george stephanopoulos nailed it

Good to see so much integrity in the American News Media. Being sarcastic of course. ABC should fire this dishonest lackey. But i'm guessing it won't. What do you think?
Go watch George.

I might. But you should try a little harder. If you cannot communicate your thoughts well....provide a link or something.

You are the only voice on this thread saying I have a problem communicating my thoughts or that they make no sense. One opinion is hardly a data point and definitely not a trend.

I'm the only person thus far who isn't predisposed to agree with anyone who posts an indictment of the "mainstream media" without even knowing what the fuck you tried to say. I clicked on your thread only to be faced with word salad which says that FOX isn't the only biased news source. You did not communicate your thoughts well. That's a "you problem".

You are still the only one saying I did not communicate my thoughts well. Everyone else got it. Clearly, you have a problem. Enjoy being on your island.

No idiot. I heard about the matter on the radio a few minutes ago. Until then, I had no idea what you were talking about.

And....not surprisingly.....your post is bullshit. There is no evidence that the guy did anything unethical.

Basic nutter crap.

Great thread.
Yo, bro! He is in deep shit!
GS donated to the Clinton Foundation in the hopes of getting an exclusive interview with Hillary. The Foundation is a charity.

In what way does this bring the honesty, his politics or his ethics into question?

He conducts a hostile interview regarding the Clinton Foundation and doesn't reveal that he is a contributor. And you can't see any issue of honesty or ethics? Who are you, Helen Keller?
He worked the Clinton administration for several years and was Clinton's spokesman at many press conferences.

It's not like his bias was ever any secret or anything. What's the controversy?

What's the controversy? He has been "reporting" on the donations received by the Clinton foundation and doing his best to spin it and sweep it under the rug. He holds himself out as a real reporter, but in reality is just another spokesperson for the left.
Good to see so much integrity in the American News Media. Being sarcastic of course. ABC should fire this dishonest lackey. But i'm guessing it won't. What do you think?

The only people that get fired by liberals are those that dare to hold an opposing opinion.
He's not in deep anything.....except the RW vortex of stupid.
Oh, I forgot! It's okay if liberals ignore ethics. There's a whole different set of rules for elite liberals. They do not have to abide by the rules of the commoners. Sort of like the bitch Hillary being upset that anyone would question her motives and self-assigned immunity from government protocol.

George is a partisan slime ball...definitely not fair and balanced.

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