George H.W. Bush has died

Andrew Ferguson: “What was most important for me, though, was that he was our last president to have been born before World War 2, and the last to have lived through it, and to have nobly served in it.”
Again...our greatest one term President. Only James Knox Polk compares. Navy pilot and war hero in Pacific during WWII. When Berlin Wall came down he could have went over there to be a part of it and gloated, but he had the good judgment not to as Gorbachev was struggling against hard liners in his country. When the coup attempt saw Gorbachev disappear for several days, he had a cool hand when nobody knew who controlled the Soviet nuclear arsenal. Put together an international coalition to kick Iraq out of Kuwait. Had the good sense not to practice regime change in Iraq. Used Roosevelt Collary to protect U.S. interest in Central America with invasion of Panama. Lost to a liar and a draft dodger with no integrity in 1992. The cultural revolution of 1960’s and 1970’s had come home to roost. Too bad. If only he had another term.

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Those pictures are his son W Bush.
Andrew Ferguson: “What was most important for me, though, was that he was our last president to have been born before World War 2, and the last to have lived through it, and to have nobly served in it.”
The farther away we get from the greatest generation of Americans...the worse we are for it.
"My grandfather was the greatest man I ever knew. His life spanned the American Century—he fought in World War II ... took part in the Texas oil boom ... served out a distinguished career in public service including serving as president during the final days of the Cold War." - George P Bush
He was incredibly corrupt

Every politician is corrupt.

George H.W. Bush was our last President that was actually a Patriot that served or Nation with Honor.

Love or hate his politics but he was the last of his kind in our political spectrum.

H.W. Bush was the first of his kind in shitty presidents and policies bad for the US.

He was an NWO globalist of the highest order, and purposely weakened America.

Bush-Clinton-Bush Jr.-Obama

All did the same bullshit. All members of the same club, except Obama's a faggot.

Obama is the greatest President ever...

As for George H.W. Bush at least he served during World War II and did not run and hide.

Again, Obama is the greatest President ever.

George H.W. Bush was as much of a globalist as Regan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Ike, Truman and FDR...

Yeah, Obama is the greatest President ever!!!

So as you write to me about George H.W. Bush globalist ways just remember Obama is the greatest President ever!!!


President Obama is the greatest President ever but George H.W. Bush was nothing like the morons you listed including his dipshit Son...

Again Obama is the greatest President ever!
Bwaaaaaahhhaaaaaahhaaaaa….How did that Hope and Change work out for you? Or the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world shithole? Why is it that Chicago his senate state, increased in murders during his 8 years? How was it Radical Muslims under FBI investigations killed more gays in 1 day than all of ISIS did in a year? Yeah, Obama outdid Jimmy Carter for the Greatest WORST president ever....

Hope when he dies soon, of HIV, he can visit with the Kennedys and Bushes in Hell...Where they all can honor Lucifer.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
"My grandfather was the greatest man I ever knew. His life spanned the American Century—he fought in World War II ... took part in the Texas oil boom ... served out a distinguished career in public service including serving as president during the final days of the Cold War." - George P Bush
---------------------------------------------------------- that'd be the 'mexican' jorge quote just above eh BBro ???
Overall a good reason to re-hash the CIA days, foreign policy days, etc -- the egg has already hatched...
Whenever I think of George HW Bush I remember this article he wrote with Brent Scowcroft in 1998 on why he chose not to topple Saddam after Desert Storm. It is haunting.

I'm amazed at the vileness some here have displayed. Looks like Shakespeare was right that a man's shortcomings live on while the good gets buried. But what we give is what we get, so I fully expect all those who highlight faults and ignore the good in a soul to be remembered for the worst in them in epitaph.

He was a man who tried to the best of his ability, and he won more than he lost. RIP!
He was incredibly corrupt

Every politician is corrupt.

George H.W. Bush was our last President that was actually a Patriot that served or Nation with Honor.

Love or hate his politics but he was the last of his kind in our political spectrum.

H.W. Bush was the first of his kind in shitty presidents and policies bad for the US.

He was an NWO globalist of the highest order, and purposely weakened America.

Bush-Clinton-Bush Jr.-Obama

All did the same bullshit. All members of the same club, except Obama's a faggot.

Obama is the greatest President ever...

As for George H.W. Bush at least he served during World War II and did not run and hide.

Again, Obama is the greatest President ever.

George H.W. Bush was as much of a globalist as Regan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Ike, Truman and FDR...

Yeah, Obama is the greatest President ever!!!

So as you write to me about George H.W. Bush globalist ways just remember Obama is the greatest President ever!!!


President Obama is the greatest President ever but George H.W. Bush was nothing like the morons you listed including his dipshit Son...

Again Obama is the greatest President ever!
Bwaaaaaahhhaaaaaahhaaaaa….How did that Hope and Change work out for you? Or the fundamental transformation of America into a 3rd world shithole? Why is it that Chicago his senate state, increased in murders during his 8 years? How was it Radical Muslims under FBI investigations killed more gays in 1 day than all of ISIS did in a year? Yeah, Obama outdid Jimmy Carter for the Greatest WORST president ever....

Hope when he dies soon, of HIV, he can visit with the Kennedys and Bushes in Hell...Where they all can honor Lucifer.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Good Grief! Get a grip!
I'm amazed at the vileness some here have displayed. Looks like Shakespeare was right that a man's shortcomings live on while the good gets buried. But what we give is what we get, so I fully expect all those who highlight faults and ignore the good in a soul to be remembered for the worst in them in epitaph.

He was a man who tried to the best of his ability, and he won more than he lost. RIP!
They hate anyone who went to war against the Nazis.
"As an immigrant kid, I grew up watching Reagan, but the first vote I ever cast was for Bush. It was a special rite of passage and an empowering, patriotic moment, and he is forever associated with it. RIP, 41." - Gerarldo
Sad to hear.

The last Republican to not be batshit crazy. Respected around the world. Knew enough to not invade Iraq. Worked with Democrats.
A one world government guy, a globalist to the extreme. There is a reason why he was a one term president losing to a piece of shit Clinton...
Definitely a progressive
Bush was a pragmatist
Willing to do what was necessary. He had both personal and political courage
He was a piece of shit globalist...
and a typical career politician.... spineless
By all means a globalist
He understood the leadership responsibilities of the US on the global stage. He did not seek to exploit it but to form international bonds that made the whole world safer
Today boasting & insults are viewed as strong leadership while humility & dignity are viewed as weakness. The passing of our 41st President reminds us of what true leadership looks like. This is the note he left for Pres Clinton,the man who defeated him just two months earlier:


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