NAFTA is un/re-done! :coffee:

Now if only we could bring back the 100s of thousands of lives that douchebag cost this planet.
Reagan was a real American, but Bush was pulling most of the strings in his time by manipulation. There was really 12-15 years of Bush. He wrote NAFTA.

Bush had Reagan shot just 70 days into his presidency.

America is already ahead of the curve with Trump, but there's 40 years of bad-doing to undo...starting with H.W. Bush.

Reagan was a disaster of a Potus. the only reason Bush had to raise taxes was due to him. There is no comparison, Bush Sr was 10 times the man Reagan was.
This defines Bush sr... the piece of shit globalist he was
Sad to hear.

The last Republican to not be batshit crazy. Respected around the world. Knew enough to not invade Iraq. Worked with Democrats.
A one world government guy, a globalist to the extreme. There is a reason why he was a one term president losing to a piece of shit Clinton...
Definitely a progressive
Bush was a pragmatist
Willing to do what was necessary. He had both personal and political courage
thank him and 'reagan' for Amnesty ,
No, that would be Reagan's lying DEMOCRAT congress
--------------------------------------------------- well then , 'reagan' was stupid and this old 'ghwb' was in on 'amnesty' with 'reagan' . And 'reagan' was a gun controller . See 'mulford act' that 'reagan' did as 'kali' governor . And then 'reagan' did the 'gca' of 84 if i am not mistaken DAngel .
Reagan was a real American, but Bush was pulling most of the strings in his time by manipulation. There was really 12-15 years of Bush. He wrote NAFTA.

Bush had Reagan shot just 70 days into his presidency.

America is already ahead of the curve with Trump, but there's 40 years of bad-doing to undo...starting with H.W. Bush.

Reagan was a disaster of a Potus. the only reason Bush had to raise taxes was due to him. There is no comparison, Bush Sr was 10 times the man Reagan was.
This defines Bush sr... the piece of shit globalist he was

Shows the courage of Bush
Willing to change his position as circumstances change
"George H. W. Bush, may God bless you. A kind and gracious man. A war hero and statesman." - Mark Levin
Sad to hear.

The last Republican to not be batshit crazy. Respected around the world. Knew enough to not invade Iraq. Worked with Democrats.
A one world government guy, a globalist to the extreme. There is a reason why he was a one term president losing to a piece of shit Clinton...
Definitely a progressive
Bush was a pragmatist
Willing to do what was necessary. He had both personal and political courage
He was a piece of shit globalist...
and a typical career politician.... spineless
Just saw a news alert on FOX that George H,W, Bush has passed away.
Former President George H.W. Bush Dies at 94

Just saw a news alert that this is like the forth thread on the same topic. If I were moderator, I'd ban you for a week for being too stupid or lazy to check first if there was already a thread.
Did it occur to you those threads might have been posted after mine? Feel free to ban yourself for a week for being to stupid or lazy to consider that.

I did consider it, but as I'm not a moderator with the ability to know every thread history, I can only go by whatever first post appears, and no matter what thread I clicked on, your name now comes up first. That might not be fair and I probably should have worded it better to address all those starting posts after the first, whichever one that was. Still, it seems that everyone jumps here to be the first to post to a new topic especially a bigger one like their pathetic lives depended on it. Frankly, to me, the Bushes, none of them are dirt to me. HW couldn't hold a candle to Reagan, never would have been elected without walking in his shadow, and I could care less if the entire Bush Dynasty disappeared tomorrow. Good riddance to the Old Man. He was a crook.
Reagan was a real American, but Bush was pulling most of the strings in his time by manipulation. There was really 12-15 years of Bush. He wrote NAFTA.

Bush had Reagan shot just 70 days into his presidency.

America is already ahead of the curve with Trump, but there's 40 years of bad-doing to undo...starting with H.W. Bush.

Reagan was a disaster of a Potus. the only reason Bush had to raise taxes was due to him. There is no comparison, Bush Sr was 10 times the man Reagan was.
This defines Bush sr... the piece of shit globalist he was

Shows the courage of Bush
Willing to change his position as circumstances change

The reason he lost, Typical career politician.... spineless
After the warship USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian commercial airliner, killing 290 civilians on July 3, 1988 "I will never apologize for the United States — I don't care what the facts are.... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy." George H. W. Bush
"Even when George H.W. Bush tried to kick ass with the silver foot supposedly lodged in his mouth from birth, there remained an irreducible niceness to him, an appealing mixture of noblesse oblige, boy-next-door bonhomie, and parody-begging goofiness." - The New Yorker
When the hell did Americans get so dumb as to willingly and blindly elect the former head of the CIA? And then wax nostalgic about it?

That's like, something only stupid Russians would do. . . purposely elect a spook for president. :eusa_doh:

At least Barry Soetoro had the common decency to lie and have the whole establishment hide the truth and spread disinfo. about his days as an active agent. :dance:

Hey everyone, look over there, he was born in Kenya. . . . NOT. :abgg2q.jpg:

And for all the Reagan lovers in the room, remember that he DETESTED Bush.
---------------------------------------------- thanks for the info / comment .
President Trump made fun this year of "A Thousand Points Of Light", saying no one understands what it means

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