George Santos Worked at DISH Network


Minor White Lies like Rep. Santos is accused of aren't nearly as important as what he will be doing in office.

Who really cares whether the fellow worked for Dish, or if he misspoke and was actually in college?

Does it make a difference to libs if he is Jewish or Hindu or Pastafarian?

How do Santos' sexual practices or lack thereof qualify or disqualify him for office?

All sort of extraneous and irrelevant data in my view.
Does character mean anything to you at all?

Don't bother answering that, it was rhetorical.

I already know you don't.
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If we kicked all politicians out of office for padding their resume, the capital would be a big empty hall. Santos is a target of democrats because he is Hispanic and a republican and it gives them something to talk about besides constantly defending Biden.
If we kicked all politicians out of office for padding their resume, the capital would be a big empty hall. Santos is a target of democrats because he is Hispanic and a republican and it gives them something to talk about besides constantly defending Biden.
I remember Hilary padding her resume by saying she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia.
This happens because the white corporate media is so enamored w/Republicans, they're always trying to appease them.

Not wanting to seem even the slightest bit hostile to them so much that they will refuse facts when they see them and add in "facts" when they aren't there.

In this case, they were so invested in the fake narrative of a "good", "moderate" Republican, that they refused to investigate even the simplest facts.

Most of what we know today about this scumbag, was already going around during his campaigning time...they simply chose to ignore it, and put the best intentions on him.

The white corporate media are scum.
Uh huh. 🙄
I remember Hilary padding her resume by saying she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia.
With is, or it isn't.
With's his numbers are not as bad, so just move along, it's okay..
There’s a difference between a resume with one thing that is false and a resume with one thing that is true.


Political bias gets in the way of logic and rationality.
Political bias gets in the way of logic and rationality.
Political greed and power get in the way of logic and rationality
Politicians aren't doing this as a service to 'The People'.
Couldn’t agree more. Republicans should be ashamed of Santos, but with such a narrow margin in the House, they won’t.

Greed and power.
Just remember, it works both ways. When I say Politicians, that means both parties.
Seems you just see it as a GOP thingy.....that IS sad.
Its up to the political opposition to investigate, not up to Santos' own people.

Why didn't the Democrats investigate?

Although it is ridiculous to think how much of a fit that the D's are having over Santos' exaggerations.

A lie about working for Dish Network hardly compared with Biden's lie that no one who earns less than 400k will have to pay more taxes, or Obama's lies about "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor".

Those lies are a lot more consequential than a minor politician embellishing his resume a little bit.
I you admit that the GOP will accept anyone to run and never check their bonifides's not their job? No wonder they get so many pedophiles.
Well, there is a partisan answer, thanks Marener.
The embellishment from the your party is forgiven, I can only assume.

Me? I have to forgive all the lying going on with their means
nothing to me as they ALL do it.
There’s a difference between a resume with one lie and a resume with one truth.

Any rational person can see that.

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